evolutionary theory

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whole-genome duplication (polyploidy) poses many complications but is an important driver for eukaryotic evolution. To experimentally study how many challenges from the cellular (including gene expression) to the life history levels are overcome in polyploid evolution, a system in which polyploidy can be reliably induced and sustained over generations is crucial. Until now, this has not been possible with animals, as polyploidy notoriously causes first-generation lethality. The parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis emerges as a stunningly well-suited model. Polyploidy can be induced in this haplodiploid system through (1) silencing genes in the sex determination cascade and (2) by colchicine injection to induce meiotic segregation failure. Nasonia polyploids produce many generations in a short time, making them a powerful tool for experimental evolution studies. The strong variation observed in Nasonia polyploid phenotypes aids the identification of polyploid mechanisms that are the difference between evolutionary dead ends and successes. Polyploid evolution research benefits from decades of Nasonia research that produced extensive reference-omics data sets, facilitating the advanced studies of polyploid effects on the genome and transcriptome. It is also possible to create both inbred lines (to control for genetic background effects) and outbred lines (to conduct polyploid selection regimes). The option of interspecific crossing further allows to directly contrast autopolyploidy (intraspecific polyploidy) to allopolyploidy (hybrid polyploidy). Nasonia can also be used to investigate the nascent field of using polyploidy in biological control to improve field performance and lower ecological risk. In short, Nasonia polyploids are an exceptional tool for researching various biological paradigms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a recent reply to Takacs and Bourrat\'s article (Biol Philos 37:12, 2022), Autzen and Okasha (Biol Philos 37:37, 2022) question our characterization of the relationship between the geometric mean and arithmetic mean measures of fitness. We here take issue with the claim that our characterization falls prey to the mistakes they highlight. Briefly revisiting what Takacs and Bourrat (Biol Philos 37:12, 2022) accomplished reveals that the key issue of difference concerns cases of deterministic but nonconstant growth. Restricting focus to such cases shows that there is in fact no reason for disagreement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the article, mainly based on the reference to the entries in the diary of Th. Dobzhansky, a geneticist and one of the founders of the \"synthetic theory of evolution\", examines how Dobzhansky tried to combine science, primarily evolutionary theory, and religion. It is argued that although Dobxzhansky was a believer during whole his life, he became a peculiar believer who revised for himself and for others the former, primarily religious answers to the \"ultimate questions\" of existence, and posed these questions in a new, evolutionary way. Even more, he tried to substantiate and justify religion and his belief in God through the evolutionary theory, to demonstrate that science and religion are not incompatible, and to offer his believe in the usefulness of science and religion to each other. This Dobzhansky\'s attempt was perceived and evaluated ambiguously by both scientists and religious figures. In addition, Dobzhansky owing to his search for these answers, made a number of world outlook and general cultural conclusions for himself and presented these conclusions in articles and books written not only for colleagues in the scientific community, but also for other people.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA and protein expressed from the same gene can have diverse isoforms due to various post-transcriptional and post-translational modifications. For the vast majority of alternative isoforms, It is unknown whether they are adaptive or simply biological noise. As we cannot experimentally probe the function of each isoform, we can ask whether the distribution of isoforms across genes and across species is consistent with expectations from different evolutionary processes. However, there is currently no theoretical framework that can generate such predictions. To address this, we developed a mathematical model where isoform abundances are determined collectively by cis-acting loci, trans-acting factors, gene expression levels, and isoform decay rates to predict isoform abundance distributions across species and genes in the face of mutation, genetic drift, and selection. We found that factors beyond selection, such as effective population size and the number of cis-acting loci, significantly influence evolutionary outcomes. Notably, suboptimal phenotypes are more likely to evolve when the population is small and/or when the number of cis-loci is large. We also explored scenarios where modification processes have both beneficial and detrimental effects, revealing a non-monotonic relationship between effective population size and optimization, demonstrating how opposing selection pressures on cis- and trans-acting loci can constrain the optimization of gene product diversity. As a demonstration of the power of our theory, we compared the expected distribution of A-to-I RNA editing levels in coleoids and found this to be largely consistent with non-adaptive explanations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plus, minus, and double-strand RNA viruses are all found in nature. We use computational models to study the relative success of these strategies. We consider translation, replication, and virion assembly inside one cell, and transmission of virions between cells. For viruses which do not incorporate a polymerase in the capsid, transmission of only plus strands is the default strategy because virions containing minus strands are not infectious. Packaging only plus strands has a significant advantage if the number of RNA strands produced per cell is larger than the number of capsids. In this case, by not packaging minus strands, the virus produces more plus-strand virions. Therefore, plus-strand viruses are selected at low multiplicity of infection. However, at high multiplicity of infection, it is preferable to package both strands because the additional minus virions produced are helpful when there are multiple infections per cell. The fact that plus-strand viruses are widespread while viruses that package both strands are not seen in nature suggests that RNA strands are indeed produced in excess over capsids, and that the multiplicity of infection is not sufficiently high to favor the production of both kinds of virions. For double-strand viruses, we show that it is advantageous to produce only plus strands from the double strand within the cell, as is observed in real viruses. The reason for the success of minus-strand viruses is more puzzling initially. For viruses that incorporate a polymerase in the virion, minus virions are infectious. However, this is not sufficient to explain the success of minus-strand viruses, because in this case, viruses that package both strands outcompete those that package only minus or only plus. Real minus-strand viruses make use of replicable strands that are coated by a nucleoprotein, and separate translatable plus strands that are uncoated. Here we show that when there are distinct replicable and translatable strands, minus-strand viruses are selected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary biology provides a unifying theory for testing hypotheses about the relationship between hormones and person perception. Person perception usually receives attention from the perspective of sexual selection. However, because person perception is one trait in a suite regulated by hormones, univariate approaches are insufficient. In this Perspectives article, quantitative genetics is presented as an important but underutilized framework for testing evolutionary hypotheses within this literature. We note tacit assumptions within the current literature on psychiatric genetics, which imperil the interpretation of findings thus far. As regulators of a diverse manifold of traits, hormones mediate tradeoffs among an array of functions. Hormonal pleiotropy also provides the basis of correlational selection, a process whereby selection on one trait in a hormone-mediated suite generates selection on the others. This architecture provides the basis for conflicts between sexual and natural selection within hormone-mediated suites. Due to its role in person perception, psychiatric disorders, and reproductive physiology, the sex hormone estrogen is highlighted as an exemplar here. The implications of this framework for the evolution of person perception are discussed. Empirical quantification of selection on traits within hormone-mediated suites remains an important gap in this literature with great potential to illuminate the fundamental nature of psychiatric disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Social anxiety (SA) is characterized by concerns about the expected occurrence (probability) and anticipated distress (cost) of social threats. Unclear is whether SA correlates specifically with biased expectations of belongingness or status threats.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to discern if SA is uniquely tied to biased expectancies of either belongingness or status threats.
    METHODS: We assessed 757 participants\' perceptions of exclusion and put-down scenarios, analysing associations between SA and threat perceptions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the status-sensitivity hypothesis, suggesting individuals with high SA are particularly attuned to the perceived cost of status threats, potentially informing treatment approaches.
    CONCLUSIONS: Understanding SA\'s link to status concerns enhances therapeutic strategies, emphasizing the need to address status-related situations, cognitions, and emotions in interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The book of Patrick Matthew (1790-1874) \'On Naval Timber and Arboriculture\' has regularly thwarted readers\' attempts of interpretation. The problems seem to extend beyond analysing and interpreting its evolutionary passages. Building upon previous studies, this analysis presents evidence that the book\'s structure itself may have contributed significantly to its reception by sundry readers as somehow either clear or obscure, consequently leading to a diversity of interpretations. First, the book does not have a consistent literary form. Second, it presents a miscellany of juxtaposed contents. Third, its readers approach it from different contexts. Internal evidence shows that Patrick Matthew added a lot of material, while the manuscript was already in the proof-reading or press stage. This explains why it provides no consistent literary form or integrated content that would have helped interpretation. Hence readers have been left to their own devices, and their interpretation depended more strongly than usual on their own contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the rapid evolution of SARS-CoV-2, the emergence of new strains is an intriguing question. This paper presents an evolutionary theory to analyze the mutations of the virus and identify the conditions that lead to the generation of new strains. We represent the virus variants using a 4-letter sequence based on amino acid mutations on the spike protein and employ an n-distance algorithm to derive a variant phylogenetic tree. We show that the theoretically-derived tree aligns with experimental data on virus evolution. Additionally, we propose an A-X model, utilizing the set of existing mutation sites (A) and a set of randomly generated sites (X), to calculate the emergence of new strains. Our findings demonstrate that a sufficient number of random iterations can predict the generation of new macro-lineages when the number of sites in X is large enough. These results provide a crucial theoretical basis for understanding the evolution of SARS-CoV-2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of evolutionary theory at the origin of life is an extensively debated topic. The origin and early development of life is usually separated into a prebiotic phase and a protocellular phase, ultimately leading to the Last Universal Common Ancestor. Most likely, the Last Universal Common Ancestor was subject to Darwinian evolution, but the question remains to what extent Darwinian evolution applies to the prebiotic and protocellular phases. In this review, we reflect on the current status of evolutionary theory in origins of life research by bringing together philosophy of science, evolutionary biology, and empirical research in the origins field. We explore the various ways in which evolutionary theory has been extended beyond biology; we look at how these extensions apply to the prebiotic development of (proto)metabolism; and we investigate how the terminology from evolutionary theory is currently being employed in state-of-the-art origins of life research. In doing so, we identify some of the current obstacles to an evolutionary account of the origins of life, as well as open up new avenues of research.





