tooth wear

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Headache is an illness with high prevalence and adverse effects on quality of life. As oral or dental problems such as pain can trigger or aggravate it, we aimed to investigate and compare oral and dental health status in patients affected with chronic headaches and healthy individuals.
    METHODS: The present case-control study included 60 patients with chronic headaches (case) and 60 healthy individuals (control) in Rasht, Iran. The demographic characteristics and clinical examinations, including decayed/missing/filled teeth (DMF-T) and community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN) indices, as well as bruxism, frequency of tooth brushing and flossing, and maxillary and mandibular tooth wear were recorded in a checklist. Data analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS version 28 at a significance level of 0.05.
    RESULTS: The case group consisted of 25 men (41.7%) and 35 women (58.3%) with an average age of 32.55 ± 6.62 years, while the control group had 27 men (45%) and 33 women (55%) with an average age of 30.95 ± 6.33 years. The study groups were not significantly different in bruxism, frequency of tooth brushing and flossing, DMFT, CPTIN, and maxillary and mandibular tooth wear.
    CONCLUSIONS: It seems that chronic headaches do not significantly affect the oral and dental health of the sufferers. Moreover, it appears that these patients are well aware of the role of oral and dental hygiene in triggering or aggravating the episodes of headaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 30 patients (average age 38 ± 8 years, 77% male, 23% female) with intra-oral scans made at intake and after 3 years, tooth wear progression was measured. With the aid of GeoMagic to superimpose the scans, the maximum difference in height of 64 surfaces was measured per surface. A large variation was found in progression rates between patients, between various teeth in a single mouth, and between surfaces on a single tooth. Tooth wear progression rates are therefore highly individual and can even be very localized. Treatment must therefore be individualized, with an essential role for measuring tooth wear when deciding on the need for restorative treatment.
    Bij 30 patiënten met gebitsslijtage (77% mannelijk, gemiddelde leeftijd 38 ± 8 jaar) werd met behulp van intraorale scans na 3 jaar de slijtage gemeten in de gehele dentitie. Via GeoMagic werden de scans over elkaar heen gelegd waarna op 64 vlakken het grootste hoogteverschil werd gemeten. Hierbij werd een grote variatie gevonden in de slijtagesnelheden tussen patiënten, tussen verschillende gebitselementen in 1 mond en tussen vlakken in 1 gebitselement. Slijtagesnelheden zijn dus zeer individueel en soms zelfs zeer lokaal. Dit betekent dat behandelingen afgestemd moeten worden op de individuele patiënt, waarbij het meten van slijtage een essentieel onderdeel is in het bepalen van de noodzaak tot restauratieve behandeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Tooth wear is a non-pathological loss of hard tissues on the incisal and occlusal tooth surface. In archaeology, the loss of dental tissue through attrition is associated with living opportunities and habits, availability, characteristics and methods of food preparation. In forensics, tooth wear is used to estimate the dental age on cadavers.
    METHODS: For this study, we used an archaeological sample from two sample collections. In this study, tooth wear was compared in archaeological samples of well-preserved maxilla and mandible specimens (n=392) from Croatian coastal and continental populations from Late Antiquity (LA) and the Early Middle Ages (EMA). The computer system VistaMetrix 1.38 was used to analyse the abrasion and attrition of hard dental tissues. The Shapiro-Wilk and chi-square tests were performed for categorical data to test the difference between two historical periods and two geographical locations, while the Kruskal-Wallis test was performed for continuous data.
    RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference in the proportion of tooth wear in total teeth area (P < 0.001) when comparing continental and coastal Croatia in LA and coastal Croatia between LA and EMA (P = 0.006 and P < 0.001, respectively). Samples from coastal Croatia from the LA period had the lowest percentage of tooth wear with a median of 8.35%, while samples from coastal Croatia from the EMA had the highest percentage of tooth wear with a median of 18.26%. Our results generally show greater tooth wear in the EMA period in male subjects.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of the tooth wear research obtained with the Vista Metrix software can contribute to the study of life circumstances and changes that the analysed population has experienced in its historical development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bruxism is a behaviour that has several consequences in an individual\'s life, especially when it starts in childhood. However, bruxism can be a potential protective factor, which is an attribute that reduces the chance of a negative health outcome.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the incidence of sleep bruxism (SB) and dental wear in children and adolescents.
    METHODS: This longitudinal study began in 2014 and 2016 (baseline) with initial 1816 children followed for 5 and 3 years, respectively. The follow-up data collection started in 2019. The diagnosis of SB was parents report (baseline) and self-report (follow-up) due to age groups of each phase, and questions related to symptoms of SB were collected. Five calibrated examiners (kappa >0.7) collected the clinical data. The clinical variables were dental erosion and dental wear. Contextual, individual, behaviour and clinical characteristics were collected. A multilevel logistic regression model was used to investigate the association of contextual, individual, behaviour and clinical characteristics with SB. Poisson regression for repeated measures was performed to evaluate the incidence of SB and dental wear (incidence rate ratio-IRR and confidence interval-95% CI).
    RESULTS: Two hundred and fifty-three children and adolescents answered questionnaires and were clinically examined. The mean age of the follow-up in 2019 was 11.25 years old (±2.19). There was no increase in the incidence of SB (95% CI: 0.74-1.35). Children/adolescents had a 2.2 higher risk to present dental wear (95% CI: 1.89-2.60). SB at the follow-up was associated with the contextual variable, earache, erosion and awake bruxism.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this population, children with SB remained with this behaviour and showed higher dental wear over the years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Information about the use of stone tools in the past is encoded in the wear patterns left on their surface; however, post-depositional processes can modify and obstruct these traces. One aim in the field of lithic functional analysis is to develop methods to detect and quantify these traces on stone tools. The occlusal fingerprint analysis (OFA) is a well-established method in dental wear studies to virtually simulate dental occlusal (contact between teeth) stroke movements and thus locate and quantify the sequential contact between opposing tooth crowns. Reaching across disciplines, we conducted controlled experiments to test the applicability of the OFA method on stone tools to address the challenge of use-wear quantification and localisation, and therefore the identification of post-depositional wear. Our findings reveal a clear overlap between zones of experimentally produced use-wear and OFA-calculated contact areas. We demonstrate OFA as a potential method to generate models of multiscale use-wear that can be used as references on experimental tools to identify post-depositional surface modifications on stone tool artefacts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop and evaluate a fully automated method for visualizing and measuring tooth wear progression using pairs of intraoral scans (IOSs) in comparison with a manual protocol.
    METHODS: Eight patients with severe tooth wear progression were retrospectively included, with IOSs taken at baseline and 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year follow-ups. For alignment, the automated method segmented the arch into separate teeth in the IOSs. Tooth pair registration selected tooth surfaces that were likely unaffected by tooth wear and performed point set registration on the selected surfaces. Maximum tooth profile losses from baseline to each follow-up were determined based on signed distances using the manual 3D Wear Analysis (3DWA) protocol and the automated method. The automated method was evaluated against the 3DWA protocol by comparing tooth segmentations with the Dice-Sørensen coefficient (DSC) and intersection over union (IoU). The tooth profile loss measurements were compared with regression and Bland-Altman plots. Additionally, the relationship between the time interval and the measurement differences between the two methods was shown.
    RESULTS: The automated method completed within two minutes. It was very effective for tooth instance segmentation (826 teeth, DSC = 0.947, IoU = 0.907), and a correlation of 0.932 was observed for agreement on tooth profile loss measurements (516 tooth pairs, mean difference = 0.021mm, 95% confidence interval = [-0.085, 0.138]). The variability in measurement differences increased for larger time intervals.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed automated method for monitoring tooth wear progression was faster and not clinically significantly different in accuracy compared to a manual protocol for full-arch IOSs.
    CONCLUSIONS: General practitioners and patients can benefit from the visualization of tooth wear, allowing quantifiable and standardized decisions concerning therapy requirements of worn teeth. The proposed method for tooth wear monitoring decreased the time required to less than two minutes compared with the manual approach, which took at least two hours.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this in vivo study was to compare total protein present in the salivary films (F) and acquired enamel pellicle (AEP) on eroded and non-eroded surfaces in patients suffering from GORD symptoms with and without GORD diagnosis (GORD, No-GORD). Thirty-nine patients suffering from GORD symptoms and erosive tooth wear on lower first molars and an unaffected posterior occlusal surface in the same quadrant were recruited from Guy\'s hospital, London. Salivary film and AEP were collected from the eroded and uneroded occlusal surfaces, using 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)-soaked filter papers. Total protein concentration was analysed using bicinchoninic acid assay (BCA). Statistical analysis was conducted using Shapiro-Wilk, ANOVA, and Tukey\'s tests (p < 0.05), comparing four GDS sample types and GORD vs. No-GORD groups. The level of significance was set as p < 0.05. Data were compared between eroded and uneroded surfaces in the same patient with GORD symptoms, as well as between those with or without a GORD diagnosis (GORD, No-GORD). The AEP total protein concentration from the eroded [2.17 (0.49) mg/mL] and uneroded surfaces [2.24 (0.66) mg/mL] of the GORD group were statistically significantly lower than those on eroded [3.27 (1.01) mg/mL] and uneroded [3.33 (1.57) mg/mL] surfaces in the No-GORD group (p = 0.007) (p = 0.008), respectively. No statistically significant differences were observed for film and AEP between eroded and uneroded surfaces (p > 0.05).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ornithopod dinosaurs evolved numerous craniodental innovations related to herbivory. Nonetheless, the relationship between occlusion, tooth wear rate, and tooth replacement rate has been neglected. Here, we reconstruct tooth wear rates by measuring tooth replacement rates and tooth wear volumes, and document their dental microwear. We demonstrate that total tooth volume and rates of tooth wear increased steadily during ornithopod evolution, with deeply-nested taxa wearing up to 3360 mm3 of tooth volume/day. Increased wear resulted in asymmetric tooth crown formation with uneven von Ebner line increment width by the Late Jurassic, and in faster tooth replacement rates in multiple lineages by the mid-Cretaceous. Microwear displays a contrasting pattern, with decreasing complexity and pit percentages in deeply-nested and later-occurring taxa. We hypothesize that early ornithopods were browsers and/or frugivores but deeply nested iguanodontians were bulk-feeders, eating tougher, less nutritious plants; these trends correlate with increasing body mass and longer gut passage times.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The present systematic review with a network meta-analysis (NMA) aimed to evaluate the effect of high-power lasers, associated or not with fluoride compounds, to control and prevent Erosive Tooth Wear (ETW).
    METHODS: The review was registered in the PROSPERO (CRD42021242547) and followed the PICO question: P (population): enamel and dentin substrate; I (Intervention): high-power laser irradiation, associated or not with fluoride compounds; C (Control): no-treatment; and O (Outcomes): prevention/control of ETW. The electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, and EMBASE were searched. Two independent reviewers evaluated in vitro and in situ studies. The risk of bias was assessed using the RoBDEMAT tool. The estimated treatment effect derived from direct and indirect comparisons were analyzed and the difference between these effects was calculated based on the data of enamel and dentin surface loss (in μm).
    RESULTS: A total of 179 studies were retrieved and after the exclusion of duplicates, 103 studies had their titles and abstracts evaluated. Thirty-nine studies had their full text analyzed for data extraction (Cohen Kappa = 0.88). For sound enamel, the laser irradiation (L), fluoride application (F) and, the association of treatments (L + F) promoted higher protection than No-Treatment (NT). For eroded enamel, L + F and F did not differ, but both treatments reduced surface loss compared to NT and L. For sound and eroded dentin, treatments with laser increased surface loss.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although a high-power laser has some potential to prevent erosive tooth wear, this effect is not better than that of standard fluoride. The use of laser in the management of dentin erosive wear can be harmful.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The basal macronarian sauropod Europasaurus holgeri is known only from the Late Jurassic of the Langenberg Quarry near Goslar, Lower Saxony, Germany. Europasaurus has been identified as an insular dwarf and shows a clear resemblance to Camarasaurus and Giraffatitan. This study provides a detailed description of the dentition of Europasaurus based on an array of fossils outstanding in their abundance, variety of preservation, and ontogenetic range. Dental morphology for the replacement and functional dentitions, the tooth replacement pattern, and implications for food intake are described for the Europasaurus dentition, which is characterized by broad-crowned teeth. Characteristic features for Europasaurus are the presence of denticles on replacement teeth, the wrinkled enamel, and large wear facets both on the apex and on the carinae of the tooth crowns. The partially articulated skull SNHM-2207-R and isolated tooth rows DfmMh/FV 580.1 and DfmMh/FV 896.7 suggest the presence of strong connective tissue partially covering the teeth. This connective tissue would have provided stability and protection for the teeth. Evidence for this connective tissue include exposed tooth necks, in-situ teeth with strongly resorbed roots which no longer would have been connected to the jaw bone, and wrinkled enamel and its surface pattern. The same features can be observed in other sauropod taxa as well. We therefore suggest that eusauropods in general possessed this connective tissue structure, which may be an autapomorphy of the group. Possibly, this hypothetical structure is homologous to the rhamphotheca in birds and some non-avian theropods, which, however rarely, show such a close integration of keratinous tissue and teeth that we hypothesize here.





