Latent Profile Analysis

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Work is a key domain of life in which gender inequality can manifest, yet gender is rarely the explicit focus of research seeking to understand exposure to stressors. We investigated this research gap in two studies.
    Study 1 was a systematic review of the relationship between gender and key stressors (e.g., high demands, poor support, lack of clarity and control). From a total of 13,376,130 papers met our inclusion criteria. Study 2 was a cross-sectional study that included 11,289 employees nested within 71 public organisations (50.6% men). Through a latent profile analysis, we investigated the profiles of stressors separately from men and women.
    The systematic review revealed that, for all stressors, a significant proportion of studies found no significant gender differences, and the review found mixed evidence of greater exposure for both men and women. The results of Study 2 revealed that both genders could be optimally represented by three psychosocial risk profiles reflecting medium, low and high stressors. The results also showed that while the shape of profiles was similar for both genders, men had a higher probability than women of being in the virtuous (i.e., low stressors) profile, and the opposite pattern emerged for the average profile (i.e., medium levels of stressors). Men and women displayed the same likelihood of being classified in the at-risk profile (i.e., high levels of stressors).
    Gender differences in exposure to stressors are inconsistent. Although the literature on gender role theory and the gendering of work suggests different exposures to stressors in men and women, we find little empirical support for this.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Person-centered approaches, such as latent class analysis (LCA) and latent profile analysis (LPA), aid the identification of subgroups within sample populations. These methods can identify the patterns of co-occurrence between different forms of intimate partner violence (IPV), providing valuable information for prevention and intervention efforts. The aim of this systematic review was to yield a summary and conduct a critical evaluation of the current research that utilizes LCA/LPA to investigate IPV victimization profiles. We provide an outline of 14 relevant studies, retrieved from searches conducted on PsycInfo, Scopus, and Eric databases. There was a large amount of variability in relation to the forms of IPV assessed, measures utilized, number of classes identified, and the sample populations recruited. However, broad similarities were revealed as there were some commonly identified classes, including the no/low violence class, the physical and psychological victimization class, and the multiple victimization class, yet the labels assigned to those classes differed across studies. A range of external criteria (risk factors and consequences) were also identified as being associated with class membership. We highlight the methodological features which may have impacted data collection and class enumeration, including the differences in sample population, the range of IPV indicators assessed, the time period from which IPV data were recorded, and whether data were collected regarding participants\' current or previous relationships. Marginalized populations were underrepresented, and psychological abuse was most inconsistently operationalized. Recommendations for future research are provided, including recommendations with regard to labeling the classes for greater consistency across studies.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    A PTSD subtype with dissociative symptoms (D-PTSD) was included in the DSM-5 recognizing the existence of a more severe form of PTSD, associated to past trauma, high comorbidity, and complex clinical management. As research is rapidly growing and results are inconsistent, a better investigation of this subtype is of primary importance. We conducted a systematic review of studies using Latent Profile Analysis to investigate the existence of a D-PTSD subtype. Covariates of D-PTSD were included, to understand additional symptoms, risk factors and comorbidities. The search was performed on PubMed, EBSCOHost, and PTSDPubs according to 2020 PRISMA guidelines. Eligible articles assessed trauma exposure, PTSD symptoms and diagnosis, and dissociation, in adult samples. 13 of 165 articles met the inclusion criteria. All identified a dissociative subtype of PTSD, mainly characterized by higher levels of depersonalization and derealization. D-PTSD profile sometimes presented other dissociative symptoms, such as gaps in awareness and memory, other comorbid disorders, and a history of abuse. Despite some limitations, this review supports the existence of a dissociative subgroup of individuals among those with PTSD. More rigorous studies are needed to clarify these findings and their clinical implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A systematic review was conducted, following PRISMA guidelines, to examine the application of finite mixture models (FMMs) in the study of neighbourhoods and health. Two reviewers screened 814-studies identified through database searches and citation tracking. Data were extracted from 19-studies that met the inclusion criteria, and a risk of bias analysis undertaken. Data were synthesised narratively, with a focus on methodological issues idiosyncratic to FMMs. Motivated by a desire to account for neighbourhood heterogeneity, studies sought to identify meaningful neighbourhood-level typologies that explained the distributional nature of health outcomes. Neighbourhood-centred applications of FMMs were promising but there remains scope for advancement. Research-based recommendations are outlined to strengthen prospective neighbourhood-centred studies applying FMMs.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Background: Latent class analysis (LCA) can be used to identify subgroups of children with similar patterns of mental health symptoms and/or strengths. The method is becoming more commonly used in child mental health research, but there are reservations about the replicability, reliability, and validity of findings. Objective: A systematic literature review was conducted to investigate the extent to which LCA has been used to study population mental health in children, and whether replicable, reliable and valid findings have been demonstrated. Methods: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed. A search of literature, published between January 1998 and December 2017, was carried out using MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycInfo, Scopus, ERIC, ASSIA, and Google Scholar. A total of 2,748 studies were initially identified, of which 23 were eligible for review. The review examined the methods which studies had used to choose the number of mental health classes, the classes that they found, and whether there was evidence for the validity and reliability of the classes. Results: Reviewed studies used LCA to investigate both disparate mental health symptoms, and those associated with specific disorders. The corpus of studies using similar indicators was small. Differences in the criteria used to select the final LCA model were found between studies. All studies found meaningful or useful subgroups, but there were differences in the extent to which the validity and reliability of classes were explicitly demonstrated. Conclusions : LCA is a useful tool for studying and classifying child mental health at the population level. Recommendations are made to improve the application and reporting of LCA and to increase confidence in findings in the future, including use of a range of indices and criteria when enumerating classes, clear reporting of methods for replicability, and making efforts to establish the validity and reliability of identified classes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article reviews and critically evaluates available research on latent classes of maltreatment. Three major databases (PsycINFO, Web of Knowledge, and Academic Search Complete) were used to identify studies on latent classes of maltreatment published before June 1, 2016. Of 365 potentially relevant studies, 14 met inclusion criteria for review. Our analysis was guided by the following questions: (a) What observed indicators are being used to model classes of maltreatment? (b) What are the most commonly identified classes of maltreatment? and (c) What are the predictors and outcomes of classes of maltreatment? Across the studies, findings demonstrated how person-centered methods (i.e., latent class/profile analysis) may facilitate the study of maltreatment by concurrently addressing several methodological limitations common to the study of maltreatment, while also addressing heterogeneity in experiences of maltreatment. After providing an account of existing trends within the literature employing person-centered methodology in the study of maltreatment, we offer a critique of extant research, note recent methodological developments, and make numerous recommendations for future research using person-centered approaches to understanding maltreatment.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Latent class (LCA) and latent profile (LPA) analysis represent methodological approaches to identify subgroups of maltreated individuals. Although research examining child abuse and neglect (CAN) profiles is still rare, the application of person-centered techniques to clarify CAN types co-occurrence has substantially increased in recent years. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to provide a summary and critical evaluation of the findings of LCA/LPA child maltreatment research to: (a) systemize the current understanding of patterns of maltreatment across populations and (b) elucidate interactive effects of CAN types on psychosocial functioning. A search in PsychInfo, Eric, PubMed, Scopus, and Science Direct, and Google Scholar was performed. Sixteen studies examining the co-occurrence between child physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and/or exposure to domestic violence were identified. A critical review of the studies revealed inconsistent findings as to the number of CAN classes, but most research uncovered a poly-victimized and a low abuse group. Further, multiple victimization was associated with most adverse internalizing and externalizing outcomes, especially when sexual abuse was present. Exposure to physical and emotional abuse was frequently reported to lead to behavioural problems. Based on the present study results, we provide a set of recommendations for surpassing the current methodological and conceptual limitations in future research.





