ghost teeth

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Regional odontodysplasia (RO) is a rare non-hereditary dental anomaly associated with dysplasia. Its etiology remains unclear but is known to affect both the mesodermal and ectodermal dental components, as well as deciduous and permanent dentitions. Its young age of onset and complexity has great physical and psychological impact on the affected patients. However, the clinical management of RO remains unified without standardized treatment guidelines. Thus, this study aimed to report an RO case, the first from Jiangxi Province, China, and discuss its clinical diagnosis and treatment to provide a reference to treat similar cases more effectively in the future.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Regional odontodysplasia (RO) is a rare developmental abnormality of epithelial and mesenchymal dental tissues. Due to its poorly understood etiology, assessing and discussing related clinical cases of this dental anomaly is crucial to guide professionals in improving its treatment and outcomes. This article aimed to report the case of a 9-year-old male patient who presented to our department with the main complaint of absent eruption of permanent left mandibular quadrant teeth. This is the first case reported in China from a patient with multiple cutaneous nevi on the face and neck, and based on the retrieved clinical and radiographic features, we described and discussed the treatment and etiology of RO.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regional odontodysplasia is a rare developmental disorder characterised by hypoplasia and hypomineralisation of enamel and dentin. Our systematic review aimed to organise the knowledge on localisation, symptomatology and treatment methods in patients with regional odontodysplasia based on case reports published in the databases PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. Case reports were described in 28 different countries, considering 180 patients (including 91 females). Regional odontodysplasia occurs mainly in both deciduous and permanent dentition (66.1%). The affected teeth were observed more frequently in the maxilla (70.0%), especially on the left side (45.6%). The most common reported symptoms were ghost teeth, poorly developed buds, yellowish-brown colour of crowns and delayed eruption of permanent teeth in affected quadrants. The most popular treatment method was surgical treatment (78.6%) with subsequent prosthetic therapy (34.6%). Based on the review of cases, pathognomonic clinical and radiological signs can be found, however, it is difficult to reach a consensus on the choice of treatment method.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The aim of this article was to review the literature and present a case of regional odontodysplasia (ROD) with special emphasis on clinical and radiographic features. A 6-year-old girl was referred to our department with the chief complaint of missing her permanent maxillary left central incisor, lateral incisor, and both of her canines. The gingiva of the involved region was enlarged, fibrous, and tense. Radiographic examination showed abnormal tooth formation and shortened roots. After 3 years of follow up with temporary prosthetic rehabilitation, periodontal surgery was performed. Following forced eruption and levelling, abnormal tooth eruption and root development were observed. ProRoot MTA (Dentsply-Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) was used for root canal treatment. Intracanal fiber posts selected and access cavities were restored with composite resin. Prosthetic rehabilitation was completed with zirconia ceramic crowns. The time of diagnosis, characteristics of the present/existing symptoms, and functional and esthetic needs of the patient should be considered to determine the optimal treatment modality for ROD.
    Bu makalenin amacı bir rejyonel odontodisplazi (ROD) olgusunun klinik ve radyografik özelliklerini sunmak ve bu konu ile ilgili güncel kaynakları derlemektir. 6 yaşındaki kız hasta üst çene sürekli orta kesici, yan kesici ve kanin dişilerindeki sürme problemleri ve bu dişlerin eksikliği şikayetleri ile kliniğimize başvurmuştur. Klinik muayenede etkilenen bölgede dişetinin büyümüş, fibröz ve gergin olduğu izlenmiştir. Radyografik muayenede kısa köklü anormal şekilli dişler izlenmiştir. Hasta geçici protez ile 3 yıl takip edildikten sonra periodontal cerrahi uygulanmıştır. Dişlerin sürdürülmesi ve ortodontik olarak sıralanmasını takiben anormal diş sürmesi ve anormal kök gelişimi izlenmiştir. ProRoot MTA (Dentsply-Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) materyali ile kök kanal tedavisi sonrası fiber post seçilmiş ve zirkonyum seramik kuronlar uygulanmıştır. ROD olgularında en uygun tedavi yaklaşımını seçmek için tanı zamanı, mevcut belirtiler ve hastanın işlevsel ya da estetik gereksinimleri değerlendirilmelidir.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Regional odontodysplasia (RO) also known as ghost teeth is a rare developmental anomaly affecting the mesodermal and ectodermal components of teeth with characteristic clinical and radiographic findings. The enamel and dentin are hypomineralized and hypocalcified with short roots and open apices. The affected teeth have an abnormal morphology, meaning they are fragile and thin and liable to fracture and decay. Radiographically, there is a marked reduction in radiodensity with little distinction between the enamel and dentin, hence the term \"ghost teeth.\" RO generally affects one particular segment in one or both arches of the maxilla or mandible and can affect both the primary and permanent dentition. We report a unique case of a 3-year-old female who presented to Alder Hey Children\'s Hospital acutely unwell with a left-sided cervicofacial swelling from RO affecting the entire portion of the left maxilla.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Regional odontodysplasia is a nonhereditary, uncommon developmental abnormality of teeth. Females have more predilections for regional odontodysplasia. The enamel, dentin and pulp of teeth are affected and radiographically, teeth are described as \"ghost teeth\". Many of these :eeth do not erupt and have an increased risk for caries and periapical inflammation. Since the literature on regional odontodysplasia is limited, here is need to discuss this anomaly to have a better approach for the diagnosis and treatment.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Case Reports
    Regional odontodysplasia is a developmental anomaly that affects the primary and permanent dentitions. This disorder is generally localized in only one arch and its etiology is still unknown. Clinically, the affected teeth have an abnormal morphology and are typically discolored. Radiographically, these teeth show a ghost-like appearance. This paper reported the results of radiographic, histologic and laboratory findings about the case of a 5-year-old girl presenting this rare anomaly. Her familial history was negative for any genetic anomaly, regional odontodysplasia or other dental anomalies. The patient\'s general health was good and no congenital or acquired disease was reported. She was kept under follow-up care until she reached the age of 10 years. Panoramic radiograph showed the involvement of permanent teeth on the right maxillary quadrant. The affected edentulous quadrant was rehabilitated with temporary acrylic maxillary partial denture. The presentation of this case would hopefully have valuable information for pediatric dentists to review the clinical and radiographic features of regional odontodysplasia, yet expediting the diagnosis and treatment of patients with this condition.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Case Reports
    Regional odontodysplasia is a rare dental anomaly affecting both primary and adult dentitions in the maxilla or mandible or both jaws, whilst involvement of the maxilla is more common [1-2]. In most cases, one quadrant is affected. One of the characteristics of this anomaly is discolored and soft teeth that can be accompanied by swelling or abscess. In this anomaly, enamel and dentin are thin and hypoplastic, therefore, the teeth give the impression of \"ghost teeth\" [2, 8]. In radiography, the delineation between enamel and dentin is not clear and pulp chamber is wide. Histologically, areas of hypocalcified enamel are observed and the enamel prisms appear to be irregular in direction [2]. There is a disturbance in dentin formation and dentinal tubules are reduced in number. The etiology of regional odontodysplasia is still unknown [8]. Managements of these cases should be based on the esthetics and functional needs as well as the degree of involvement. This report describes a case of regional odontodysplasia in a 3.5 year old Iranian girl whose chief complaint was the abscess formation in the left maxillary primary molar region. This case study aims to report the clinical and radiological findings of the current case.





