sexual assault

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Romantic relationship dissolutions (RRDs) are associated with posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS). Functional magnetic resonance imaging in RRD studies indicate overlapping neural activation similar to posttraumatic stress disorder. These studies combine real and hypothetical rejection, and lack contextual information and control and/or comparison groups exposed to non-RRD or DSM-5 defined traumatic events.
    OBJECTIVE: We investigated blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) activation in the hippocampus, amygdala, and insula of participants with RRDs compared with other traumatic or non-trauma stressors.
    METHODS: Emerging adults (mean age = 21.54 years; female = 74.7 %) who experienced an RRD (n = 36), DSM-5 defined trauma (physical and/or sexual assault: n = 15), or a non-RRD or DSM-5 stressor (n = 28) completed PTSS, depression, childhood trauma, lifetime trauma exposure, and attachment measures. We used a general and customised version of the International Affective Picture System to investigate responses to index-trauma-related stimuli. We used mixed linear models to assess between-group differences, and ANOVAs and Spearman\'s correlations to analyse factors associated with BOLD activation.
    RESULTS: BOLD activity increased between index-trauma stimuli as compared to neutral stimuli in the hippocampus and amygdala, with no significant difference between the DSM-5 Trauma and RRD groups. Childhood adversity, sexual orientation, and attachment style were associated with BOLD activation changes. Breakup characteristics (e.g., initiator status) were associated with increased BOLD activation in the hippocampus and amygdala, in the RRD group.
    CONCLUSIONS: RRDs should be considered as potentially traumatic events. Breakup characteristics are risk factors for experiencing RRDs as traumatic.
    CONCLUSIONS: Future studies should consider more diverse representation across sex, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Trans and gender diverse people experience high rates of sexual violence and significant barriers to healthcare, including post-sexual assault healthcare. These barriers could lead to delays in presentations to sexual assault services and a reluctance to having forensic examinations, thereby impacting genital injury assessment and evidence collection. It is therefore important that clinicians working in sexual assault services understand how to best undertake forensic genital examinations, collect forensic genital specimens, and identify and document genital injuries in this population. This case report discusses three trans and gender diverse complainants of sexual assault seen at the Sexual Assault Resource Centre in Western Australia. These cases, along with an accompanying review of the literature, have been used to change the centre\'s practice towards this community to improve forensic genital examinations. This has included creating specific trans and gender diverse medical and forensic notes, improving clinician knowledge around trans and gender diverse genital examinations and genital injury profiles, creating an inclusive physical environment, improving trans and gender diverse patient knowledge around sexual assault services, and providing options for genital specimen collection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the prevalence and severity of sexual violence, case attrition has been identified as a significant issue. Of the cases that are reported to police, only a small portion result in arrest, prosecution, or conviction. Research has revealed that much of this attrition occurs early in the process and that a number of theoretically supported legal (e.g., physical evidence, victim participation) and extralegal (e.g., demographics, victim credibility) factors influence how and whether a case progresses through the criminal justice system. However, few researchers have directly examined the impact of officer doubt on case processing. Whereas legal and extralegal factors represent case characteristics, doubt represents officer cognition about these characteristics. These perceptions can affect how victims are treated, how police investigate the case, and ultimately, the case\'s progression through the system. A random sample of sexual assault reports from one police department in a medium-sized jurisdiction in the western U.S. was drawn to examine the expression of officer doubt, as well as its impact on victim participation, arrest, and referral for prosecution while controlling for relevant legal and extralegal factors. The findings suggest that officer doubt is an important consideration in sexual assault case processing, independent of other legal and extralegal factors, and that it significantly impacts the likelihood of arrest and referral for prosecution. Consistent with previous research, police decision-making was also impacted by certain legal factors. Victim participation was not directly affected by officer doubt but it was predicted by extralegal factors. Implications for future sexual assault research and practitioner training are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research evaluates whether third-party presence is associated with rape and sexual assault (RSA) victims help-seeking and reporting to police, addressing a gap in the literature about how the presence of a third-party is associated with victim behavior. This research uses secondary data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). Findings indicate that third-party presence has no statistically significant association with help-seeking and marginal significance with police reporting. This research focuses on third-party presence as a precursor to understanding victim help-seeking behaviors and reports to police. This research raises questions about the expected role of third parties in RSA victimizations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual violence with its enormous negative consequences has become an epidemic most especially among the young populations. An effective danger-proof reporting system is necessary for curbing this menace including use of the internal whistleblowing mechanism. The study employed a concurrent (parallel) mixed method descriptive design for explaining the sexual violence experiences of university students, the intention of staff and students to blow the whistle, and their preferred whistleblowing strategies. A total of 167 students and 42 members of staff (69% males and 31% females, respectively) were randomly selected from four academic departments (50%) of a university of technology in Southwest Nigeria. An adapted questionnaire containing three vignettes on sexual violence and a focus group discussion guide were used for data collection. We discovered that 16.1% of the students reported to have experienced sexual harassment, 12.3% had attempted rape, and 2.6% had experienced rape. Tribe (Likelihood-Ratio, LR = 11.16; p = .004) and sex (χ2 = 12.65; p = .001) were strongly associated with sexual violence experiences. Also, 50% staff and 47% students had high intention. Regression analysis showed that industrial and production engineering students will be 2.8 times more likely to have intention to internally blow the whistle more than other students (p = .03; 95% CI [1.1, 6.97]). Female staff had 5.73 odds of intention more than male staff (p = .05; [1.02, 32.1]). Also, we observed that senior staff will 31% less likely blow the whistle than the junior staff (Adjusted Odd Ratio, AOR = 0.04; [0.00, 0.98]; p = .05). In our qualitative findings, courage was mentioned as a factor necessary for blowing the whistle while anonymous reporting was emphasized for successful whistleblowing. However, the students preferred external whistleblowing. The study has implication for the establishment of sexual violence internal whistleblowing reporting system in higher education institutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reports of sexual offences have increased in recent years, with many cases involving allegations against high-status individuals (e.g., Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby). In addition, many of these cases have involved allegations against the defendant from multiple victims, with long delays in reporting of the alleged assault. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of defendant occupational status (low vs. high), defendant race (White, Black), number of allegations (one vs. five victims), and the length of reporting delay (5, 20, or 35 years) on mock-juror decision-making. Mock-jurors (N = 752) read a mock-trial transcript describing a sexual assault case. After reading the trial transcript, mock-jurors were asked to provide dichotomous and continuous guilt ratings, as well as ratings regarding their perceptions of the defendant and victim. Results revealed that mock-jurors rendered more guilty verdicts, assigned higher guilt ratings, and perceived the defendant less favorably and the victim more favorably, when the defendant was White (as opposed to Black) and when there were multiple allegations against the defendant. The current findings suggest that defendant race and the number of allegations are highly influential in the context of a sexual assault case.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Limited research focuses on the nature of the lived experiences of women engaged in sex trafficking. This study employed qualitative methods of in-depth structured interviews with ten convicted sex traffickers (ages 24-56; 100% identifying as female). Participants\' lived experiences revealed circumstances that led them to trafficking, specific needs, and the stigmatization they faced after exiting economies tied to trafficking. Inductive analysis yielded three key barriers to reintegration success: limited choice; negative labeling; and unmet physical, emotional, and social needs. These findings enhance understanding of the factors influencing the successful reintegration of convicted female sex traffickers into mainstream society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rape/sexual assault can profoundly affect the physical, mental, and social well-being of victims. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and suicide in rape/sexual assault survivors are significantly more frequent than the national prevalence of the condition, indicating that existing treatments require improvement. In this case report, we presented an 11-year-old Iranian girl with PTSD and suicidal behaviors following rape/sexual assault. We specifically focused on the process of helping the victim to develop effective coping skills and overcome the trauma through 16 weekly sessions of Skill Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR) plus Narrative Therapy-Adolescent Version (SNT-A). During this therapeutic approach, the patient regained emotional control over the traumatic experience and made sense of the experience. Our findings revealed that SNT-A might be an effective intervention to reduce suicidal ideation among adolescent victims of rape/sexual assault. Nonetheless, further investigations in this field need to be carried out through randomized controlled trials.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This paper demonstrates a logical framework for evaluating forensic evidence, first described by Cook et al. [1,2], using a casework example of an alleged sexual assault involving semen transfer. Here we show in real time how the case strategy can change with additional information and how to use available experience and published data to interpret the findings obtained, given the background information provided. The findings of the case are interpreted using the Bayesian approach and are reported by giving the strength of support of scientific findings for one proposition rather than a competing proposition, as per the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENSFI) guideline for evaluative reporting. We believe that using this paper as a template will aid other Forensic Science Practitioners (FSP) to add value and weight to their work by assisting them in evaluating and interpreting their own findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental criminological research on rape series is an understudied field due largely to deficiencies in official and publicly available data. Additionally, little is known about the spatial patterns of rapists with a large number of stranger rapes. With a unique integration and application of spatial, temporal, behavioral, forensic, investigative, and personal history data, we explore the geography of rape of a prolific, mobile serial stranger rapist identified through initiatives to address thousands of previously untested rape kits in two U.S. urban, neighboring jurisdictions. Rape kit data provide the opportunity for a more complete and comprehensive understanding of stranger rape series by linking crimes that likely never would have been linked if not for the DNA evidence. This study fills a knowledge gap by exploring the spatial offending patterns of extremely prolific serial stranger rapists. Through the lens of routine activities theory, we explore the motivated offender, the lack of capable guardianship (e.g., built environment), and the targeted victims. The findings have important implications for gaining practical and useful insight into rapists\' use of space and behavioral decision-making processes, effective public health interventions and prevention approaches, and urban planning strategies in communities subjected to repeat targeting by violent offenders.





