
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Turnera is a genus of plants whose biological activity has been widely studied. The importance of this genus, particularly Turnera diffusa, as a source of treatment for various conditions is evidenced by the large number of new studies that have evaluated its biological activity. Accordingly, the objective of this review was to compile the information published in the last ten years concerning the biological activities reported for Turnera spp. The present work includes 92 publications that evaluate 29 bioactivities and toxicological and genotoxic information on five species of this genus. Among the pharmacological effects reported, the antioxidant, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, hypoglycemic, and aphrodisiac activities seem more promising. Phytochemicals and standardized plant extracts could offer alternative therapeutic remedies for various diseases. Although several flavonoids, cyanogenic glycosides, monoterpenoids, triterpenoids, and fatty acids have been isolated for Turnera plants, future research should focus on the identification of the main active principles responsible for these pharmacological activities, as well as to perform clinical trials to support the laboratory results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Withania somnifera, commonly known as Ashwagandha, is an important medicinal herb belonging to family Solanaceae. It is widely used in folkloric and Ayurvedic medicines since antiquity. Traditionally, the plant is highly practiced throughout the globe as immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, anti-parkinson, anti-alzheimer, cardio protective, neural and physical health enhancer, neurodefensive, anti-diabetic, aphrodisiac, memory boosting etc. The plant is also effective in combating various types of cancer and other related problems of colon, mammary, lung, prostate, skin, blood, liver and kidney.
    UNASSIGNED: The present review represents the critical assessment of the literature available on the anticancerous role of W. somnifera. The present study throws light on its diverse chemical compounds and the possible mechanisms of action involved. This review also suggests further research strategies to harness the therapeutic potential of this plant.
    METHODS: The present review is the outcome of a systematic search of scientific literature about \'Withania somnifera and its role in cancer prevention\'. The scientific databases viz. Google Scholar, Science Direct, Pubmed and Web of Science were searched from 2001 to 2019. Textbooks, magazines and newspapers were also consulted. This review summarizes all the published literature about its therapeutic potential for the treatment of different types of cancers.
    RESULTS: W. somnifera has been widely used in traditional and ayurvedic medicines for treatment of numerous problems related to health and vitality. The plant is a reservoir of diverse phytoconstituents like alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, phenolics, nitrogen containing compounds and trace elements. Withanolides are the major alkaloids which renders its anticancer potential due to its highly oxygenated nature. The plant is highly effective in combating various types of cancers viz. colon, mammary, lung, prostate, skin, blood, liver and kidney. Previous studies depict that this plant is more effective against breast cancer followed by colon, lung, prostate and blood cancer. Furthermore, from different clinical studies it has been observed that the active constituents of the plant like withaferin-A, withanolide-D have least toxic effects.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present review confirms the various medicinal values of W. somnifera without any significant side effects. Withaferin-A (WA) and Withanolides are its most promising anticancer compounds that play a major role in apoptosis induction. Keeping in mind the anticancerous potential of this plant, it is suggested that this plant may further be investigated and more clinical studies can be performed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The prevalence and distress caused by erectile dysfunction (ED) to both male and female partners are increasing at a steady rate. ED has now become the most treated sexual disorder for men among young and old age groups due to varying physical and psychological factors. The treatment with synthetic Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitors are cost-effective but due to adverse effects such as priapism, loss of vision, heart attack and syncope, the daily life patterns of these patients are distressed and hence the need for alternative medicaments or sources are of utmost important. Therefore, the exploration of medicinal plants as PDE5 inhibitors will be worthwhile in tackling the problems as many plant extracts and fractions have been long used as aphrodisiacs and sexual stimulants which may be found to be active against PDE5 enzyme.
    OBJECTIVE: To provide a review on the different medicinal herbs traditionally used as natural aphrodisiacs, libido or sexual enhancers which are proven for their PDE5 inhibitory effect.
    METHODS: Ethnobotanical and scientific information was procured, reviewed and compiled from the literature search of electronic databases and search engines.
    RESULTS: A total of 97 medicinal plants exhibiting PDE5 inhibitory effect are reviewed in this paper which is supported by preclinical experimental evidence. Among them, 77 plants have been selected according to their traditional and ethnobotanical uses as aphrodisiacs and the rest are screened according to their effectiveness against predisposing factors responsible for ED and sexual dysfunction such as diabetes and hypertension or due to the presence of phytochemicals having structural similarity towards the identified natural PDE5 inhibitors. In addition, sixteen alkaloids, sixty-one phenolics and eight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have been isolated or identified from active extracts or fractions that are exhibiting PDE5 inhibitory activity. Among them, isoflavones and biflavones are the major active constituents responsible for action, where the presence of prenyl group for isoflavones; and the methoxy group at C-5 position of flavones are considered essential for the inhibitory effect. However, the prenylated flavonol glycoside, Icariin and Icariside II isolated from Epimedium brevicornum Maxim (hory goat weed) are the most effective inhibitor, till date from natural sources. Traditional medicines or formulations containing extracts of Ginkgo biloba L., Kaempferia parviflora Wall. ex Baker, Clerodendrum colebrookianum Walp., Eurycoma longifolia Jack and Vitis vinifera L. are also found to be inhibitors of PDE5 enzyme.
    CONCLUSIONS: The review suggests and supports the rational use of traditional medicines that can be further studied for the development of potential PDE5 inhibitors. Many traditional medicines are still used in various regions of Africa, Asia and South America that are poorly characterized and experimented. Despite the availability of a vast majority of traditional formulations as aphrodisiacs or sexual stimulants, there exists a need for systemic evaluation on the efficacy as well as the mechanism of action of the herbal constituents for the identification of novel chemical moieties that can be further developed for maximum efficacy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual enhancers increase sexual potency, sexual pleasure, or libido. Substances increasing libido alter the concentrations of specific neurotransmitters or sex hormones in the central nervous system. Interestingly, the same pathways are involved in the mechanisms underlying many psychiatric and neurological disorders, and adverse reactions associated with the use of aphrodisiacs are strongly expected. However, sexual enhancers of plant origin have gained popularity over recent years, as natural substances are often regarded as a safer alternative to modern medications and are easily acquired without prescription. We reviewed the psychiatric and neurological adverse effects associated with the consumption of herbal aphrodisiacs Areca catechu L., Argemone Mexicana L., Citrus aurantium L., Eurycoma longifolia Jack., Lepidium meyenii Walp., Mitragyna speciosa Korth., Panax ginseng C. A. Mey, Panax quinquefolius L., Pausinystalia johimbe (K. Schum.) Pierre ex Beille, Piper methysticum G. Forst., Ptychopetalum olacoides Benth., Sceletium tortuosum (L.) N. E. Brown, Turnera diffusa Willd. ex. Schult., Voacanga africana Stapf ex Scott-Elliot, and Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal. A literature search was conducted on the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases with the aim of identifying all the relevant articles published on the issue up to June 2020. Most of the selected sexual enhancers appeared to be safe at therapeutic doses, although mild to severe adverse effects may occur in cases of overdosing or self-medication with unstandardized products. Drug interactions are more concerning, considering that herbal aphrodisiacs are likely used together with other plant extracts and/or pharmaceuticals. However, few data are available on the side effects of several plants included in this review, and more clinical studies with controlled administrations should be conducted to address this issue.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Male sexual dysfunction is a common disorder that appears to be a consequence of a wide range of physical and psychological conditions. Due to mental stress, insufficient physical exercise and various aetiological factors, human being\'s life is becoming less pleasant, which leads to incapability to have sexual pleasure. The allopathic drugs used for sexual dysfunction are believed to produce a variety of side effects and affect other physiological processes and, ultimately, general health. Therefore, the search for natural supplement from medicinal plants is being intensified probably because of less side effects availability and affordability. Ethnobotanical surveys have indicated a large number of plants traditionally used as aphrodisiacs but only few of them are scientifically validated for the management and treatment of male sexual dysfunction. This article has summarised the medicinal plants traditionally recommended and scientifically validated for the management and treatment of male sexual dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual dysfunctions including desire, arousal, orgasm, and pain disorders are increasing worldwide due to etiological factors and aging. Several types of treatment are claimed in modern medicine, but they have serious side effects and higher costs. In fact, alternative approaches, such as the intake of plants, fungi, and insects, or their extracts, have also been practiced to enhance sexuality and ameliorate illness with notable successes. However, the scientific evidence related to the mechanisms and efficacy of these alternative medicines is both scarce and all too often unconvincing. Ophiocordyceps sinensis is an Ascomycetes fungus parasitic to Lepidoptera larvae, and has long been used as medicine to treat many illnesses and promote longevity in Chinese society. Previous investigations have shown that O. sinensis has many pharmacological activities. This review has focused on illustrating that O. sinensis can enhance libido and sexual performance, and can restore impaired reproductive functions, such as impotency or infertility, in both sexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crocus sativus L. belonging to the family Iridaceae (syn - kesar) comprises the dried red stigma and is widely cultivated in Iran and other countries such as India and Greece. Saffron contains more than 150 volatile and aroma-yielding compounds mainly terpenes, terpene alcohol, and their esters. The bitter taste and an iodoform or hay-like fragrance are caused by chemicals picrocrocin and safranal. C. sativus possesses a number of medicinally important activities such as antihypertensive, anticonvulsant, antitussive, antigenototoxic and cytotoxic effects, anxiolytic aphrodisiac, antioxidant, antidepressant, antinociceptive , anti-inflammatory, and relaxant activity. It also improves memory and learning skills, and increases blood flow in retina and choroid. The present review explores the historical background, chemical constituents, pharmacological actions, uses, substitutes and adulterants, and toxicity. It also deals with its evaluation, formulations, and chemical tests in detail.





