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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scabies, caused by the Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis mite burrowing into the skin, is a highly contagious disease characterized by intense nocturnal itching. Its global impact is considerable, affecting more than 200 million individuals annually and posing significant challenges to healthcare systems worldwide. Transmission occurs primarily through direct skin-to-skin contact, contributing to its widespread prevalence and emergence as a substantial public health concern affecting large populations. This review presents consensus-based clinical practice guidelines for diagnosing and managing scabies, developed through the fuzzy Delphi method by dermatology, parasitology, pediatrics, pharmacology, and public health experts. The presence of burrows containing adult female mites, their eggs, and excreta is the diagnostic hallmark of scabies. Definitive diagnosis typically involves direct microscopic examination of skin scrapings obtained from these burrows, although dermoscopy has become a diagnostic tool in clinical practice. Treatment modalities encompass topical agents, such as permethrin, balsam of Peru, precipitated sulfur, and benzyl benzoate. In cases where topical therapy proves inadequate or in instances of crusted scabies, oral ivermectin is recommended as a systemic treatment option. This comprehensive approach addresses the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges associated with scabies, optimizing patient care, and management outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The International Alliance for the Control of Scabies (IACS) recently published expert consensus criteria for scabies diagnosis. Formal validation of these criteria is needed to guide implementation. We conducted a study to provide detailed description of the morphology and distribution of scabies lesions as assessed by dermatologists and validate the IACS criteria for diagnosis by both expert and non-expert examiners.
    Participants from a community in Monrovia, Liberia, were independently assessed by two dermatologists and six non-expert examiners. Lesion morphology and distribution were documented based on the dermatologist examination. Diagnoses were classified by IACS criteria and the sensitivity and specificity of non-expert examiner assessments calculated.
    Papules were the most common lesions (97.8%). Burrows were found in just under half (46.7%) and dermatoscopy was positive in a minority (13.3%). Scabies lesions were found in all body regions but more than 90% of patients could have been diagnosed by an examination of only the limbs. Severity of itch was associated with lesion number (p = 0.003). The sensitivity of non-expert examiners to detect typical scabies ranged between 69-83% and specificity 70-96%. The sensitivity of non-expert examiners was higher in more extensive disease (78-94%).
    The IACS criteria proved a valid tool for scabies diagnosis. For the purposes of implementation papules and burrows represent truly \'typical\' scabies lesions. Non-expert examiners are able to diagnose scabies with a high degree of accuracy, demonstrating they could form a key component in population-level control strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scabies is a common parasitic skin condition that causes considerable morbidity globally. Clinical and epidemiological research for scabies has been limited by a lack of standardization of diagnostic methods.
    To develop consensus criteria for the diagnosis of common scabies that could be implemented in a variety of settings.
    Consensus diagnostic criteria were developed through a Delphi study with international experts. Detailed recommendations were collected from the expert panel to define the criteria features and guide their implementation. These comments were then combined with a comprehensive review of the available literature and the opinion of an expanded group of international experts to develop detailed, evidence-based definitions and diagnostic methods.
    The 2020 International Alliance for the Control of Scabies (IACS) Consensus Criteria for the Diagnosis of Scabies include three levels of diagnostic certainty and eight subcategories. Confirmed scabies (level A) requires direct visualization of the mite or its products. Clinical scabies (level B) and suspected scabies (level C) rely on clinical assessment of signs and symptoms. Evidence-based, consensus methods for microscopy, visualization and clinical symptoms and signs were developed, along with a media library.
    The 2020 IACS Criteria represent a pragmatic yet robust set of diagnostic features and methods. The criteria may be implemented in a range of research, public health and clinical settings by selecting the appropriate diagnostic levels and subcategories. These criteria may provide greater consistency and standardization for scabies diagnosis. Validation studies, development of training materials and development of survey methods are now required. What is already known about this topic? The diagnosis of scabies is limited by the lack of accurate, objective tests. Microscopy of skin scrapings can confirm the diagnosis, but it is insensitive, invasive and often impractical. Diagnosis usually relies on clinical assessment, although visualization using dermoscopy is becoming increasingly common. These diagnostic methods have not been standardized, hampering the interpretation of findings from clinical research and epidemiological surveys, and the development of scabies control strategies. What does this study add? International consensus diagnostic criteria for common scabies were developed through a Delphi study with global experts. The 2020 International Alliance for the Control of Scabies (IACS) Criteria categorize diagnosis at three levels of diagnostic certainty (confirmed, clinical and suspected scabies) and eight subcategories, and can be adapted to a range of research and public health settings. Detailed definitions and figures are included to aid training and implementation. The 2020 IACS Criteria may facilitate the standardization of scabies diagnosis.







  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    Scabies was added to the WHO Neglected Tropical Diseases portfolio in 2017, and further understanding of the disease burden is now required. There are no uniformly accepted test methods or examination procedures for diagnosis, which limits the interpretation of research and epidemiological findings. The International Alliance for the Control of Scabies (IACS) designated harmonization of diagnostic procedures as a priority for the development of a global control strategy. Therefore, we aimed to develop consensus criteria for the diagnosis of scabies.
    We conducted an iterative, consensus (Delphi) study involving international experts in the diagnosis of scabies. Panel members were recruited through expression of interest and targeted invitation of experts. The Delphi study consisted of four rounds of anonymous surveys. Rounds 1 and 2 involved generation and ranking an extensive list of possible features. In Rounds 3 and 4, participants were presented results from previous rounds and indicated agreement with a series of draft criteria. Panel participants (n = 34, range per Round 28-30) were predominantly highly experienced clinicians, representing a range of clinical expertise and all inhabited continents. Based on initial rounds, a draft set of criteria were developed, incorporating three levels of diagnostic certainty-Confirmed Scabies, Clinical Scabies and Suspected Scabies. Consensus was reached in Round 4, with a very high level of agreement (> 89%) for all levels of criteria and subcategories. Adoption of the criteria was supported by 96% of panel members.
    Consensus criteria for scabies diagnosis were established with very high agreement. The 2018 IACS Criteria for the Diagnosis of Scabies can be implemented for scabies research and mapping projects, and for surveillance after control interventions. Validation of the criteria is required.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scabies is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. The disease can be sexually transmitted. Patients\' main complaint is nocturnal itch. Disseminated, excoriated, erythematous papules are usually seen on the anterior trunk and limbs. Crusted scabies occurs in immunocompromised hosts and may be associated with reduced or absent pruritus. Recommended treatments are permethrin 5% cream, oral ivermectin and benzyl benzoate 25% lotion. Alternative treatments are malathion 0.5% aqueous lotion, ivermectin 1% lotion and sulphur 6-33% cream, ointment or lotion. Crusted scabies therapy requires a topical scabicide and oral ivermectin. Mass treatment of large populations with endemic disease can be performed with a single dose of ivermectin (200 micrograms/kg of bodyweight). Partner management needs a look-back period of 2 months. Screening for other STI is recommended. Patients and close contacts should avoid sexual contact until completion of treatment and should strictly observe personal hygiene rules when living in crowded spaces. Written information should be provided to suspected cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the current work, we present our new guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of scabies which we, the Executive Committee convened by the Japanese Dermatological Association, developed to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment of scabies in Japan. Approval of phenothrin topical use under the National Health Insurance in August 2014 led to this action. Permethrin, a topical anti-scabietic medication belonging to the same pyrethroid group as phenothrin, is already in use worldwide. In this guideline, we introduce criteria for a proper diagnosis of scabies, treatment algorithm for common and crusted (hyperkeratotic) scabies, and prevention. The major change from our second edition is the treatment algorithm. As phenothrin is now available, the first-line therapy for common scabies is either topical phenothrin lotion or oral ivermectin. The second-line option for topical treatment is sulfur-containing ointments, crotamiton cream or benzyl benzoate lotion. γ-Benzene hexachloride ointment is no longer provided for clinical use. In an immunosuppressed patient, the treatment option is still the same, but with close follow up. If the symptoms persist, diagnosis and treatment must be reassessed. For hyperkeratotic scabies and nail scabies, removal of thick crust, cutting of nails and occlusive dressing are additionally required. The safety and effectiveness of combined treatment with topical and oral medications are not yet confirmed. Further assessment is needed. In addition to appropriate treatment, it is essential to educate patients and health-care workers and to conduct epidemiological studies to prevent further spread of the disease through effectively utilizing available resources including manpower, finance, logistics and time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The goals of this German guideline are the improvement of diagnosis and therapy of scabies, the implementation of a coordinated action in outbreaks of scabies, and the control of this infestation in large migration or refugee flows.Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis is transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact of sufficient duration. The infectivity of female mites when removed from patients does not exceed 48 hours at room temperature (21°C) and relative humidity of 40-80%. The risk of infection rises proportionally to the number of mites on the skin and is particularly high in crusted scabies. As elderly persons tend to develop crusted scabies due to disease- or medication-related immunosuppression, there is an increased risk for outbreaks of scabies at nursing homes and extended-care facilities. The guideline contains detailed recommendations for management of such outbreaks. In refugees the prevalence of scabies is higher than in the general population in Germany, but the risk for outbreaks is not high. Scabies infestation should be considered when a recent onset of itching is associated with eczema and presence of burrows or comma-like papules at predilection sites. It is confirmed by dermatoscopic detection of mites or by microscopic identification of mites, mite eggs or fecal matter (scybala) from skin scrapings.The treatment of choice for common scabies is topical permethrin 5% cream applied for 8-12 hours. Permethrin can be considered for off-label use also in infants of less than 3 months of age and pregnant women. For this group crotamiton is another option, which, besides benzyl benzoate, presents a good second line therapy for the other indications. Indications for oral ivermectin, which has just been licensed in Germany, include patients with immunosuppression, severe dermatitis, and low adherence.Crusted scabies is preferentially treated by a combination of topical permethrin and oral ivermectin. Affected patients should be isolated, and all contact persons should be treated. The guideline contains lists for additional measures, including possible treatment of contact persons, clothes, linen and other possibly infested articles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Commonly thought of as a disease of poverty and overcrowding in resource-poor settings globally, scabies is also an important public health issue in residential care facilities for the elderly (RCFE) in high-income countries such as the UK. We compared and contrasted current local Health Protection Team (HPT) guidelines for the management of scabies outbreaks in RCFE throughout England. We performed content analysis on 20 guidelines, and used this to create a quantitative report of their variation in key dimensions. Although the guidelines were generally consistent on issues such as the treatment protocols for individual patients, there was substantial variation in their recommendations regarding the prophylactic treatment of contacts, infection control measures and the roles and responsibilities of individual stakeholders. Most guidelines did not adequately address the logistical challenges associated with mass treatment in this setting. We conclude that the heterogeneous nature of the guidelines reviewed is an argument in favour of national guidelines being produced.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transmission of the mite Sarcoptes scabiei generally occurs by protracted direct body contact; although in crusted scabies, transmission also occurs via infected clothing or bedding. Diagnosis is usually clinical and topical antiscabietics are the mainstay of treatment. Oral ivermectin is not licensed in most countries, but may have a role in certain patients. Treatment of sexual contacts is indicated.





