Reproductive Rights

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The continuous advancement of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and the evolving attitudes towards marriage and fertility among the general public have led to an increasing number of groups requiring special attention (GRSA) desiring to fulfill their reproductive needs through these technologies. These groups include single women (including single mothers without children), same-sex couples, and women in high-risk occupations, among others. The purpose of this paper is to explore the feasibility of appropriately liberalizing ART for GRSA.
    METHODS: This paper discusses the advantages of a moderate liberalization of ART for GRSA from two perspectives: a theoretical basis and a practical significance level. It also analyzes the current constraints on liberalizing ART and presents suggestions for moderate liberalization.
    RESULTS: The moderate liberalization of ART can provide technical support for respecting and realizing the reproductive freedom of GRSA, which has certain theoretical and practical significance. However, it is also subject to constraints.
    CONCLUSIONS: We call for government to keep pace with the times, based on the current stage of political, economic, and social development, to further recognize and protect citizens\' reproductive rights, prioritize the practical needs of the public, and explore policies and regulations for gradually loosening the restrictions on ART for GRSA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Divergences and controversies are inevitable in the discussion of freedoms and rights, especially in the matter of reproduction. The Chinese first social egg freezing lawsuit raises the question: is the freedom to freeze eggs for social reasons justified because it is an instance of reproductive rights? This paper accepts social egg freezing as desirable reproductive freedom, but following Harel\'s approach and considering two theories of rights, the choice and interest theories of rights, we argue that social egg freezing is not a reproductive right because one cannot justify a right or an instance of rights via merely describing the function of those instances that have been justified as right, that is, the choice theory lacks justifying normativity. Since reserving fertility and a suspension from reproduction do not serve reproductive ends per se, the sufficient reason for demanding social egg freezing as a right should be found in other ends rather than in right-to-reproduce, that is, the interest theory denies the demand as a right-to-reproduce. Permitting it on any grounds without guaranteeing adequate and accessible resources, especially in light of cross-border reproductive care, raises serious questions about reproductive equality and violates the idea of reproductive rights. Therefore, any ground for social egg freezing should be weighed against whether more pressing reproductive needs, specifically those that are justified as rights, have been met. It would be social progress to shoulder these burdens for the vulnerable and then allow social egg freezing-if right-to-reproduce were not the only privilege of the few.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In China, neither reproduction and parenthood by lesbian couples nor their marital status are regulated or protected by law. In 2020, the first legal dispute in China involving a lesbian couple over custody of their joint baby was heard in court. This study examines the legal and ethical issues that lesbian couples confront when they decide to give birth to a child of their own. These challenges begin with regulatory restrictions on their lawful access to assisted reproductive technology and extend to gaps in the legal establishment of parenthood. We found that the lack of access to legitimate reproductive assistance for lesbian couples in China has caused them to make efforts to circumvent laws and regulations to have a child. However, the legislative gaps later led to ethical dilemmas when resolving disputes over parenthood. This study discusses different accounts of establishing and determining natural parenthood in China and concludes by pointing out the urgent need for change in legislative and sociocultural attitudes toward both assisted reproductive technology and same-sex relationships, mapping the way forward for lesbian couples to obtain better protection of procreation and parenthood before their marriage is culturally accepted and finally legalized.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Reproductive rights represent an intrinsic and pivotal human entitlement, encompassing legal protection for procreation. Essential to this framework is the recognition that single women equally deserve reproductive rights. Although Chinese legislation refrains from overtly disallowing reproductive rights for single women, the interplay of conventional marriage norms and family planning policies has inadvertently tied these rights to marital status, consequently constraining single women\'s ability to assert them. The establishment of a robust legal structure to ensure reproductive rights for single women would profoundly contribute to advancing a harmonious evolution of China\'s population dynamics.
    UNASSIGNED: We employ meticulous textual scrutiny to analyze comprehensively the stipulations concerning women\'s reproductive liberties within the framework of Chinese jurisprudence. Furthermore, we engage in empirical inquiry to enumerate and elucidate the multifarious constraints placed upon the reproductive freedoms of unmarried women in the Chinese context. This endeavor entails a detailed exposition and incisive examination of China\'s limitations imposed upon the reproductive rights of single women, encompassing both legal strictures and policy dimensions.
    UNASSIGNED: The absence of legal endorsement and safeguarding has given rise to substantial impediments to the exercise of reproductive rights among single women in China. Not only do endeavors to assert reproductive rights on behalf of single women encounter intricate challenges in judicial implementation, but they also encounter manifold barriers within national policies. This predicament not only subjects single women to considerable psychological strain but also contradicts the overarching objective of achieving a harmonized population development trajectory in China.
    UNASSIGNED: China should expedite the development of a legal framework for protecting reproductive rights that includes provisions for supporting single women to have children. This legal apparatus should efficaciously enshrine and shield the reproductive rights of single women, thus playing a pivotal role in advancing a more equitable and well-balanced trajectory of population development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Women with intellectual disabilities (WIDs) are entitled to the rights to marriage and reproduction under Chinese law. However, Chinese marriage and reproduction regimes have imposed restrictions on their right to marry that limit the exercise of their reproductive rights. Marrying WIDs has become a popular choice for men in rural areas. Although in China\'s Civil Code, the legislature has repealed the prior requirement of a medical examination for marriage registration, the exercise of rights to marriage and reproduction by WIDs is still restricted. China has not fully implemented equal rights for persons with disabilities under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. China needs to set legal procedural requirements for the exercise of these rights for different types of WIDs, systematically constructing them at three levels: legal basis, legislative implementation, and institutional support.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: As the birth policy has been adjusted from one-child-one-couple to universal two-child-one-couple in China, there is an increasing number of women undergoing a second pregnancy after a previous cesarean section (CS). Undertaking an elective repeat CS (ERCS) has been taken for granted and has thus become a major contributor to the increasing CS rate in China. Promoting trial of labor after CS (TOLAC) can reduce the CS rate without compromising delivery outcomes. This study aimed to investigate Chinese obstetricians\' perspectives regarding TOLAC, and the factors associated with their decision-making regarding recommending TOLAC to pregnant women with a history of CS under the two-child policy.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was carried out between May and July 2018. Binary logistic regression was used to determine the factors associated with the obstetricians\' intention to recommend TOLAC to pregnant women with a history of CS. The independent variables included sociodemographic factors and perceptions regarding TOLAC (selection criteria for TOLAC, basis underlying the selection criteria for TOLAC, and perceived challenges regarding promoting TOLAC).
    RESULTS: A total of 426 obstetricians were surveyed, with a response rate of ≥83%. The results showed that 31.0% of the obstetricians had no intention to recommend TOLAC to pregnant women with a history of CS. Their decisions were associated with the perceived lack of confidence regarding undergoing TOLAC among pregnant women with a history of CS and their families (odds ratio [OR] = 2.31; 95% CI: 1.38-1.38); obstetricians\' uncertainty about the safety of TOLAC for pregnant women with a history of CS (OR = 0.49; 95% CI: 0.27-0.96), and worries about medical lawsuits due to adverse delivery outcomes (OR = 0.14; 95% CI: 0.07-0.31). The main reported challenges regarding performing TOLAC were lack of clear guidelines for predicting or avoiding the risks associated with TOLAC (83.4%), obstetricians\' uncertainty about the safety of TOLAC for women with a history of CS (81.2%), pregnant women\'s unwillingness to accept the risks associated with TOLAC (81.0%) or demand for ERCS (80.7%), and the perceived lack of confidence (77.5%) or understanding (69.7%) regarding undergoing TOLAC among pregnant women and their families.
    CONCLUSIONS: A proportion of Chinese obstetricians did not intend to recommend TOLAC to pregnant women with a history of CS. This phenomenon was closely associated with obstetricians\' concerns about TOLAC safety and perceived attitudes of the pregnant women and their families regarding TOLAC. Effective measures are needed to help obstetricians predict and reduce the risks associated with TOLAC, clearly specify the indications for TOLAC, improve labor management, and popularize TOLAC in China. Additionally, public health education on TOLAC is necessary to improve the understanding of TOLAC among pregnant women with a history of CS and their families, and to improve their interactions with their obstetricians regarding shared decision making.







  • 文章类型: Letter
    The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak was first declared in China in December 2019, and WHO declared the pandemic on 11 March 2020. A fast-rising number of confirmed cases has been observed in all continents, with Europe at the epicentre of the outbreak at this moment.Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and rights is a significant public health issue during the epidemics. The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is new to humans, and only limited scientific evidence is available to identify the impact of the disease COVID-19 on SRH, including clinical presentation and outcomes of the infection during pregnancy, or for persons with STI/HIV-related immunosuppression. Beyond the clinical scope of SRH, we should not neglect the impacts at the health system level and disruptions or interruptions in regular provision of SRH services, such as pre- and postnatal checks, safe abortion, contraception, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections. Furthermore, other aspects merit attention such as the potential increase of gender-based violence and domestic abuse, and effects of stigma and discrimination associated with COVID-19 and their effects on SRH clients and health care providers. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the scientific community to generate sound clinical, epidemiological, and psycho-social behavioral links between COVID-19 and SRH and rights outcomes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of reproductive techniques and the eventual reproductive negligence from the provider of reproductive services gave rise to situations in which the intended parents are deprived of raising a child genetically connected to them. Courts have been dealing with cases of those for years, but have systemically denied claimants (the prospective parents) compensation, failing to recognise as damage the loss of genetic connection. In 2017, for the first time, the Singapore High Court provided compensation for that damage, labelled \"loss of genetic affinity\" (ACB v Thomson Medical Pte Ltd and Others [2017] SGCA 20). This paper will argue that the damage in question is the loss of genetic connection (wrongful genetic connection) and results from a violation of reproductive rights (and eventually also the right to found a family) because a key element of reproductive rights is to have children with whom we keep a genetic bond and raise them. The paper will explain why the arguments classically argued against such compensation are unfounded and it will argue for a compensation covering both patrimonial and non-patrimonial damages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe changed epidemiological features of advanced maternal age (AMA) and to examine the effect of AMA on the risk for Cesarean section (CS) in a Chinese pregnant population.
    METHODS: This retrospective single-center cohort study investigated the changes of epidemiological features of AMA parturients with respect to the revised reproductive policy in China in 43 702 singleton deliveries with live birth at ≥28 weeks managed from January 2005 to December 2016. We also evaluated the pregnancy outcomes in different age groups and risk factors of CS with multivariate analysis.
    RESULTS: In this 12-year study period, the average maternal age increased from 28.5 to 30.2 years, and the proportion of AMA raised from 6.5% to 17.2%. AMA was significantly associated with increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, and after adjustment for confounding factors, AMA remained a significant independent risk factor for CS. Furthermore, the effect of AMA in nulliparous women on the risk of CS was more significant than in multiparous women, while the history of previous CS (adjusted odds ratio 39.85) and interdelivery interval ≥10 years (adjusted odds ratio 1.52) also increased the risk of CS in multiparous women.
    CONCLUSIONS: AMA increased the risk of a number of adverse pregnancy outcomes, and was independently associated with increased risk for CS. The increasing number of AMA parturients with risk factors is likely to increase CS rate in China in the near future, thus it is imperative to reduce the rate of primary CS as a matter of policy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The uptake of findings from sexual and reproductive health and rights research into policy-making remains a complex and non-linear process. Different models of research utilisation and guidelines to maximise this in policy-making exist, however, challenges still remain for researchers to improve uptake of their research findings and for policy-makers to use research evidence in their work.
    METHODS: A participatory workshop with researchers was organised in November 2017 by the Academic Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy (ANSER) to address this gap. ANSER is a consortium of experienced researchers, some of whom have policy-making experience, working on sexual and reproductive health and rights issues across 16 countries and 5 continents. The experiential learning cycle was used to guide the workshop discussions based on case studies and to encourage participants to focus on key lessons learned. Workshop findings were thematically analysed using specific stages from Hanney et al.\'s (Health Res Policy Syst 1:2, 2003) framework on the place of policy-making in the stages of assessment of research utilisation and outcomes.
    RESULTS: The workshop identified key strategies for translating research into policy, including joint agenda-setting between researchers and policy-makers, as well as building trust and partnerships with different stakeholders. These were linked to stages within Hanney et al.\'s framework as opportunities for engaging with policy-makers to ensure uptake of research findings.
    CONCLUSIONS: The engagement of stakeholders during the research development and implementation phases, especially at strategic moments, has a positive impact on uptake of research findings. The strategies and stages described in this paper can be applied to improve utilisation of research findings into policy development and implementation globally.






