men's health

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the social determinants of health have guided equity work with the tailoring of men\'s health promotion programs, the role of, and potential for, the commercial determinants of health in those interventions is rarely addressed and poorly understood. While four commercial products, tobacco, alcohol, ultra-processed food, and fossil fuels, account for more than a third of global deaths, there is a need to recognize that consumer goods industries can make both positive and negative contributions to health. This article begins much-needed discussions about what we might learn from, and strategically tap in the commercial sector to seed, scale, and sustain men\'s health promotion programs. Three case studies, online sports betting, beer and the rise of the nonny, and athleisurewear, are discussed. Connections between online sports betting and masculinities explain young men\'s disproportionate involvement and gambling addictions with recommendations to legislate an end to gambling advertisements and de-incentivize industry profiteering through penalties and higher taxes. Regarding beer and the rise of the nonny, brewers have innovated with non-alcoholic beer based on shifting consumption patterns and masculinities in their core market-men. The nonny reminds health promoters to know their end-user\'s values and behaviors to bolster program acceptability. Detailing Under Armour and Lululemon, two highly gendered but diversifying athleisurewear brands, the complexities of, and potential for, leveraging public health and industry collaborations are underscored. Taken together, the article findings suggest men\'s health promoters should rigorously explore tapping key commercial entities and tax revenues to advance the health of men and their communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    United States\' federal policy and infrastructure fail to explicitly consider the health of men, particularly the poor health of marginalized men. This inattention to men\'s health hinders the nation\'s ability to improve population health, to achieve gender health equity, and to achieve health equity more broadly. Expanding efforts to consider gender in federal policy and infrastructure to include men, naming men as a population whose poor health warrants policy attention, creating offices of men\'s health in federal agencies, and utilizing an intersectional lens to develop and analyze policies that affect health would likely yield critical improvements in population health and health equity in the United States. Using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, I illustrate the persistence of sex differences in mortality and leading causes of death, and how these patterns mask gender gaps in health that are driven largely by marginalized men. Given the common practice of presenting data by sex and race separately, it is difficult to recognize when the health of specific groups of men warrants attention. I utilize the case of Black men to illustrate the importance of an intersectional approach, and why men\'s health is critical to achieving gender and racial equity in health. While a gender mainstreaming approach has enhanced the nation\'s ability to consider and address the health of women and girls, it has not expanded to be inclusive of boys and men. Consequently, I argue that if our goal is to achieve health equity, it is critical to employ an intersectional approach that simultaneously considers the full range of factors that influence individual and population health and well-being. An intersectional approach would facilitate efforts to simultaneously explore strategies to achieve racial, ethnic, and gender health equity, which are driven by structural determinants beyond sex and gender related factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Currently, most men with infertility cannot be given an aetiology, which reflects a lack of knowledge around gamete production and how it is affected by genetics and the environment. A failure to recognize the burden of male infertility and its potential as a biomarker for systemic illness exists. The absence of such knowledge results in patients generally being treated as a uniform group, for whom the strategy is to bypass the causality using medically assisted reproduction (MAR) techniques. In doing so, opportunities to prevent co-morbidity are missed and the burden of MAR is shifted to the woman. To advance understanding of men\'s reproductive health, longitudinal and multi-national centres for data and sample collection are essential. Such programmes must enable an integrated view of the consequences of genetics, epigenetics and environmental factors on fertility and offspring health. Definition and possible amelioration of the consequences of MAR for conceived children are needed. Inherent in this statement is the necessity to promote fertility restoration and/or use the least invasive MAR strategy available. To achieve this aim, protocols must be rigorously tested and the move towards personalized medicine encouraged. Equally, education of the public, governments and clinicians on the frequency and consequences of infertility is needed. Health options, including male contraceptives, must be expanded, and the opportunities encompassed in such investment understood. The pressing questions related to male reproductive health, spanning the spectrum of andrology are identified in the Expert Recommendation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infertile men have a worse overall health status than their fertile counterparts.
    We aimed to (1) compare kidney function in men presenting for primary couple\'s infertility with that of fertile men and (2) assess kidney function impairment toward sperm quality in infertile men.
    In this case-control study, 387 consecutive white-European infertile men were matched by age with 134 same-ethnicity fertile men. Complete clinical and laboratory data were available for each patient. The Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration function was used for estimated glomerular filtration rate calculation. Kidney functional impairment was defined as an estimated glomerular filtration rate <90 mL/min per 1.73 m2 , according to the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes criteria. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to (1) assess the association between kidney function impairment and infertility status and (2) investigate the association between kidney function and semen analysis abnormalities in infertile men.
    After matching, 34 (8.8%) infertile men depicted at least a mild unknown impairment of kidney function compared to only four (3%) fertile men, with four (3%) of the infertile presenting with an overt kidney function impairment (estimated glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min per 1.73 m2 ). There were no differences in terms of age, body mass index and rate of comorbidities between the two groups (all p > 0.05). After adjusting for major confounders, infertility status was associated with a higher risk of reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (odds ratio 3.20; 95% confidence interval 1.21-5.2; p = 0.002). Conversely, estimated glomerular filtration rate was not associated with sperm abnormalities in infertile men.
    Mild kidney function impairment was found in 9% of asymptomatic and unaware men presenting for primary couple\'s infertility investigation. This novel finding corroborates growing data on a significant association of male infertility with a poorer overall male health status and the need for tailored preventive strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Evolutionary-grounded sleep research has been critical to establishing the mutual dependence of breastfeeding and nighttime sleep proximity for mothers and infants. Evolutionary perspectives on cosleeping also often emphasize the emotional motivations for and potential benefits of sleep proximity, including for parent-infant bonding. However, this potential link between infant sleep location and bonding remains understudied for both mothers and fathers. Moreover, in Euro-American contexts bedsharing has been linked to family stress and difficult child temperament, primarily via maternal reports. We know relatively little about whether paternal psychosocial dynamics differ based on family sleep arrangements, despite fathers and other kin often being present in the cosleeping environment across cultures. Here, we aim to help address some of these gaps in knowledge pertaining to fathers and family sleep arrangements.
    METHODS: Drawing on a sample of Midwestern U.S. fathers (N=195), we collected sociodemographic and survey data to analyze links between infant nighttime sleep location, paternal psychosocial well-being, father-infant bonding, and infant temperament. From fathers\' reports, families were characterized as routinely solitary sleeping, bedsharing, or roomsharing (without bedsharing).
    RESULTS: We found that routinely roomsharing or bedsharing fathers, respectively, reported stronger bonding than solitary sleepers. Bedsharing fathers also reported that their infants had more negative temperaments and also tended to report greater parenting-related stress due to difficulties with their children.
    CONCLUSIONS: These cross-sectional results help to highlight how a practice with deep phylogenetic and evolutionary history, such as cosleeping, can be variably expressed within communities with the potential for family-dependent benefits or strains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article analyses two young adult (YA) novels about young men\'s experience of anorexia nervosa (AN), within the dual contexts of medical humanities research into literary depictions of illness, and the broader field of YA literature about AN. While emphasising the importance of diverse literary narratives in order to raise awareness of the prevalence of AN in men and boys, and to contribute to the reduction of stigma, it also considers current research into the potentially harmful triggering effects of AN literature on vulnerable readers. It identifies Anne Percin\'s Point de côté (Side Stitch) (2006) and Simon Boulerice\'s Jeanne Moreau a le sourire à l\'envers (Jeanne Moreau Has An Upside-Down Smile) (2013) as examples of good practice in AN literature, due to their thematic focus on male experience, and because they employ narrative strategies that disrupt reader identification with the anorexic character, and avoid focusing directly on potentially triggering descriptions of anorexic ideas and behaviour. They also contribute to diversifying the portrayal of AN via non-judgmental portrayal of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) themes, a topic absent from equivalent YA novels currently available in English. The article further argues that literature-including fiction-contributes to the overall social and cultural discourse surrounding specific illnesses and is likely to affect patients\' real-world experiences, but that it is a specific kind of discourse in its own right, which demands to be read with the appropriate tools. Its detailed analysis of narrative voice alongside thematic content demonstrates how specific approaches from the field of literary studies may complement empirical research into literature and its place within mental health discourse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous research in Victoria, Australia, found differences in prostate cancer outcomes in regional and metropolitan areas. This investigation of undiagnosed men in regional areas and a metropolitan area of South Australia sought their perspectives on prostate cancer. Our aim was to learn whether men who had not been diagnosed could shed light on why men outside metropolitan areas tended to have poorer outcomes than metropolitan men. Our goal was to build on evidence contributing to improving outcomes in prostate cancer care. Semi-structured interviews were designed to elicit explanation and meaning. 15 men (10 metropolitan, 5 regional) not diagnosed with prostate cancer were recruited through widely-distributed flyers in medical and community settings. Interviews were recorded and transcribed; transcripts were analysed thematically. Five main themes were identified, four of which were prompted by the questions: Addressing prostate health, Experiences with and expectations of GPs, Differences in care between regional and metropolitan areas, and Achieving early diagnosis. The fifth theme arose spontaneously: Australian masculinity. Men identified as problematic the limited availability of GPs in regional areas, the lack of consistency in approaches to prostate cancer detection, and men\'s reluctance to seek medical care. Community-level strategies appear to be valued to encourage men to address prostate health. Maintaining and extending a systemic approach to prostate care may improve outcomes for men in Australia.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selenoprotein P (SELENOP) is a major selenoenzyme in plasma and linked to antioxidant properties and possibly to lung cancer; however, supporting evidence is limited. We investigated the association between pre-diagnostic plasma SELENOP concentration and lung cancer risk in a case-control study of 403 cases and 403 individually matched controls nested within the Shanghai Men\'s Health Study. SELENOP concentration in pre-diagnostic plasma samples was measured by a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Cases were diagnosed with lung cancer between 2003 and 2010. Multivariate conditional logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) for studying the association between plasma SELENOP concentration and lung cancer risk. Cases had slightly lower plasma SELENOP concentration than controls (4.3 ± 1.2 versus 4.4 ± 1.1 mg/l, P difference = 0.09). However, the multivariate analysis showed no association between plasma SELENOP concentration and lung cancer risk among all participants (OR = 1.08, 95% CI = 0.54-2.14 for quartile 4 versus quartile 1), or by smoking status or tumor aggressiveness. In contrast, although the number of cases was limited, plasma SELENOP concentration was positively associated with lung adenocarcinoma risk (OR = 5.38, 95% CI = 1.89-15.35 for tertile 3 versus tertile 1), but not with squamous cell lung carcinoma (OR = 1.69, 95% CI = 0.43-6.70). Our study of adult men living in selenium non-deficient areas in China provides little support for the inverse association between pre-diagnostic plasma SELENOP concentration and lung cancer risk. Our finding of a positive association with risk of lung adenocarcinoma needs to be interpreted with caution.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The social determinants of health have a disproportionate impact on mortality in men. A study into the state of health of the male population in Leeds was undertaken to guide public health commissioning decisions. This paper reports on the data relating to the social lives of men.
    A cross-sectional study was undertaken, comprising descriptive analysis of data relating to educational attainment, housing, employment (including benefit claimants), marital status and relationships. Data was considered for the whole city and localised at the Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) level and mapped against the Index of Deprivation.
    Boys\' educational attainment was found to be lagging behind girls\' from their earliest assessments (Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, 46% vs. 60%, P = 0.00) to GCSEs (53% vs. 63%, P = 0.00), leaving many men with no qualifications. There were 68% more men than women identified as being unemployed, with more men claiming benefits. Men living in social housing are more likely to be housed in high-rise flats. Almost 50% of men aged 16-64 are single, with 2254 lone fathers.
    There appears to be a lack of sex/gender analysis of current cross city data. In areas of deprivation a complex picture of multiple social problems emerges, with marked gender differences in the social determinants of health, with males seeming to be more negatively affected. There is a need for more focused planning for reaching out and targeting boys and men in the most deprived inner city areas, so that greater efficiency in service delivery can be obtained.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Current literature has overlooked the impact of chronic illness on masculine identity. We therefore aimed to investigate the impact of rheumatoid arthritis (a long term condition, affecting more women than men) on masculine identity. Six focus groups with 22 men with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (data reported elsewhere) followed by five one-to-one interviews with men (English, mean age: 59 years) sampled to reflect a heterogeneous experience of life with RA based on knowledge gained from the focus groups. Transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis and are presented as individual case studies. Whilst the case studies provide five distinct experiences, common themes can be drawn across them, such as the importance of paid work. The men needed to renegotiate their masculine identity to deal with their RA. Two dealt with this by pushing through pain to retain masculine activities, two replaced masculine roles they could no longer do with other roles, and one rejected masculinity completely. Men with long term conditions may need to re-write their masculinity scripts to enable them to accept and adapt to their condition. However, some men struggle with this, which should be taken into consideration when designing self-management services for men with long term conditions.





