sexual assault

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Patients often present to emergency departments after potential or confirmed exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) asking for recommendations concerning the initiation of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). These presentations may occur after occupational as well as non-occupational exposure. PEP entails taking a triple antiretroviral therapy for 28-30 days. If taken early (ideally within 2 h, but no later than 72 h) and as indicated, HIV infection can be prevented with a high level of probability. Since these presentations occur around the clock, they require basic expertise on the part of the emergency department staff regarding its indication and its side effects as well as standardized procedures in the emergency department to not delay initiation. Patients should present to an infectious disease outpatient clinic or practice specialized in HIV in order to have the indication reviewed by a specialist and, if necessary, adapted to complex cases with the aim of making individual case decisions. This review article aims to summarize core statements of the 2022 German-Austrian guideline on HIV post-exposure prophylaxis and to give emergency department staff necessary knowledge to safely and correctly begin PEP.
    In zentralen Notaufnahmen stellen sich regelmäßig Patienten nach vermutetem oder gesichertem Kontakt mit dem humanen Immundefizienzvirus (HIV) vor, um dort bezüglich der Indikation einer Postexpositionsprophylaxe (PEP) beraten zu werden. Diese Vorstellungen können nach Risikokontakten im Rahmen einer Tätigkeit im Gesundheitswesen oder aber nach Kontakten im privaten Umfeld erfolgen. Bei der PEP handelt es sich um eine Dreifachkombination antiretroviraler Substanzen, die über 28–30 Tage eingenommen werden müssen. Bei frühzeitiger (im Idealfall innerhalb von 2 h, jedoch nicht später als 72 h) und indikationsgerechter Einnahme kann eine Infektion mit HIV mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit verhindert werden. Da derartige Vorstellungen rund um die Uhr erfolgen können, erfordern sie neben einer Grundexpertise des Notaufnahmepersonals bezüglich der PEP-Indikation, ihrer Nebenwirkungen und ihrer Durchführung standardisierte Abläufe in der Notaufnahme, um den Beginn nicht zu verzögern. Am nächsten Werktag sollte eine Vorstellung in einer infektiologischen Ambulanz bzw. einer HIV-Schwerpunktpraxis erfolgen, um die Indikation fachärztlich zu prüfen und sie ggf. im Sinne von Einzelfallentscheidungen an komplexe Fälle anzupassen. Dieser Übersichtsartikel soll die Kernaussagen der 2022 überarbeiteten deutsch-österreichischen Leitlinie zur medikamentösen Postexpositionsprophylaxe nach HIV-Exposition zusammenfassen und dem Personal in Notaufnahmen Sicherheit beim Beginn der PEP geben.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has contributed to an increase in intimate partner violence (IPV), posing challenges to health care providers who must protect themselves and others during sexual assault examinations. Victims of sexual assault encountered in prehospital and emergency department (ED) settings have legal as well as medical needs. A series of procedures must be carefully followed to facilitate forensic evidence collection and law enforcement investigation. A literature review detected a paucity of published guidance on the management of sexual assault patients in the ED, and no information specific to COVID-19.
    Investigators sought to update the San Diego County sexual assault guidelines, created in collaboration with health care professionals, forensic specialists, and law enforcement, through a consensus iterative review process. An additional objective was to create a SAFET-I Tool for use by frontline providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    The authors present a novel SAFET-I Tool that outlines the following five components of effective sexual assault patient care: stabilization, alert system activation, forensic evidence consideration, expedited post-assault treatment, and trauma-informed care. This framework can be used as an educational tool and template for agencies interested in developing or adapting existing sexual assault policies.
    There is a lack of clinical guidance for ED providers that integrates the many aspects of sexual assault patient care, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. A SAFET-I Tool is presented to assist emergency health care providers in the treatment and advocacy of sexual assault patients during a period with increasing rates of IPV.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This survey-based study gathered information on health professionals\' attitudes and behaviors regarding victims of sexual assault, focusing on the applicability and utility of best practices put forth by the World Health Organization and the United Nations. This cross-sectional study involved a self-administered, 84-question survey to health care professionals affiliated with Mulago National Referral and Kayunga Hospitals in Uganda. The survey included demographic questions as well as questions about participants\' attitudes toward sexual violence and the role of HPs in addressing sexual violence. The remainder of the survey transformed two sets of international guidelines into a series of statements with which participants could agree or disagree using a Likert-type scale. In total, 75 partially or fully completed surveys were collected, 45 from Mulago, and 30 from Kayunga. A minority of participants indicated that the guidelines were unrealistic (4.1%) or culturally inappropriate (14.1%). Most HPs agreed (91.8%) with the key components of recommended care. However, many respondents highlighted the need for additional training (68%). Nearly half of participants were uncertain or disagreed that there was a clear protocol for care of survivors of sexual violence (48%). Targets for improvement identified by participants included enhanced support of staff, access to resources, and relationships with community partners. Ugandan HPs have been receptive to the World Health Organization and United Nations guidelines. The majority of participants felt that the guidelines were realistic and culturally appropriate. Furthermore, many of these guidelines have been implemented. However, additional steps identified by Ugandan health workers could be undertaken to further improve the care received by survivors of sexual violence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This investigation intends to study materials and techniques used for biological evidence collection in sexual assault cases and is divided into two stages: in stage one, methods for biological evidence collection (the single swab (including three variants) and the \"double swab technique\") were compared; in stage two, swabs\' component material was compared. The sampling was composed of 42 heterosexual couples who provided mock samples. The collection methods in which the whole swab is covered by evidence presented significantly better outcomes (p < 0.001), such as the \"double swab technique.\" Additionally, nylon swabs proved to present significantly better features regarding the capacity of sample elution, providing significantly higher amounts of DNA (p ≤ 0.034). This study provides guidelines for better collection of biological evidence regarding the collection method using a swab and the proper swab material to utilize.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual assault is a complex situation with medical, psychological, and legal aspects. Forensic experts play a major role in terms of forensic and gynecological medical examination and evidence collection in order to maintain the chain of custody. Victims should be examined by a specially trained medico-legal examiner in order to avoid multiple examinations in the surroundings that do not meet minimum health standards. The evolution and treatment of sexual assault victims are time-intensive and should optimally be provided by a team that includes a forensic medical doctor. These guidelines will be of interest to forensic medical doctors who will have responsibility for the examination and assessment of victims of sexual violence and can be used as a day-to-day service document and/or a guide to develop health service for victims of sexual violence.





