Mating system

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relative frequency of sexual versus asexual reproduction governs the distribution of genetic diversity within and among populations. Most studies on the consequences of reproductive variation focus on the mating system (i.e., selfing vs. outcrossing) of diploid-dominant taxa (e.g., angiosperms), often ignoring asexual reproduction. Although reproductive systems are hypothesized to be correlated with life-cycle types, variation in the relative rates of sexual and asexual reproduction remains poorly characterized across eukaryotes. This is particularly true among the three major lineages of macroalgae (green, brown, and red). The Rhodophyta are particularly interesting, as many taxa have complex haploid-diploid life cycles that influence genetic structure. Though most marine reds have separate sexes, we show that freshwater red macroalgae exhibit patterns of switching between monoicy and dioicy in sister taxa that rival those recently shown in brown macroalgae and in angiosperms. We advocate for the investigation of reproductive system evolution using freshwater reds, as this will expand the life-cycle types for which these data exist, enabling comparative analyses broadly across eukaryotes. Unlike their marine cousins, species in the Batrachospermales have macroscopic gametophytes attached to filamentous, often microscopic sporophytes. While asexual reproduction through monospores may occur in all freshwater reds, the Compsopogonales are thought to be exclusively asexual. Understanding the evolutionary consequences of selfing and asexual reproduction will aid in our understanding of the evolutionary ecology of all algae and of eukaryotic evolution generally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gamete size variation between the sexes is central to the concept of sex roles, however, to what extent gamete size variation within the sexes relates to sex role variation remains unclear. Comparative and theoretical studies suggest that, when clutch size is invariable, polyandry is linked to a reduction of egg size, while increased female-female competition for mates favors early breeding when females cannot monopolize multiple males. To understand whether and how breeding phenology, egg size, and mating behavior are related at the individual level, we studied the reproductive histories of 424 snowy plover females observed in the wild over a 15-year period. Egg size, but not polyandry, were highly repeatable for individual females. Consistent with theoretical predictions, we found that polyandrous females were the earliest breeders and that early clutches contained smaller eggs than clutches initiated later. Neither egg size nor mating behavior showed clear signs of an age-related deterioration, on the contrary, prior experience acquired either through age or local recruitment enabled females to nest early. Taken together, these results suggest that gamete size variation is not linked to mating behavior at the individual level, and, consequently, the adaptive potential of such variation appears to be limited.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To avoid inbreeding depression, plants have evolved diverse breeding systems to favor outcrossing, such as self-incompatibility. However, changes in biotic and abiotic conditions can result in selective pressures that lead to a breakdown in self-incompatibility. The shift to increased selfing is commonly associated with reduced floral features, lower attractiveness to pollinators, and increased inbreeding. We tested the hypothesis that the loss of self-incompatibility, a shift to self-fertilization (autogamy), and concomitant evolution of the selfing syndrome (reduction in floral traits associated with cross-fertilization) will lead to increased inbreeding and population differentiation in Oenothera primiveris. Across its range, this species exhibits a shift in its breeding system and floral traits from a self-incompatible population with large flowers to self-compatible populations with smaller flowers.
    We conducted a breeding system assessment, evaluated floral traits in the field and under controlled conditions, and measured population genetic parameters using RADseq data.
    Our results reveal a bimodal transition to the selfing syndrome from the west to the east of the range of O. primiveris. This shift includes variation in the breeding system and the mating system, a reduction in floral traits (flower diameter, herkogamy, and scent production), a shift to greater autogamy, reduced genetic diversity, and increased inbreeding.
    The observed variation highlights the importance of range-wide studies to understand breeding system variation and the evolution of the selfing syndrome within populations and species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High levels of genetic variation are often observed in natural populations, suggesting the action of processes such as frequency-dependent selection, heterozygote advantage and variable selection. However, the maintenance of genetic variation in fitness-related traits remains incompletely explained. The extent of genetic variation in obligately self-fertilizing populations of Lobelia inflata (Campanulaceae L.) strongly implies balancing selection. Lobelia inflata thus offers an exceptional opportunity for an empirical test of genotype-environment interaction (G × E) as a variance-maintaining mechanism under fluctuating selection: L. inflata is monocarpic and reproduces only by seed, facilitating assessment of lifetime fitness; genome-wide homozygosity precludes some mechanisms of balancing selection, and microsatellites are, in effect, genotypic lineage markers. Here, we find support for the temporal G × E hypothesis using a manipulated space-for-time approach across four environments: a field environment, an outdoor experimental plot and two differing growth-chamber environments. High genetic variance was confirmed: 83 field-collected individuals consisted of 45 distinct microsatellite lineages with, on average, 4.5 alleles per locus. Rank-order fitness, measured as lifetime fruit production in 16 replicated multilocus genotypes, changed significantly across environments. Phenotypic differences among microsatellite lineages were detected. Results thus support the G × E hypothesis in principle. However, the evaluation of the effect size of this mechanism and fitness effects of life-history traits will require a long-term study of fluctuating selection on labelled genotypes in the field.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tamarins and marmosets (subfamily: Callitrichinae) are members of an ecologically and behaviorally diverse radiation of small-bodied New World monkeys characterized by the production of twin offspring, intense female reproductive competition, reproductive suppression, cooperative infant care and evidence of what has been described as a highly flexible system of mating. In this review, I offer a phylogenetic approach to the study of callitrichine reproduction and mating systems. Beginning with the assumption that Callimico most closely resembles the ancestral tamarin and marmoset condition, I identify a set of primitive callitrichine behavioral and reproductive character states and reconstruct the sequence of derived behavioral and reproductive changes that define the basic social systems of Saguinus, Leontopithecus, Callithrix, and Cebuella. It is proposed that ancestral callitrichines lived in small multimale multifemale groups characterized by 1 or more reproductively active females, a single offspring at birth, rapid postnatal growth, delayed nonmaternal caregiving, and a polygynous mating pattern. The evolution of twinning in the common ancestor of all extant tamarins and marmosets increased the overall costs of infant care, resulting in enhanced female reproductive competition and a greater role for group members in providing for the young. Specialized mechanisms of female reproductive competition appear to have evolved twice in callitrichine evolution. In the lineage leading to Leontopithecus, high levels of female intrasexual aggression and ovulatory synchrony play a primary role in the social control of fertility. In Saguinus, Callithrix, and Cebuella, female reproductive suppression has a stronger physiological basis, resulting in hormonally mediated infertility in subordinate adult females. In addition to having important implications for understanding differences in callitrichine breeding systems, these data suggest that Leontopithecus separated from the callitrichin line prior to the radiation of other tamarin and marmoset taxa. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mating system is a central parameter of plant biology because it shapes their ecological and evolutionary properties. Therefore, determining ecological variables that influence the mating system is important for a deeper understanding of the functioning of plant populations. Here, using old concepts and recent statistical developments, we propose a new statistical tool to make inferences about ecological determinants of outcrossing in natural plant populations. The method requires codominant genotypes of seeds collected from maternal plants within different locations. Using extensive computer simulations, we demonstrated that the method is robust to the issues expected for real-world data, including the Wahlund effect, inbreeding and genotyping errors such as allele dropout and allele misclassification. Furthermore, we showed that the estimates of ecological effects and outcrossing rates can be severely biased if genotyping errors and genetic differentiation are not treated explicitly. Application of the new method to the case study of a dioecious tree (Taxus baccata) allowed revealing that female trees that grow in lower local densities have a greater tendency towards mating with relatives. Moreover, we also demonstrated that biparental inbreeding is higher in populations that are characterized by a longer mean distance between trees and a smaller mean trunk perimeter. We found these results to agree with both the theoretical predictions and the history of English yew.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temperate butterflies of 44 species were examined to determine if their mating system (perching and patrolling) affected flight design. To control for spurious effects due to ancestry, 25 of these species were assigned to eight contrasts within which a change in mating system had occurred. In perching species sexual selection was predicted to favor traits associated with high acceleration ability and speed, while in patrolling species traits associated with flight endurance were predicted. In conformance with these expectations males of perching species had larger thorax/body mass ratios, higher wing loadings, and higher aspect ratios than patrolling species. The male mating system affected females in the same direction in the same variables as males. This could be explained by a genetic correlation with males. When removing the covariance between the sexes, only male design was explained by the mating system. The mating system was also associated with different degrees of sexual dimorphism in wing size. This supported the hypothesis that male design was affected by the mating system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relation between inbreeding depression and rate of self-fertilization was studied in nine natural populations of the annual genus Amsinckia. The study included two clades (phylogenetic lineages) in which small-flowered, homostylous populations or species are believed to have evolved from large-flowered, heterostylous, self-compatible ones. In one lineage the small-flowered species is tetraploid with disomic inheritance. Rates of self-fertilization were 25% to 55% in the four large-flowered, heterostylous populations; 72% in a large-flowered but homostylous population; and greater than 99.5% in the four small-flowered, homostylous populations, which produce seed autonomously. When present, inbreeding depression occurred in the fertility but not the survival components of fitness. Using a cumulative fitness measure incorporating both survival and fertility (flower number), we found inbreeding depression to be lower in the four very highly self-fertilizing populations than in the five intermediate ones. The Spearman rank correlation between inbreeding depression and selfing rate for the nine populations was -0.50, but was not statistically significant (P = 0.12). Inbreeding depression was greater in the two tetraploid populations than in the very highly self-fertilizing, diploid ones. Phenotypic stability of progeny from self-fertilization tended to be higher in populations with lower inbreeding depression. We conclude that levels of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression in Amsinckia are determined more by other factors than by each other. Estimates of mutation rates and dominance coefficients of deleterious alleles, obtained from a companion study of the four highly self-fertilizing populations, suggest that a strong relationship may not be expected. We discuss the relationship of the present results to current theory of the coevolution of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of sexual selection is being revolutionised by the realisation that most populations exhibit some degree of polyandry, i.e. females mating with multiple males. Polyandry can drastically change the operation of sexual selection on males as it reduces the reproductive success that males derive by mating with different females, by forcing their ejaculates to compete for fertilisation after copulation (sperm competition). Variation in polyandry within a population means that the impact of polyandry can differ drastically across males, depending on the polyandry of their own mating partners. Because the patterns through which males share mates within a population may have strong repercussions for variation in male reproductive success, measuring such patterns is critical to study the operation of sexual selection. Several methods have been proposed to measure the pattern of mate sharing at the population level. Here, we develop a new method (sperm competition intensity correlation, SCIC) and compare its performance against two established methods (Newman\'s assortativity and nestedness), using both idealised model populations and random simulated populations, across a range of biologically relevant population parameters: (i) population size, (ii) sex ratio and (iii) the \'mating density\' of the population. We conclude that SCIC may be the most promising approach, as it is both internally consistent and robust across the parameter range. We discuss some important caveats and provide advice regarding the choice of method for future studies of sexual selection.





