American Indian Or Alaska Native

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons in the US experience a disparity in chronic respiratory diseases compared to white persons. Using Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data, we previously showed that the AI/AN race/ethnicity variable was not associated with asthma and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in a BRFSS-defined subset of 11 states historically recognized as having a relatively high proportion of AI/AN residents. Here, we investigate the contributions of the AI/AN variable and other sociodemographic determinants to disease disparity in the remaining 39 US states and territories. Using BRFSS surveys from 2011 to 2019, we demonstrate that irrespective of race, the yearly adjusted prevalence for asthma and/or COPD was higher in the 39-state region than in the 11-state region. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the AI/AN race/ethnicity variable was positively associated with disease in the 39-state region after adjusting for sociodemographic covariates, unlike in the 11-state region. This shows that the distribution of disease prevalence and disparity for asthma and/or COPD is non-uniform in the US. Although AI/AN populations experience this disease disparity throughout the US, the AI/AN variable was only observed to contribute to this disparity in the 39-state region. It may be important to consider the geographical distribution of respiratory health determinants and factors uniquely impactful for AI/AN disease disparity when formulating disparity elimination policies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enhancing social support and connectedness can reduce suicide risk, yet few studies have examined this effect in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) adults. We assessed suicidal ideation and behavior, thwarted belongingness, social support, enculturation, historical trauma, and traumatic life events in 709 AI/AN adults at high risk of suicide from five AI/AN communities. Suicidal ideation was associated with thwarted belongingness and protected against by social support and engaging in AI/AN ceremonies. Among those who made lifetime suicide attempts, traumatic life events, symptoms of depression/anxiety due to historical trauma, and thwarted belongingness were linked to more attempts. More engagement in cultural practices was associated with fewer suicide attempts. Higher levels of social support were associated with more suicide attempts, an observation potentially attributable to the cross-sectional nature of the study. Interventions should focus on protective factors and context-specific interventions emphasizing community history, values, and strengths.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Understanding mortality disparities among justice system-involved populations is crucial for public health and policy, especially for marginalized racial groups such as American Indian/Alaska Native persons.
    UNASSIGNED: To examine racial disparities in mortality within the broader justice system-involved population in South Dakota, focusing on different sentencing dispositions and the role of place.
    UNASSIGNED: This observational study used administrative criminal records linked to mortality data from January 2000 to December 2016. The statewide data linked data from South Dakota Attorney General\'s Office and South Dakota Department of Health. Individuals aged 18 years and older with arrests were analyzed in this population-based sample. Data were analyzed from August 1, 2022, to July 30, 2023.
    UNASSIGNED: Sentencing dispositions were categorized as arrest only, fine, probation, jail, and prison.
    UNASSIGNED: The main outcomes were mortality rates (both all-cause and cause-specific) calculated using Poisson regression models, adjusted for demographic and county variables.
    UNASSIGNED: Of 182 472 individuals with 422 987 arrests, the study sample included 29 690 American Indian/Alaska Native arrestees (17 900 [60%] male; mean [SD] age, 29.4 [11.0] years) and 142 248 White arrestees (103 471 [73%] male; mean [SD] age, 32.6 [12.9] years). American Indian/Alaska Native persons accounted for 16% of arrestees and 26% of arrests, but only 9% of the population in South Dakota. Across dispositions, mortality risk was greater for White individuals sentenced to probation, jail, and prison relative to White individuals who were arrested only. In terms of racial disparities, all-cause mortality risk was 2.37 (95% CI, 1.95-2.88) times higher for American Indian/Alaska Native than White arrestees in the arrest-only disposition. Disparities persisted across all dispositions but narrowed substantially for probation and prison. Results were similar for cause-specific mortality risk, except for cancer risk. In urban areas, mortality risk was 2.70 (95% CI, 1.29-2.44) times greater for American Indian/Alaska Native individuals relative to White individuals among those with arrest-only dispositions.
    UNASSIGNED: In this population-based observational study, mortality risk and associated racial disparities among justice system-involved individuals differed substantially across dispositions and places, underscoring the need for public health interventions tailored to these factors. Further research is needed to understand the mechanisms through which sentencing and place shape these disparities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2021, approximately 75,000 persons died of violence-related injuries in the United States. This report summarizes data from CDC\'s National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) on violent deaths that occurred in 48 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico in 2021. Results are reported by sex, age group, race and ethnicity, method of injury, type of location where the injury occurred, circumstances of injury, and other selected characteristics. This report introduces additional incident and circumstance variables, which now include child victim-specific circumstance information. This report also incorporates new U.S. Census Bureau race and ethnicity categories, which now account for more than one race and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander categories and include updated denominators to calculate rates for these populations.
    NVDRS collects data regarding violent deaths from death certificates, coroner and medical examiner records, and law enforcement reports. This report includes data collected for violent deaths that occurred in 2021. Data were collected from 48 states (all states with exception of Florida and Hawaii), the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Forty-six states had statewide data, two additional states had data from counties representing a subset of their population (31 California counties, representing 64% of its population, and 13 Texas counties, representing 63% of its population), and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico had jurisdiction-wide data. NVDRS collates information for each violent death and links deaths that are related (e.g., multiple homicides, homicide followed by suicide, or multiple suicides) into a single incident.
    For 2021, NVDRS collected information on 68,866 fatal incidents involving 70,688 deaths that occurred in 48 states (46 states collecting statewide data, 31 California counties, and 13 Texas counties), and the District of Columbia. The deaths captured in NVDRS accounted for 86.5% of all homicides, legal intervention deaths, suicides, unintentional firearm injury deaths, and deaths of undetermined intent in the United States in 2021. In addition, information was collected for 816 fatal incidents involving 880 deaths in Puerto Rico. Data for Puerto Rico were analyzed separately. Of the 70,688 deaths, the majority (58.2%) were suicides, followed by homicides (31.5%), deaths of undetermined intent that might be due to violence (8.2%), legal intervention deaths (1.3%) (i.e., deaths caused by law enforcement and other persons with legal authority to use deadly force acting in the line of duty, excluding legal executions), and unintentional firearm injury deaths (<1.0%). The term \"legal intervention\" is a classification incorporated into the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, and does not denote the lawfulness or legality of the circumstances surrounding a death caused by law enforcement.Demographic patterns and circumstances varied by manner of death. The suicide rate was higher for males than for females. Across all age groups, the suicide rate was highest among adults aged ≥85 years. In addition, non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons had the highest suicide rates among all racial and ethnic groups. Among both males and females, the most common method of injury for suicide was a firearm. Among all suicide victims, when circumstances were known (84.4%), suicide was most often preceded by a mental health, intimate partner, or physical health problem or by a recent or impending crisis during the previous or upcoming 2 weeks. The homicide rate was higher for males than for females. Among all homicide victims, the homicide rate was highest among persons aged 20-24 years compared with other age groups. Non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black) males experienced the highest homicide rate of any racial or ethnic group. Among all homicide victims, the most common method of injury was a firearm. When the relationship between a homicide victim and a suspect was known, the suspect was most frequently an acquaintance or friend for male victims and a current or former intimate partner for female victims. Homicide most often was precipitated by an argument or conflict, occurred in conjunction with another crime, or, for female victims, was related to intimate partner violence. Nearly all victims of legal intervention deaths were male, and the legal intervention death rate was highest among men aged 30-34 years. The legal intervention death rate was highest among AI/AN males, followed by Black males. A firearm was used in the majority of legal intervention deaths. When circumstances were known, the most frequent circumstances reported for legal intervention deaths were as follows: the victim used a weapon in the incident and the victim had a substance use problem (other than alcohol use). Other causes of death included unintentional firearm injury deaths and deaths of undetermined intent. Unintentional firearm injury deaths were most frequently experienced by males, non-Hispanic White (White) persons, and persons aged 15-24 years. These deaths most frequently occurred while the shooter was playing with a firearm and were precipitated by a person unintentionally pulling the trigger. The rate of deaths of undetermined intent was highest among males, particularly among AI/AN and Black males, and among adults aged 30-54 years. Poisoning was the most common method of injury in deaths of undetermined intent, and opioids were detected in nearly 80% of decedents tested for those substances.
    This report provides a detailed summary of data from NVDRS on violent deaths that occurred in 2021. The suicide rate was highest among AI/AN and White males, whereas the homicide rate was highest among Black males. Intimate partner violence precipitated a large proportion of homicides for females. Mental health problems, intimate partner problems, interpersonal conflicts, and acute life stressors were primary precipitating circumstances for multiple types of deaths examined.
    Violence is preventable, and data can guide public health action. NVDRS data are used to monitor the occurrence of violence-related fatal injuries and assist public health authorities in developing, implementing, and evaluating programs, policies, and practices to reduce and prevent violent deaths. NVDRS data can be used to enhance prevention efforts into actionable strategies. States or jurisdictions have used their Violent Death Reporting System (VDRS) data to guide suicide prevention efforts and highlight where additional focus is needed. For example, North Carolina VDRS program data have played a significant role in expanding activities related to firearm safety and injury prevention. The program served as a primary data source for partners, which led to the creation of the Office of Violence Prevention in the state, focusing on combatting firearm-related deaths. In Maine, the VDRS provided data on law enforcement officer suicides that were used to help support a bill mandating mental health resiliency and awareness training in the state\'s law enforcement training academy, along with plans for similar training addressing mental health, substance use, and alcohol problems among corrections officers. In addition, states and jurisdictions have also used their VDRS data to examine factors related to homicide in their state or jurisdiction. For example, Georgia VDRS collaborated with the City of Atlanta Mayor\'s Office of Violence Reduction to develop two public dashboards that not only offer comprehensive data on violent deaths but also present data on the geographic distribution of populations disproportionately affected by violence to help inform violence prevention interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Overly restrictive clinical trial eligibility criteria can reduce generalizability, slow enrollment, and disproportionately exclude historically underrepresented populations. The eligibility criteria for 196 Alzheimer\'s Disease and Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) trials funded by the National Institute on Aging were analyzed to identify common criteria and their potential to disproportionately exclude participants by race/ethnicity. The trials were categorized by type (48 Phase I/II pharmacological, 7 Phase III/IV pharmacological, 128 non-pharmacological, 7 diagnostic, and 6 neuropsychiatric) and target population (51 AD/ADRD, 58 Mild Cognitive Impairment, 25 at-risk, and 62 cognitively normal). Eligibility criteria were coded into the following categories: Medical, Neurologic, Psychiatric, and Procedural. A literature search was conducted to describe the prevalence of disparities for eligibility criteria for African Americans/Black (AA/B), Hispanic/Latino (H/L), American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (NH/PI) populations. The trials had a median of 15 criteria. The most frequent criterion were age cutoffs (87% of trials), specified neurologic (65%), and psychiatric disorders (61%). Underrepresented groups could be disproportionately excluded by 16 eligibility categories; 42% of trials specified English-speakers only in their criteria. Most trials (82%) contain poorly operationalized criteria (i.e., criteria not well defined that can have multiple interpretations/means of implementation) and criteria that may reduce racial/ethnic enrollment diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Providing personal demographic information is routine practice in the United States, and yet, little is known about the impacts of this process. This study aims to examine the experiences and perspectives of Multiracial/ethnic adults in the United States when disclosing racial/ethnic identity.
    METHODS: Seventeen semistructured interviews were conducted with adults identifying as Multiracial/ethnic. The Multiracial/ethnic identities of participants included Black or African American and White; Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) and Hispanic or Latino; Black or African American and Hispanic or Latino; Black or African American and AI/AN; AI/AN and White and Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander and White. Multiple participants reported identifying with multiple ethnic groups for any single broad category. Three identified as sexual minorities. Nine were Millennials; six were Gen X; one was Gen Z; one was Baby Boomer. Qualitative data were analyzed using staged hybrid inductive-deductive thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: Disclosure of racial and ethnic identities presents a unique stressor for Multiracial/ethnic populations due to methods used to obtain data, perceived mismatch of identity and phenotype and exposure to prejudice. Social norms, constructs and movements impact the categories that a Multiracial/ethnic person indicates to external parties.
    CONCLUSIONS: The stress and negative feelings that Multiracial/ethnic adults face when identifying their race/ethnicity underscore the broader implications of standard demographic questions on feelings of inclusivity and visibility within a population.
    UNASSIGNED: Gathering data on individuals\' racial and ethnic backgrounds is a standard practice, and yet, it can pose challenges for those who identify with multiple groups or do not see their identities reflected in the options provided. Such individuals may feel excluded or experience unfair treatment when disclosing their identity, leading to significant stress. As the frequency of this data collection increases, it is essential that the questions are posed empathetically and equitably, with a strong commitment to enhancing inclusivity throughout the process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Despite historical and contemporary trauma, American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN; Indigenous) communities responded with resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, AIANs experienced disproportionate rates of infection, hospitalization, death, and reduced life expectancy. School closures exacerbated disparities, leading to learning loss, economic instability, and mental health challenges among AIAN youth.
    METHODS: The Project SafeSchools cohort study employed a comprehensive longitudinal convergent mixed-methods approach, integrating community-based participatory research principles. The study enrolled Navajo Nation caregivers whose children were eligible to attend local reservation-based schools. We conducted an analysis of caregiver self-report baseline data collected between August 2021 and May 2022.
    RESULTS: A total of 242 caregivers completed at least part of the baseline assessment and were included in data analysis. Caregivers were primarily female (88.7%), non-Hispanic (97%), and Indigenous (97%). Most caregivers were in their late 30s (mean age 38), with varying educational backgrounds and employment statuses. Children were evenly split between males and females and distributed across different age groups. Most children attended school at baseline in various formats, including in-person, hybrid, and online-only settings. Caregivers reported a range of psychosocial and behavioral risks, including general mental distress, depressive symptoms, and anxiety for themselves and their children. Furthermore, caregivers and children exhibited various protective factors, such as strong cultural identity, resilience, and academic self-efficacy.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the higher rates of mental health distress among participating caregivers and children compared to national averages. Despite these challenges, cultural protective factors remained strong and should guide future crisis response efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) students are the most underrepresented group in the U.S. in biomedical and health sciences relative to population size, little is known about long-term research education programs and outcome tracking. For over 20 years, the Partnership for Native American Cancer Prevention (NACP) has been supported under the National Cancer Institute\'s (NCI)-funded Comprehensive Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (CPACHE) program. Programming included hands-on mentored research and an array of development opportunities. A validated tracking system combining participation records, institutional records, and enrollment/degree attainment from the National Student Clearinghouse documents outcomes. Collectively (2002-2022) NACP engaged 367 AIAN trainees, of whom 237 individuals earned 220 bachelors, 87 masters, and 34 doctoral/professional degrees. Approximately 45% of AIAN doctoral recipients are currently engaged in academic or clinical work, and 10% in industry or tribal leadership. A total of 238 AIAN students participated in mentored research, with 85% demonstrating strong outcomes; 51% attained a degree, and 34% are currently enrolled. Implementation of a robust tracking system documented acceleration in degree attainment over time. Next steps will evaluate the most impactful training activities on student outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Unintentional injuries disproportionately impact American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations. Developing effective and culturally tailored data collection and intervention programs requires an understanding of past prevention efforts in AI/AN communities, but limited peer-reviewed literature on the topic is available. This scoping review aims to summarize efforts that have been published in the Primary Care Provider newsletter, a source of gray literature available through the Indian Health Service.
    METHODS: The research team obtained all injury related articles in the Provider newsletter and excluded those that did not describe an unintentional injury prevention effort. Included articles were organized chronologically and by topic, and outcomes were described in a data abstraction form.
    RESULTS: A total of 247 articles from the Provider newsletter were screened, and 68 were included in this review. The most number of articles were published in 2007 (n = 15). Many focused not specifically on one tribal community but on the AI/AN community as a whole (n = 27), while others reported that certain tribes were the focus of study but did not identify tribes by name (n = 24). The following is a list of 14 tribal communities explicitly mentioned: Omaha, Cherokee, Ute, Yakama, Chippewa, Apache, Ho-Chunk, The Crow Tribe, Tohono O\'odham Nation, Fort Mojave Tribe, Chemehuevi Tribe, The Rosebud Tribe, Navajo, and The Pueblo of Jemez. Published unintentional injury prevention efforts have covered the following 7 topics in AI/AN communities: falls, motor vehicle crashes, poisonings, improving data, burns, children, and other.
    CONCLUSIONS: This scoping review makes available and searchable information on injury prevention work conducted in and for AI/AN communities that is not currently found in the peer-reviewed literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a plasma cell disorder accounting for approximately 10% of hematologic malignancies. There is limited epidemiological evidence regarding the long-term trends and disparities in MM in the US. We conducted a multiple time point cross-sectional study using MM incidence rate data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database and mortality data from the CDC Wide-Ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER) Underlying Cause of Death database between 1999 and 2020. During this period, MM incidence has steadily increased, while MM mortality has steadily decreased, with substantial racial and ethnic disparities. Non-Hispanic Black individuals exhibited the highest incidence rates, which consistently rose from 12.02 (95% CI 10.54, 13.64) in 1999 to 14.20 (95% CI 12.93, 15.55) per 100,000 population by 2020. Non-Hispanic American Indian/Native Alaskans and Asian/Pacific Islanders demonstrated the lowest incidence rates of 5.59 (95% CI 2.69, 10.04) and 3.56 (95% CI 2.94, 4.27) per 100,000 population in 1999 to 5.76 (95% CI 3.49, 8.90) and 3.92 (95% CI 3.46, 4.42) per 100,000 population, respectively, by 2020. Disparities by gender, age, US census region, and rurality were observed, underscoring the importance of targeted, equity-centered interventions and MM screening initiatives for at-risk populations.





