Mating system

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    More than 80% of the world\'s populations are at risk of vector-borne diseases, with mosquito-borne diseases as a significant global public health problem. Mosquito populations control is critical to interrupting the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases. This review summarizes the physical attributes, smell, vision, touch, and hearing of mosquitoes to unravel the preferences of female mosquitoes, and describes the mechanisms underlying the best male mating by female mosquitoes, so as to provide new insights into management of mosquito-borne diseases.
    [摘要] 全球80%以上的人口面临病媒传播疾病风险, 其中蚊媒传染病是全球核心公共卫生问题之一。阻止蚊媒传染 病传播的关键是控制蚊虫。本文从蚊虫体型、嗅觉、视觉、触觉和听觉等方面阐述雌蚊的择偶偏好, 探究雌蚊选择最佳雄配的机制, 为蚊媒传染病的控制提供新思路。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant reproductive ecology is one of the research hotspots in ecology. With the increasing attention paid to the conservation of plant diversity, the research on reproductive characteristics and flowering biological characteristics of more species has attracted more attention. However, plant reproduction is affected by multiple interacting factors such as pollen limitation and resource availability. Vitex negundo var. heterophylla (Franch.) Rehder (Lamiaceae) is a significant species for water and soil conservation. Previous studies have revealed its mating system by the biological characteristics of flowering and SSR markers, but its reproductive strategies remain to be further studied. We evaluated reproductive success through artificial pollination to explore the reproductive characteristics of V. negundo var. heterophylla for the first time. From the results of fruit set, there is a mixed mating system dominated by outcrossing in V. negundo var. heterophylla accompanied by self-compatibility, and it cannot carry out autonomous selfing. Our data show the pollinator-mediated interaction in the success of reproduction, whereas the effect of anemophily is very weak. And the seed germination rate of inbred line progenies was lower than that of hybrid progenies, which is suspected to be caused by inbreeding depression. The research will provide scientific information for the protection and conservation of V. negundo var. heterophylla from the point of view of reproduction. In sum, the results are necessary to protect animal vectors in the background of insect decline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Himalayan marmot Marmota himalayana is widely distributed across the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and lives in social groups, yet the mating system of this highly social marmot species is unknown. In this study, the genetic mating system of Himalayan marmots was investigated using microsatellite markers to determine which mating strategies individuals employ. Results revealed that both monogamous and polygamous mating relationships occur in our study population, indicating that the genetic mating system of this marmot species is promiscuity. This study presents the first genetic evidence on the mating system for Himalayan marmots, yet indicates that further studies employing both a genetic and behavioral framework are needed to better understand the social structure and reproductive biology of this marmot species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alternation of generations in plant life cycle provides a biological basis for natural selection occurring in either the gametophyte or the sporophyte phase or in both. Divergent biphasic selection could yield distinct evolutionary rates for phase-specific or pleiotropic genes. Here, we analyze models that deal with antagonistic and synergistic selection between alternative generations in terms of the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous divergence (Ka/Ks). Effects of biphasic selection are opposite under antagonistic selection but cumulative under synergistic selection for pleiotropic genes. Under the additive and comparable strengths of biphasic allelic selection, the absolute Ka/Ks for the gametophyte gene is equal to in outcrossing but smaller than, in a mixed mating system, that for the sporophyte gene under antagonistic selection. The same pattern is predicted for Ka/Ks under synergistic selection. Selfing reduces efficacy of gametophytic selection. Other processes, including pollen and seed flow and genetic drift, reduce selection efficacy. The polymorphism (πa) at a nonsynonymous site is affected by the joint effects of selfing with gametophytic or sporophytic selection. Likewise, the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous polymorphism (πa/πs) is also affected by the same joint effects. Gene flow and genetic drift have opposite effects on πa or πa/πs in interacting with gametophytic and sporophytic selection. We discuss implications of this theory for detecting natural selection in terms of Ka/Ks and for interpreting the evolutionary divergence among gametophyte-specific, sporophyte-specific, and pleiotropic genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Socially monogamous birds may break up their partnership by a so-called \'divorce\' behaviour. Divorce rates vary immensely across avian taxa that have a predominantly monogamous social mating system. Although various factors associated with divorce have been tested, broad-scale drivers of divorce rate remain contentious. Moreover, the influence of sexual roles in divorce still needs further investigation because of the conflicting interests of males and females over mating and fertilization. Here, we applied phylogenetic comparative methods to analyse one of the largest datasets ever compiled that included divorce rates from published studies of 186 avian species from 25 orders and 61 families. We tested correlations between divorce rate and a group of factors: \'promiscuity\' of both sexes (propensity to polygamy), migration distance and adult mortality. Our results showed that only male promiscuity, but not female promiscuity, had a positive relationship with divorce rate. Furthermore, migration distance was positively correlated with divorce rate, whereas adult mortality rate showed no direct relationship with divorce rate. These findings indicated that divorce might not be a simple adaptive (by sexual selection) or non-adaptive strategy (by accidental loss of a partner) in birds but it could be a mixed response to sexual conflict and stress from the ambient environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introgressive hybridization is widespread in wild plants and has important consequences. However, frequent hybridization between species makes the estimation of the species\' phylogeny challenging, and little is known about the genomic landscape of introgression as it results from complex interactions of multiple evolutionary processes. Here, we reconstructed the phylogeny of ten wild diploid strawberries with whole genome resequencing data and then investigated the influence of recombination rate variation on phylogeny and introgression. We found that genomic regions with low recombination showed reduced levels of incomplete lineage sorting and introgression, and concentrated phylogenetic signals, thus contributing to the most likely species tree of wild diploid strawberries. We revealed complex and widespread introgression across the genus Fragaria, with an average proportion of approximately 4.1% of the extant genome. Introgression tends to be retained in the regions with high recombination rates and low gene density. Furthermore, we identified four SLF genes under selective sweeps that may play potential roles in the possible regain of self-incompatibility by ancient introgression. Altogether, our study yielded novel insights into the evolutionary history and genomic characteristics of introgression in wild diploid strawberries and provides evidence for the role of introgression in plant mating system transitions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations with deleterious consequences in nature may be conditionally deleterious in crop plants. That is, while some genetic variants may reduce fitness under wild conditions and be subject to purifying selection, they can be under positive selection in domesticates. Such deleterious alleles can be plant breeding targets, particularly for complex traits. The difficulty of distinguishing favorable from unfavorable variants reduces the power of selection, while favorable trait variation and heterosis may be attributable to deleterious alleles. Here, we review the roles of deleterious mutations in crop breeding and discuss how they can be used as a new avenue for crop improvement with emerging genomic tools, including HapMaps and pangenome analysis, aiding the identification, removal, or exploitation of deleterious mutations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ormosia hosiei is a tree species native to China that has been extensively used for ornamental and furniture purposes due to its valued timber. The mating system has substantial impact on genetic diversity and structure of plant natural population. Such information should be considered when planning tree planting for forest restoration. Here we used 12 microsatellite markers and described the mating system of single families and the population genetic diversity of O. hosiei. A high level of genetic diversity was observed in both adults and progenies, although slight differences existed among populations and their progenies, with the expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.763 to 0.794. Overall, O. hosiei displayed a predominantly outcrossed mating. The estimate of multi-locus outcrossing rate (tm) was high with low variations among families, ranged from 0.997 to 1.000. The value of tm-ts, ranged from 0.000 to 0.139, indicated that biparental inbreeding occurred in progenies. Therefore, to obtain a reasonable genetic representation of native tree species and prevent problems associated with inbreeding depression, we suggested effective in situ conservation by replanting seedlings, but seedling production for restoration purposes may require a much larger sampling effort than is currently used. Moreover, it is necessary to conduct further multiple population and multi-year experiments to verify our conclusions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants have evolved various strategies to avoid inbreeding, but the mass flowering displayed by many plants predisposes them to within-plant pollen movements and self-pollination. Mistletoes often aggregate at multiple spatial scales. Their bird pollinators often visit several flowers of the same individual and of others on the same host tree. We hypothesized that hermaphroditic mistletoes have self-incompatibility mechanisms that reduce or prevent selfing. Whether their spatial distribution, affected by host specificity, host distribution, and the behaviour of seed dispersers, influences their mating system and population genetic structure remains unclear. We studied how mating system and spatial distribution affect genetic structure in four populations of the host-generalist mistletoe Dendrophthoe pentandra in southwestern China using microsatellite markers and progeny arrays. We also characterized the fine-scale spatial genetic structure among 166 mistletoes from four host trees in one population. Prevalence and intensity of infection both appeared to vary among host species, strongly affecting the degree of aggregation. Host tree size had a strong effect on infection intensity. Surprisingly, manual pollination experiments indicated that D. pentandra is self-compatible, but genetic analyses revealed that outcrossing rates were higher than expected in all four populations (MLTR tm 0.83-1.20, Bayesian tm 0.772-0.952). Spatial genetic structure was associated with distance between host trees but not at shorter scales (within hosts). Our results demonstrate that the combination of bird pollination, bird-mediated seed dispersal, and post-dispersal processes result in outcrossing and maintain relatively high diversity in the presence of biparental inbreeding, despite very high local densities and possible self-compatibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delimiting species requires multiple sources of evidence. Here, we delimited two varieties of Halenia elliptica (Gentianaceae) using several lines of evidence, including morphological traits and mating system in a sympatric population, phylogenetic relationships based on nrITS and cpDNA (rpl16) data, and complete chloroplast genome sequences. Comparative analysis of 21 morphological traits clearly separates the two varieties of H. elliptica. Examination of the flowering process and pollination treatments indicate that H. elliptica var. grandiflora produces seeds via outcrossing, whereas H. elliptica var. elliptica produces seeds via mixed mating. Furthermore, hand-pollinated hybridization of the two varieties produced no seeds. Observations of pollinators showed that when bees began a pollination bout on H. elliptica var. grandiflora they preferred to continue pollinating this variety; however, when they began a pollination bout on H. elliptica var. elliptica, they showed no preference for either variety. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the monophyly of H. elliptica, which was further divided into two monophyletic clades corresponding to the two varieties. A large number of variants from the chloroplast genomes reflected remarkable genetic dissimilarities between the two varieties of H. elliptica. We recommend that the two varieties of H. elliptica should be revised as two species (H. elliptica and H. grandiflora). Our findings indicate that H. elliptica varieties may have split into two separate species due to a shift in mating system, changes in flowering phenology and/or post-pollination reproductive isolation.





