intermediate filaments

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intermediate filaments (IFs) comprise a large family of versatile cytoskeletal proteins, divided into six subtypes with tissue-specific expression patterns. IFs have a wide repertoire of cellular functions, including providing structural support to cells, as well as active roles in mechanical support and signaling pathways. Consequently, defects in IFs are associated with more than 100 diseases. In this Cell Science at a Glance article, we discuss the established classes of IFs and their general features, their functions beyond structural support, and recent advances in the field. We also highlight their involvement in disease and potential use as clinical markers of pathological conditions. Finally, we provide our view on current knowledge gaps and the future directions of the IF field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurofilaments (NFs), major cytoskeletal constituents of neurons, have emerged as universal biomarkers of neuronal injury. Neuroaxonal damage underlies permanent disability in various neurological conditions. It is crucial to accurately quantify and longitudinally monitor this damage to evaluate disease progression, evaluate treatment effectiveness, contribute to novel treatment development, and offer prognostic insights. Neurofilaments show promise for this purpose, as their levels increase with neuroaxonal damage in both cerebrospinal fluid and blood, independent of specific causal pathways. New assays with high sensitivity allow reliable measurement of neurofilaments in body fluids and open avenues to investigate their role in neurological disorders. This book chapter will delve into the evolving landscape of neurofilaments, starting with their structure and cellular functions within neurons. It will then provide a comprehensive overview of their broad clinical value as biomarkers in diseases affecting the central or peripheral nervous system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The molecular mechanisms that drive muscle adaptations after eccentric exercise training are multifaceted and likely impacted by age. Previous studies have reported that many genes and proteins respond differently in young and older muscles following training. Keratin 18 (Krt18), a cytoskeletal protein involved in force transduction and organization, was found to be upregulated after muscles performed repeated bouts of eccentric contractions, with higher levels observed in young muscle compared to older muscle. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine if Krt18 mediates skeletal muscle adaptations following eccentric exercise training. The anterior crural muscles of Krt18 knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice were subjected to either a single bout or repeated bouts of eccentric contractions, with isometric torque assessed across the initial and final bouts. Functionally, Krt18 KO and WT mice did not differ prior to performing any eccentric contractions (p≥0.100). Muscle strength (tetanic isometric torques) and the ability to adapt to eccentric exercise training were also consistent across strains at all time points (p≥0.169). Stated differently, immediate strength deficits and the recovery of strength following a single or multiple bouts of eccentric contractions were similar between Krt18 KO and WT mice. In summary, the absence of Krt18 does not impede the muscle\'s ability to adapt to repeated eccentric contractions, suggesting it is not essential for exercise-induced remodeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epithelial homeostasis can be critically influenced by how cells respond to mechanical forces, both local changes in force balance between cells and altered tissue-level forces.1 Coupling of specialized cell-cell adhesions to their cytoskeletons provides epithelia with diverse strategies to respond to mechanical stresses.2,3,4 Desmosomes confer tissue resilience when their associated intermediate filaments (IFs)2,3 stiffen in response to strain,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 while mechanotransduction associated with the E-cadherin apparatus12,13 at adherens junctions (AJs) actively modulates actomyosin by RhoA signaling. Although desmosomes and AJs make complementary contributions to mechanical homeostasis in epithelia,6,8 there is increasing evidence to suggest that these cytoskeletal-adhesion systems can interact functionally and biochemically.8,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 We now report that the desmosome-IF system integrated by desmoplakin (DP) facilitates active tension sensing at AJs for epithelial homeostasis. DP function is necessary for mechanosensitive RhoA signaling at AJs to be activated when tension was applied to epithelial monolayers. This effect required DP to anchor IFs to desmosomes and recruit the dystonin (DST) cytolinker to apical junctions. DP RNAi reduced the mechanical load that was applied to the cadherin complex by increased monolayer tension. Consistent with reduced mechanical signal strength, DP RNAi compromised assembly of the Myosin VI-E-cadherin mechanosensor that activates RhoA. The integrated DP-IF system therefore supports AJ mechanotransduction by enhancing the mechanical load of tissue tension that is transmitted to E-cadherin. This crosstalk was necessary for efficient elimination of apoptotic epithelial cells by apical extrusion, demonstrating its contribution to epithelial homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intermediate filament protein vimentin performs an essential role in cytoskeletal interplay and dynamics, mechanosensing and cellular stress responses. In pathology, vimentin is a key player in tumorigenesis, fibrosis and infection. Vimentin filaments undergo distinct and versatile reorganizations, and behave as redox sensors. The vimentin monomer possesses a central α-helical rod domain flanked by N- and C-terminal low complexity domains. Interactions between this type of domains play an important function in the formation of phase-separated biomolecular condensates, which in turn are critical for the organization of cellular components. Here we show that several oxidants, including hydrogen peroxide and diamide, elicit the remodeling of vimentin filaments into small particles. Oxidative stress elicited by diamide induces a fast dissociation of filaments into circular, motile dots, which requires the presence of the single vimentin cysteine residue, C328. This effect is reversible, and filament reassembly can occur within minutes of oxidant removal. Diamide-elicited vimentin droplets recover fluorescence after photobleaching. Moreover, fusion of cells expressing differentially tagged vimentin allows the detection of dots positive for both tags, indicating that vimentin dots merge upon cell fusion. The aliphatic alcohol 1,6-hexanediol, known to alter interactions between low complexity domains, readily dissolves diamide-elicited vimentin dots at low concentrations, in a C328 dependent manner, and hampers reassembly. Taken together, these results indicate that vimentin oxidation promotes a fast and reversible filament remodeling into biomolecular condensate-like structures, and provide primary evidence of its regulated phase separation. Moreover, we hypothesize that filament to droplet transition could play a protective role against irreversible damage of the vimentin network by oxidative stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cytoskeleton of the cell is constantly exposed to physical forces that regulate cellular functions. Selected members of the LIM (Lin-11, Isl-1, and Mec-3) domain-containing protein family accumulate along force-bearing actin fibers, with evidence supporting that the LIM domain is solely responsible for this force-induced interaction. However, LIM domain\'s force-induced interactions are not limited to actin. LIMK1 and LMO1, both containing only two tandem LIM domains, are recruited to force-bearing keratin fibers in epithelial cells. This unique recruitment is mediated by their LIM domains and regulated by the sequences outside the LIM domains. Based on in vitro reconstitution of this interaction, LIMK1 and LMO1 directly interact with stretched keratin 8/18 fibers. These results show that LIM domain\'s mechano-sensing abilities extend to the keratin cytoskeleton, highlighting the diverse role of LIM proteins in force-regulated signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Keratin intermediate filaments confer structural stability to epithelial tissues, but the reason this simple mechanical function requires a protein family with 54 isoforms is not understood. During skin wound healing, a shift in keratin isoform expression alters the composition of keratin filaments. If and how this change modulates cellular functions that support epidermal remodeling remains unclear. We report an unexpected effect of keratin isoform variation on kinase signal transduction. Increased expression of wound-associated keratin 6A, but not of steady-state keratin 5, potentiated keratinocyte migration and wound closure without compromising mechanical stability by activating myosin motors to increase contractile force generation. These results substantially expand the functional repertoire of intermediate filaments from their canonical role as mechanical scaffolds to include roles as isoform-tuned signaling scaffolds that organize signal transduction cascades in space and time to influence epithelial cell state.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intermediate filaments (IFs) are key molecular factors of the cell and have been reported to play an important role in maintaining the structural integrity and functionality of the abomasum. This study was designed to determine the regional distribution, cellular localization and expression of several IFs, including CK8, CK18, CK19, vimentin, desmin, peripherin and nestin, as well as the connective tissue component laminin, in the bovine, ovine and caprine abomasa. Immunohistochemical analyses demonstrated varying levels of expression of CK8, CK18, CK19, vimentin, desmin, nestin, peripherin and laminin in the bovine, ovine and caprine abomasa. CK8 immunoreactions were particularly evident in the luminal and glandular epithelia of the glands found in the abomasal cardia, fundus and pylorus in all three species. In the bovine abomasum, CK18 immunoreactions were stronger in the parietal cells, compared to the chief cells. In the abomasum of all three species, the smooth muscle as well as the smooth muscle cells of the vascular media in the cardiac, fundic and pyloric regions showed strong immunoreactivity. In all three species, the cardiac, fundic and pyloric regions of the abomasum showed strong peripherin and nestin immunoreactions in the luminal and glandular epithelial cells, stromal and smooth muscle cells, nervous plexuses and blood vessels. The expression patterns of IFs and laminin in the ruminant abomasum suggest that these proteins play a structural role in the cytoskeleton and are effective in maintaining abomasal tissue integrity and stability.





