
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding recruitment, the process by which individuals are added to a population or to a fishery, is critical for understanding population dynamics and facilitating sustainable fisheries management. Important variation in recruitment dynamics is observed among populations, wherein some populations exhibit asymptotic productivity and others exhibit overcompensation (i.e., compensatory density-dependence in recruitment). Our ability to understand this interpopulation variability in recruitment patterns is limited by a poor understanding of the underlying mechanisms, such as the complex interactions between density dependence, recruitment, and environment. Furthermore, most studies on recruitment are conducted using an observational design with long time series that are seldom replicated across populations in an experimentally controlled fashion. Without proper replication, extrapolations between populations are tenuous, and the underlying environmental trends are challenging to quantify. To address these issues, we conducted a field experiment manipulating stocking densities of juvenile brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis in three wild populations to show that these neighboring populations-which exhibit divergent patterns of density dependence due to environmental conditions-also have important differences in recruitment dynamics. Testing against four stock-recruitment models (density independent, linear, Beverton-Holt, and Ricker), populations exhibited ~twofold variation in asymptotic productivity, with no overcompensation following a Beverton-Holt model. Although environmental variables (e.g., temperature, pH, depth, substrate) correlated with population differences in recruitment, they did not improve the predictive power in individual populations. Comparing our patterns of recruitment with classic salmonid case studies revealed that despite differences in the shape and parameters of the curves (i.e., Ricker vs. Beverton-Holt), a maximum stocking density of about five YOY fish/m2 emerged. Higher densities resulted in very marginal increases in recruitment (Beverton-Holt) or reduced recruitment due to overcompensation (Ricker).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The work proposes a mathematical model of the process of COVID-19 epidemic as it evolved in New Zealand. The model uses a system of differential equations which emanate from natural assumptions on some probability measure and evolution of this measure on evolving family of simplexes. The authors tried to create the model which, at one hand, is simple and easy to follow. and, at the other hand, reflects the observed epidemic process correctly. The practical aim was to come to justifiable estimations of important parameters like the rate of infection as function of time, thus quantifying effectiveness of the Government measures. Another parameters estimated were the probability distribution of detection times and recovery times.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This manuscript presents a conceptual model-the Sexual Health and Integrative Pleasure (SHIP) Model-for the clinical assessment and intervention of sexual health concerns. The model was developed by a group of couple/marital family therapy and psychologists who specialize in the treatment of sexual problems. The model consists of five philosophical foundations (systems framework, intersectionality, biopsychosocial model, lifespan approach, and empiricism) and five core therapeutic components (sexual literacy, sexual adaptation and resilience, relational intimacy, pleasure-oriented positive sexuality, and multidisciplinary care). We define each foundation and component, and compare and contrast the SHIP model with other existing sexual health models. Finally, we demonstrate how the SHIP model was used to provide individual and couple therapy with a cis/heterosexual couple in a university-based sexual health clinic and make recommendations for additional clinical applications of the model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Chatham Islands has some of the most prized black-footed abalone (Haliotis iris) beds in New Zealand. This well-managed fishery includes restrictions on catch and size limits, selective fishing methods, and shellfish management. However, recent declines in biomass and growth parameters have prompted omics research to characterise the biological responses of abalone, potentially contributing towards animal management strategies.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to characterise the metabolite profiles of slow and fast growing, juvenile and adult abalone, relating to metabolites supporting energy metabolism.
    METHODS: A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolite profiling, applying methyl chloroformate alkylation, was performed on juvenile and adult abalone samples collected from Point Durham and Wharekauri sites, Chatham Islands, New Zealand.
    RESULTS: The results obtained from haemolymph and muscle samples indicated that abalone from the fast-growing area, Wharekauri, fuelled metabolic functions via carbohydrate sources, providing energy for fatty acid and amino acid synthesis. Conversely, higher amino acid levels were largely utilised to promote growth in this population. The metabolism of juvenile abalone favoured anabolism, where metabolites were diverted from glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and used for the production of nucleotides, amino acids and fatty acids.
    CONCLUSIONS: This research provides unique physiological insights towards abalone populations supporting the use of metabolomics as a tool to investigate metabolic processes related to growth. This work sets the stage for future work aimed at developing biomarkers for growth and health monitoring to support a growing and more sustainably abalone fishery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Scedosporium currently comprises six species, Scedosporium apiospermum, Scedosporium boydii, Pseudallescheria angusta, Scedosporium minutisporum, Scedosporium dehoogii, and Scedosporium aurantiacum, most of which can be distinguished with the primary fungal DNA barcode, the ITS1/2 region of the rDNA gene cluster. In the present study, four additional genetic loci were explored from a phylogenetic point of view enabling a barcoding approach based on K2P pairwise distances to resolve the taxa Scedosporium. We included partial γ-actin (ACT), β-tubulin (BT2), elongation factor 1α (TEF1), and the small ribosomal protein 60S L10 (L1) (RP60S). Phylogenetic inference of each marker individually showed that four out of six species within Scedosporium can be distinguished unambiguously, while strains of S. apiospermum, S. boydii, and P. angusta showed occasional recombination, and accordingly, no genealogical concordance between markers was obtainable. We defined S. apiospermum, S. boydii, and P. angusta as the \'S. apiospermum species complex\' since observed differences were not consistent between lineages, and no clinical differences are known between entities within the complex. While BT2 revealed the best performance among the genetic loci tested at the lineage level, barcoding of the ITS region is sufficient for distinction of all entities in Scedosporium at the species or \'complex\' level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Simulation models of nutrient utilisation ignore that variation in pig system components can influence the predicted mean and variance of the performance of a group of pigs. The objective of this study was to develop a methodology to investigate how variation in feed composition would (a) affect the outputs of a nutrient utilisation model and (b) interact with variation that arises from the traits of individual pigs. We used a P intake and utilisation model to address these characteristics. Introduction of stochasticity gave rise to a number of methodological challenges--for example, how to generate variation in both feed composition and pigs and account for correlations between ingredients when modelling variation associated with feed mixing efficiency. Introducing variation in feed composition and pig phenotype resulted in moderate decreases in mean digested, retained and excreted P predicted for a population of pigs and an increase in their associated CV. A lower percentage of pigs in the population were predicted to meet their requirements during the feeding period considered, by comparison with the no-variation scenario. Variation in feed ingredient composition contributed more to performance variation than variation due to mixing efficiency. When variations in both feed composition and pig traits were considered, it was the former rather than the latter that had the dominant influence on variability in pig performance. The developed framework emphasises the consequences of random variability on the predictions of nutrient utilisation models. Such consequences will have a significant impact on decisions about management strategies such as feeding that are subject to variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The number of fishery products with a quite detailed description of the origin is increasing. This trend is driven by the interest of consumers and the fight against illegal unregulated and unreported fisheries. Unfortunately, there is a lack of methods to prove this information experimentally besides the document-based traceability assessments. For marine fish population genetics is a promising strategy, but research is concentrated only on a few species. Saithe is a commercially important fish species, despite the fact that genetic knowledge is scarce regarding the specification of populations. For a comparative study cost- and time-effective strategies were tested: We found RAPD-PCR to be a useful method for low-budget research or prestudies. Adoption of microsatellites from closely related species turned out to be possible with limited success quota. Our results suggest a clustered structure of populations within the Northeast Atlantic, probably overlapping in the northern North Sea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to provide reliable information about responsiveness of biomarkers during environmental monitoring, there is a need to improve the understanding of inter-population differences. The present study focused on eight populations of zebra mussels and aimed to describe how variable are biomarkers in different sampling locations. Biomarkers were investigated and summarised through the Integrated Biomarker Response (IBR index). Inter-site differences in IBR index were analysed through comparisons with morphological data, proteomic profiles and genetic background of the studied populations. We found that the IBR index was a good tool to inform about the status of sites. It revealed higher stress in more polluted sites than in cleaner ones. It was neither correlated to proteomic profiles nor to genetic background, suggesting a stronger influence of environment than genes. Meanwhile, morphological traits were related to both environment and genetic background influence. Together these results attest the benefit of using biological tools to better illustrate the status of a population and highlight the need of consider inter-population difference in their baselines.





