
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social emotional learning (SEL) has a robust evidence basis, but there remains a large gap in literature on the effectiveness of programs across educational settings in low- and middle-income countries and conflict-affected settings. The present study was a pilot trial aimed at evaluating the effects of a classroom based SEL program on dimensions of classroom climate and individual student social emotional skills. In the present study, fourth through sixth grade classrooms in 10 schools (N = 39 teachers, 75.68% female; N = 1048 students, 62.3% female) were randomly allocated to the SEL or wait-list control condition. The SEL program was associated with significant improvements in teacher reports of student achievement orientation (dr = 1.21) and responsible decision-making (dr = 0.49). There were no significant differences between conditions on peer sensitivity, teacher-pupil interactions, student interpersonal skills, or overall social emotional skills. Findings suggest that this community-developed, contextually relevant SEL curriculum may hold promise even in the context of ongoing adversity, including the COVID-19 pandemic and heightened insecurity due to political violence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Physical activity is known to promote health and psychological well-being in older adults, yet global inactivity rates in this population remain high. Among the factors associated with physical activity, self-efficacy for exercise represents a key predictor for developing effective interventions in older adults. This study aimed to validate the Self-Efficacy for Exercise Scale (SEE) in individuals over 65. (2) Methods: A sample of 726 older adults from the USA and Italy (51.1% females; age range = 65-95 years; Mage = 72.57, SDage = 6.49) completed the SEE, along with the Godin-Shepard Leisure-Time Physical Activity Questionnaire (GSLTPAQ), the Big Five Inventory 2-Extra Short Form (BFI-2-XS), and the 12-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12). (3) Results: The SEE showed a Cronbach\'s Alpha of 0.88 and a Composite Reliability of 0.89. Moreover, it demonstrated a unidimensional factor structure and good fit indices. Full measurement invariance was achieved across gender and age, while partial scalar invariance was found across countries, suggesting minor cultural differences. Correlation with the GSLTPAQ, the BFI-2-XS, and the SF-12 support the convergent and nomological validity of the SEE. (4) Conclusions: These findings provide evidence that the SEE is a reliable and valid measure of self-efficacy for exercise among older adults and that the items are interpreted similarly across different ages, genders, and cultures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The Autism Stigma and Knowledge Questionnaire (ASK-Q) was developed to assess autism knowledge across cultural contexts. The current study aimed to examine cultural equivalence of the measure using a large, international database. These analyses identified 18 items in need of examination for removal or revision. A team of autism experts recommended several additional changes to reduce stigma and increase cross-cultural sensitivity and accuracy of the items on the measure. These changes resulted in a briefer measure with maintained statistical support.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many societal challenges are threshold dilemmas requiring people to cooperate to reach a threshold before group benefits can be reaped. Yet receiving feedback about others\' outcomes relative to one\'s own (relative feedback) can undermine cooperation by focusing group members\' attention on outperforming each other. We investigated the impact of relative feedback compared to individual feedback (only seeing one\'s own outcome) on cooperation in children from Germany and India (6- to 10-year-olds, N = 240). Using a threshold public-goods game with real water as a resource, we show that, although feedback had an effect, most groups sustained cooperation at high levels in both feedback conditions until the end of the game. Analyses of children\'s communication (14,374 codable utterances) revealed more references to social comparisons and more verbal efforts to coordinate in the relative-feedback condition. Thresholds can mitigate the most adverse effects of social comparisons by focusing attention on a common goal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Globalization has increased the importance of multicultural research to address health disparities and improve healthcare outcomes for underrepresented communities. The International Nursing Network for HIV Research (The Network) serves as a platform for researchers to collaborate on cross-cultural and cross-national HIV studies. This article discusses the Network\'s approach to overcoming barriers in multicultural and multinational research in a qualitative context.
    UNASSIGNED: The network created a protocol to guide decision-making throughout the translation process of qualitative data collected from participants in their native languages. The protocol includes aspects of why, when, what, who, how, where, and by what means the translation is completed.
    UNASSIGNED: The protocol has allowed researchers to enhance the validity, reliability, and cultural sensitivity of translation process, ensuring the clarity and impact of their research findings.
    UNASSIGNED: Rigorous translation practices promote cross-cultural understanding and respect for participants\' perspectives, fostering global collaborations and knowledge exchange.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The persistent debates over pornography have often focused on differences between males and females, not only in the frequency of consumption or the type of material consumed, but also on the different ways that individuals may perceive sexually explicit images and respond to them. Some of these differences may be due to sex differences in a number of factors including sexual strategies, pathogen or sexual disgust, and own mate value as well as within sex differences in these factors. Previous studies have demonstrated that perceptions of sexually explicit images are influenced by the sex of the target in the image and the target\'s emotional affect, as well as sex of the respondent, their sexual orientation, short-term mating orientation, and disgust measures. However, these previous studies were conducted with participants from the United States alone. This study compared the findings from these US samples to those from non-Western ones (Philippines and Brazil) in order to examine the replicability across cultures of the US results as well as whether some variables (religiosity, for example) account for more or less of the variance in perceptions in different populations. Results indicated that there were some differences in terms of the amount of variance in perceptions explained by different variables across populations. Participant and stimuli related variables explained more variance in the Philippines while individual difference variables accounted for more variance in Brazil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We examined whether people with high BMI sampled from two different countries were more susceptible to behavioural change via an implicit, rather than explicit, intervention. We measured BMI and used three types of cue interventions (implicit vs explicit healthy lifestyle cue vs neutral cue) to examine their impact on our participants\' food choice using the Fake Food Buffet. Healthiness of the meal chosen was measured by the percentage of healthy food items in the meal. Portion size of their chosen meal was operationalised by the total number of food items chosen and its total calorie content was also estimated. Participants were recruited from the United Kingdom (N = 264) and Indonesia (N = 264). Our results indicated that while explicit food cues were overall more effective, implicit cues were a more effective strategy to change food choice behaviours among individuals with high BMI. Participants with high BMI were more likely to regulate the healthiness of their meal and less likely to regulate its portion size or calorie content. The efficacy of our healthy eating interventions was cross-culturally generalizable. Our study supports previous research that implicit cues of a healthy lifestyle might be a more effective behavioural change strategy for individuals with high BMI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When thinking about possibility, one can consider both epistemic and deontic principles (i.e., physical possibility and permissibility). Cultural influences may lead individuals to weigh epistemic and deontic obligations differently; developing possibility conceptions are therefore positioned to be affected by cultural surroundings. Across two studies, 251 U.S. and Chinese 4-, 6-, and 8-year-olds sampled from major metropolitan areas in Texas and the Hubei, Sichuan, Gansu, and Guangdong Provinces judged the possibility of impossible, improbable, and ordinary events. Across cultures and ages, children judged ordinary events as possible and impossible events as impossible; cultural differences emerged in developing conceptions of improbable events. Whereas U.S. children became more likely to judge these events possible with age, Chinese children\'s judgments remained consistent with age: Chinese 4- to 8-year-olds judged these events to be possible ∼25% of the time. In Study 2, to test whether this difference was attributable to differential prioritization of epistemic versus deontic constraints, children also judged whether each event was an epistemic violation (i.e., required magic to happen) and a deontic violation (i.e., would result in someone getting in trouble). With age, epistemic judgments were increasingly predictive of possibility judgments for improbable events for U.S. children, and decreasingly so for Chinese children. Contrary to our predictions, deontic judgments were not predictive. We propose that cultural valuation of norms might shape children\'s developing intuitions about possibility. We discuss our findings in light of three accounts of possibility conceptions, suggesting ways to integrate cultural context into each.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The change in the efficacy of antimicrobial agents due to their misuse is implicated in extensive health and mortality related concerns. The Antibiotics Use Questionnaire (AUQ) is a theory driven measure based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TpB) factors that is designed to investigate drivers of antibiotic use behaviour. The objective of this study is to replicate the factor structure from the pilot study within a similar Australian confirmation cohort, and to extend this through investigating if the factor structure holds in a Chinese-identifying cohort.
    METHODS: The AUQ was disseminated to two cohorts: a confirmation cohort similar to the original study, and a Chinese identifying cohort. Data analysis was completed on the two data sets independently, and on a combined data set. An orthogonal principal components analysis with varimax rotation was used to assess the factor structure, followed by general linear models to determine the influence of the TpB factors on reported antibiotic use.
    RESULTS: 370 participant responses from the confirmation cohort, and 384 responses from the Chinese-identifying cohort were retained for analysis following review of the data. Results showed modest but acceptable levels of internal reliability across both cohorts. Social norms, and the interaction between attitudes and beliefs and knowledge were significant predictors of self-reported antibiotic use in both cohorts. In the confirmation cohort healthcare training was a significant predictor, and in the Chinese-identifying cohort education was a significant predictor. All other predictors tested produced a nonsignificant relationship with the outcome variable of self-reported antibiotic use.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study successfully replicated the factor structure of the AUQ in a confirmation cohort, as well as a cohort that identified as culturally or legally Chinese, determining that the factor structure is retained when investigated across cultures. The research additionally highlights the need for a measure such as the AUQ, which can identify how differing social, cultural, and community factors can influence what predicts indiscriminate antibiotic use. Future research will be required to determine the full extent to which this tool can be used to guide bespoke community level interventions to assist in the management of antimicrobial resistance.





