
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neglect of Moso bamboo\'s phenotype variations hinders its broader utilization, despite its high economic value globally. Thus, this study investigated the morphological variations of 16 Moso bamboo populations. The analysis revealed the culm heights ranging from 9.67 m to 17.5 m, with average heights under the first branch ranging from 4.91 m to 7.67 m. The total internode numbers under the first branch varied from 17 to 36, with internode lengths spanning 2.9 cm to 46.4 cm, diameters ranging from 5.10 cm to 17.2 cm, and wall thicknesses from 3.20 mm to 33.3 mm, indicating distinct attributes among the populations. Furthermore, strong positive correlations were observed between the internode diameter, thickness, length, and volume. The coefficient of variation of height under the first branch showed strong positive correlations with several parameters, indicating variability in their contribution to the total culm height. A regression analysis revealed patterns of covariation among the culm parameters, highlighting their influence on the culm height and structural characteristics. Both the diameter and thickness significantly contribute to the internode volume and culm height, and the culm parameters tend to either increase or decrease together, influencing the culm height. Moreover, this study also identified a significant negative correlation between monthly precipitation and the internode diameter and thickness, especially during December and January, impacting the primary thickening growth and, consequently, the internode size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To provide patients the chance of accepting curative transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) rather than palliative treatments for portal hypertension-related variceal bleeding and ascites, we aimed to assess hepatic-associated vascular morphological change to improve the predictive accuracy of overt hepatic encephalopathy (HE) risks.
    METHODS: In this multicenter study, 621 patients undergoing TIPS were subdivided into training (413 cases from 3 hospitals) and external validation datasets (208 cases from another 3 hospitals). In addition to traditional clinical factors, we assessed hepatic-associated vascular morphological changes using maximum diameter (including absolute and ratio values). Three predictive models (clinical, hepatic-associated vascular, and combined) were constructed using logistic regression. Their discrimination and calibration were compared to test the necessity of hepatic-associated vascular assessment and identify the optimal model. Furthermore, to verify the improved performance of ModelC-V, we compared it with four previous models, both in discrimination and calibration.
    RESULTS: The combined model outperformed the clinical and hepatic-associated vascular models (training: 0.814, 0.754, 0.727; validation: 0.781, 0.679, 0.776; p < 0.050) and had the best calibration. Compared to previous models, ModelC-V showed superior performance in discrimination. The high-, middle-, and low-risk populations displayed significantly different overt HE incidence (p < 0.001). Despite the limited ability of pre-TIPS ammonia to predict overt HE risks, the combined model displayed a satisfactory ability to predict overt HE risks, both in the low- and high-ammonia subgroups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Hepatic-associated vascular assessment improved the predictive accuracy of overt HE, ensuring curative chances by TIPS for suitable patients and providing insights for cirrhosis-related studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scientists have made great efforts to understand the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) to provide crucial information to public health experts on strategies to control this viral pathogen. The pandemic of the coronavirus disease that began in 2019, COVID-19, lasted nearly three years, and nearly all countries have set different epidemic prevention policies for this virus. The continuous evolution of SARS-CoV-2 alters its pathogenicity and infectivity in human hosts, thus the policy and treatments have been continually adjusted. Based on our previous study on the dynamics of binding ability prediction between the COVID-19 spike protein and human ACE2, the present study mined over 10 million sequences and epidemiological data of SARS-CoV-2 during 2020-2022 to understand the evolutionary path of SARS-CoV-2. We analyzed and predicted the mutation rates of the whole genome and main proteins of SARS-CoV-2 from different populations to understand the adaptive relationship between humans and COVID-19. Our study identified a correlation of the mutation rates from each protein of SARS-CoV-2 and various human populations. Overall, this analysis provides a scientific basis for developing data-driven strategies to confront human pathogens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exploitation of wildlife represents one of the greatest threats to species survival according to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Whilst detrimental impacts of illegal trade are well recognised, legal trade is often equated to being sustainable despite the lack of evidence or data in the majority of cases. We review the sustainability of wildlife trade, the adequacy of tools, safeguards, and frameworks to understand and regulate trade, and identify gaps in data that undermine our ability to truly understand the sustainability of trade. We provide 183 examples showing unsustainable trade in a broad range of taxonomic groups. In most cases, neither illegal nor legal trade are supported by rigorous evidence of sustainability, with the lack of data on export levels and population monitoring data precluding true assessments of species or population-level impacts. We propose a more precautionary approach to wildlife trade and monitoring that requires those who profit from trade to provide proof of sustainability. We then identify four core areas that must be strengthened to achieve this goal: (1) rigorous data collection and analyses of populations; (2) linking trade quotas to IUCN and international accords; (3) improved databases and compliance of trade; and (4) enhanced understanding of trade bans, market forces, and species substitutions. Enacting these core areas in regulatory frameworks, including CITES, is essential to the continued survival of many threatened species. There are no winners from unsustainable collection and trade: without sustainable management not only will species or populations become extinct, but communities dependent upon these species will lose livelihoods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Health literacy levels are strongly associated with clinical outcomes and quality of life in patients with chronic diseases, and patients with limited health literacy often require more medical care and achieve poorer clinical outcomes. Among the large number of studies on health literacy, few studies have focused on the health literacy of people with systemic sclerosis (SSc), and there is no specific tool to measure health literacy in this group. Therefore, this study plans to develop a health literacy scale for patients with SSc.
    This study included 428 SSc patients from the outpatient and inpatient departments of the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, the first affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University and the first affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China. The formulation of the scale was completed by forming the concept of health literacy of SSc patients, establishing the item pool, screening items, and evaluating reliability and validity. Classical measurement theory was used to screen items, factor analysis was used to explore the construct validity of the scale, and Cronbach\'s alpha coefficient was used to assess the internal consistency.
    Our study population was predominantly middle-aged women, with a male to female ratio of 1:5.7 and a mean age of 51.57 ± 10.99. A SSc Health Literacy scale with 6 dimensions and 30 items was developed. The six dimensions are clinic ability, judgment/evaluation information ability, access to information ability, social support, treatment compliance and application information ability. The Cronbach\'s alpha coefficient of the scale is 0.960, retest reliability is 0.898, split-half reliability is 0.953, content validity is 0.983, which has good reliability and validity.
    The Systemic Sclerosis Health Literacy Scale may become a valid tool to evaluate the health literacy level of patients with SSc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Venturia carpophila, the causal agent of scab disease of peach, mume, and apricot, is widely distributed around the world. Scab of stone fruits is an important disease in China. However, little is known about the population biology and genetic diversity of the V. carpophila. To better understand the genetic diversity and population structure of V. carpophila, 186 single-spore isolates from different hosts and geographic regions were obtained and analyzed by using 31 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. This included 156 isolates from peach spanning 14 provinces, 15 isolates from mume and 15 isolates from apricot in Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU). Diversity analysis with SSR markers showed a low incidence of polymorphisms within mume isolates (32.59% of markers), but a higher incidence of polymorphisms within peach isolates (42.96%) and apricot isolates (57.04%). Within peach isolates, Nei\'s average gene diversity ranged from 0.07 for Hebei population to 0.18 for Hubei population. AMOVA analysis revealed that 13% of the observed genetic diversity was partitioned among the geographic populations, while 40% of the observed genetic diversity was partitioned among the host populations. Other analyses (PCoA, STRUCTURE, DAPC, MSN, and UPGMA) indicated that the Chinese V. carpophila populations could be clustered into three distinct genetic groups, which correspond to the host boundaries of peach, mume and apricot. The genetic identity of V. carpophila isolates throughout the range is dependent on hosts, but not geographic regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Betula luminifera is a subtropical fast-growing timber species with high economic value. However, along with global warming, heat stress become one of the main environmental variables that limit the productivity of B. luminifera, and the response of diverse geographic populations to high temperatures is still unclear. In order to offer a comprehensive understanding of the behavior of B. luminifera under heat stress, the physiological responses of six B. luminifera populations (across the core distribution area) were described in this work in an integrated viewpoint. The results showed that a multi-level physiological regulatory network may exist in B. luminifera, the first response was the activity of resistant enzymes [e.g., peroxidase (POD)] at a preliminary stage of 2 h heat stress, and then the proline (osmoregulation substance) content began to increase after 24 h of continuous high-temperature treatment. In addition, photosynthesis was stronlgly affected by heat stress, and the net photosynthetic rate (Pn ) showed a downward trend under heat treatment in all six B. luminifera populations. Interestingly, although the physiological change patterns of the six B. luminifera populations were relatively consistent for the same parameter, there were obvious differences among different populations. Comprehensive analysis revealed that the physiological response of Rongshui (RS) was the most stable, and this was the representative B. luminifera population. Illumina RNA-seq analysis was applied to reveal the specific biological process of B. luminifera under heat stress using the RS population, and a total of 116,484 unigenes were obtained. The differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between different time periods under heat stress were enriched in 34 KEGG pathways, and the limonene and pinene degradation pathway was commonly enriched in all pairwise comparisons. Moreover, transcription factors including bHLH (basic helix-loop-helix), MYB, WRKY, and NAC (NAM, ATAF1/2, and CUC2) were identified. In this study, the physiological response and tolerance mechanisms of B. luminifera under high temperature stress were revealed, which can conducive to the basis of B. luminifera selection and resistance assessment for cultivation and breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some cold-water fishes are particularly sensitive to the water temperature increasing caused by current global warming. However, the alterations in the physiology and behavior of infraspecific populations living in heterogeneous landscapes in response to water temperature increasing were significantly different. Consequently, understanding the impact of temperature increasing on different populations may be crucial for the conservation of cold-water fishes in the context of global warming. The burbot is the only freshwater specie in Gadiformes. To better understand the differences of different populations of burbot under similar thermal stress, Lota lota was selected as the research objects. Firstly, RNA-seq was applied to identify the transcriptomic responses of Heilongjiang population exposed to three temperature gradients (0 °C, 18 °C and 28 °C). Compared with 0 °C, 4216 and 12,657 genes were significantly differentially expressed at 18 °C and 28 °C, respectively. Meanwhile, 49 genes were significantly differentially expressed in three temperature pairs and these genes were presumed to involve in stress response process, immunologic process, reproductive process, development process, material metabolism process, signal transduction process, spermatogenesis process and cell apoptosis process. The response differences of two L. lota populations to similar thermal stress were compared and the results showed that they have different gene expression responses (the number of differentially expression genes and biological processes). The lower annual temperature of the Heilongjiang River might make it more sensitive to temperature increasing. Based on the comparative transcriptome analyses, 12 orthologous genes were considered as the potential regulators of L. lota preference for cold-water environment and these genes are potentially related to the immunologic process, reproductive process, development process, signal transduction process, and cell apoptosis process. Those results can provide basic information for the rational development of conservation strategies of different L. lota populations under the background of global warming.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell wall invertase (CWIN) activity and the expression of the corresponding gene were previously observed to be significantly elevated in a Cu-tolerant population of Elsholtzia haichowensis relative to a non-tolerant population under copper stress. To understand the differences in CWIN gene regulation between the two populations, their CWIN promoter β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter vectors were constructed. GUS activity was measured in transgenic Arabidopsis in response to copper, sugar, and phytohormone treatments. Under the copper treatment, only the activity of the CWIN promoter from the Cu-tolerant population was slightly increased. Glucose and fructose significantly induced the activity of CWIN promoters from both populations. Among the phytohormone treatments, only salicylic acid induced significantly higher (p < 0.05) activity of the Cu-tolerant CWIN promoter relative to the non-tolerant promoters. Analysis of 5\'-deletion constructs revealed that a 270-bp promoter fragment was required for SA induction of the promoter from the Cu-tolerant population. Comparison of this region in the two CWIN promoters revealed that it had 10 mutation sites and contained CAAT-box and W-box cis-elements in the Cu-tolerant promoter only. This work provides insights into the regulatory role of SA in CWIN gene expression and offers an explanation for differences in CWIN expression between E. haichowensis populations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Analysis of lymphocyte cell lines revealed substantial differences in the expression of mRNA and microRNA (miRNA) among human populations. The extent of such population-associated differences in actual human tissues remains largely unexplored. The placenta is one of the few solid human tissues that can be collected in substantial numbers in a controlled manner, enabling quantitative analysis of transient biomolecules such as RNA transcripts. Here, we analyzed microRNA (miRNA) expression in human placental samples derived from 36 individuals representing four genetically distinct human populations: African Americans, European Americans, South Asians, and East Asians. All samples were collected at the same hospital following a unified protocol, thus minimizing potential biases that might influence the results.
    RESULTS: Sequence analysis of the miRNA fraction yielded 938 annotated and 70 novel miRNA transcripts expressed in the placenta. Of them, 82 (9%) of annotated and 11 (16%) of novel miRNAs displayed quantitative expression differences among populations, generally reflecting reported genetic and mRNA-expression-based distances. Several co-expressed miRNA clusters stood out from the rest of the population-associated differences in terms of miRNA evolutionary age, tissue-specificity, and disease-association characteristics. Among three non-environmental influenced demographic parameters, the second largest contributor to miRNA expression variation after population was the sex of the newborn, with 32 miRNAs (3% of detected) exhibiting significant expression differences depending on whether the newborn was male or female. Male-associated miRNAs were evolutionarily younger and correlated inversely with the expression of target mRNA involved in neuron-related functions. In contrast, both male and female-associated miRNAs appeared to mediate different types of hormonal responses. Demographic factors further affected reported imprinted expression of 66 placental miRNAs: the imprinting strength correlated with the mother\'s weight, but not height.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that among 12 assessed demographic variables, population affiliation and fetal sex had a substantial influence on miRNA expression variation among human placental samples. The effect of newborn-sex-associated miRNA differences further led to expression inhibition of the target genes clustering in specific functional pathways. By contrast, population-driven miRNA differences might mainly represent neutral changes with minimal functional impacts.






