
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genetically engineered bollworm-resistant Bt cotton hybrid varieties offer opportunities for reducing crop losses and enhancing productivity. In Eastern Africa region, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Kenya have approved and released Bt cotton in 2012, in 2018, and in 2019, respectively. The region has potential to grow cotton in over 5 million hectares. For commercial plantings in Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya, hybrid Bt cotton seeds have been imported from India. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic-induced supply chain disruptions, high shipment costs, bureaucratic procedures for importing seeds, and foreign exchange shortages, farmers have not been able to access Bt cotton seeds. Stakeholders are seeking local production of seeds to provide sustainable access by farmers at affordable cost. Country case studies reveal the importance of enhancing capacity for local seed production and extension advisory services. Revival of the cotton sector needs enhanced public-private partnerships to pave the way for sustainable seeds access in the region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Observable qualitative traits are relatively stable across environments and are commonly used to evaluate crop genetic diversity. Recently, molecular markers have largely superseded describing phenotypes in diversity surveys. However, qualitative descriptors are useful in cataloging germplasm collections and for describing new germplasm in patents, publications, and/or the Plant Variety Protection (PVP) system. This research focused on the comparative analysis of standardized cotton traits as represented within the National Cotton Germplasm Collection (NCGC). The cotton traits are named by \'descriptors\' that have non-numerical sub-categories (descriptor states) reflecting the details of how each trait manifests or is absent in the plant. We statistically assessed selected accessions from three major groups of Gossypium as defined by the NCGC curator: (1) \"Stoneville accessions (SA),\" containing mainly Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) cultivars; (2) \"Texas accessions (TEX),\" containing mainly G. hirsutum landraces; and (3) Gossypium barbadense (Gb), containing cultivars or landraces of Pima cotton (Gossypium barbadense). For 33 cotton descriptors we: (a) revealed distributions of character states for each descriptor within each group; (b) analyzed bivariate associations between paired descriptors; and (c) clustered accessions based on their descriptors. The fewest significant associations between descriptors occurred in the SA dataset, likely reflecting extensive breeding for cultivar development. In contrast, the TEX and Gb datasets showed a higher number of significant associations between descriptors, likely correlating with less impact from breeding efforts. Three significant bivariate associations were identified for all three groups, bract nectaries:boll nectaries, leaf hair:stem hair, and lint color:seed fuzz color. Unsupervised clustering analysis recapitulated the species labels for about 97% of the accessions. Unexpected clustering results indicated accessions that may benefit from potential further investigation. In the future, the significant associations between standardized descriptors can be used by curators to determine whether new exotic/unusual accessions most closely resemble Upland or Pima cotton. In addition, the study shows how existing descriptors for large germplasm datasets can be useful to inform downstream goals in breeding and research, such as identifying rare individuals with specific trait combinations and targeting breakdown of remaining trait associations through breeding, thus demonstrating the utility of the analytical methods employed in categorizing germplasm diversity within the collection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbially contaminated washing machines and mild laundering conditions facilitate the survival and growth of microorganisms on laundry, promoting undesired side effects such as malodor formation. Clearly, a deeper understanding of the functionality and hygienic relevance of the laundry microbiota necessitates the analysis of the microbial gene expression on textiles after washing, which-to the best of our knowledge-has not been performed before. In this pilot case study, we used single-end RNA sequencing to generate de novo transcriptomes of the bacterial communities remaining on polyester and cotton fabrics washed in a domestic washing machine in mild conditions and subsequently incubated under moist conditions for 72 h. Two common de novo transcriptome assemblers were used. The final assemblies included 22,321 Trinity isoforms and 12,600 Spades isoforms. A large part of these isoforms could be assigned to the SwissProt database, and was further categorized into \"molecular function\", \"biological process\" and \"cellular component\" using Gene Ontology (GO) terms. In addition, differential gene expression was used to show the difference in the pairwise comparison of the two tissue types. When comparing the assemblies generated with the two assemblers, the annotation results were relatively similar. However, there were clear differences between the de novo assemblies regarding differential gene expression.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although surveys of pest populations documenting evolved insecticide resistance often suggest abundant potential for insecticide control failures, studies documenting the actual occurrence of such failures in commercial agriculture are rare. If farmers currently practice adaptive management, abandoning the use of insecticides once resistance emerges, actual control failures could be rare. Here I use data gathered by independent pest management consultants to describe a case study of the realized efficacy of commercial field applications of insecticides, examining the control of Lygus hesperus Knight on cotton. On average, insecticides reduced target pest populations to 19% of their preapplication densities. Short-term efficacy of insecticides was variable, but only one severe control failure was observed (1 of 50, 2%). The rarity of severe control failures observed in this study is in agreement with the few other studies conducted in commercial settings, but additional research is needed to assess the generality of this result. Although pesticides can cause longer-term problems, including target pest resurgences and secondary pest outbreaks, risk-averse attitudes among farmers coupled with relatively consistent short-term insecticide efficacy may be potent forces propelling farmers toward the use of insecticides.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The Cotton osteotomy or opening wedge medial cuneiform osteotomy is a useful adjunctive flatfoot reconstructive procedure that is rarely performed in isolation. The Cotton procedure is relatively quick to perform and effectively corrects forefoot varus deformity after rearfoot fusion or osteotomy to achieve a rectus forefoot to rearfoot relationship. Proper patient selection is critical, because preoperative findings of medial column joint instability, concomitant hallux valgus deformity, or degenerative joint disease of the medial column might be better treated with arthrodesis of the naviculocuneiform or first tarsometatarsal joints. Procedure indications also include elevatus of the first ray, which can be a primary deformity in hallux limitus, or iatrogenic deformity after base wedge osteotomy in hallux valgus. We present the case of an adolescent patient who underwent flatfoot reconstruction, including Cotton osteotomy for correction of forefoot varus that was accentuated after double heel osteotomy. This case highlights our preferred procedure technique, including the use of a nerve-centric incision design. The use of an oblique dorsal medial incision is primarily intended to minimize the risk of trauma to the medial dorsal cutaneous nerve. At 20 months postoperatively for the right extremity and 12 months postoperatively for the left extremity, sensation remained intact, and the patient had not experienced any postoperative nerve symptoms. The patient had returned to playing sports without pain or restrictions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The fibre traces on a young victim found underwater were mostly single fibre traces besides small amounts of fibre collectives indistinguishable from his parents clothes (mainly wool). Most of those single fibre traces were blue-grey polyester fibres showing tiny differences among each other. They were unexpected according to known population fibre studies. One year after the victim\'s discovery experiments were conducted to evaluate the possible contamination with fibres from river water. A small amount of extraneous fibres were collected among which blue and grey-black cotton and man-made (mainly polyester) fibres. All man-made fibres were single fibre traces and small fibre collectives were only observed for cotton. These results confirmed the frequent occurrence of blue and grey-black cotton fibres as background, but also highlighted the possible contamination with single blue and grey-black man-made fibres from river water. No wool was found, strengthening the significance of the wool fibre collectives present on the victim.






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    文章类型: Journal Article






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