Radiation protection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Historically, [131I]I has been a common isotope in radionuclide therapy, with [177Lu]Lu-labelled radiopharmaceuticals now seeing a surge in use. These can include no-carrier-added or carrier-added [177Lu]Lu with slight impurities of [177mLu]Lu with a significantly longer half-life than [131I]I. Wastewater from therapy wards can contain a mixture of these radioisotopes. In some countries, national regulations require wastewater to be stored in dedicated systems before it is discharged into the public sewage system. To fulfill legal requirements, the nuclide specific activity concentration must be verified.
    OBJECTIVE: We evaluate a method for determining the activity concentration of [177mLu]Lu /[177Lu]Lu at equilibrium and [131I]I in pure and mixed samples in order to prove that the determined values are reliably below the limits for release.
    METHODS: We analysed the emitted energy spectrum of 1 L samples with a wastewater counter using an energy window-based approach by evaluating measurements from two different time points. Based on the law of decay and the time and energy-dependent measured values, equation systems were set up to calculate the count rates for [131I]I and [177mLu]Lu, which were converted into activity concentration using calibration factors.
    RESULTS: There is strong linear correlation between the nominal and determined activity concentrations (correlation coefficients R = 0.99; coefficient of determinations R2 = 0.99). We underestimate the actual activity concentration by a median of -1.4% for [177mLu]Lu and overestimate the activity concentration for [131I]I by a median of 7.1%.
    CONCLUSIONS: We show that an undercut of the clearance levels for material release is measurable. We analyse and determine activity concentrations of mixed samples consisting of [131I]I and [177mLu]Lu/[177Lu]Lu in equilibrium. The method is simple to implement using a conventional wastewater counter, however with a slightly increased effort, as two samples and measurements are required. The methodology can be adapted for the analysis of other nuclide mixtures.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: A patient presented with cardiogenic shock, requiring the implantation of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD), and acute myeloblastic leukemia. This necessitated total body irradiation (TBI) while balancing dose reduction to the LVAD components to avoid potential radiation damage. Here we outline our treatment approach and dose estimates to the LVAD.
    UNASSIGNED: This case report discusses the delivery of TBI to a patient with an LVAD. This treatment required radiation-dose determinations and consequential reductions for the heart, LVAD, and an external controller connected to the LVAD. The patient was treated using a traditional 16MV anterior posterior (AP)/posterior anterior (PA) technique at a source-to-surface-distance of 515 cm for 400 cGy in two fractions. A 3 cm thick Cerrobend block was placed on the beam spoiler to reduce dose to the heart and LVAD to 150 cGy. The external controller was placed in a 1 cm thick acrylic box to reduce neutron dose and positioned as far from the treatment fields as achievable. In vivo measurements were made using optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLDs) placed inside the box at distances of 2 cm, 8.5 cm, and 14 cm from the field edge, and on the patient along the central axis and centered behind the LVAD block. Further ion chamber measurements were made using a solid water phantom to more accurately estimate the dose delivered to the LVAD. Neutron dose measurements were also conducted. The total estimated dose to the controller ranged from 135.3 cGy to 91.5 cGy. The LVAD block reduced the surface dose to the patient to 271.6 cGy (68.1%). The block transmission factors of the 3 cm Cerrobend block measured in the phantom were 45% at 1 cm depth and decreased asymptotically to around 30% at 3 cm depth. Applying these transmission factors to the in vivo measurements yielded a dose of 120 cGy to the implanted device. The neutron dose the LVAD region is estimated around 0.46 cGy. Physical limitations of the controller made it impossible to completely avoid dose. Shielding is recommended. The block had limited dose reduction to the surface, due to secondary particles, but appropriately reduced the dose at 3 cm and beyond. More research on LVADs dose limits would be beneficial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our work investigated the radioprotection implications associated with the possession of a collection of uraniferous minerals. Considering different scenarios, we developed (and applied to an actual collection) specific formulas for radiation doses evaluation. We discussed the shielding necessary to reduce the gamma irradiation down to the required values. A mathematical model was developed to estimate the minimum air flow rate to reduce the radon air concentration below the reference values. The radiation risks associated to the handling of single specimens was also addressed, including hand skin irradiation and shielding capabilities of surgical lead gloves. Finally, we discussed the radiation risks associated to the exhibition of a single specimen. The results, compared to the safety standards of the EU Directive 13/59, show that the exhibition of uraniferous samples with activity of a few MBq do not need specific radioprotection requirements nor for the involved personnel nor for visitors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite its undeniable advantages, the operation of a CT scanner also carries risks to human health. The CT scanner is a source of ionizing radiation, which also affects people in its surroundings. The aim of this paper is to quantify the radiation exposure of workers at a 3D CT wood scanning workplace and to determine a monitoring program based on measurements of ionizing radiation levels during the operation of a CT log scanner. The workplace is located in the Biotechnology Park of the National Forestry Centre. The ionizing radiation source is located in a protective cabin as a MICROTEC 3D CT machine with an X-ray lamp as X-ray source. The CT scanner is part of the 3D CT scanning line and its function is continuous quality scanning or detection of internal defects of the examined wood. The measurement of leakage radiation during scanning is performed with a metrologically verified meter. The measured quantity is the ambient dose equivalent rate H˙*10. The results of the measurements at the selected measurement sites have shown that, after installation of additional safety barriers, the CT scanner for the logs complies with the most strict criteria in terms of radiation protection. Workers present at the workplace during the operation of the CT scanner are not exposed to radiation higher than the background radiation level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Periodically the radiation protection profession has experienced purposeful deception practices that remained undetected for some time. Upon discovery, the cases of fraud revealed gaps in confirmation or validation practices that the radiation protection community should note. Summarized here is a convenience sample of actual cases of fraud involving radiation sources along with the exploited process vulnerabilities. Recommended process improvements that the radiation safety community may consider are presented to improve the collective fidelity of radiation protection processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
本文旨在引发关于如何评估辐射剂量风险和研究收益的讨论,使用诊断放射学的案例研究,涉及对没有直接益处的志愿者。Further,本文提供了目前正在考虑审查和修订的关键概念的理解,如剂量限制和新的研究方法在地平线上,包括放射生物学和流行病学。分析重新审视了ICRP出版物62中描述的观点,并考虑了放射保护伦理和医学研究伦理的最新进展。 .
    The benefits of biomedical research involving humans are well recognised, along with the need for conformity to international standards of science and ethics. When human research involves radiation imaging procedures or radiotherapy, an extra level of expert review should be provided from the point of view of radiological protection. The relevant publication of the International Commission for Radiological Protection (ICRP) is now three decades old and is currently undergoing an update. This paper aims to provoke discussions on how the risks of radiation dose and the benefits of research should be assessed, using a case study of diagnostic radiology involving volunteers for whom there is no direct benefit. Further, the paper provides the current understanding of key concepts being considered for review and revision-such as the dose constraint and the novel research methods on the horizon, including radiation biology and epidemiology. The analysis revisits the perspectives described in the ICRP Publication 62, and considers the recent progress in both radiological protection ethics and medical research ethics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To develop a neural network-enhanced workflow for the automatic and rapid establishment/update of local diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) in interventional radiology (IR) using endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) procedures as a case example.
    METHODS: Radiation dose reports were collected retrospectively for 46 consecutive EVAR procedures. These reports served as demonstrative data for the development of the proposed methodology. An algorithm was developed to receive multiple dose reports, automatically extract the kerma area product (KAP), air kerma (Ka,r), number of exposure images, and fluoroscopy time (FT) from each report and calculate the first, second, third quartiles as well as the maximum and minimum values of the extracted parameters. To extract the values of interest from the dose reports, Tesseract, an open-source optical character recognition (OCR) engine was employed. Furthermore, the accuracy and time efficiency of the proposed methodology were assessed. Specifically, the values extracted from the algorithm were compared with the ground truth values and the algorithm\'s processing time was compared with the respective time needed to manually extract and process the values of interest.
    RESULTS: The OCR-based algorithm managed to correctly recognize 182 from the 184 target values, resulting in an accuracy of 99%. Moreover, the proposed pipeline reduced the processing time for the establishment of DRLs by 98%. DRL value for EVAR procedures, set as the third quartile of KAP was found to be 551 Gy*cm2.
    CONCLUSIONS: An accurate and time-efficient workflow was developed for the establishment of local DRLs in interventional radiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultrashort pulse laser processing can result in the secondary generation of unwanted X-rays if a critical laser irradiance of about 1013 W cm-2 is exceeded. Spectral X-ray emissions were investigated during the processing of tungsten and steel using three complementary spectrometers (based on CdTe and silicon drift detectors) simultaneously for the identification of a worst-case spectral scenario. Therefore, maximum X-ray photon energies were determined, and corresponding dose equivalent rates were calculated. An ultrashort pulse laser workstation with a pulse duration of 274 fs, a center wavelength of 1030 nm, pulse repetition rates between 50 kHz and 200 kHz, and a Gaussian laser beam focused to a spot diameter of 33 μm was employed in a single pulse and burst laser operation mode. Different combinations of laser pulse energy and repetition rate were utilized, keeping the average laser power constant close to the maximum power of 20 W. Peak irradiances I0 ranging from 7.3 × 1013 W cm-2 up to 3.0 × 1014 W cm-2 were used. The X-ray dose equivalent rate increases for lower repetition rates and higher pulse energy if a constant average power is used. Laser processing with burst mode significantly increases the dose rates and the X-ray photon energies. A maximum X-ray photon energy of about 40 keV was observed for burst mode processing of tungsten with a repetition rate of 50 kHz and a peak irradiance of 3 × 1014 W cm-2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study was conducted as part of a comprehensive work to establish National Diagnostic Reference Levels (NDRLs) in Sri Lanka for the first time. DRLs can be used as an effective optimization tool for identifying unusually high or low patient doses during X-ray examinations. This study aims to propose institutional DRLs (IDRLs) by measuring the kerma-area product (KAP) of adult patients undergoing routine projection X-ray examinations. The median and the 75th percentile KAP values obtained were compared with that of the single institution KAP values reported from India and Greece. This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in a public hospital in Uva province, Sri Lanka, with 400 adult patients aged 18-87 years and weighing 58 ± 20 kg. The patient-specific information (age, sex, weight, and height) and corresponding exposure parameters (tube voltage and current-exposure time product) were obtained. The KAP values were measured, and descriptive statistics were utilized for data analysis. The median KAP values obtained were proposed as IDRLs. The IDRLs in Gy.cm2 were 0.23 for cervical spine anterior-posterior (AP), 0.19 for cervical spine lateral (LAT), 0.10 for chest posterior-anterior (PA), 0.06 for knee joint AP, 0.05 for knee joint LAT, 1.47 for KUB AP, 0.85 for lumbar spine AP, 1.97 for lumbar spine LAT, 0.29 for shoulder joint AP, 0.61 for skull PA, and 0.60 for skull LAT examinations. The maximum to minimum ratio of KAP values ranged from 2.4 for KUB AP to 6.3 for the cervical spine AP examinations. The median and the 75th percentile of most of the examinations were comparable to corresponding KAP values reported by the countries mentioned above, except for the skull PA and LAT examinations. Accordingly, interquartile ranges of exposure parameters are recommended for skull examinations to improve the optimization of patient doses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current geopolitical situation and the war on Ukraine\'s territory generate questions about the possible use of a nuclear weapon and create the need to refresh emergency protective plans for the population. Ensuring the protection of public health is a national responsibility, but the problem is of international size and global scale. Radiological or nuclear disasters need suitable decision making at the right time, which determine large effective radiation protection activities to ensure public health is protected, reduce fatalities, radiation disease, and other effects. In this study, a simulation of a single nuclear weapon detonation with an explosion yield of 0.3 and 1 Mt was applied for a hypothetical location, to indicate the required decision making and the need to trigger protocols for the protection of the population. The simulated explosion was located in a city center, in a European country, for the estimation of the size of the effects of the explosion and its consequences for public health. Based on the simulation results and knowledge obtained from historical nuclear events, practical suggestions, discussion, a review of the recommendations was conducted, exacerbated by the time constraints of a public health emergency. Making science-based decisions should encompass clear procedures with specific activities triggered immediately based on confirmed information, acquired from active or/and passive warning systems and radiometric specific analysis provided by authorized laboratories. This study has the potential to support the preparedness of decision makers in the event of a disaster or crisis-related emergency for population health management and summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of the current ability to respond.





