Aphis gossypii

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tropical and subtropical crops are being increasingly cultivated in South Korea, leading to an increase in damage by exotic insect pests. Consequently, ethyl formate (EF) is currently being considered for quarantine and pre-shipment fumigation. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of EF fumigation for controlling Aphis spiraecola Patch and Aphis gossypii Glover, two representative quarantine pests on passion fruit (\"Pink Bourbon\") during greenhouse cultivation and post-harvest storage. The efficacy of EF against both aphids in terms of the lethal concentration causing 50% mortality (LCt50%) and LCt99% was 1.36-2.61 g h/m3 and 3.73-7.55 g h/m3 under greenhouse conditions (23 °C), and 1.37-2.02 g h/m3 and 3.80-14.59 g h/m3 post-harvest (5 °C), respectively. EF at 4 g/m3 for 4 h resulted in 100% mortality of A. spiraecola, which was more resistant to EF, without causing phytotoxic damage to the trees in a 340 m3 greenhouse. Post-harvest fruit fumigation at 10 g/m3 for 4 h in a mid-size (0.8 m3) fumigation chamber resulted in complete disinfection. Moreover, the EF level decreased below the EF threshold within 10 min after natural ventilation in the greenhouse. Therefore, our results suggest EF fumigation as an effective method for controlling A. spiraecola and A. gossypii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Negeviruses are insect-specific enveloped RNA viruses that exhibit a wide geographic distribution. A novel nege-like virus, tentatively named Aphis gossypii nege-like virus (AGNLV, GenBank: OR880429.1), was isolated from aphids (Aphis gossypii) in Lijiang City, Yunnan, China. AGNLV has a genome sequence of 9258 nt (excluding the polyA tail) encoding three open reading frames (ORFs). ORF1 (7149 nt) encodes a viral methyltransferase, a viral RNA helicase, and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. ORF2 (1422 nt) encodes a DiSB-ORF2_chro domain and ORF3 encodes an SP24 domain. The genome sequence of AGNLV shares the highest nucleotide identity of 60.0% and 59.5% with Wuhan house centipede virus 1 (WHCV1) and Astegopteryx formosana nege-like virus (AFNLV), respectively. Phylogenetic analysis based on the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase shows that AGNLV is clustered with other negeviruses and nege-like viruses discovered in aphids, forming a distinct \"unclassified clade\". Interestingly, AGNLV only encodes three ORFs, whereas AFNLV and WHCV1 have four ORFs. Structure and transmembrane domain predictions show the presence of eight alpha helices and five transmembrane helices in the AGNLV ORF3. Translational enhancement of the AGNLV 5\' UTR was similar to that of the 5\' UTR of plant viruses. Our findings provide evidence of the diversity and structure of nege-like viruses and are the first record of such a virus from a member of the genus Aphis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ageratina adenophora can enhance its invasive ability by using beneficial rhizosphere bacteria. Bacillus cereus is able to promote plant growth and provide a positive feedback effect to A. adenophora. However, the interaction between A. adenophora and B. cereus under the influence of native polyphagous insect feeding is still unclear. In this study, Eupatorium lindleyanum, a local species closely related to A. adenophora, was used as a control, aimed to compare the content of B. cereus in the roots of A. adenophora and rhizosphere soil after different densities of Aphis gossypii feeding, and then investigated the variations in the population of A. gossypii and soil characteristics after the addition of B. cereus. The result showed that B. cereus content in the rhizosphere soil and root of A. adenophora increased significantly under A. gossypii feeding compared with local plants, which also led to the change of α-diversity and β-diversity of the bacterial community, as well as the increase in nitrate nitrogen (NO3 -N) content. The addition of B.cereus in the soil could also inhibit the population growth of A. gossypii on A. adenophora and increase the content of ammonium nitrogen (NH4 +-N) in the soil. Our research demonstrated that B. cereus enhances the ability of A. adenophora to resist natural enemy by increasing soil ammonium nitrogen (NH4 +-N) and accumulating other beneficial bacteria, which means that rhizosphere microorganisms help invasive plants defend themselves against local natural enemies by regulating the soil environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The toxicity and sublethal effects of three insecticides (spirotetramat, cyantraniliprole, and pymetrozine) on Aphis gossypii, a major agricultural pest, were investigated. The nymphal stage showed greater susceptibility than the adult stage to all the insecticides, with a difference of up to 8.9 times at the LC50 of spirotetramat. The effects of sublethal concentrations (LC10, LC30, LC50, and LC70) of the insecticides on the on the developmental period, survival rate, adult longevity, fecundity, and deformity rate were compared with those of the control. Compared with the control, cyantraniliprole and pymetrozine did not significantly affect the developmental period in the parental or F1 generation when applied at the nymphal stage at any concentration. Nonviable nymphs occurred in the F1 generation when both nymphs and adults were treated with spirotetramat and cyantraniliprole but not in the F2 generation. The age-specific maternity (lxmx) of A. gossypii treated with sublethal concentrations (LC10, LC30) decreased with increasing concentration. Spirotetramat at the LC30 resulted in significant differences in all life table parameters (R0, rm, λ, T, DT) compared with those of the control. Similarly, compared with that of the control (43.8), the net reproductive rate (R0) significantly decreased for all the insecticides except cyantraniliprole at the LC10 (37.5). Therefore, this study indicated that sublethal concentrations (over the LC30) of spirotetramat, cyantraniliprole, or pymetrozine might be useful for the density management of A. gossypii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Upon acquisition of persistent circulative viruses such as poleroviruses, the virus particles transcytose through membrane barriers of aphids at the midgut and salivary glands via hemolymph. Such intricate interactions can influence aphid behavior and fitness and induce associated gene expression in viruliferous aphids. Differential gene expression can be evaluated by omics approaches such as transcriptomics. Previously conducted aphid transcriptome studies used only one host species as the source of virus inoculum. Viruses typically have alternate hosts. Hence, it is not clear how alternate hosts infected with the same virus isolate alter gene expression in viruliferous vectors. To address the question, this study conducted a transcriptome analysis of viruliferous aphids that acquired the virus from different host species. A polerovirus, cotton leafroll dwarf virus (CLRDV), which induced gene expression in the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, was assessed using four alternate hosts, viz., cotton, hibiscus, okra, and prickly sida. Among a total of 2,942 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), 750, 310, 1,193, and 689 genes were identified in A. gossypii that acquired CLRDV from infected cotton, hibiscus, okra, and prickly sida, respectively, compared with non-viruliferous aphids that developed on non-infected hosts. A higher proportion of aphid genes were overexpressed than underexpressed following CLRDV acquisition from cotton, hibiscus, and prickly sida. In contrast, more aphid genes were underexpressed than overexpressed following CLRDV acquisition from okra plants. Only four common DEGs (heat shock protein, juvenile hormone acid O-methyltransferase, and two unannotated genes) were identified among viruliferous aphids from four alternate hosts. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) annotations indicated that the acquisition of CLRDV induced DEGs in aphids associated with virus infection, signal transduction, immune systems, and fitness. However, these induced changes were not consistent across four alternate hosts. These data indicate that alternate hosts could differentially influence gene expression in aphids and presumably aphid behavior and fitness despite being infected with the same virus isolate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predation risk posed by natural enemies can alter pest performance. In our previous study, we found Menochilus sexmaculatus provides risk cues to melon aphids, resulting in increased numbers of winged aphids. However, the effects of predation risk on multiple traits including behavior, physiology, growth rate, and reproductive capacity of pests are not clear. This study examined the effects of predation risk on host preference, the activities of two important defense enzymes (CAT and SOD), longevity, and offspring production. The Y-tube trial results showed that the risk of M. sexmaculatus significantly altered the host preference of the aphids, leading to avoidance behavior. When exposed to M. sexmaculatus for a long period (24 h), the reproductive period and offspring production were significantly decreased, and adult longevity was significantly shortened. The defense enzyme activities of SOD and CAT, as well as the MDA content (which is considered a marker of oxidative stress and cellular damage) in the aphids, significantly increased under M. sexmaculatus risk. The compounds of M. sexmaculatus extracted with n-hexane and volatile compounds collected with HS-SPME were analyzed by GC-MS, and when combined with the behavior response experiment, the results showed that the alkane compounds n-henicosane, n-docosane, n-tricosane, n-pentacosane, and n-hentriacontane may contribute to the impact of predation risk. The results will be helpful in the comprehensive evaluation of the ability of lady beetles to affect the aphid population, and provide new ideas for using these compounds in aphid control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lilies (Lilium spp.) are famous bulb flowers worldwide, with high ornamental value. Aphid damage has seriously constrained the development of the lily industry. In this study, the aphid resistance of 16 lily cultivars and 2 wild lily species was characterized in the field and greenhouse. Leaf color parameters, stomatal density and size, thickness of leaf layers, leaf waxy content, and leaf water content were determined to explore the constitutive resistance of lilies. The results show that there was a significant positive correlation between the number of aphids in the field and in the greenhouse (p ≤ 0.05, r = 0.47). This indicated that the level of aphid infestation in both the field and the greenhouse is generally consistent across different types of lily plants. Among these 18 lilies, \'Palazzo\', \'Nymph\', \'Cameleon\' and L. lancifolium were resistant to A. gossypii, while \'Black Beauty\' and \'Magnefique\' had poor resistance. The correlation analysis results showed that the number of aphids was negatively correlated with leaf abaxial surface a*, stomatal size, water content, and thickness of leaf palisade tissue and positively correlated with leaf distal axial surface b*, C*, and waxy content. Among them, the correlation between the number of aphids and the thickness of leaf palisade tissue reached a significant level (p ≤ 0.05, r = -0.521). This indicated that the thickness of the palisade tissue of lily leaves might be an important factor influencing the proliferation of aphids. This study not only screened out aphid-resistant lilies but also established a crucial research foundation for the targeted breeding and molecular breeding of lilies with aphid resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the impact of Aphis gossypii watery saliva on the induction of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plant resistance. To examine the role of A. gossypii saliva, we collected watery saliva from A. gossypii after a 48 h feeding period on an artificial diet. SDS-PAGE resolving gel 12% was used to separate the salivary proteins. Relative expression of gene analysis revealed that the intrusion of A. gossypii saliva dripping onto S. lycopersicum leaves triggered robust defense responses mediated by a signaling molecule, i.e., salicylic acid, while the signaling molecule\'s jasmonic acid-dependent defense responses were moderately activated. Aphid saliva infiltrated S. lycopersicum leaves slowed the intrinsic rate of population growth of A. gossypii and significantly reduced the number of nymphs produced daily, compared to untreated leaves. During a choice test with untreated S. lycopersicum, aphids showed a repellent response towards saliva-infiltrated S. lycopersicum. Moreover, the (EPG) electrical penetration graph analysis demonstrated that the eating pattern of A. gossypii compared to untreated S. lycopersicum, that had been exposed to saliva was negatively impacted. These results provide compelling evidence for the involvement of salivary components of A. gossypii in inducing resistance against aphids in S. lycopersicum plants. Furthermore, the study underscores the crucial role of watery saliva in the intricate interactions between aphids and plants. The activation of pathways was also part of the defensive response (jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA) signaling molecules). The findings of this research deliver valuable insights into the potential of watery aphid saliva as a natural defense mechanism against aphid infestations in S. lycopersicum crops.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cotton leafroll dwarf virus (CLRDV) is an emerging aphid-borne pathogen infecting cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., in the southern United States (U.S.). The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, infests cotton annually and is the only known vector to transmit CLRDV to cotton. Seven other species have been reported to feed on, but not often infest, cotton: Protaphis middletonii Thomas, Aphis craccivora Koch, Aphis fabae Scopoli, Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas, Myzus persicae Sulzer, Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale Sasaki, and Smynthurodes betae Westwood. These seven have not been studied in cotton, but due to their potential epidemiological importance, an understanding of the intra- and inter-annual variations of these species is needed. In 2020 and 2021, aphids were monitored from North Carolina to Texas using pan traps around cotton fields. All of the species known to infest cotton, excluding A. fabae, were detected in this study. Protaphis middletonii and A. gossypii were the most abundant species identified. The five other species of aphids captured were consistently low throughout the study and, with the exception of R. rufiabdominale, were not detected at all locations. The abundance, distribution, and seasonal dynamics of cotton-infesting aphids across the southern U.S. are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant essential oils, as biological pesticides, have been reviewed from several perspectives and play a key role in chemical ecology. However, plant essential oils show rapid degradation and vulnerability during actual usage. In this study, we conducted a detailed analysis of the compounds present in the essential oils of A. stechmanniana using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed seventeen terpenoid compounds in the A. stechmanniana oil, with four major terpenoid compounds, i.e., eucalyptol (15.84%), (+)-2-Bornanone (16.92%), 1-(1,2,3-Trimethyl-cyclopent-2-enyl)-ethanone (25.63%), and (-)-Spathulenol (16.38%), in addition to an amount of the other terpenoid compounds (25.26%). Indoor toxicity assays were used to evaluate the insecticidal activity of Artemisia stechmanniana essential oil against Aphis gossypii, Frankliniella occidentalis, and Bactericera gobica in Lycium barbarum. The LC50/LD50 values of A. stechmanniana essential oils against A. gossypii, F. occidentalis, and B. gobica were 5.39 mg/mL, 0.34 mg/L, and 1.40 μg/insect, respectively, all of which were highly efficient compared with azadirachtin essential oil. Interestingly, A. stechmanniana essential oil embedded in β-cyclodextrin (microencapsule) remained for only 21 days, whereas pure essential oils remained for only 5 days. A field efficacy assay with the A. stechmanniana microencapsule (AM) and doses at three concentrations was conducted in Lycium barbarum, revealing that the insecticidal activities of AM showed high efficiency, maintained a significant control efficacy at all concentrations tested, and remained for 21 days. Our study identified terpenoid compounds from untapped Artemisia plants and designed a novel method against pests using a new biopesticide on L. barbarum.





