  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mango is a popular tropical fruit that requires quarantine hot water treatment (QHWT) for postharvest sanitation, which can cause abiotic stress. Plants have various defense mechanisms to cope with stress; miRNAs mainly regulate the expression of these defense responses. Proteins involved in the biogenesis of miRNAs include DICER-like (DCL), ARGONAUTE (AGO), HYPONASTIC LEAVES 1 (HYL1), SERRATE (SE), HUA ENHANCER1 (HEN1), HASTY (HST), and HEAT-SHOCK PROTEIN 90 (HSP90), among others. According to our analysis, the mango genome contains five DCL, thirteen AGO, six HYL, two SE, one HEN1, one HST, and five putative HSP90 genes. Gene structure prediction and domain identification indicate that sequences contain key domains for their respective gene families, including the RNase III domain in DCL and PAZ and PIWI domains for AGOs. In addition, phylogenetic analysis indicates the formation of clades that include the mango sequences and their respective orthologs in other flowering plant species, supporting the idea these are functional orthologs. The analysis of cis-regulatory elements of these genes allowed the identification of MYB, ABRE, GARE, MYC, and MeJA-responsive elements involved in stress responses. Gene expression analysis showed that most genes are induced between 3 to 6 h after QHWT, supporting the early role of miRNAs in stress response. Interestingly, our results suggest that mango rapidly induces the production of miRNAs after heat stress. This research will enable us to investigate further the regulation of gene expression and its effects on commercially cultivated fruits, such as mango, while maintaining sanitary standards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) is driven by small RNAs (sRNAs) complementary to the nascent transcript of RNA polymerase V (Pol V). sRNAs associated with ARGONAUTE (AGO) proteins are tethered to Pol V mainly by the AGO-hook domain of its subunit NRPE1. We found, by in silico analyses, that Pol V strongly colocalizes on chromatin with another AGO-hook protein, SPT6-like (SPT6L), which is a known essential transcription elongation factor of Pol II. Our phylogenetic analysis revealed that SPT6L acquired its AGO-binding capacity already in the most basal streptophyte algae, even before the emergence of Pol V, suggesting that SPT6L might be a driving force behind the RdDM evolution. Since its emergence, SPT6L with the AGO-hook represents the only conserved SPT6 homolog in Viridiplantae, implying that the same protein is involved in both Pol II and Pol V complexes. To better understand the role of SPT6L in the Pol V complex, we characterized genomic loci where these two colocalize and uncovered that DNA methylation there is more dynamic, driven by higher levels of sRNAs often from non-canonical RdDM pathways and more dependent on chromatin modifying and remodeling proteins like MORC. Pol V loci with SPT6L are highly depleted in helitrons but enriched in gene promoters for which locally and temporally precise methylation is necessary. In view of these results, we discuss potential roles of multiple AGO-hook domains present in the Pol V complex and speculate that SPT6L mediates de novo methylation of naïve loci by interconnecting Pol II and Pol V activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ASOs) have long been used to selectively inhibit or modulate gene expression at the RNA level, and some ASOs are approved for clinical use. However, the practicability of antisense technologies remains limited by the difficulty of reliably predicting the sites accessible to ASOs in complex folded RNAs. Recently, we applied a plant-based method that reproduces RNA-induced RNA silencing in vitro to reliably identify sites in target RNAs that are accessible to small interfering RNA (siRNA)-guided Argonaute endonucleases. Here, we show that this method is also suitable for identifying ASOs that are effective in DNA-induced RNA silencing by RNases H. We show that ASOs identified in this way that target a viral genome are comparably effective in protecting plants from infection as siRNAs with the corresponding sequence. The antiviral activity of the ASOs could be further enhanced by chemical modification. This led to two important conclusions: siRNAs and ASOs that can effectively knock down complex RNA molecules can be identified using the same approach, and ASOs optimized in this way could find application in crop protection. The technology developed here could be useful not only for effective RNA silencing in plants but also in other organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacillus subtilis 26D is a plant growth-promoting endophytic bacteria capable of inducing systemic resistance through the priming mechanism, which includes plant genome reprogramming and the phenomenon of RNA interference (RNAi) and microRNA (miRNAs). The phloem-feeding insect bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi L. is a serious pest that causes significant damage to crops throughout the world. However, the function of plant miRNAs in the response to aphid infestation remains unclear. The results of this work showed that B. subtilis 26D stimulated aphid resistance in wheat plants, inducing the expression of genes of hormonal signaling pathways ICS, WRKY13, PR1, ACS, EIN3, PR3, and ABI5. In addition, B. subtilis 26D activated the RNAi mechanism and regulated the expression of nine conserved miRNAs through activation of the ethylene, salicylic acid (SA), and abscisic acid (ABA) signaling pathways, which was demonstrated by using treatments with phytohormones. Treatment of plants with SA, ethylene, and ABA acted in a similar manner to B. subtilis 26D on induction of the expression of the AGO4, AGO5 and DCL2, DCL4 genes, as well as the expression of nine conserved miRNAs. Different patterns of miRNA expression were found in aphid-infested plants and in plants treated with B. subtilis 26D or SA, ethylene, and ABA and infested by aphids, suggesting that miRNAs play multiple roles in the plant response to phloem-feeding insects, associated with effects on hormonal signaling pathways, redox metabolism, and the synthesis of secondary metabolites. Our study provides new data to further elucidate the fine mechanisms of bacterial-induced priming. However, further extensive work is needed to fully unravel these mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Breast Committee of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynäkologische Onkologie (German Gynecological Oncology Group, AGO) presents the 2023 update of the evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with locally advanced and metastatic breast cancer (mBC).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advancements in small RNA sequencing have unveiled a previously hidden world of regulatory small noncoding RNAs (sncRNAs) that extend beyond the well-studied small interfering RNAs, microRNAs, and piwi-interacting RNAs. This exploration, starting with tRNA-derived small RNAs, has led to the discovery of a diverse universe of sncRNAs derived from various longer structured RNAs such as rRNAs, small nucleolar RNAs, small nuclear RNAs, Y RNAs, and vault RNAs, with exciting uncharted functional possibilities. In this perspective, we discuss the emerging functional principles of sncRNAs beyond the well-known RNAi-like mechanisms, focusing on those that operate independent of linear sequence complementarity but rather function in an aptamer-like fashion. Aptamers use 3D structure for specific interactions with ligands and are modulated by RNA modifications and subcellular environments. Given that aptamer-like sncRNA functions are widespread and present in species lacking RNAi, they may represent an ancient functional principle that predates RNAi. We propose a rethinking of the origin of RNAi and its relationship with these aptamer-like functions in sncRNAs and how these complementary mechanisms shape biological processes. Lastly, the aptamer-like function of sncRNAs highlights the need for caution in using small RNA mimics in research and therapeutics, as their specificity is not restricted solely to linear sequence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has had a tremendous impact worldwide. Mapping virus-host interactions is critical to understand disease progression. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important RNA regulators, but their interaction with SARS-CoV-2 RNA was not experimentally investigated. Here, using Argonaute (AGO) cross-linking immunoprecipitation combined with RNA proximity ligation (CLEAR-CLIP), we provide unbiased mapping of SARS-CoV-2/miRNA interactions. We identified six main regions on the viral RNA bound primarily by one specific miRNA. Targeted mutagenesis and AGO1-3 knockdown demonstrated that these interactions are not critical for virus production. Moreover, we identified perturbed regulation of cellular miRNA interactions during infection, including non-compensated viral sequestration of the miR-15 family. Transcriptome analysis further showed that mRNAs targeted by this miRNA family are derepressed. This work delineates the interphase between miRNA regulation and SARS-CoV-2 infection and further contributes to deciphering the full molecular interactome of this virus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several protein families participate in the biogenesis and function of small RNAs (sRNAs) in plants. Those with primary roles include Dicer-like (DCL), RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDR), and Argonaute (AGO) proteins. Protein families such as double-stranded RNA-binding (DRB), SERRATE (SE), and SUPPRESSION OF SILENCING 3 (SGS3) act as partners of DCL or RDR proteins. Here, we present curated annotations and phylogenetic analyses of seven sRNA pathway protein families performed on 196 species in the Viridiplantae (aka green plants) lineage. Our results suggest that the RDR3 proteins emerged earlier than RDR1/2/6. RDR6 is found in filamentous green algae and all land plants, suggesting that the evolution of RDR6 proteins coincides with the evolution of phased small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). We traced the origin of the 24-nt reproductive phased siRNA-associated DCL5 protein back to the American sweet flag (Acorus americanus), the earliest diverged, extant monocot species. Our analyses of AGOs identified multiple duplication events of AGO genes that were lost, retained, or further duplicated in subgroups, indicating that the evolution of AGOs is complex in monocots. The results also refine the evolution of several clades of AGO proteins, such as AGO4, AGO6, AGO17, and AGO18. Analyses of nuclear localization signal sequences and catalytic triads of AGO proteins shed light on the regulatory roles of diverse AGOs. Collectively, this work generates a curated and evolutionarily coherent annotation for gene families involved in plant sRNA biogenesis/function and provides insights into the evolution of major sRNA pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In plants, microRNAs (miRNAs) associate with ARGONAUTE (AGO) proteins and act as sequence-specific repressors of target gene expression, at the post-transcriptional level through target transcript cleavage and/or translational inhibition. MiRNAs are mainly transcribed by DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II (POL II) and processed by DICER LIKE1 (DCL1) complex into 21∼22 nucleotide (nt) long. Although the main molecular framework of miRNA biogenesis and modes of action have been established, there are still new requirements continually emerging in the recent years. The studies on the involvement factors in miRNA biogenesis indicate that miRNA biogenesis is not accomplished separately step by step, but is closely linked and dynamically regulated with each other. In this article, we will summarize the current knowledge on miRNA biogenesis, including MIR gene transcription, primary miRNA (pri-miRNA) processing, miRNA AGO1 loading and nuclear export; and miRNA metabolism including methylation, uridylation and turnover. We will describe how miRNAs are produced and how the different steps are regulated. We hope to raise awareness that the linkage between different steps and the subcellular regulation are becoming important for the understanding of plant miRNA biogenesis and modes of action.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mature microRNAs (miRNAs) are single-stranded non-coding RNA (ncRNA) molecules that act in post-transcriptional regulation in animals and plants. A mature miRNA is the end product of consecutive, highly regulated processing steps of the primary miRNA transcript. Following base-paring of the mature miRNA with its mRNA target, translation is inhibited, and the targeted mRNA is degraded. There are hundreds of miRNAs in each cell that work together to regulate cellular key processes, including development, differentiation, cell cycle, apoptosis, inflammation, viral infection, and more. In this review, we present an overlooked layer of cellular regulation that addresses cell dynamics affecting miRNA accessibility. We discuss the regulation of miRNA local storage and translocation among cell compartments. The local amounts of the miRNAs and their targets dictate their actual availability, which determines the ability to fine-tune cell responses to abrupt or chronic changes. We emphasize that changes in miRNA storage and compactization occur under induced stress and changing conditions. Furthermore, we demonstrate shared principles on cell physiology, governed by miRNA under oxidative stress, tumorigenesis, viral infection, or synaptic plasticity. The evidence presented in this review article highlights the importance of spatial and temporal miRNA regulation for cell physiology. We argue that limiting the research to mature miRNAs within the cytosol undermines our understanding of the efficacy of miRNAs to regulate cell fate under stress conditions.





