
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely prescribed for various conditions but are associated with numerous adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Understanding these ADRs is necessary to reduce morbidity and mortality. NSAID-induced angioedema, although rare, can be life-threatening and is often due to increased leukotriene production from COX pathway inhibition. Mast cells and basophil degranulation play vital roles in its pathogenesis. Prompt recognition and immediate cessation of the culprit drug, along with the administration of corticosteroids and antihistamines, are essential. Here, we report a case of angioedema caused by diclofenac administration, which needs prompt vigilance and a rapid therapeutic response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Drug-induced urticaria and angioedema cases are typically reversible upon discontinuation and can be triggered by antibiotics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Piperacillin-tazobactam, a common broad-spectrum antimicrobial, has been linked to severe adverse reactions, such as thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, and Steven Johnson syndrome in some cases. A 35-year-old male presented to the emergency department with fever, cough, and acute breathlessness, complicating his ongoing treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis with bedaquiline and delamanid. He was admitted and received supportive care. On the third day of intravenous piperacillin-tazobactam, he developed drug-induced urticaria and angioedema, which resolved upon discontinuing the drug. Piperacillin/tazobactam-induced hypersensitivity reaction is an immunologic and IgE-mediated immediate reaction. IgE-mediated immediate reactions to three major phenotypes of allergic patients with confirmed to piperacillin/tazobactam are either (1) sensitized to the β-lactam ring or (2) sensitized to the lateral chain of aminopenicillins or (3) selective to piperacillin/tazobactam alone. A skin patch test is advised, or prescribed to avoid hypersensitivity reactions due to piperacillin/tazobactam. This case underscores the challenges of non-adherence to anti-tubercular therapy, leading to drug resistance and prolonged, costly, and sometimes intolerable treatments. Regular patient follow-up, counseling, monitoring, and healthcare provider involvement are essential to enhance treatment adherence. Adverse drug reactions must be promptly reported and managed, and patient-centric approaches are crucial. Digital patient records and standardized data collection are recommended for program evaluation and global policy development. Causality assessment for piperacillin-tazobactam was diagnosed as the probable cause of drug-induced urticaria and angioedema. This case highlights the importance of adherence to tuberculosis treatment to prevent drug resistance. Overall, patient-centered care, monitoring adverse events of drug added, and better data collection are crucial for successful tuberculosis management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) is a rare disease characterized by episodes of swelling, HAE crisis could cause death by suffocation, and also affect the quality of life in these patients. There exists an important disparity of HAE specific treatments between countries, inclusive in the same region, currently in Perú we use moderate and high doses of Tranexamic Acid (TA) in prophylaxis therapy and in acute HAE crisis respectively.
    OBJECTIVE: To report our experience with TA in three types of HAE patients and be a guide to other countries with this therapy, where HAE specific treatments are not registered.
    METHODS: Patient 1: Woman. 49 years old. HAE-1. Symptoms began at the age of 12. Her final diagnosis was at age 45. Usually presents an acute crisis every two months approximately, she receives 2 g IV of TA when lips, tongue, facial episodes is beginning, eventually she needed other 1 - 2 g IV (after 4 hours). She receives Long-Term Prophylaxis (LTP) with TA (500 - 750 mg)/12 h. Patient 2: Woman 47 years old, HAE nC1INH-FXII. Symptoms began at the age of 19, during her first pregnancy, her definitive diagnosis was at the age of 41 years. She maintains a prophylaxis treatment of TA (750 mg-1,5 g)/daily; upper airway attacks are treated immediately with TA doses (1 - 2 g) when the crisis is beginning. Patient 3: Woman 43 years old, HAE-nC1INH-U. Genetic study did not recognize SERPING1, PLG1, ANGPT1, KNG1, FXII, mutations. Symptoms began at age 4, and her final diagnosis was at age 36. When the attack is beginning, she immediately receives TA (500 - 750 mg) orally / 12 hours during 2 to 3 days with acceptable tolerance and control of the HAE episodes. While the patients receive TA prophylaxis treatment doses (500 - 750 mg) every 8 or 12 hours respectively, the HAE episodes are less symptomatic and resolve in a few days.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found this systematic review, used TA orally, on-demand and prophylaxis therapy, maximum cumulative dose 3 g/24 h1. In our HAE patients, we used TA up to 4 g (2 g - 2 g) intravenous for control of acute crisis in a interval of 4 hours, when decreases the reaction, the orally maintenance dose should be prescribed, 1 g/8 h with a progressive decrease of the dose in the next days. Tranexamic Acid treatment was useful in our different types of HAE patients. Most of our patients use high doses of TA to slow down and stop slowly the HAE crisis. TA is probably an option in countries where specific treatments are not registered, it could be administered orally and/or intravenous. High doses of TA were well tolerated and with acceptable response in HAE attacks.
    BACKGROUND: El Angioedema Hereditario (AEH) se caracteriza por episodios de hinchazón a niveles cutáneo y submucoso, una crisis podría causar muerte por asfixia. Además, afecta la calidad de vida de las personas que la padecen. Existe una disparidad importante de medicamentos específicos para el AEH entre países, inclusive en nuestra misma región. En Perú donde no son viables estos tratamientos, se utiliza el Ácido Tranexámico (AT) para las Profilaxis de Largo y Corto Plazo (PLP / PCP), y para las crisis agudas de AEH.
    OBJECTIVE: Reportar la experiencia con el tratamiento de AT en tres tipos de pacientes con AEH, para que pueda ser usada como referencia en otros países en los que aún no se cuenta con medicamentos específicos para la enfermedad.
    UNASSIGNED: Paciente 1: Mujer de 49 años, AEH Tipo 1. Inició síntomas a los 12 años de edad. Diagnóstico definitivo a los 45 años. Actualmente, presenta crisis cada dos meses. Se le administran dosis de 2 g por IV de AT, cuando empieza crisis en cara, lengua y labios. Eventualmente ha necesitado entre 1 y 2 g por IV (después de cuatro horas), ella recibe PLP con AT (500 – 750 mg) cada 12 horas. Paciente 2: Mujer de 47 años, AEH-nC1INH-FXII. Inició síntomas a los 19 años durante su primer embarazo. Diagnóstico definitivo a los 41 años. Ella mantiene PLP con AT (750 mg – 1,5 g) diariamente. Los ataques de vía respiratoria alta son tratados inmediatamente con AT cuando la crisis inicia, con dosis de 1 a 2 g por IV. Paciente 3: Mujer de 43 años, AEH-nC1INH-D. Estudio genético no detecta mutación en SERPING1, PLG1, ANGPT1, KNG1 y FXII. Inició síntomas a los 4 años. Diagnóstico definitivo a los 36 años. Al iniciar las crisis, se administra AT por VO, entre 500 a 750 mg/12 horas durante dos o tres días con aceptable respuesta y tolerancia a los episodios de AEH. Mientras las pacientes reciban dosis de mantenimiento de AT, entre 500 y 750 mg cada 8 o 12 horas, las crisis suelen ser de menor intensidad y se resuelven en menos días.
    CONCLUSIONS: En esta revisión sistemática, utilizaron AT vía oral, a demanda y en tratamiento profiláctico, dosis máxima acumulada 3 g/24 h1. En nuestros pacientes con AEH, hemos utilizado AT hasta 4 g vía intravenosa en un intervalo de cuatro horas (2 g - 2 g); para el control de crisis agudas, cuando la reacción está cediendo, prescribimos la dosis de mantenimiento, 1 g/8 h con disminución progresiva de la dosis en los días siguientes. El tratamiento con ácido tranexámico ha sido de utilidad en nuestros pacientes con los distintos tipos de AEH. La mayoría de ellos utilizan altas dosis de AT para disminuir lentamente las crisis agudas de AEH. Se puede administrar vía oral o intravenosa. Es un medicamento que puede ser de ayuda en países donde no se tiene registro de tratamientos específicos para la enfermedad. Las dosis de AT han sido bien toleradas y con una respuesta aceptable en las crisis de estos pacientes con AEH.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Isolated uvular angioedema, or Quincke\'s disease, is a rare manifestation with various potential causes. This article presents the first documented case of recurrent isolated uvular angioedema associated with intranasal cocaine use. The patient, a 43-year-old man, exhibited acute symptoms of sore throat, throat swelling, and difficulty breathing, with a history of a similar episode a few years prior. Both episodes occurred following intranasal cocaine use. Examination revealed an enlarged uvula obstructing the airway. The patient was treated with epinephrine, antihistamines, and corticosteroids with resolution of the uvular edema. This case highlights the importance of considering cocaine as a potential causative agent in isolated uvular angioedema and emphasizes the need for patient education to avoid further cocaine use.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Review
    Morbihan syndrome (MS) is characterized by solid facial edema, usually related to rosacea or acne vulgaris. The facial edema deforms the patient\'s features, can impair peripheral vision, and affects quality of life. Its pathophysiology remains unclear. The disease usually has a slow and chronic course. MS most commonly affects middle-aged Caucasian men with rosacea and is rare in people below 20 years of age. MS is a diagnosis of exclusion. There is no standard treatment for MS, though systemic isotretinoin and antihistamines are mainly used. We present the case of an adolescent girl with MS nonresponding to 19 months of isotretinoin treatment with add-on antihistamines. Therapy with monthly administration of omalizumab (anti-IgE) for 6 months was an effective therapeutic option, improving the quality of life. Our case is the second description of omalizumab use in Morbihan syndrome, the first in an adolescent.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND Angioedema is non-pitting edema that occurs in the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue due to vascular leakage of plasma resulting from 1 of 2 major pathophysiological processes: mast cell-mediated angioedema and bradykinin-mediated angioedema. While it is a well-recognized adverse reaction of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, the association of angioedema with angiotensin receptor blockers is relatively less studied. Direct local trauma, although rarely, has been suggested to induce angioedema under certain conditions. We present a unique case of direct, local, trauma-related angioedema in a patient on an angiotensin receptor blocker. CASE REPORT The patient, an 83-year-old woman on telmisartan for hypertension, hit her neck against the edge of a chair during a fall. Shortly thereafter, she developed progressive airway compromise due to airway angioedema, as noted on direct laryngoscopy. A contrast CT scan of the neck also noted edema of the periglottic and supraglottic regions. She required intravenous corticosteroid administration and intubation in the emergency room and was successfully extubated 3 days after admission. She had no prior history of angioedema or allergy. We hypothesize that increased levels of circulatory bradykinin in the setting of telmisartan, combined with a local release of bradykinin from trauma, was the main pathophysiologic cause of the angioedema. CONCLUSIONS This case report highlights the rare and often forgotten adverse reaction of angioedema with use of angiotensin receptor blockers and confirms the finding of local trauma as a possible trigger.






  • 文章类型: Letter





