Reimbursement Mechanisms

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bundled payments are increasingly used globally to move health care delivery in a value-based direction. However, evidence remains scant in key clinical areas. We evaluated bundled payments for maternity care in the Netherlands during the period 2016-18. We used a quasi-experimental difference-in-differences design to measure the association between the bundled payment model and changes in key clinical and economic outcomes. Bundled payments were associated with an increase in outpatient, midwife-led births and a reduction in in-hospital, obstetrician-led births, along with changes in the use of labor inductions and planned versus emergency cesarean deliveries. Total spending on maternity care decreased by US$328 (5 percent) per pregnancy. No changes in maternal or neonatal health outcomes were observed. Several policy lessons emerged. First, bundled payments appeared to help affect providers\' behavior in the maternity care setting. Second, bundled payments seemed to exert heterogeneous effects across participating maternity care networks, as the same financial incentive translated into different changes in clinical practices and outcomes. Third, alternative payment models should be designed with clear goals and definitions of success to guide evaluation and implementation.






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  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pharmacists are not billable healthcare providers under Medicare Part B or most insurance plans. Because of this, pharmacist services are relegated to incident-to-provider billing, despite pharmacists routinely providing services high in complexity. This discrepancy may negatively skew perceptions of pharmacists\' contributions to outpatient clinic care.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to identify the potential revenue generation for pharmacist-delivered services at a single, rural South Dakota clinic if pharmacists were considered billable healthcare providers.
    METHODS: This retrospective, single center study utilized a chart review of first-quarter data from a single ambulatory clinic served by a 0.5 full time equivalent pharmacist serving Chronic Disease Management (CDM) and COVID-19 patients. For each appointment, the chart note was reviewed for elements that would satisfy requirements for Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) billing codes. Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement was determined using official 2022 Physician Fee Schedules and private insurance reimbursement was set at a single rate of 60% of the fee schedule of the most common private payer.
    RESULTS: During the three-month study period, 118 patients (206 appointments) were seen by the pharmacist. The amount paid to the clinic was estimated at $2,174.91. The hypothetical amount paid to the clinic if pharmacists were considered billable healthcare providers is $10,415.31 for CDM clinic and $7,953.48 for COVID-19 clinic, totaling $18,368.79. Excluding uninsured patients, the hypothetical total is $17,102.03, with a total unrealized revenue of $16,193.88.
    CONCLUSIONS: If pharmacists were considered billable healthcare providers and their services were billed accordingly, the potential revenue generation is significantly higher than actually generated revenue. This estimated data can be used to better quantify and qualify appointment-related data for non-pharmacist clinic managers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Site-neutral payment is a policy created by federal rule making and implemented by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that aims to reduce healthcare costs by aligning payment rates for certain services provided in multiple care settings. Site-neutral payments are intended to eliminate the incentive for providers to acquire facilities, such as physician offices or ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs), that Medicare reimburses at the lower non-facility rate and convert those settings into hospital outpatient departments (HOPDs), where Medicare reimburses at the higher facility rate. Although initiated by Congress to address payment disparities in Medicare, similar payment discrepancies can be seen in the commercial market where individual and employer-sponsored health plans often pay more for certain outpatient services depending on their location. This analysis presents a simulation of the impact of applying site-neutral payments to the commercial market with respect to overall potential savings for consumers, health plans and the federal government. To conduct the analysis, we use an all-payer claims data base generalizable to the United States. The analysis focused on a select group of outpatient services identified by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC). We mapped the MedPAC identified 68 Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs), the codes Medicare uses to reimburse facilities for outpatient services, to the relevant CPT4/HCPCS codes, which the commercial market uses for billing. The potential cost savings of applying the site-neutral payment policy to the commercial insurance market to be $58 billion for year 2022. We estimate the 10-year total (2024-2033) employer market premium reduction ranges from 5.35% to 5.0% and found that those premium reductions would result in employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) tax subsidy savings of $140 billion to the federal government over a 10-year period (2024-2033).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: High clinical value national reimbursement anticancer medications (NRAMs) are pivotal treatments for patients with cancer. However, the availability of NRAMs in medical institutions is unknown. This study aimed to assess the availability of NRAMs in national and provincial medical institutions.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study utilized national health insurance data to access the availability of NRAMs in national and provincial medical institutions. Further statistical analyses and visualizations were conducted in terms of medical institution level and daily cost. Using the Spearman\'s rank correlation test (α = 0.05), we calculated the correlation between the availability rates of NRAMs and their negotiation access time, daily cost, per capita disposable income, provincial gross product, and number of policy releases.
    RESULTS: Overall, 81 NRAMs, with an average availability rate of approximately 1.01% nationwide, were included. There were significant differences between provinces for each drug, and the availability of NRAMs gradually decreased in tertiary (13.41%), secondary (1.58%), and primary medical institutions (< 0.05%). Differences were also observed in the availability rate of NRAMs in various daily drug cost ranges. Among the factors examined, negotiation access time (r1 = 0.425), daily cost (r2 = - 0.326), per capita disposable income (r3 = 0.645), provincial gross product (r4 = 0.433), and number of policy releases (r5 = 0.461) were all correlated with the availability of NRAMs.
    CONCLUSIONS: The low availability of NRAMs in national and provincial medical institutions indicates that their willingness to equip NRAMs needs to be improved. All factors examined in this study affected the availability of NRAMs. Our findings can guide policymakers in improving relevant policies.






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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Reduced institutional postacute care has been associated with savings in alternative payment models. However, organizations may avoid voluntary participation if participation could threaten their own revenues.
    UNASSIGNED: To characterize the association between hospital-skilled nursing facility (SNF) integration and participation in Medicare\'s Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI-A) program.
    UNASSIGNED: This is a cross-sectional analysis of hospital participation in BPCI-A beginning with its launch in 2018. Each SNF-integrated hospital was matched with 2 nonintegrated hospitals for each of 4 episode-specific analyses. Fifteen hospital-level variables were used for matching: beds, case mix index, days, area SNF beds, metropolitan location, ownership, region, system membership, and teaching status. Hospitals were also matched on episode-specific volume, target price, and the interaction of target price and case mix. Episode-specific logistic models were estimated regressing hospital participation on integration and the previously listed variables. The marginal effect of integration on participation was then calculated. Analysis took place from August 2022 to May 2024.
    UNASSIGNED: Hospital-SNF integration, as defined by common ownership and referral patterns and identified using cost reports, Medicare claims, and Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System records. Additional sources included records of target prices and participation, the Area Health Resources File, and the Compendium of US Health Systems.
    UNASSIGNED: Participation in BPCI-A.
    UNASSIGNED: In total, 1524 hospitals met criteria for inclusion in the hip and femur (HFP) analysis, 1825 were included in the major joint replacement of the lower extremity (MJRLE) analysis, 2018 were included in the sepsis analysis, and 1564, were included in the stroke-specific analysis. Across episodes, 191 HFP-eligible hospitals (12.5% of HFP-eligible hospitals), 302 MJRLE-eligible hospitals (16.5%), 327 sepsis-eligible hospitals (16.2%), and 185 sepsis-eligible hospitals (11.8%) were SNF integrated. In total, 79 hospitals (5.2%) participated in the HFP episode, 128 (7.0%) participated in the MJRLE episode, 204 (10.1%) participated in the sepsis episode, and 141 (9.0%) participated in the stroke episode. Integration was associated with a 4.7-percentage point decrease (95% CI, 2.4 to 6.9 percentage points) in participation in the MJRLE episode. There was no association between integration and participation for HFP (0.5-percentage point increase in participation moving from nonintegrated to integrated; 95% CI, -2.9 to 3.8 percentage points), sepsis (1.0-percentage point increase; 95% CI, -2.2 to 4.2 percentage points), and stroke (0.3-percentage point decrease; 95% CI, -3.1 to 3.8 percentage points).
    UNASSIGNED: In this cross-sectional study, there was an uneven association between hospital-SNF integration and participation in Medicare\'s BPCI-A program. Other factors may be more consistent determinants of selection into voluntary payment reform.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Whole genome sequencing (WGS) has transformative potential for blood cancer management, but reimbursement is hindered by uncertain benefits relative to added costs. This study employed scenario planning and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to evaluate stakeholders\' preferences for alternative reimbursement pathways, informing future health technology assessment (HTA) submission of WGS in blood cancer.
    METHODS: Key factors influencing WGS reimbursement in blood cancers were identified through a literature search. Hypothetical scenarios describing various evidential characteristics of WGS for HTA were developed using the morphological approach. An online survey, incorporating MCDA weights, was designed to gather stakeholder preferences (consumers/patients, clinicians/health professionals, industry representatives, health economists, and HTA committee members) for these scenarios. The survey assessed participants\' approval of WGS reimbursement for each scenario, and scenario preferences were determined using the geometric mean method, applying an algorithm to improve reliability and precision by addressing inconsistent responses.
    RESULTS: Nineteen participants provided complete survey responses, primarily clinicians or health professionals (n = 6; 32 %), consumers/patients and industry representatives (both at n = 5; 26 %). \"Clinical impact of WGS results on patient care\" was the most critical criterion (criteria weight of 0.25), followed by \"diagnostic accuracy of WGS\" (0.21), \"cost-effectiveness of WGS\" (0.19), \"availability of reimbursed treatment after WGS\" (0.16), and \"eligibility criteria for reimbursed treatment based on actionable WGS results\" and \"cost comparison of WGS\" (both at 0.09). Participants preferred a scenario with substantial clinical evidence, high access to reimbursed targeted treatment, cost-effectiveness below $50,000 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained, and affordability relative to standard molecular tests. Reimbursement was initially opposed until criteria such as equal cost to standard tests and better treatment accessibility were met.
    CONCLUSIONS: Payers commonly emphasize acceptable cost-effectiveness, but strong clinical evidence for many variants and comparable costs to standard tests are likely to drive positive reimbursement decisions for WGS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To study the use of a quasi-experimental design to assess the effects of scaling reimbursement policies on the incidence of chronic-periodontitis procedures.
    METHODS: Interrupted time series analysis was used to compare the effects before and after policy implementation using data on the number of periodontitis-related procedures from the Korean National Health Insurance Service-National Sample Cohort (n = 740,467) and the Health Screening Cohort (n = 337,904). Periodontitis-related procedures with diagnosis codes were categorized into basic (scaling or root planing), intermediate (subgingival curettage) and advanced (tooth extraction, periodontal flap surgery, bone grafting for alveolar bone defects or guided tissue regeneration). Subjects\' demographics and comorbidities were considered. The incidence rate of immediate changes and gradual effects before and after policy implementation was assessed.
    RESULTS: Following the policy implementation from July 2013, an immediate increase was observed in total and basic procedures. No significant changes were noted in intermediate and advanced procedures initially. A decrease in the slope of intermediate procedures was observed in both databases. Advanced procedures showed varied trends, with no change in the National Sample Cohort but an increase in the Health Screening Cohort, particularly among subjects with comorbidities.
    CONCLUSIONS: Following the new policy implementation, the number of intermediate procedures decreased while the number of advanced procedures increased, especially among patients with comorbidities. These findings offer valuable insights on policy evaluation.





