Reproductive Rights

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This scoping review addresses the potential maternal health outcomes of abortion restrictions in the U.S. by studying and analyzing the reported effects of abortion bans or limitations globally. The goal was to examine the medical implications for pregnant women who are unable to abort fetuses that have severe medical anomalies due to imposed restrictions. EMBASE, Medline, and CINAHL databases were searched for studies published in English concerning the medical implications of abortion restrictions in any country prior to the overturn of Roe v. Wade in 2022. For the search criteria using Boolean operators, keywords included the terms \"fetal anomaly,\" \"abortion ban,\" and \"implications.\" Inclusion criteria incorporated studies published between 1980 and 2021, and controlled experimental research studies aimed to evaluate interventions were excluded. This resulted in 469 records initially found. Duplicate records were removed, and two separate tier reviews were conducted. Eleven reviewers independently screened abstracts and titles of 332 records to ascertain eligibility. Eligibility included pregnant women diagnosed with fetal anomalies, women denied access to safe abortions, and the maternal and fetal medical impacts of this. Three reviewers in the second screening independently read 36 full articles to further assess eligibility, resulting in 14 articles in the final review. Findings from this study showed that abortion bans in countries around the world have led to health complications in women seeking illegal abortion services, a decline in maternal mental health, including stress and depression, various medical complications such as obstructed labor, and an increase in high-risk fetuses born with severe deficits. The findings of this review portend similar negative consequences to be experienced by women who are subject to stricter abortion laws in the U.S.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review aims to disclose the gaps and needs for acknowledging the rights to experience motherhood of women with disabilities. To do so, we map how much is known about these women\'s experience with motherhood, shedding light on their sexual and reproductive rights. The present work followed the scoping review by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). This research is structured by elaborating the question, identifying the relevant studies, selecting the studies, extracting the data, sorting, summarizing, and creating reports based on the results. Results: we found 1050 articles, of which 53 were selected for the analysis. considering the different themes, we generated three axes: (1) infantilization, dehumanization, and discredit in the experience of motherhood; (2) obstetric ableism - an expression of violence in obstetrics; (3) reproductive justice - politicize motherhood and care. The study showed the urgent need to regard women with disabilities as people having the right to make sexual and reproductive health choices. Health professionals need permanent education to acknowledge and guarantee such a need as interweaving relationships to reach decision-making and autonomy.
    Nesta revisão, buscamos identificar lacunas e necessidades para o reconhecimento do direito das mulheres com deficiência ao exercício da maternidade. Objetivamos mapear o conhecimento referente às experiências com a maternidade dessas mulheres, ressaltando a produção de conhecimento relacionada aos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos. Realizamos uma revisão de escopo conforme o Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). A pesquisa se sustentou na: formulação da questão; identificação dos estudos relevantes; seleção dos estudos; extração de dados; separação, sumarização e relatório dos resultados. Resultados: identificamos 1.050 artigos e selecionamos 53 para análise. A separação dos temas convergentes gerou três eixos: (1) infantilização, desumanização e descrédito na experiência da maternidade; (2) capacitismo obstétrico: uma expressão da violência obstétrica; (3) justiça reprodutiva: politizar a maternidade e o cuidado. Concluímos pela urgência de considerar as mulheres com deficiência com direitos de escolhas nas questões referentes à sua saúde sexual e reprodutiva. Os profissionais de saúde precisam de educação permanente para reconhecer e garantir as necessidades como relações de interdependência para decisões e autonomia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Within the sub-Saharan African region, there is a growing concern for sexual and reproductive health and rights communication, and more particularly, for adolescents. Given the existing barriers associated with face-to-face access, the need to use digital media to access information and services has become desirable and imperative, especially so due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in sub-Saharan Africa, a synthesis of evidence that informs adolescents\' digital media engagements for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) communication is limited. This systematic review therefore aims to examine and synthesize evidence on use of digital media for sexual and reproductive health and rights communication by adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa.
    METHODS: A search for peer-reviewed articles will be conducted in PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, PsychINFO and Google Scholar with emphasis on those published between 2000 and 2023. Only observational and qualitative studies will be included. Quality assessment of included articles will be done using standardized checklists from the Joanna Briggs Institute. Both descriptive and narrative summaries will be used to appraise evidence from included studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review will be essential in providing information on the types of digital media adolescents use, the various SRHR issues they use this platform to address and their reasons for using it and associated challenges. It will also contribute to the advocacy for the inclusion of these technologies in the teaching and learning, provision of and access to SRHR information and services by teachers, public health providers and peer educators in the subregion.
    BACKGROUND: PROSPERO CRD42020211491. This protocol follows the PRISMA-P guidelines for reporting systematic reviews.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    (1) Background: Access to abortion care is a crucial reproductive health right. Refugees and migrants may have restricted access to and utilisation of abortion care, associated with histories of displacement, precarious migrant and citizenship status and difficulty navigating unfamiliar host country healthcare systems. However, there is limited evidence on the abortion experiences and perspectives of refugees and migrants. Moreover, existing research has not been synthesised to identify trends informing sexual and reproductive care access among this marginalised population. This systematic review aimed to address this gap in the cumulative evidence on refugee and migrant experiences and perspectives of abortion in host countries. (2) Methods: Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we searched the following databases for studies on refugee and migrant abortion attitudes, decision making and experiences: Embase, Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, Sociological Abstracts, and Scopus. We also searched the grey literature on the same. Inclusion criteria specified qualitative studies involving migrant and/or refugee populations, examining their abortion experiences, attitudes or perspectives, written in English, published between January 2000 and December 2022. Two reviewers screened titles, abstracts and full-text articles, resulting in 27 articles included in the review, following consensus checks by two co-authors. The included studies were assessed for methodological quality using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool. (3) Results: Abortion was stigmatised and generally considered impermissible and undesirable. However, participants discussed socioculturally determined \'exceptions\' to this, positing circumstances where abortion was acceptable. There were striking differences in experiences between participants in higher-income settings and those in lower- and middle-income settings. Difficulties accessing care were ubiquitous but were heightened in lower-resource settings and among participants with precarious citizenship, financial and legal statuses. (4) Conclusions: The findings highlight the need for an international convention to guide policy and programming that acknowledges the specific abortion requirements of migrant and refugee communities, with attention to their financial, legal and social precarity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laws and regulations provide the framework for implementing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)-related policies, programmes and services. They can promote the fulfilment of health and human rights; however, they may also limit the achievement of these goals. This study uses data collected under Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 5.6.2 to analyse SRHR-related laws and restrictions from 153 countries. Looking beyond the existence of supportive laws to assess the constellation of legal restrictions and contradictions such as criminalisation and plural legal systems provides a more nuanced understanding of factors involved in achieving full and equal access to SRHR.The interaction between restrictions and contradictions within the law disproportionately impacts some populations\' health access and outcomes. Restrictions based on third-party authorisations and age are the most common restriction types, disproportionately impacting young women. Contraception, emergency contraception and abortion face the greatest number of restrictions, indicating a significant layering of barriers to family planning services. Further, plural legal systems commonly contradict guarantees of contraceptive services and emergency contraception. Our analyses suggest that one of the populations most affected by restrictions to SRH services as they appear in legal and regulatory frameworks is adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa seeking abortion or contraceptive services.Study findings provide a critical starting point for advocacy to address legal barriers to SRH services and evidence for future policy and programming. For individual countries, this study can serve as a model for analysis of their own legal and regulatory frameworks to identify priority areas for reform efforts.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Women with disabilities face increased precarity throughout their lives, with one of the most affected areas being their sexual and reproductive health. The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the scientific literature on obstetric violence against women with disabilities. The search was conducted from August to October 2022 in five databases: PubMed, Web of Science, Dialnet, SciELO, and Scopus. A total of 194 articles were retrieved, and after applying selection criteria, ten articles were analyzed. Through thematic analysis, the dimension \"ableist obstetric violence towards women with disabilities\" emerged. Findings suggest that women with disabilities are marginalized during obstetric care, resulting in untimely attention and cascading interventions. At present, there is scarce literature addressing this phenomenon from a rights-based perspective. Urgent measures are needed to train healthcare teams on the provision of care to people with disabilities. Additionally, it is crucial to critically examine the relationship between healthcare personnel and institutions to women with disabilities within the framework of their sexual and reproductive rights.
    Las mujeres con discapacidad se ven enfrentadas a una mayor precariedad a lo largo de sus vidas. Una de las áreas más afectadas es su salud sexual y reproductiva. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar y analizar la literatura sobre violencia obstétrica en mujeres con discapacidad. La búsqueda se realizó durante los meses de agosto a octubre de 2022 en cinco bases de datos: PubMed; Web of Science; Dialnet; SciELO y Scopus. Se recuperaron 194 artículos y luego de aplicar los criterios de selección se analizaron diez artículos. Del análisis temático, emergió la dimensión: “violencia obstétrica capacitista hacia mujeres con discapacidad”. Los hallazgos sugieren que las mujeres con discapacidad son invisibilizadas durante la atención obstétrica, lo que genera un cuidado inoportuno e intervenciones en cascada. Existe escasa literatura que aborde el fenómeno desde una perspectiva de derechos. Es urgente contar con equipos de salud aptos para atender a personas con discapacidad, así como también, problematizar el vínculo entre el personal e instituciones de salud y las mujeres con discapacidad en el marco de sus derechos sexuales y reproductivos.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Frontline workers for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) provide life-changing and life-saving services to millions of people every year. From accompanying the pregnant, delivering babies and caring for the newborn to supporting those subjected to sexual violence; from treating debilitating infections to expanding contraceptive choices; from enabling access to safe abortion services to countering homophobia: all over the world frontline SRHR carers and advocates make it possible for so many more to experience dignity in sex, sexuality and reproduction. Yet they are also subjected to hostility for what they do, for whom they provide care, for where they work and for the issues they address. From ostracistion and harassment in the workplace to verbal threats and physical violence, hostilities can extend even into their private lives. In other words, as SRHR workers seek to fulfil the human rights of others, their own human rights are put at risk. Yet, as grave as that is, it is a reality largely undocumented and thus also underestimated. This scoping review sets out to marshal what is known about how hostilities against frontline SRHR workers manifest, against whom, at whose hands and in which contexts. It is based on review of six sources: peer-reviewed and grey literature, news reports, sector surveys, and consultations with sector experts and, for contrast, literature issued by opposition groups. Each source contributes a partial picture only, yet taken together, they show that hostilities against frontline SRHR workers are committed the world over-in a range of countries, contexts and settings. Nevertheless, the narratives given in those sources more often treat hostilities as \'one-off\', exceptional events and/or as an \'inevitable\' part of daily work to be tolerated. That works in turn both to divorce such incidents from their wider historical, political and social contexts and to normalise the phenomena as if it is an expected part of a role and not a problem to be urgently addressed. Our findings confirm that the SRHR sector at large needs to step-up its response to such reprisals in ways more commensurate with their scale and gravity.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Iran has witnessed three major reversals of population policies since their inception in the 1960s. In response to a rapid decline in fertility to very low levels, the latest policy shift has led to the development of legislation that aims to encourage marriage and fertility, particularly the \"Youthful Population and Protection of the Family\" law approved in 2021. This study reviews the changes in population policy and their interrelations with fertility trends, focusing mainly on the shift towards pronatalist policies since 2005, and accompanying restriction of reproductive health and family planning services. Combining international and national sources, we position the new pronatalist drive in the country within the broader trend of government attempts to reverse fertility decline and promote conservative family values. Our study has three main aims. (1) We provide an overview of fertility trends, policy discourses and policy shifts in the context of the changes in the societal and political structures of Iran during the last half a century. (2) We highlight and discuss the most problematic features of the new Family Law, especially the legislation pertaining to maternal and reproductive health, access to abortion and contraception, and incentives supporting earlier marriage and higher fertility. (3) We discuss the likely consequences of the new legislation for maternal and child health and sexual and reproductive rights, for women in general, and the country\'s socio-economic disparities. As well as violating reproductive rights, the new policy is unlikely to achieve its aim of initiating a sustained rise in fertility in Iran.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are approximately 231,000 women detained daily within the nation\'s jail and prison systems with women of color making up nearly half of those experiencing incarceration. The purpose of this scoping review was to synthesize the literature on the reproductive autonomy of Black women influenced by incarceration, using the three tenets of reproductive justice.
    We searched PubMed, CINAHL, SocINDEX, and PsycINFO for research related to reproductive justice written in English and published in the United States from 1980 to 2022. A review of 440 article titles and abstracts yielded 32 articles for full-text review; nine articles met inclusion.
    Eight addressed Tenet 1; five mentioned Tenet 2; none addressed Tenet 3. Recognition of the influence of incarceration on the reproductive autonomy of Black women is limited.
    The findings from this review suggest a need to address (a) reproductive choice, (b) support goals, and (c) support of justice-involved Black women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current fertility preservation options are limited for cancer survivor patients who wish to have their own biological children. Human in vitro gametogenesis (IVG) has the hypothetical ability to offer a unique solution to individuals receiving treatment for cancer which subsequently shortens their reproductive lifespan. Through a simple skin punch biopsy, a patient\'s fertility could be restored via reprogramming of dermal fibroblast cells to induced pluripotent stem cells, then from primordial germ cell-like cells into viable oocytes and spermatocytes which could be used for embryogenesis. Induced pluripotent stem cells could also be used to form in vitro environments, similar to the ovary or testes, necessary for the maturation of oogonia. This would allow for the entire creation of embryos outside the body, ex vivo. While this area in stem cell biology research offers the potential to revolutionize reproduction as we know it, there are many critical barriers, both scientific and ethical, that need to be overcome to one day see this technology utilized clinically.





