
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A prevalent overuse injury among athletes, especially to those participating in sports like volleyball that demand repeated overhead motions, is biceps tendinopathy. The painful condition known as biceps brachii tendinopathy is characterized by changes in the structure of the tendon together with chronic degeneration. Furthermore, the biceps aid in the acceleration and deceleration of the arm in numerous overhead sports. The biceps may experience excessive strain as a result of poor training or exhaustion. It is commonly known that the long head of the biceps tendon plays a significant role in producing pain, particularly when it comes to anterior shoulder discomfort and dysfunction in athletes and working people. Athletes\' biceps tendon conditions fall into three broad categories: degeneration, instability, and abnormalities that are of source. This case details the use of kettlebell eccentric exercise and kinesio taping in the rehabilitation of a young volleyball player with biceps tendinopathy. The four primary aspects of the rehabilitation regimen were kinesio taping, pain management and rest, eccentric training with kettlebells, and initial assessment and patient education. Kettlebell eccentric training was used to enhance eccentric strength and encourage tendon remodeling, and kinesio taping was used to give pain relief and structural stability. This case study emphasizes the value of an all-encompassing rehabilitation strategy catered to the unique requirements of every athlete by demonstrating the effectiveness of kinesio taping and eccentric exercise with kettlebells in the treatment of biceps tendinopathy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Volleyball players with supraspinatus tendinopathy commonly present with a spectrum of symptoms, including shoulder pain, especially during the overhead phases of the game. They may experience pain during serves, spikes, or attempting to block at the net. Weakness in the affected shoulder and limited range of motion can impede performance and overall playing experience. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in managing supraspinatus tendinopathy, focusing on reducing pain, improving shoulder joint range and function, and preventing recurrence. The research question arises as to how the rehabilitation process impacts the recovery and performance outcomes in a volleyball athlete with supraspinatus impingement which is explained as detailed in a case report. The present case is a 21-year-old male volleyball athlete complaining of pain in the anterolateral and posterior aspects of the right shoulder joint and a restricted range of motion while doing abduction and flexion at the shoulder joint for three months. After the orthopedic physical assessment, the patient was diagnosed with supraspinatus tendinopathy. This case report introduces an exact understanding of the rehabilitation tailored specifically to volleyball athletes with supraspinatus impingement.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Structural muscle injuries are characterized by acute and localized onset of pain. Abdominal muscle injuries are an insidious pathology in overhead athletes. However, only a few cases are reported in literature related to volleyball players, where clinical presentation may not have reflected the severity of the lesion.
    METHODS: An elite volleyball player, a 21-year-old Caucasian female, reported the onset of mild abdominal muscular pain, confirmed on clinical evaluation findings and self-reported symptoms. Abdominal muscle ultrasound was performed following 2 weeks of continuing symptoms. This evidenced a more serious structural muscle injury of the rectus abdominis (type 3b). Having this correct diagnosis allowed a personalized rehabilitation program to be instituted to enable a safe return to play.
    CONCLUSIONS: In presence of persistent abdominal muscle pain, even if mild, the possibility of a structural muscle injury must be considered. Clinical evaluation must be complemented by an instrumental evaluation including an ultrasound by an experienced operator for correct diagnosis and the setting of functional recovery related to biological healing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Group processes are important for promoting relational and performance-related outcomes in sport; however, research exploring emotional and physiological synchrony and performance outcomes is rare. The objective of this study was to examine perceived emotional synchrony, physiological synchrony, and performance among male volleyball players using a naturalistic uncontrolled prospective case study approach over nine practices. Athletes participated in a coach-led pre-practice group visualization routine, while their heart rate and heart rate variability were continuously monitored. Athletes completed post-practice measures of emotional synchrony, and athletes and coaches completed ratings of individual and team performance. Emotional and physiological synchrony were not significantly correlated, but they were differentially related to performance outcomes, and there were significant interaction effects between physiological synchrony and time. Athletes\' ratings of their own and their team\'s performance were associated with their perceived emotional synchrony. Coach performance ratings were associated with pre-practice team physiological synchrony but were unrelated to athletes\' perceived emotional synchrony. Heart rate synchrony was associated with athlete and coach performance ratings and may be important for team dynamics and performance outcomes. The findings demonstrate evidence for emotional and physiological synchrony among athletes, providing a platform for future research examining processes and impacts of synchrony in sport.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The posterior circumflex humeral artery, a branch of the axillary artery, is compressed by the humeral head during repeated abduction and external rotation of the shoulder joint owing to its anatomical structure. This damages the vascular endothelium, resulting in thrombi, arterial dissection, and aneurysms, a condition known as posterior, circumflex humeral artery pathological lesions. A thrombus may form at the site and becomes a peripheral embolus, resulting in peripheral arterial occlusion.A 21-year-old right-handed elite man college volleyball player noticed coldness and pain in his right hand during a game. Cyanosis was present except in the middle finger, and the beating radial artery was palpable; however, the ulnar artery was not. Doppler ultrasound examination revealed thrombus occlusion of the ulnar artery and common palmar artery of the index finger. Peripheral arterial occlusion was diagnosed due to embolization of a thrombus from this site. The patient stopped practicing volleyball immediately after the onset of symptoms and was started on cilostazol 200 mg and rivaroxaban 15 mg. Subjective coldness of the fingers improved one week after the start of treatment. The patient resumed practice four weeks after the start of treatment and participated in a game by the seventh week.Posterior circumflex humeral artery pathological lesions are caused by overhead motions such as pitching. They are most commonly reported in athletes playing volleyball, although rare, and many cases of aneurysm formation have been reported.Observing a cold sensation in the periphery after practice is necessary for screening.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shoulder range of motion (ROM) adaptation is common observed among volleyball players, but studies on the shoulder joint function of adolescent athletes are lacking. This study aimed to clarify the prevalence of glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) among adolescent players and differences in ROM based on sex. A questionnaire survey and ROM measurements of the shoulder joint and trunk using a plastic goniometer were conducted on 123 volleyball players (63 males and 60 females; mean age, 15.8 years). The prevalence of GIRD was investigated for internal rotation differences of >10° and total rotation motion of <5°. Questionnaire items and ROM were compared between GIRD and non-GIRD patients, and sex differences in ROM were also presented. Of the participants, 38.2% (n = 47/123) had GIRD. The GIRD group showed a decrease in external rotation on the dominant side (p = 0.003, 1 − beta = 0.84), but this was not associated with a history of shoulder injury. Sex differences in shoulder ROM showed hypomobility in males and hypermobility in females. However, there was no association between shoulder injury and GIRD among adolescent players. There are sex differences in ROM, which should be considered in future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individual and team performance can be improved by utilizing \"smart\" devices and applications that are connected through networks. In sports, the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to all of the \"smart\" devices and applications linked through networks to reduce injuries to the bare minimum, develop advanced training techniques, and apply analytical advanced sports improvement methodologies to improve sports performance in general. The Internet of Things (IoT) in sports is closely related to the objective of both security and privacy in sports, which has become a topic of crucial concern for the sports business in recent years, as evidenced by the adoption of IoT in sports years. For this reason, security flaws can have catastrophic consequences, including the disclosure of personal data, the manipulation of statistical findings, the harming of organizations\' reputations, and enormous financial losses for the sporting organization. One or more of the consequences, as previously mentioned, is related to sports organizations and the athletes who are members of those organizations, and they have a direct impact on the corresponding set of sports-related, medical-related, and paramedical enterprises, specifically those that provide specialized sports equipment and associated services. A critical need to detect and quantify threats has long been recognized to better support decision-making when adopting or constructing a safe and reliable sports Internet-of-Things infrastructure, which is becoming increasingly common. Using advanced machine learning algorithms, this research provides a methodology for technology optimization in cybersecurity defenses that is then used in a unique case study utilizing volleyball players to demonstrate its effectiveness. In conjunction with a Monte Carlo optimization technique, an upgraded variant of fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) is presented in greater detail. This model is utilized for a specific scenario of risk identification of volleyball industry, assessment, and optimization for IoT sports networks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: Although emerging research has explored the development of coach education curricula, coach learning and how a deep learning approach can be made accessible to aspiring coaches, the study of coach educators\' scaffolding of micro-pedagogies in action remains a missing link in the field. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore scaffolding strategies adopted by an experienced coach educator to encourage aspiring coaches to adopt an active approach to learning. Method: A case-study was conducted for a full semester of twelve practical lessons in the unit \"Sports Methodology I-Volleyball\" of a renowned sport sciences coach education program. Multiple data collection sources included participant observation, video and audio recordings, individual interviews with the coach educator and focus group interviews with the aspiring coaches. A thematic analysis was performed, and trustworthiness criteria included data triangulation, crosschecking, and collaborative interpretational analysis. Results: The strategies adopted by the coach educator progressively unfolded throughout three main stages: (i) laying the foundations of a learner-oriented approach; (ii) enhancing personally meaningful learning experiences; and (iii) mediating peer-coaching activities. An intricate interplay was unraveled between the nature and reduction of the support given and the increased responsibility transferred to the aspiring coaches for their active participation in learning experiences. Conclusions: The learner-oriented scaffolding processes employed by the coach educator sought to promote enhanced understanding of game-play problem-solving and the aspiring coaches\' development of a deeper sense of what is required to become a coach through engagement in coaching technical activities and peer-coaching interventions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Low-energy blunt brachial artery injury is very rare and can be easily missed. Moreover, brachial artery injury in an amateur volleyball player is extremely rare. A 33-year-old woman was referred to our emergency department with swelling on her left upper arm after playing volleyball. Paresis or paralysis was not observed. The pulse of the left brachial artery was palpable, but relatively weak. An ultrasound examination and a computed tomography, both, revealed a pseudoaneurysm on the posterior wall of the left brachial artery in the antecubital fossa. A massive hematoma was also observed beneath the artery. The examination ruled out any concomitant injuries such as fracture and dislocation of the joints. An emergency surgery was performed. A hockey stick skin incision was made from the distal brachium to the antecubital fossa. The left brachial artery was detected in the hematoma. A 15 mm-long laceration was observed on the posterior wall of the artery. The condition of the vessel wall around laceration was poor. Therefore, we resected the injured lesions. The defect was so long that the lesion was interposed by a reversed saphenous vein graft. Heparin was administered one day after the surgery, which was later changed to apixaban on the sixth day after the surgery. Apixaban was discontinued after a month post-surgery. During the follow-up period, the patient did not report any complications and the graft was unobstructed.





