
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Suicidal ideation (SI), a risk factor for suicide, is prevalent in internalizing psychopathologies, including depression and anxiety. Rumination and worry are well-studied repetitive negative thinking (RNT) constructs implicated in internalizing psychopathologies. These constructs have shared and distinct characteristics. However, the relationship between rumination and worry and their associations with SI are not fully understood in clinical samples. The present study used correlational and regression analysis to evaluate these relationships as a secondary data analysis in treatment-seeking participants with internalizing psychopathologies in two independent samples (Study 1:n = 143; Study 2:n = 133). Results showed about half of the participants endorsed SI (Study 1:n = 79; Study 2:n = 71). Correlations revealed a significant, positive relationship between rumination and worry. Regression results with SI as the dependent variable showed rumination significantly positively corresponded with SI in both studies. Post-hoc partial correlations controlling for symptom severity (depression, anxiety), worry, and age showed the rumination-SI relationship was maintained in both studies. Findings for worry and SI were inconsistent between studies. Findings indicate rumination, but not worry, could be a stable, unique contributor to SI in internalizing psychopathologies. It may be useful to incorporate RNT into suicide risk assessment for individuals with internalizing conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Suicidality is a complex clinical phenomenon reflecting vulnerability to suicidal behavior which can be explained via the biopsychosocial paradigm and in relationship with a variety of country-specific factors. Data on suicides within the Russian population are inconsistent (from 11.7 up to 25.1 per 100.000), whereas the population\'s suicidality risks have not been investigated in detail. Suicidality estimates during the multifactorial influence of the COVID-19 pandemic could serve as a basis to learn more about this mental health indicator.
    METHODS: The current study is a part of the COMET-G international project (40 countries, n=55.589), which represents an analysis of data collected from Russia\'s general population (n=7714, 33±12 y.o., 61% female) to estimate suicidality using the Risk Assessment Suicidality Scale (RASS) and its relationships with socio-demographic, clinical, and life-habit characteristics during the COVID-19 pandemic. The evaluation of the statistical data (descriptive statistics, ANOVA, LASSO linear regression, significant at α=0.05) was undertaken using TIBCO Statistica.
    RESULTS: According to the RASS, at least 20.68%, and up to 29.15%, of the general population in Russia demonstrated increased risk of suicidality during the pandemic. Modelling these risks pointed to the key vulnerabilities related to mental and behavioral disorders, such as (i) current severe depression and a history of mental disorders, (ii) bipolar disorder, (iii) use of illicit drugs surprisingly outranking the alcohol misuse, and psychiatric compounds (hypnotics), highlighting sleep quality deterioration, (iv) a history of suicide attempts and self-harm - though not self-reported changes in depression - in response were predictors of the risk of suicidality, which can be explained by the phenomenon of \"learned suicidality\", a habitual behavioral suicidality pattern completion accumulated over the background. Such (v) socio-demographic indicators as younger age (disregarding the gender factor), a marital status of single, having no children, living with fewer people in the household, a recent increase in family conflicts, increased need for emotional support, decreased need for communication, and not believing in precautionary measures against COVID-19, contributed to the increase of suicidality risk in the context of the pandemic.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study revealed new suicide risk factors that should be taken into account in suicidality risk assessments for the Russian population and in the implementation of suicide prevention programs in the region.
    UNASSIGNED: Суицидальность — сложный клинический феномен, отражающий уязвимость к суицидальному поведению, который следует объяснять с позиций биопсихосоциальной парадигмы и во взаимосвязи с целым рядом специфических для каждой конкретной страны факторов. Данные о суицидах в российской популяции противоречивы (от 11,7 до 25,1 на 100 000), а популяционные риски суицидальности детально не изучались. Изменения суицидальности в ответ на многофакторное влияние пандемии COVID-19 дают основание для более глубокого изучения этого показателя психического здоровья на национальном уровне.
    UNASSIGNED: Настоящее исследование является частью международного проекта COMET-G (40 стран, n=55 589). В нем изучались собранные в общей российской популяции (n=7714, 33±12 лет, 61% женщин) данные оценки суицидальных тенденций с помощью шкалы оценки риска суицидальности (RASS) и анализировались взаимосвязи данного показателя с социально-демографическими, клиническими, жизненными характеристиками в период пандемии COVID-19. Статистическая обработка данных (описательная статистика, ANOVA, регрессия LASSO, линейная регрессия, значимость при α=0,05) проводилась с помощью программы TIBCO Statistica.
    UNASSIGNED: В период пандемии повышенный суицидальный риск, оцененный по шкале RASS выявлен у от 20,68% до 29,15% населения России. По результатам линейной регрессии суицидального риска со стороны психических и поведенческих расстройств выявлены ключевые факторы, ассоциированные с высоким риском: (i) текущая тяжелая депрессия и психические расстройства в анамнезе, (ii) биполярное расстройство, (iii) употребление наркотиков, значимость которых превышала таковую для фактора употребления алкоголя, и прием гипнотиков, сопряженный с ухудшением качества сна. (iv) Суицидальные попытки и эпизоды самоповреждающего поведения, но не усиление депрессии, предсказывали связанное с пандемией увеличение суицидальных мыслей и высокий риск суицидальности, что можно объяснить феноменом “выученной суицидальности” — паттерном привычной реализации суицидального поведения, , выработанным в течение прошлого опыта. (v) Такие социально-демографические показатели, как более молодой возраст (вне зависимости от гендерного фактора), одинокое проживание вне семьи, отсутствие детей, общее небольшое число членов семьи, недавнее увеличение семейных конфликтов, повышенная потребность в эмоциональной поддержке, сниженная потребность в общении, неверие в меры предосторожности против COVID-19, также ассоциировались с увеличением суицидального риска в условиях пандемии.
    UNASSIGNED: Результаты данного исследования выявили новые факторы суицидального риска, которые следует учитывать при оценке риска суицидальности для российского населения и при реализации национальных программ предотвращения суицидов.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: South Korea has the highest suicide rate among Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries; there is an increasing trend in suicide attempts among middle and high school students. Various factors contribute to the risk of suicide among adolescents, and the perception of suicide prevention has emerged as a significant factor. This study aimed to investigate the association between emotional and behavioral difficulties among middle and high school students and their perceptions of suicide prevention and to explore differences in suicide perception according to age.
    UNASSIGNED: A survey was conducted among community middle and high school students, including 530 participants, between 2020 and 2021. Emotional and behavioral difficulties were assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire-Korean version, and participants were asked to complete a questionnaire on the importance and possibility of suicide prevention. A correlation test and analysis of variance were used to examine the relationships between the variables, and suicide awareness was compared according to age.
    UNASSIGNED: The participants who displayed higher strength or lower difficulty were more likely to respond positively to suicide prevention measures. They also exhibited high strength and low difficulty levels, thus agreeing with the importance of suicide prevention. Regarding age-related perceptions of suicide, adults aged 20-29 years reported the lowest probability of suicide prevention.
    UNASSIGNED: Suicide perceptions influence the incidence of suicide. Therefore, active societal engagement through suicide prevention campaigns and related education is essential to improve such perceptions. Continuous attention and support are required to address this issue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that having a chronic physical illness (CPI; eg, asthma, diabetes, and epilepsy) is an independent risk factor for suicidality (ie, suicidal ideation or attempts) among youth. Less is known about the mechanisms linking CPI and suicidality. Some evidence suggests that mental illness (eg, depression and anxiety) or neurodevelopmental disorder (eg, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) mediates or moderates the CPI-suicidality association. Missing from the knowledge base is information on the association between having co-occurring CPI and mental illness or neurodevelopmental disorder (MIND) on youth suicidality.
    OBJECTIVE: This study uses epidemiological data from the 2019 Canadian Health Survey of Children and Youth (CHSCY) to study the intersection of CPI, MIND, and suicidality in youth. We will estimate prevalence, identify predictors, and investigate psychosocial and service use outcomes for youth with CPI-MIND comorbidity versus other morbidity groups (ie, healthy, CPI only, and MIND only).
    METHODS: Conducted by Statistics Canada, the CHSCY collected data from 47,850 children (aged 1-17 years) and their primary caregiving parent. Measures of youth CPI, MIND, family environment, and sociodemographics are available using youth and parent informants. Information on psychiatric services use is available via parent report and linkage to national administrative health data found in the National Ambulatory Care Reporting System and the Discharge Abstract Database, which allow the investigation of hospital-based mental health services (eg, emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and length of stay in hospital). Questions about suicidality were restricted to youths aged 15-17 years (n=6950), which form our analytic sample. Weighted regression-based analyses will account for the complex survey design.
    RESULTS: Our study began in November 2023, funded by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (SRG-0-008-22). Access to the linked CHSCY microdata file was granted in May 2024. Initial examination of CHSCY data shows that approximately 20% (1390/6950) of youth have CPI, 7% (490/6950) have MIND, 7% (490/6950) seriously considered suicide in the past year, and 3% (210/6950) had attempted suicide anytime during their life.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings will provide estimates of suicidality among youth with CPI-MIND comorbidity, which will inform intervention planning to prevent loss of life in this vulnerable population. Modeling correlates of suicidality will advance understanding of the relative and joint effects of factors at multiple levels-information needed to target prevention efforts and services. Understanding patterns of psychiatric service use is vital to understanding access and barriers to services. This will inform whether use matches need, identifying opportunities to advise policy makers about upstream resources to prevent suicidality. Importantly, findings will provide robust baseline of information on the link between CPI-MIND comorbidity and suicidality in youth, which can be used by future studies to address questions related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated countermeasures in this vulnerable population of youth.
    UNASSIGNED: DERR1-10.2196/57103.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) can both precede and co-occur with suicidal attempts (SA). Underlying mechanisms/factors leading to the transition to SA in NSSI youths have been proposed (including the role of social cognition), despite they should be yet confirmed. Therefore, the study aims at exploring the role of the Theory of Mind in the differentiation of a sample of NSSI youngsters (aged 15-24) according to the presence of SA. We divided the sample into 4 groups using the Deliberate Self Harm Inventory (DSHI) and Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS): control group (notNSSInotSA), NSSI without SA (NSSInotSA), NSSI with SA (NSSIplusSA), and SA without NSSI (SAonly). NSSIplusSA patients displayed higher Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET) scores (indicative of ToM abilities) than both the NSSInotSA (p=0.0016) and SAonly groups (p=0.0198), while SAonly patients showed lower RMET scores compared to the control group (p=0.0214). Multiple regression models used to differentiate NSSInotSA and NSSIplusSA found a significant association between RMET and LOSCS-CSC (Level Of Self-Criticism Scale-Comparative Self-Criticism) (pC=0.0802, pD=0.0016, pG=0.0053). Our findings supported the hypothesis that a hypertrophic affective ToM may possibly be associated with the occurrence of SA in youth NSSI. Further larger and longitudinal studies should confirm these preliminary findings, by exploring all social cognition dimensions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Anxiety disorders are significant predictors of suicidality and are proposed to be independent risk factors for suicide attempts. They are common in people with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and are associated with longer duration of diabetes and poorer treatment outcomes. The aim was to examine associations between anxiety disorders and suicidal thoughts and behaviour in people with T2DM, to establish the prevalence of suicidality among people with T2DM in the selected European countries and to examine whether anxiety disorders were predictive of current outcomes of suicidality in this population using data from the International Prevalence and Treatment of Diabetes and Depression study.
    METHODS: The study sample comprised 1063 adults with T2DM from 6 European countries. The presence of anxiety disorders and suicidality was assessed with the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview. The group of participants with current suicidal risk was compared with the group of participants with no suicidal risk.
    RESULTS: The participants from Germany were more likely to report suicidality than those from other countries, whereas people from Serbia and Ukraine were less likely to report it. Depression and anxiety disorders significantly contributed to the increased presence of suicidality among people with T2DM. Agoraphobia was a significant predictor of suicidality when controlling for depression. The participants with T2DM and comorbid agoraphobia had 4.86 times higher odds to report suicidality than those without agoraphobia.
    CONCLUSIONS: Agoraphobia was a significant predictor of suicidality in people with T2DM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that disrupts brain functioning and is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. With varying presentations and complex etiological factors contributing to the development of ADHD, along with its persistence into adulthood, ADHD must be studied. Researchers have taken an interest in the relationship between ADHD and suicide, which is a serious public health concern with increasing prevalence rates in the Americas. The current literature reveals conflicting views on the importance of psychiatric comorbidities in the development of suicidal behaviours in ADHD patients. Therefore, this study aimed to determine whether there were significant differences between adult ADHD patients with suicide risk and adult ADHD patients without suicide risk. This study was a naturalistic retrospective chart review pilot study that used a sample of adults with a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD from January 2023 to August 2023. Using convenience sampling and sets of inclusion and exclusion criteria, patient data were sequentially collected from Med Access electronic medical records. The control and experimental groups each consisted of 50 patients (100) ranging from 19 to 58 years old. Our quantitative data were analyzed using non-parametric statistical tests, including the Chi-Square test and the Mann-Whitney U test. The results showed significant associations between ADHD patients with suicide risk and (1) borderline personality disorder; (2) binge eating disorder; (3) seven specific psychosocial risk factors; and (4) a higher number of antidepressant medication trials. No significant associations were found with other psychiatric disorders; however, there are important sex differences in terms of the risk factors. Our pilot study reveals several significant differences between adult ADHD patients with suicide risk and those without suicide risk. However, given our limited sample size and limitations, we hope our study encourages larger-scale studies to further investigate this relationship to improve its generalizability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Past research has been inconclusive regarding the specificity of associations between discrete pleasurable emotions and internalizing symptoms. Contentment may be especially relevant to depression, whereas tranquillity may be especially relevant to worry. The goal of the current research was to clarify the mixed findings regarding the relation between pleasure deficits and internalizing psychopathology.
    METHODS: Participants from three samples (Total N = 757) completed alternative measures of depression and pleasurable emotions. Participants in Study 1 also completed a measure of anticipatory and consummatory pleasure, and close peers to a subset of participants (N = 64) reported their perceptions of participants\' depression severity. Participants in Studies 2 and 3 also completed a measure of worry.
    RESULTS: Across the three samples, contentment was significantly negatively associated with self-reported depression. This association could not be accounted for by tranquillity, cheerfulness, anticipatory pleasure, or consummatory pleasure. Contentment was also strongly negatively associated with peer-reported depression. Contentment was more strongly associated with depression than was cheerfulness. However, the strength of the association between contentment and depression relative to the strength of the association between tranquillity and depression depended on how contentment and depression were measured. Conversely, tranquillity was more strongly associated with worry than were contentment or cheerfulness.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides further evidence of the potential importance of the role of contentment in depression and tranquillity in worry. It may be useful to attend to contentment when assessing and treating depression and to attend to tranquillity when assessing and treating elevated worry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pain in adolescence can lead to the development of serious mental health issues, including suicidality. This risk may be strengthened among youth exposed to more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs; abuse, neglect, household challenges). This longitudinal study examined the role of ACEs in the relationship between pain and later suicidality onset and severity among a cohort of adolescents at risk for developing mental health problems. Participants were 139 healthy youth (Mage = 13.74 years, standard deviation = 1.56, 64% female) between the ages of 11 to 17 years, recruited based on parental history of depression or anxiety. Youth completed validated measures of internalizing symptoms, ACEs, and pain characteristics at baseline and follow-up diagnostic interviews 9 and/or 18 months later to assess for onset and severity of suicidality. After controlling for demographics, baseline internalizing symptoms, and ACEs, worse pain interference and increased ACEs at baseline predicted increased suicidality severity at follow-up. Moderation analyses revealed that there was a significant interaction between ACEs and pain interference and pain intensity. Increased pain interference (b = 7.65, P < .0001) or intensity (b = 6.96, P = .0003) was only associated with increased suicidality severity at follow-up in youth with high levels of ACEs. This study demonstrates that ACEs strengthen the relationship between pain and later suicidality severity among youth at risk of developing mental health problems. Findings underscore the critical need to adopt a trauma-informed lens to pediatric pain prevention and treatment (eg, screening for ACEs) and for the pain to be on the child\'s mental health agenda. PERSPECTIVE: This article provides evidence that, while pain is a risk factor for future increased suicidality severity, it is a particularly strong risk factor in youth who experienced increased childhood adversity. These results may help identify youth at greatest risk for suicidality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extent of variability in identified risk factors for suicide attempts (SA) in schizophrenia limits their generalization. This study aimed to identify the rates and associated correlates of SA in schizophrenia by reviewing a large cohort (n=500). Nearly one-fourth had a history of SA, which was independently associated with a family history of SA, more inpatient admissions, and better long-term treatment response. These findings highlight the complex interaction between biological factors influencing SA and illness determinants in schizophrenia. Furthermore, they reinforce the need for future research to unravel the association between suicide vulnerability and the pathophysiology of schizophrenia to attenuate morbidity and mortality associated with the same.





