matrix effect

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among the various compounds regarded as emerging contaminants (ECs), pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are of particular concern. Their continuous release into the environment has a negative global impact on human life. This review summarizes the sources, occurrence, persistence, consequences of exposure, and toxicity of PPCPs, and evaluates the various analytical methods used in the identification and quantification of PPCPs in a variety of solid and liquid environmental matrices. The current techniques of choice for the analysis of PPCPs are state-of-the-art liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) or tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS2). However, the complexity of the environmental matrices and the trace levels of micropollutants necessitate the use of advanced sample treatments before these instrumental analyses. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) with different sorbents is now the predominant method used for the extraction of PPCPs from environmental samples. This review also addresses the ongoing analytical method challenges, including sample clean-up and matrix effects, focusing on the occurrence, sample preparation, and analytical methods presently available for the determination of environmental residues of PPCPs. Continuous development of innovative analytical methods is essential for overcoming existing limitations and ensuring the consistency and diversity of analytical methods used in investigations of environmental multi-class compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Withanolides are the class of steroidal molecules getting greater emphasis in recent years. Quality control throughout the manufacturing and storage period is often one of the key problems that have restricted their broad use in India\'s indigenous and Ayurvedic medical systems for thousands of years. Because of their diverse clinical potential, withanolides have received a great deal of scientific attention. Analytical techniques are being devised for the automated isolation, identification, and estimation of every single protein within the cell as well as in herbal extracts of withanolides, due to which now researchers are interested in determining the effects of metabolism as well as various stimuli on protein expression, which made the study easier. This study discusses the potential use of hyphenated analytical methods that are reliable in understanding the molecular signaling features, proteome evaluation and characterization of withanolides, in addition to examining existing methodological limitations. The choice of analytical techniques for the withanolides analysis, however, relies on the nature of the sample matrix, the aim of the analysis, and the sensitivity of the technique.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The field of plant hormonomics focuses on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the hormone complement in plant samples, akin to other omics sciences. Plant hormones, alongside primary and secondary metabolites, govern vital processes throughout a plant\'s lifecycle. While active hormones have received significant attention, studying all related compounds provides valuable insights into internal processes. Conventional single-class plant hormone analysis employs thorough sample purification, short analysis and triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry. Conversely, comprehensive hormonomics analysis necessitates minimal purification, robust and efficient separation and better-performing mass spectrometry instruments. This review summarizes the current status of plant hormone analysis methods, focusing on sample preparation, advances in chromatographic separation and mass spectrometric detection, including a discussion on internal standard selection and the potential of derivatization. Moreover, current approaches for assessing the spatiotemporal distribution are evaluated. The review touches on the legitimacy of the term plant hormonomics by exploring the current status of methods and outlining possible future trends.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this critical review was to provide a comprehensive summary of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) producing species and knowledge gaps in detecting PSTs in drinking water resources, with a focus on recent development of PSTs monitoring methods and tools for drinking water monitoring. PSTs, which are also called Saxitoxins (STXs), are a group of neurotoxins not only produced by marine dinoflagellates but also freshwater cyanobacteria. The presence of PSTs in freshwater has been reported from all continents except Antarctica. PSTs in poisoned sea food such as shellfish, molluscs and crustaceans may attack the nerve system after consumption. The high incidences of PSTs occurring in drinking water sources showed another route of potential human exposure. A development of simple and fast screening tools for drinking water surveillance of PSTs is needed. Neurotoxins produced by freshwater cyanobacteria are understudied relative to microcystin and little study is done around PSTs in drinking water monitoring. Some fast screening methods exist. The critical issues for using them in water surveillance, particularly matrix effect and cross-reactivity are summarized, and future research directions are high-lighted. We conclude that monitoring routines at drinking water resources should start from species level, followed by a profound screening of toxin profile. For practical monitoring routine, fast screening methods should be combined with highly sensitive and accurate analytical methods such as liquid chromatography/liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/LC-MS). A thorough understanding of toxin profile in source water is necessary for screening tool selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent decades, mass spectrometry techniques, particularly when combined with separation methods such as high-performance liquid chromatography, have become increasingly important in pharmaceutical, bio-analytical, environmental, and food science applications because they afford high selectivity and sensitivity. However, mass spectrometry has limitations due to the matrix effects (ME), which can be particularly marked in complex mixes, when the analyte co-elutes together with other molecules, altering analysis results quantitatively. This may be detrimental during method validation, negatively affecting reproducibility, linearity, selectivity, accuracy, and sensitivity. Starting from literature and own experience, this review intends to provide a simple guideline for selecting the best operative conditions to overcome matrix effects in LC-MS techniques, to obtain the best result in the shortest time. The proposed methodology can be of benefit in different sectors, such as pharmaceutical, bio-analytical, environmental, and food sciences. Depending on the required sensitivity, analysts may minimize or compensate for ME. When sensitivity is crucial, analysis must try to minimize ME by adjusting MS parameters, chromatographic conditions, or optimizing clean-up. On the contrary, to compensate for ME analysts should have recourse to calibration approaches depending on the availability of blank matrix. When blank matrices are available, calibration can occur through isotope labeled internal standards and matrix matched calibration standards; conversely, when blank matrices are not available, calibration can be performed through isotope labeled internal standards, background subtraction, or surrogate matrices. In any case, an adjusting of MS parameters, chromatographic conditions, or a clean-up are necessary.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Psychiatric disorders contribute significantly to worldwide morbidity and mortality. In the case of depression and schizophrenia, effective drug therapy is available but 30-50% of patients do not respond sufficiently to the initial treatment regimen. Apart from the development of new molecules, it is desirable to optimize treatment outcomes with agents that are currently available. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is a suitable and widely accepted approach for improving the efficacy and safety of these drugs.
    METHODS: A review of the relevant literature published between 2006 and January 2015.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review describes major advances and drawbacks in the field of chromatography coupled with single or tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS, LC-MS/MS and GC/MS) of selected antidepressants (agomelatine, vilazodone) and antipsychotics (iloperidone, asenapine, amisulpride, aripiprazole, melperone, zotepine, ziprasidone). The high specificity in combination with high sensitivity makes these techniques an attractive complementary method to traditional procedures used in routine practice for TDM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years cardiovascular diseases were the second most common cause of death worldwide. Therefore, the consumption of cardiovascular drugs is high, which might result in an increase of them in the environment. The major source of aquatic environmental contamination is still effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Unfortunately removal of cardiovascular active compounds and/or their metabolites in WWTP is still unsatisfactory. Among microbial and abiotic degradation of these compounds during wastewater processes, photolysis and photodegradation of cardiovascular drugs also play an important role. New formed compounds may be more toxic or retain the properties of parent compounds. Thus the main goal of this paper was to provide a detailed and comprehensive review of used analytical methods, coupled to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, to determine the presence of cardiovascular compounds in surface waters as well as WTTPs effluents and influents. Exhaustive preparation for mass spectrometry detection and quantitation including samples pre-treatment, and the common problem of the matrix effect are thoroughly explored in this paper. Additionally, the article provides some hints in respect of recently noted problematic issue related to the availability of specific standards for the analysis of drug\'s metabolites. Furthermore, information concerning the metabolism of cardiovascular active compounds including differences in metabolism within enantiomers is described. This article also touches on the problems associated with environmental risk assessment due to the presence of cardiovasculars in the environment. The paper also tries to explain differences in concentrations among cardiovascular compounds between countries worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The matrix enhancement effect in gas chromatography (GC) has been a problem for the last decade and results in unexpected high recovery. Most efforts, including the use of different types of injectors/matrix simplification procedures, and further clean-up associated with removing this effect has focused on equalizing the response of the standard in the solvent and matrix. However, after eliminating the matrix enhancement effect, the sensitivity of GC remained unchanged. But, GC sensitivity can be increased by utilizing this matrix effect originating from a matrix-matched standard. Very few studies have highlighted utilizing the matrix effect but have rather advocated eliminating it. Analyte protectants (3-ethoxy-1,2-propanediol, gulonolactone and sorbitol) have been introduced as an alternative for GC-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) (not examined for other GC detectors), as they equalize the response without removing the matrix effect, and, hence, increase sensitivity. Versatile applications of analyte protectants are not observed in practice. The European guidelines recommend the use of matrix-matched standard calibration for residue measurements. As a result, numerous applications are available for matrix-matched standards that compensate for the matrix effect. Moreover, the matrices (among them pepper leaf matrix) act as a protectant for thermolabile analytes in some cases. A lower detection limit should be achieved to comply with the maximum residue limits. Therefore, the matrix enhancement effect, which is considered a problem, can play an important role in lowering the detection limit by increasing the transfer of analyte from the injection port to the detector.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioanalysis frequently involves the measurement of very low analyte concentrations in complex and potentially variable matrices. An initial attempt has been made to apply a risk management tool to the bioanalytical method development like selection of spiked plasma volume, selection of internal standard to minimize processing error, selection of medium and extraction procedure, setting of mobile phase and pH, determination of chromatographic conditions etc. and to minimize instrumental error like; ion suppression and matrix effect.





