
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cotton fibers provide an important source of raw materials for the textile industry worldwide. Cotton fiber is a kind of single cell that differentiates from the epidermis of the ovule and provides a perfect research model for the differentiation and elongation of plant cells. Cotton fiber initiation is the first stage throughout the entire developmental process. The number of fiber cell initials on the seed ovule epidermis decides the final fiber yield. Thus, it is of great significance to clarify the mechanism underlying cotton fiber initiation. Fiber cell initiation is controlled by complex and interrelated regulatory networks. Plant phytohormones, transcription factors, sugar signals, small signal molecules, functional genes, non-coding RNAs, and histone modification play important roles during this process. Here, we not only summarize the different kinds of factors involved in fiber cell initiation but also discuss the mechanisms of these factors that act together to regulate cotton fiber initiation. Our aim is to synthesize a systematic and comprehensive review of different factors during fiber initiation that will provide the basics for further illustrating these mechanisms and offer theoretical guidance for improving fiber yield in future molecular breeding work.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    General information concerning different kinds of chemical additives used in the textile industry has been described in this paper. The properties and applications of organofunctional silanes and polysiloxanes (silicones) for chemical and physical modifications of textile materials have been reviewed, with a focus on silicone softeners, silane, and silicones-based superhydrophobic finishes and coatings on textiles composed of silicone elastomers and rubbers. The properties of textile materials modified with silanes and silicones and their practical and potential applications, mainly in the textile industry, have been discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glandless cotton (devoid of toxic gossypol) can be grown as a triple-purpose crop for fiber, feeds, and food (as an oil and protein source). However, its sensitivity to insect pests and its low yield due to the lack of breeding activities has prevented the realization of its potential in commercial seed production and utilization. Since the mid-1990s, the commercialization of bollworm and budworm resistant Bt cotton and the eradication of boll weevils and pink bollworms have provided an opportunity to revitalize glandless cotton production in the United States. The objectives of this study were to review the current status of genetics and breeding for glandless cotton, with a focus on the progress in breeding for glandless Upland cotton in New Mexico, United States. Because there existed a 10-20% yield gap between the best existing glandless germplasm and commercial Upland cultivars, the breeding of glandless Upland cultivars with improved yield and disease resistance was initiated at the New Mexico State University more than a decade ago. As a result, three glandless Upland cultivars, i.e., long-staple Acala 1517-18 GLS, medium staple NuMex COT 15 GLS, and NuMex COT 17 GLS with Fusarium wilt race 4 resistance were released. However, to compete with the current commercial glanded cotton, more breeding efforts are urgently needed to introduce different glandless traits (natural mutations, transgenic or genome-editing) into elite cotton backgrounds with high yields and desirable fiber quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cotton is one of the most important crops in the world. With the increasing scarce of global water resources, irrigation water will become a major limiting factor in cotton production. Deficit irrigation is an irrigation method which consumes less water than the normal evapotranspiration of crops. It is an effective water-saving method due to improved water use efficiency without sacrificing cotton yield and fiber quality. We summarized the effects of deficit irrigation on the growth and water use efficiency of cotton. The results showed that deficit irrigation promoted the transformation from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, reduced plant height, leaf area, and total biomass of cotton, and subsequently improved the harvest index, stem diameter and water use efficiency. Finally, based on the current research and combined with cotton production reality, the application and future development of deficit irrigation were proposed, which might provide theoretical guidance for the sustainable development of cotton plantation in arid areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cotton (Gossypium hirustum L.) is grown globally as a major source of natural fiber. Nitrogen (N) management is cumbersome in cotton production systems; it has more impacts on yield, maturity, and lint quality of a cotton crop than other primary plant nutrient. Application and production of N fertilizers consume large amounts of energy, and excess application can cause environmental concerns, i.e., nitrate in ground water, and the production of nitrous oxide a highly potent greenhouse gas (GHG) to the atmosphere, which is a global concern. Therefore, improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of cotton plant is critical in this context. Slow-release fertilizers (e.g., polymer-coated urea) have the potential to increase cotton yield and reduce environmental pollution due to more efficient use of nutrients. Limited literature is available on the mitigation of GHG emissions for cotton production. Therefore, this review focuses on the role of N fertilization, in cotton growth and GHG emission management strategies, and will assess, justify, and organize the researchable priorities. Nitrate and ammonium nitrogen are essential nutrients for successful crop production. Ammonia (NH3) is a central intermediate in plant N metabolism. NH3 is assimilated in cotton by the mediation of glutamine synthetase, glutamine (z-) oxoglutarate amino-transferase enzyme systems in two steps: the first step requires adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to add NH3 to glutamate to form glutamine (Gln), and the second step transfers the NH3 from glutamine (Gln) to α-ketoglutarate to form two glutamates. Once NH3 has been incorporated into glutamate, it can be transferred to other carbon skeletons by various transaminases to form additional amino acids. The glutamate and glutamine formed can rapidly be used for the synthesis of low-molecular-weight organic N compounds (LMWONCs) such as amides, amino acids, ureides, amines, and peptides that are further synthesized into high-molecular-weight organic N compounds (HMWONCs) such as proteins and nucleic acids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review outlines nitrogen (N) responses in crop production and potential management decisions to ameliorate abiotic stresses for better crop production. N is a primary constituent of the nucleotides and proteins that are essential for life. Production and application of N fertilizers consume huge amounts of energy, and excess is detrimental to the environment. Therefore, increasing plant N use efficiency (NUE) is important for the development of sustainable agriculture. NUE has a key role in crop yield and can be enhanced by controlling loss of fertilizers by application of humic acid and natural polymers (hydrogels), having high water-holding capacity which can improve plant performance under field conditions. Abiotic stresses such as waterlogging, drought, heat, and salinity are the major limitations for successful crop production. Therefore, integrated management approaches such as addition of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG), the film antitranspirant (di-1-p-menthene and pinolene) nutrients, hydrogels, and phytohormones may provide novel approaches to improve plant tolerance against abiotic stress-induced damage. Moreover, for plant breeders and molecular biologists, it is a challenge to develop cotton cultivars that can tolerate plant abiotic stresses while having high potential NUE for the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cotton is planted worldwide as a \"cash crop\" providing us fiber, edible oil, and animal feed as well. In this review, we presented a contemporary synthesis of the existing data regarding the importance of nitrogen application and tillage system on cotton growth and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. Cotton growth and development are greatly influenced by nitrogen (N); therefore, proper N application is important in this context. Tillage system also influences cottonseed yield. Conservation tillage shows more promising results as compared to the conventional tillage in the context of cotton growth and GHG emission. Moreover, the research and knowledge gap relating to nitrogen application, tillage and cotton growth and yield, and GHG emission was also highlighted in order to guide the further studies in the future. Although limited data were available regarding N application, tillage and their interactive effects on cotton performance, and GHG emission, we also tried to highlight some key factors which influence them significantly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cotton is an important multipurpose crop which is highly sensitive to both biotic and abiotic stresses. Proper management of this cash crop requires systematic understanding of various environmental conditions that are vital to yield and quality. High temperature stress can severely affect the viability of pollens and anther indehiscence, which leads to significant yield losses. Cotton can respond to withstand adverse environmental condition in several phases among which the accumulation of chemicals is extremely vital. Calcium, kinases, reactive oxygen species, carbohydrate, transcription factors, gene expression regulation, and plant hormones signaling pathways are playing a handy role in activating the major genes responsible to encounter and defend elevated temperature stress. The production of heat shock proteins is up-regulated when crops are unleashed to high temperature stress. Molecular breeding can play a functional role to identify superior genes for all the important attributes as well as provide breeder ready markers for developing ideotypes. The development of high-temperature resistant transgenic cultivars of cotton can grant a stability benefit and can also ameliorate the production capacity in response to elevated temperature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





