men's health

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Except for condom use, vasectomy is the only approved form of male contraception. The American Urological Association published guidelines on vasectomy in 2012, which clearly outlined patient counseling, vasectomy techniques to maximize successful occlusion, and postvasectomy care. However, there are certainly areas of further improvement to be addressed. Vasectomy is severely underutilized compared with tubal ligation for sterilization, likely due to lack of patient awareness. Although the majority of vasectomies are performed in the office with local anesthesia, some patients are still routinely prescribed narcotics for postprocedural pain, despite the well-described opioid pandemic. Finally, although patients are counseled on the necessity of a postvasectomy semen analysis to confirm sterility prior to the discontinuation of alternative contraceptives, more than 50% of men do not complete this test. Therefore, alternative strategies must be pursued to improve patient compliance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this guideline is to provide a clinical strategy for the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction.
    A systematic review of the literature using the Pubmed, Embase, and Cochrane databases (search dates 1/1/1965 to 7/29/17) was conducted to identify peer-reviewed publications relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction. Evidence-based statements were based on body of evidence strength Grade A, B, or C and were designated as Strong, Moderate, and Conditional Recommendations with additional statements presented in the form of Clinical Principles or Expert Opinions.
    The American Urological Association has developed an evidence-based guideline on the management of erectile dysfunction. This document is designed to be used in conjunction with the associated treatment algorithm.
    Using the shared decision-making process as a cornerstone for care, all patients should be informed of all treatment modalities that are not contraindicated, regardless of invasiveness or irreversibility, as potential first-line treatments. For each treatment, the clinician should ensure that the man and his partner have a full understanding of the benefits and risk/burdens associated with that choice.






  • 文章类型: Guideline
    Spina bifida has traditionally been regarded as a pediatric health issue with little regard to adult consequences of the disorder. The congenital neurologic and urologic anomalies, as well as sequelae of bladder management, can have a profound impact on adult male sexual function. Abnormalities in testicular descent, development, and function; fertility; penile sensation; erectile function; ejaculatory function; and orgasmic function are common. Prostate cancer has been diagnosed in men with spina bifida, but little data are available to guide screening, diagnosis, and treatment efforts. The Spina Bifida Association has supported development of guidelines for health care providers to address male health issues in individuals with spina bifida throughout their lives.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    An international expert consensus conference regarding testosterone deficiency (TD) (also known as hypogonadism) and its treatment was held on 1 October 2015, in Prague, Czech Republic. The impetus for this meeting was to address several key scientific issues that have been misunderstood or distorted during the recent intense media attention to this topic. Eighteen experts from 11 countries participated, from the disciplines of urology, endocrinology, andrology, diabetology, and basic science research. The goal was to identify scientific concepts for which there was broad agreement. It was noted that recent public controversies regarding testosterone therapy have been anchored by two retrospective studies reporting increased cardiovascular (CV) risks. Both these studies contained major flaws, and are contradicted by a large body of evidence suggesting CV benefits with testosterone therapy. Other topics discussed included the negative impact of TD on male health; the questionable validity of restrictions on treatment based on age-specific cut-offs, presence of identified underlying conditions, or application of rigid biochemical thresholds; and the lack of evidence regarding prostate cancer risks. Final consensus statements (resolutions) are under development. It is hoped these will serve as a scientific foundation for further discussion, and will thereby reduce misinformation regarding TD and its treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: There is currently no documentation on the availability and implementation of policies related to men\'s health in Asia. This Delphi study aimed to achieve an Asian consensus on men\'s health policy based on the opinions and recommendations from men\'s health key opinion leaders.
    METHODS: A two-phase Delphi online survey was used to gather information from men\'s health stakeholders across Asian countries.
    METHODS: All stakeholders were invited to participate in the survey through men\'s health conferences, personal contacts, recommendations from international men\'s health organizations and snowballing method. Stakeholders were asked about their concerns on 17 men\'s health key issues as well as their opinion on the availability and recommendations on men\'s health policies and programmes in their countries.
    RESULTS: There were a total of 128 stakeholders (policy makers, clinicians, researchers and consumers), from 28 Asian countries, who responded in the survey. Up to 85% of stakeholders were concerned about various men\'s health issues in Asia and in their respective country, particularly in smoking, ischaemic heart disease and high blood pressure. There is a lack of men\'s health policies and programmes in Asia (availability = 11.6-43.5%) and up to 92.9% of stakeholders recommended that these should be developed.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings call for policy change and development, and more importantly a concerted effort to elevate men\'s health status in Asia.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    Sexual health has been defined as \"the state of physical, emotional and social wellbeing related to sexuality. However, there are medical, psychological and social reasons that complicate full sexual health that are frequently not attended to sufficiently. The objective of this guide will be to analyze the factors that impact the sexual health of men and women over 50 and to provide recommendations for the most appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic measures for this age group. A panel of experts from various Spanish scientific societies related to sexual health (Spanish Menopause Society, SMS; Asociación Española de Andrología, Medicina Sexual y Reproductiva, ASESA; Federación Española de Sociedades de Sexología, FESS; and Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria SEMERGEN) met to reach a consensus on these issues and to decide the optimal timing and methods based on the best evidence available.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: With surveys suggesting that exceeding guidelines for \'sensible\' alcohol intake is commonplace, the health and social impact of modifying intake on a population level is potentially considerable. If public health interventions are to be successfully implemented, it is first important to identify correlates of such behaviours, including socioeconomic disadvantage. This was the aim of the present study.
    METHODS: Population-representative cohort study of 576 men from the West of Scotland. Data on life course socioeconomic position were collected in 1988 (at around 55 years of age). Alcohol consumption patterns (detailed seven day recall) and problem drinking (CAGE questionnaire) were ascertained in 1990/2 (at around 59 years of age). A relative index of inequality was computed to explore the comparative strength of different indicators of social circumstances from different periods of the life course.
    RESULTS: Socioeconomic adversity in both early life and in adulthood was related to an increased risk of exceeding the weekly and daily alcohol guidelines, with adult indicators of socioeconomic position revealing the strongest associations. Of these, material indicators of socioeconomic deprivation in adulthood - car ownership, housing tenure - were marginally more strongly related to heavy alcohol intake and problem drinking than education, income and occupational social class. A substantial proportion of the influence of early life deprivation on alcohol intake was mediated via adult socioeconomic position. Similar results were apparent when problem drinking was the outcome of interest.
    CONCLUSIONS: In men in this cohort, exposure to disadvantaged social circumstances across the lifecourse, but particularly in adulthood, is associated with detrimental patterns of alcohol consumption and problem drinking in late middle age.






