semantic processing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study investigated the neuro mechanisms of emoji processing as sentence predicate in written context. In the hybrid textuality which is more cognitively engaging, emojis in sentential intermediate positions were designed as either congruent or incongruent to the context. The results showed that incongruent words led to a robust N400 effect, while incongruent emojis only elicited the P600 effect. It implies that semantics and syntax of words can be separated while those of emojis seem to be integrated together. That is, when the meaning of the emoji is violated to the sentential context, its grammatical role cannot be well interpreted, especially when it is used as a key grammatical component in a sentence, such as the predicate. Thus, it shows that even though the meaning of emojis can be interpreted by readers, their syntactic and semantic functions cannot be clearly separated. In comparison with word processing, the larger amplitude with emojis in the time window of 350-500 ms shows more cognitive efforts in emoji semantic processing, possibly arising from the switch of modalities within the visual channel, that is, the multimodal cognitive load.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Both alcohol misuse and sleep deficiency are associated with deficits in semantic processing. However, alcohol misuse and sleep deficiency are frequently comorbid and their inter-related effects on semantic processing as well as the underlying neural mechanisms remain to be investigated.
    METHODS: We curated the Human Connectome Project data of 973 young adults (508 women) to examine the neural correlates of semantic processing in link with the severity of alcohol use and sleep deficiency. The latter were each evaluated using the first principal component (PC1) of principal component analysis of all drinking metrics and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). We employed path modeling to elucidate the interplay among clinical, behavioral, and neural variables.
    RESULTS: Among women, we observed a significant negative correlation between the left precentral gyrus (PCG) and PSQI scores. Mediation analysis revealed that the left PCG activity fully mediated the relationship between PSQI scores and word comprehension in language tasks. In women alone also, the right middle frontal gyrus (MFG) exhibited a significant negative correlation with PC1. The best path model illustrated the associations among PC1, PSQI scores, PCG activity, and MFG activation during semantic processing in women.
    CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol misuse may lead to reduced MFG activation while sleep deficiency hinder semantic processing by suppressing PCG activity in women. The pathway model underscores the influence of sleep quality and alcohol consumption severity on semantic processing in women, suggesting that sex differences in these effects need to be further investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relation between the action verb semantic processing and sensorimotor experience remains controversial. In this study, we examined whether plasticity changes in brain are specifically related to semantic processing of foot action verbs when long-term motor training is mainly aimed at the foot. To address this question, we acquired resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scans and behavioral data from a verb two-choice task from female expertise football players and football novices. We compared the resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) differences between experts and novices using motor execution regions and general semantic regions (left anterior temporal lobe, lATL) as seed, and explored the neural correlates of behavioral performance. Here, the drift rate (v) parameter of the drift diffusion model (DDM) was used to capture the semantic processing capability. We found experts showed increased correlation between lATL subregions and important brain regions for motor processing, including supplementary motor area (SMA), bilateral paracentral lobule (PL), superior parietal lobule and inferior parietal lobule, in contrast to novices. Further predictive model analysis showed the FC found in rsFC analysis can significantly predict drift rate of foot action verb in both experts and novices, but not drift rate of hand action verb. Our findings therefore establish a connection between effector-related semantic processing and the plasticity changes in brain functional connectivity, attributable to long-term foot-related motor training. This provides evidence supporting the view that semantic processing is fundamentally rooted in the sensorimotor system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hub-and-spoke theory of semantic representation fractionates the neural underpinning of semantic knowledge into two essential components: the sensorimotor modality-specific regions and a crucially important semantic hub region. Our previous study in patients with semantic dementia has found that the hub region is located in the left fusiform gyrus. However, because this region is located within the brain damage in patients with semantic dementia, it is not clear whether the semantic deficit is caused by structural damage to the hub region itself or by its disconnection from other brain regions. Stroke patients do not have any damage to the left fusiform gyrus, but exhibit amodal and modality-specific deficits in semantic processing. Therefore, in this study, we validated the semantic hub region from a brain network perspective in 79 stroke patients and explored the white matter connections associated with it. First, we collected data of diffusion-weighted imaging and behavioural performance on general semantic tasks and modality-specific semantic tasks (assessing object knowledge on form, colour, motion, sound, manipulation and function). We then used correlation and regression analyses to examine the association between the nodal degree values of brain regions in the whole-brain structural network and general semantic performance in the stroke patients. The results revealed that the connectivity of the left fusiform gyrus significantly predicted general semantic performance, indicating that this region is the semantic hub. To identify the semantic-relevant connections of the semantic hub, we then correlated the white matter integrity values of each tract connected to the left fusiform gyrus separately with performance on general and modality-specific semantic processing. We found that the hub region accomplished general semantic processing through white matter connections with the left superior temporal pole, middle temporal gyrus, inferior temporal gyrus and hippocampus. The connectivity between the hub region and the left hippocampus, superior temporal pole, middle temporal gyrus, inferior temporal gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus was differentially involved in object form, colour, motion, sound, manipulation and function processing. After statistically removing the effects of potential confounding variables (i.e. whole-brain lesion volume, lesion volume of regions of interest and performance on non-semantic control tasks), the observed effects remained significant. Together, our findings support the role of the left fusiform gyrus as a semantic hub region in stroke patients and reveal its crucial connectivity in the network. This study provides new insights and evidence for the neuroanatomical organization of semantic memory in the human brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Semantic processing, a core of language comprehension, involves the activation of brain regions dispersed extensively across the frontal, temporal, and parietal cortices that compose the semantic network. To comprehend the functional structure of this semantic network and how it prepares for semantic processing, we investigated its intrinsic functional connectivity (FC) and the relation between this pattern and semantic processing ability in a large sample from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) dataset. We first defined a well-studied brain network for semantic processing, and then we characterized the within-network connectivity (WNC) and the between-network connectivity (BNC) within this network using a voxel-based global brain connectivity (GBC) method based on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The results showed that 97.73% of the voxels in the semantic network displayed considerably greater WNC than BNC, demonstrating that the semantic network is a fairly encapsulated network. Moreover, multiple connector hubs in the semantic network were identified after applying the criterion of WNC > 1 SD above the mean WNC of the semantic network. More importantly, three of these connector hubs (i.e., the left anterior temporal lobe, angular gyrus, and orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrus) were reliably associated with semantic processing ability. Our findings suggest that the three identified regions use WNC as the central mechanism for supporting semantic processing and that task-independent spontaneous connectivity in the semantic network is essential for semantic processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Successful visual word recognition requires the integration of phonological and semantic information, which is supported by the dorsal and ventral pathways in the brain. However, the functional specialization or interaction of these pathways during phonological and semantic processing remains unclear. Previous research has been limited by its dependence on correlational functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results or causal validation using patient populations, which are susceptible to confounds such as plasticity and lesion characteristics. To address this, the present study employed continuous theta-burst stimulation combined with fMRI in a within-subject design to assess rapid adaptation in regional activity and functional connectivity of the dorsal and ventral pathways during phonological and semantic tasks. This assessment followed the precise inhibition of the left inferior parietal lobule and anterior temporal lobe in the dorsal and ventral pathways, respectively. Our results reveal that both the dorsal and ventral pathways were activated during phonological and semantic processing, while the adaptation activation and interactive network were modulated by the task type and inhibited region. The two pathways exhibited interconnectivity in phonological processing, and disruption of either pathway led to rapid adaptation across both pathways. In contrast, only the ventral pathway exhibited connectivity in semantic processing, and disruption of this pathway alone resulted in adaptive effects primarily in the ventral pathway. These findings provide essential evidence supporting the interactive theory, phonological information processing in particular, potentially providing meaningful implications for clinical populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The association between language and mathematics is an important debated topic. Here, we proposed a structure correspondence hypothesis to explain under what conditions language and mathematics are closely related. According to the hypothesis, there would be an association when they have equivalent structure. One hundred and fifty high school students were recruited to finish mathematical and language tests at the element level (i.e., geometric term processing and word analogy) and at the low-dimensional combination level (i.e., geometric principle processing and sentence completion) as well as the tests to measure cognitive covariates (general intelligence and spatial processing). After controlling for age, gender and cognitive covariates, geometric term processing and word analogy were closely correlated, and geometric principle processing and sentence completion were significantly correlated. No other correlations were found. The results support the structure correspondence hypothesis and provide a new perspective of structure of language and verbalized mathematics for the relation between language and mathematics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The brain tracks and encodes multi-level speech features during spoken language processing. It is evident that this speech tracking is dominant at low frequencies (<8 Hz) including delta and theta bands. Recent research has demonstrated distinctions between delta- and theta-band tracking but has not elucidated how they differentially encode speech across linguistic levels. Here, we hypothesised that delta-band tracking encodes prediction errors (enhanced processing of unexpected features) while theta-band tracking encodes neural sharpening (enhanced processing of expected features) when people perceive speech with different linguistic contents. EEG responses were recorded when normal-hearing participants attended to continuous auditory stimuli that contained different phonological/morphological and semantic contents: (1) real-words, (2) pseudo-words and (3) time-reversed speech. We employed multivariate temporal response functions to measure EEG reconstruction accuracies in response to acoustic (spectrogram), phonetic and phonemic features with the partialling procedure that singles out unique contributions of individual features. We found higher delta-band accuracies for pseudo-words than real-words and time-reversed speech, especially during encoding of phonetic features. Notably, individual time-lag analyses showed that significantly higher accuracies for pseudo-words than real-words started at early processing stages for phonetic encoding (<100 ms post-feature) and later stages for acoustic and phonemic encoding (>200 and 400 ms post-feature, respectively). Theta-band accuracies, on the other hand, were higher when stimuli had richer linguistic content (real-words > pseudo-words > time-reversed speech). Such effects also started at early stages (<100 ms post-feature) during encoding of all individual features or when all features were combined. We argue these results indicate that delta-band tracking may play a role in predictive coding leading to greater tracking of pseudo-words due to the presence of unexpected/unpredicted semantic information, while theta-band tracking encodes sharpened signals caused by more expected phonological/morphological and semantic contents. Early presence of these effects reflects rapid computations of sharpening and prediction errors. Moreover, by measuring changes in EEG alpha power, we did not find evidence that the observed effects can be solitarily explained by attentional demands or listening efforts. Finally, we used directed information analyses to illustrate feedforward and feedback information transfers between prediction errors and sharpening across linguistic levels, showcasing how our results fit with the hierarchical Predictive Coding framework. Together, we suggest the distinct roles of delta and theta neural tracking for sharpening and predictive coding of multi-level speech features during spoken language processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the distortion of speech signals caused by unavoidable noise in daily life, our ability to comprehend speech in noisy environments is relatively stable. However, the neural mechanisms underlying reliable speech-in-noise comprehension remain to be elucidated. The present study investigated the neural tracking of acoustic and semantic speech information during noisy naturalistic speech comprehension. Participants listened to narrative audio recordings mixed with spectrally matched stationary noise at three signal-to-ratio (SNR) levels (no noise, 3 dB, -3 dB), and 60-channel electroencephalography (EEG) signals were recorded. A temporal response function (TRF) method was employed to derive event-related-like responses to the continuous speech stream at both the acoustic and the semantic levels. Whereas the amplitude envelope of the naturalistic speech was taken as the acoustic feature, word entropy and word surprisal were extracted via the natural language processing method as two semantic features. Theta-band frontocentral TRF responses to the acoustic feature were observed at around 400 ms following speech fluctuation onset over all three SNR levels, and the response latencies were more delayed with increasing noise. Delta-band frontal TRF responses to the semantic feature of word entropy were observed at around 200 to 600 ms leading to speech fluctuation onset over all three SNR levels. The response latencies became more leading with increasing noise and decreasing speech comprehension and intelligibility. While the following responses to speech acoustics were consistent with previous studies, our study revealed the robustness of leading responses to speech semantics, which suggests a possible predictive mechanism at the semantic level for maintaining reliable speech comprehension in noisy environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Speech production involves neurological planning and articulatory execution. How speakers prepare for articulation is a significant aspect of speech production research. Previous studies have focused on isolated words or short phrases to explore speech planning mechanisms linked to articulatory behaviors, including investigating the eye-voice span (EVS) during text reading. However, these experimental paradigms lack real-world speech process replication. Additionally, our understanding of the neurological dimension of speech planning remains limited.
    UNASSIGNED: This study examines speech planning mechanisms during continuous speech production by analyzing behavioral (eye movement and speech) and neurophysiological (EEG) data within a continuous speech production task. The study specifically investigates the influence of semantic consistency on speech planning and the occurrence of \"look ahead\" behavior.
    UNASSIGNED: The outcomes reveal the pivotal role of semantic coherence in facilitating fluent speech production. Speakers access lexical representations and phonological information before initiating speech, emphasizing the significance of semantic processing in speech planning. Behaviorally, the EVS decreases progressively during continuous reading of regular sentences, with a slight increase for non-regular sentences. Moreover, eye movement pattern analysis identifies two distinct speech production modes, highlighting the importance of semantic comprehension and prediction in higher-level lexical processing. Neurologically, the dual pathway model of speech production is supported, indicating a dorsal information flow and frontal lobe involvement. The brain network linked to semantic understanding exhibits a negative correlation with semantic coherence, with significant activation during semantic incoherence and suppression in regular sentences.
    UNASSIGNED: The study\'s findings enhance comprehension of speech planning mechanisms and offer insights into the role of semantic coherence in continuous speech production. Furthermore, the research methodology establishes a valuable framework for future investigations in this domain.





