
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Metallosis which is traditionally associated with Metal-on-Metal (MoM) hip arthroplasty can occur with other bearing surfaces too, posing diagnostic challenges. They can be asymptomatic or present with local and systemic symptoms. This article reports a case of metallosis in a total hip replacement (THR) with metal on polyethylene (PE) articulation who presented with dislocation. It also reviews the pathology and various presentations of metallosis following hip arthroplasty.
    UNASSIGNED: A 35-year-old female patient presented 4 years after a left THR with recurrent dislocation. It was an uncemented prosthesis with metal on PE articulation. Serology and radiological investigations were done to evaluate for infection, implant loosening, implant malposition, etc. The femoral stem appeared to be in varus malposition. She was posted for revision surgery with a pre-operative plan to change the femoral stem and head if necessary. Intraoperative signs of local metallosis were noticed. Debridement was done along with the change of the femoral stem and bearing surface to ceramic on PE. Metallosis was also later confirmed by the histopathological report. The patient has been symptom-free during the 2-year follow-up period.
    UNASSIGNED: Metallosis can occur even in non-MoM articulations and a high degree of clinical suspicion is required to detect the same preoperatively. Classical signs of metallosis can often be absent in the early disease and subtle signs of instability must be looked out for even in the absence of obvious misalignment in radiographic assessment. Metallosis when combined with malposition or malalignment can be more detrimental. If detected early before osteolysis and periarticular soft tissue damage sets in, a complete revision of all the implant components and abductor damage can be avoided. In suspected cases, a lower threshold should be adopted for sending blood and joint aspirates for cobalt-chromium levels.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Hemophilic pseudotumor (HP) is a very rare complication of hemophilia seen in only 1-2% of the cases. Although it is much more common in long bones, pelvis and small bones of hands and feet and very rarely involving jaw bones.
    RESULTS: In the present case, the presence of a rare hemophilic pseudotumor of the mandible with the positive history of Hemophilia B justifies that the history, clinical and radiological examinations were sufficient to arrive at conclusive diagnosis precluding invasive diagnostic procedures such as biopsy hence avoiding the risk of hemorrhage, infection, or fistula. This case also highlights that patient was conservatively managed with Factor IX replacement alone with a very good clinical outcome.
    CONCLUSIONS: HP should be considered as a differential diagnosis of any progressive swelling of hard and soft tissues occurring in a patient with severe haemophilia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The uncommon and mysterious pulmonary inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (PIMT) primarily affects children and young people. PIMT is characterized by the proliferation of myofibroblastic spindle cells mixed with inflammatory cells. It can resemble both benign and malignant disorders, both radiographically and clinically. PIMT typically manifests as a solitary lung tumor. The genesis of the tumor is linked to genetic anomalies, including those related to the ALK gene (anaplastic lymphoma kinase); nonetheless, some cases are not ALK-positive, indicating genetic variability. Clinically, patients may have non-specific symptoms such as cough, chest pain, or hemoptysis, or they may not exhibit any symptoms at all. In these cases, imaging tests may unintentionally reveal unrelated conditions. From a histopathological perspective, PIMT is characterized by a heterogeneous cellular makeup, encompassing lymphocytes, myofibroblasts, plasma cells, and histiocytes, which generally exhibit a fascicular or storiform pattern. The diagnosis is verified using immunohistochemical labeling, molecular research, and histological examination. The cornerstone of treatment is still surgical resection, which has a good prognosis and a low recurrence rate. On the other hand, specific treatments, such as ALK inhibitors, have shown promise for incurable or recurring instances. Even though PIMT usually has a benign history, it is important to comprehend its biological behavior and molecular foundations for precise diagnosis and efficient management. This underscores the need for additional study into the pathophysiology and potential treatments of PIMT. This report presents a case of a 53-year-old female who presented with complaints of breathlessness and chest pain and was diagnosed with the condition accidentally.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Unilateral hypertrophy of the Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL) muscle is a rare condition often characterized by a palpable mass in the lower limbs or hip pain. Despite its rarity, several causative factors have been identified, necessitating accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. Here, we present the case of a 53-year-old patient who sought outpatient consultation for a mass in the anterolateral aspect of the right thigh. Through this case study, we aim to contribute to the limited literature on this condition by discussing our diagnostic approach, management plan, and outcomes. Upon presentation, the patient underwent a thorough physical examination, revealing a non-tender, sessile mass seemingly originating in the deep connective tissue of the thigh. A magnetic resonance image (MRI) was performed to confirm the diagnosis and assess the extent of muscle involvement. This noninvasive modality provided valuable insights into the nature and localization of the mass, providing the diagnosis and guiding subsequent management decisions. Given the benign nature of the condition and absence of associated symptoms, conservative management was favored. Physical therapy focusing on stretching and strengthening exercises was initiated to address the underlying probable causes and improve functional capacity. Close monitoring through regular follow-up appointments was also recommended to track the progression of the hypertrophy and ensure symptomatic relief. Unilateral hypertrophy of the TFL muscle is a rare entity that presents diagnostic and management challenges. Through our case study, we have highlighted the importance of a comprehensive diagnostic workup, including imaging studies, in confirming the diagnosis and guiding management decisions. Conservative approaches, such as physical therapy, can effectively manage symptoms and improve quality of life in affected individuals. Continued research and documentation of cases are essential to expand our understanding of this condition and refine treatment strategies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors (IMTs) of the lung are a rare type of mesenchymal tumors that tend to occur more in the lungs of children. They are extremely rare in adults. IMTs require extensive pulmonary resection because they are commonly locally invasive. The key to preventing recurrence is complete resection, and the prognosis is excellent after surgery. We report a case of a patient with an inflammatory pseudotumor of the lung. The patient is a 27-year-old female who presented with a dry cough. A chest radiograph and computed tomography showed a lesion in the left main bronchus and near-total left lung collapse. As surgery was necessary to establish the diagnosis, left pneumonectomy was performed followed by a histological examination of the surgical specimen which confirmed inflammatory pseudotumor.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: IgG4-related disease is a rare and emerging pathology, characterized by the appearance of pseudotumors. Due to the ability to mimic other pathologies, it is essential to consider it as a differential diagnosis in multisystemic processes. The diagnosis is challenging, requiring a multidisciplinary approach, to minimize the associated morbidity and mortality.
    UNASSIGNED: IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a rare, emerging, systemic and chronic pathology, characterized by the appearance of pseudotumors resulting from tissue infiltration by IgG4-positive plasma cells that promote eosinophilic inflammation of the tissue with subsequent fibrosis. We present the case of a male, 45-year-old patient, with marked weight loss and skin pallor detected by his family doctor during a child health consultation of his daughter. When questioned, the patient referred complaints of postprandial discomfort in the left hypochondrium with a feeling of fullness, weight loss, chronic fatigue and hyperhidrosis that had lasted for a month. On physical examination, he was pale, and had pain at palpation of the left hypochondrium. Laboratory data showed increased inflammation markers, abdominal ultrasound and CT demonstrated numerous enlarged lymph nodes in the upper quadrants, raising concern for a malignant lymphoproliferative process. Serological, imaging, clinical and laparoscopic excisional biopsy revealed features of IgG4-related disease and excluded malignant lymphoproliferative disease. The immediate response to treatment with oral prednisolone 30 mg/day also contributed for diagnosis confirmation. Due to refractory disease after gradual prednisolone reduction, second-line therapy with rituximab was initiated. Over the 6 years of follow-up, the patient presented multiple exacerbations characterized by the emergence of systemic symptoms, being maintained under close clinical and imaging follow-up by reumathology, infectious diseases, and family medicine specialists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors (IMTs) are rare, solid, potentially malignant lesions of uncertain etiology. Histologically, IMTs exhibit a combination of lymphocytes and inflammatory cells within a fibroblastic myxoid layer. The diagnosis of IMTs poses a challenge for various medical specialties, including surgeons, pathologists, and oncologists, due to their non-specific clinical presentation. Furthermore, radiologists face difficulties in interpreting computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results, which often yield polymorphic and inconclusive findings. Ultimately, histopathologists play a crucial role in reaching a definitive diagnosis based on the tumor\'s histological characteristics. They are detected in every system of the human body, most commonly in the lungs. Here, we report an uncommon occurrence of IMT in the spleen of a patient with nonspecific abdominal pain.
    METHODS: A 56-year-old Caucasian female presented to Konstantopouleio General Hospital of Nea Ionia, Athens, Greece, with abdominal pain and discomfort. The patient had no significant medical history and normal laboratory tests. An abdominal CT revealed a large mass in the spleen. A splenectomy was performed. Histopathological analysis of the tumor revealed IMTS.
    CONCLUSIONS: Splenic IMT is a rare benign tumor with moderate malignant potential. It lacks a distinct clinical presentation and is typically identified either incidentally or during the examination of abdominal pain.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Crohn\'s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease of unknown etiology. It is characterized by intra- and extra-intestinal complications. It is a frequent cause of uroenteric fistulas. They are mostly symptomatic and occur after several years of the evolution of Crohn\'s disease. The pneumaturia and fecaluria are the most significant symptoms for their presence. They are usually poorly tolerated and require surgical treatment. We report the case of an enterovesical fistula revealing Crohn\'s disease during endoscopic resection of a bladder pseudotumor in a generally impaired patient. Crohn\'s disease should be evocated when histology is not relevant for a bladder pseudotumor or a rectovesical fistula. The discovery of an isolated bladder pseudotumor should suggest the diagnosis in the context of weight loss and chronic diarrhea. Enterovesical fistulas are uncommon but potentially dangerous complications of Crohn\'s disease. Abdominal CT scans and cystoscopy are the most commonly used diagnostic modalities. Surgical treatment seems to be unavoidable in most cases although medical treatment could also benefit a small cohort of patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: The formation of destructive pseudotumors is a well-documented, albeit rare, complication of total hip arthroplasties. They tend to be progressive and, if left untreated, can result in extensive periprosthetic bony destruction. The current case presents a large benign mass consistent with a pseudotumor on both imaging and intraoperative findings but histologic findings demonstrating chronic hematoma.
    UNASSIGNED: An 86-year-old female with a metal-on-polyethylene total hip presented with a massive pseudotumor accompanied by extensive bony lysis. Due to pain and chronic anemia, a palliative debulking procedure was undertaken as a palliative measure. At one year follow-up, the patient reported significant pain relief and was able to ambulate safely with gait aids. Her hemoglobin stabilized post-operatively and ongoing transfusions were not required. Final pathology was not supportive of particle disease despite this being the leading diagnosis. Microscopic sections showed tissue mostly composed of fibrin and blood with multiple foci of calcification and reactive papillary endothelial hyperplasia which can be seen in chronic hematomas.
    UNASSIGNED: This case presents the diagnostic dilemma of a large benign mass consistent with a pseudotumor on both imaging and intraoperative findings but histologic findings consistent with a chronic hematoma. It highlights the importance of close follow-up and early intervention when periprosthetic osteolysis is detected.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 31-year-old man without any other medical history developed severe hip pain seven years after right primary total hip arthroplasty (THA). Radiography revealed extensive progressive osteolysis around the cup and stem. Periprosthetic infections and adverse reactions to the metal debris were absent. Right revision THA was performed, and chronic expanding hematoma (CEH) was diagnosed based on a comprehensive assessment. CEH should be diagnosed early because progressive osteolysis may generate an extensive hematoma. Thus, it should be considered when progressive osteolysis of an unknown cause is encountered after THA.





