Mating system

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mating systems, influenced by the social and ecological environment and individual attributes, are fundamental components of animal social organisation, impacting behaviour, animal distribution, ecosystem processes, individual reproductive success, and population dynamics. Bats are of particular interest for studies of mating systems as they are thought to exhibit a greater diversity in mating systems than any other mammalian order, and thus make great models for improving our fundamental understanding of causes and consequences of social organisation. Here, we review the current knowledge of bat mating systems. Our analyses show that research on bat mating systems has not kept pace with research on bats in general and that traditional typologies do not accommodate the mating system of several species. Therefore, we propose an alternative, functional framework to categorise mating systems of bats and by extension of other taxa. We argue that mating systems can be classified according to a male reproductive skew continuum, with an increasing skew from monogamy to true lekking. We include an additional category of lek-like mating system along the continuum to account for previous trans-categorical cases that have the appearance of resource defence but are functionally akin to a lek. The new framework has a total of seven categories: promiscuity, monogamy, female defence polygyny, resource defence polygyny, a lek-like mating system, exploded classical lek, and clustered classical lek. Applying this framework to bats reveals that lek mating systems are more prevalent in bats than previously recognised. It is our aim that this review and the proposed framework provide a greater understanding of bat mating systems particularly and provoke research into the factors that shape mating systems across animal taxa more generally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Self-fertile Caenorhabditis nematodes carry a surprising number of Medea elements, alleles that act in heterozygous mothers and cause death or developmental delay in offspring that don\'t inherit them. At some loci, both alleles in a cross operate as independent Medeas, affecting all the homozygous progeny of a selfing heterozygote. The genomic coincidence of Medea elements and ancient, deeply coalescing haplotypes, which pepper the otherwise homogeneous genomes of these animals, raises questions about how these apparent gene-drive elements persist for long periods of time. Here I investigate how mating system affects the evolution of Medeas, and their paternal-effect counterparts, peels. Despite an intuition that antagonistic alleles should induce balancing selection by killing homozygotes, models show that, under partial selfing, antagonistic elements experience positive frequency dependence: the common allele drives the rare one extinct, even if the rare one is more penetrant. Analytical results for the threshold frequency required for one allele to invade a population show that a very weakly penetrant allele, one whose effects would escape laboratory detection, could nevertheless prevent a much more penetrant allele from invading under high rates of selfing. Ubiquitous weak antagonistic Medeas and peels could then act as localized barriers to gene flow between populations, generating genomic islands of deep coalescence. Analysis of gene expression data, however, suggest that this cannot be the whole story. A complementary explanation is that ordinary ecological balancing selection generates ancient haplotypes on which Medeas can evolve, while high homozygosity in these selfers minimizes the role of gene drive in their evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inbreeding depression (ID) is a major selective force during mating system evolution primarily contributed by highly to partially recessive deleterious mutations. Theories suggest that transient genetic association with fitness alleles can be important in affecting the evolution of alleles that modify the selfing rate during its sweep. Nevertheless, empirical tests often focus on the pre-existing genetic association between selfing rate and ID maintained under mutation-selection balance. Therefore, how this standing genetic association is affected by key factors and its impacts on the evolution of selfing remain unclear. I show that as the selection coefficient of deleterious mutations increases, the association between selfing rate and ID declines from positive to negative. These results predict that association between selfing and ID tends to be negative in populations with low selfing rates, while positive in highly selfing populations. Using population genetic and quantitative genetic models, I show that standing genetic associations between selfing rate and fitness alleles can significantly impact the evolution of the mean selfing rate of a population. I present better metrics of population-level ID, which can be calculated based on the correlation coefficient between individual selfing rate and the fitness of selfed and outcrossed offspring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Runs of homozygosity (ROHs) are indicative of elevated homozygosity and inbreeding due to mating of closely related individuals. Self-fertilization can be a major source of inbreeding which elevates genome-wide homozygosity and thus should also create long ROHs. While ROHs are frequently used to understand inbreeding in the context of conservation and selective breeding, as well as for consanguinity of populations and their demographic history, it remains unclear how ROH characteristics are altered by selfing and if this confounds expected signatures of inbreeding due to demographic change. Using simulations, we study the impact of the mode of reproduction and demographic history on ROHs. We apply random forests to identify unique characteristics of ROHs, indicative of different sources of inbreeding. We pinpoint distinct features of ROHs that can be used to better characterize the type of inbreeding the population was subjected to and to predict outcrossing rates and complex demographic histories. Using additional simulations and four empirical datasets, two from highly selfing species and two from mixed-maters, we predict the selfing rate and validate our estimations. We find that self-fertilization rates are successfully identified even with complex demography. Population genetic summary statistics improve algorithm accuracy particularly in the presence of additional inbreeding, e.g. from population bottlenecks. Our findings highlight the importance of ROHs in disentangling confounding factors related to various sources of inbreeding and demonstrate situations where such sources cannot be differentiated. Additionally, our random forest models provide a novel tool to the community for inferring selfing rates using genomic data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Males and females often have different roles in reproduction, although the origin of these differences has remained controversial. Explaining the enigmatic reversed sex roles where males sacrifice their mating potential and provide full parental care is a particularly long-standing challenge in evolutionary biology. While most studies focused on ecological factors as the drivers of sex roles, recent research highlights the significance of social factors such as the adult sex ratio. To disentangle these propositions, here, we investigate the additive and interactive effects of several ecological and social factors on sex role variation using shorebirds (sandpipers, plovers, and allies) as model organisms that provide the full spectrum of sex role variation including some of the best-known examples of sex-role reversal. Our results consistently show that social factors play a prominent role in driving sex roles. Importantly, we show that reversed sex roles are associated with both male-skewed adult sex ratios and high breeding densities. Furthermore, phylogenetic path analyses provide general support for sex ratios driving sex role variations rather than being a consequence of sex roles. Together, these important results open future research directions by showing that different mating opportunities of males and females play a major role in generating the evolutionary diversity of sex roles, mating system, and parental care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Theory predicts that organisms should diversify their offspring when faced with a stressful environment. This prediction has received empirical support across diverse groups of organisms and stressors. For example, when encountered by Caenorhabditis elegans during early development, food limitation (a common environmental stressor) induces the nematodes to arrest in a developmental stage called dauer and to increase their propensity to outcross when they are subsequently provided with food and enabled to develop to maturity. Here we tested whether food limitation first encountered during late development/early adulthood can also induce increased outcrossing propensity in C. elegans. Previously well-fed C. elegans increased their propensity to outcross when challenged with food limitation during the final larval stage of development and into early adulthood, relative to continuously well-fed (control) nematodes. Our results thus support previous research demonstrating that the stress of food limitation can induce increased outcrossing propensity in C. elegans. Furthermore, our results expand on previous work by showing that food limitation can still increase outcrossing propensity even when it is not encountered until late development, and this can occur independently of the developmental and gene expression changes associated with dauer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introgression is pervasive across the tree of life but varies across taxa, geography, and genomic regions. However, the factors modulating this variation and how they may be affected by global change are not well understood. Here, we used 200 genomes and a 15-y site-specific environmental dataset to investigate the effects of environmental variation and mating system divergence on the magnitude of introgression between a recently diverged outcrosser-selfer pair of annual plants in the genus Clarkia. These sister taxa diverged very recently and subsequently came into secondary sympatry where they form replicated contact zones. Consistent with observations of other outcrosser-selfer pairs, we found that introgression was asymmetric between taxa, with substantially more introgression from the selfer to the outcrosser. This asymmetry was caused by a bias in the direction of initial F1 hybrid formation and subsequent backcrossing. We also found extensive variation in the outcrosser\'s admixture proportion among contact zones, which was predicted nearly entirely by interannual variance in spring precipitation. Greater fluctuations in spring precipitation resulted in higher admixture proportions, likely mediated by the effects of spring precipitation on the expression of traits that determine premating reproductive isolation. Climate-driven hybridization dynamics may be particularly affected by global change, potentially reshaping species boundaries and adaptation to novel environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant reproductive ecology is one of the research hotspots in ecology. With the increasing attention paid to the conservation of plant diversity, the research on reproductive characteristics and flowering biological characteristics of more species has attracted more attention. However, plant reproduction is affected by multiple interacting factors such as pollen limitation and resource availability. Vitex negundo var. heterophylla (Franch.) Rehder (Lamiaceae) is a significant species for water and soil conservation. Previous studies have revealed its mating system by the biological characteristics of flowering and SSR markers, but its reproductive strategies remain to be further studied. We evaluated reproductive success through artificial pollination to explore the reproductive characteristics of V. negundo var. heterophylla for the first time. From the results of fruit set, there is a mixed mating system dominated by outcrossing in V. negundo var. heterophylla accompanied by self-compatibility, and it cannot carry out autonomous selfing. Our data show the pollinator-mediated interaction in the success of reproduction, whereas the effect of anemophily is very weak. And the seed germination rate of inbred line progenies was lower than that of hybrid progenies, which is suspected to be caused by inbreeding depression. The research will provide scientific information for the protection and conservation of V. negundo var. heterophylla from the point of view of reproduction. In sum, the results are necessary to protect animal vectors in the background of insect decline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climates are changing rapidly, demanding equally rapid adaptation of natural populations. Whether sexual selection can aid such adaptation is under debate; while sexual selection should promote adaptation when individuals with high mating success are also best adapted to their local surroundings, the expression of sexually selected traits can incur costs. Here we asked what the demographic consequences of such costs may be once climates change to become harsher and the strength of natural selection increases. We first adopted a classic life history theory framework, incorporating a trade-off between reproduction and maintenance, and applied it to the male germline to generate formalized predictions for how an evolutionary history of strong postcopulatory sexual selection (sperm competition) may affect male fertility under acute adult heat stress. We then tested these predictions by assessing the thermal sensitivity of fertility (TSF) in replicated lineages of seed beetles maintained for 68 generations under three alternative mating regimes manipulating the opportunity for sexual and natural selection. In line with the theoretical predictions, we find that males evolving under strong sexual selection suffer from increased TSF. Interestingly, females from the regime under strong sexual selection, who experienced relaxed selection on their own reproductive effort, had high fertility in benign settings but suffered increased TSF, like their brothers. This implies that female fertility and TSF evolved through genetic correlation with reproductive traits sexually selected in males. Paternal but not maternal heat stress reduced offspring fertility with no evidence for adaptive transgenerational plasticity among heat-exposed offspring, indicating that the observed effects may compound over generations. Our results suggest that trade-offs between fertility and traits increasing success in postcopulatory sexual selection can be revealed in harsh environments. This can put polyandrous species under immediate risk during extreme heat waves expected under future climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Argyreia versicolor and Argyreia mekongensis are extremely rare plant species. The former had not been seen for nearly 100 years until two individuals were found in Thailand in 2018, and only a handful of populations are known for the latter. The aims of this study were to examine the breeding systems of A. versicolor and A. mekongensis using pollination experiments and to determine their potential pollinators via floral observations. Our controlled pollination experiments uncovered the self-incompatibility of both species. Pollinator censuses indicated that females of two carpenter bee species, Xylocopa aestuans and Xylocopa latipes, were the predominant floral visitors for both Argyreia species. Our observations confirmed a harmonious match between the floral shape of both Argyreia species and the body sizes of these pollinators, ensuring effective pollen transfer and validating their role as putative pollinators. In line with the high frequency of pollinator visits observed, our controlled pollination experiments found no evidence of pollen limitation under field conditions. The findings of this study hold significance for the conservation of these endangered species, yet the situation is dire for A. versicolor, with one of the two individuals under study recently lost. Hence, it is crucial to intensify monitoring efforts for the species, aiming to identify additional individuals for potential inclusion in an ex-situ conservation program. Simultaneously, safeguarding the habitat of these plant species and their pollinators will be critical.





