
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dr. Jeremy Safran had a unique talent to seamlessly weave together clinical work with his broad knowledge of philosophy, history, and theology. Alongside his commitment to researching the minutest clinical interactions, he was conscious of the broad values of the nature of the good life that underpinned his analytic approach. This paper will explore the concepts of the enchanted unconscious, clinical impasses, negotiation, and surrender, suggesting that these concepts together provide insight into Safran\'s larger philosophy of life. It will then provide the approach to these concepts of the Rebbes of Ishbitz/Radzin, a school of Polish Hasidic thought. It will conclude with an exploration of how both Safran\'s psychoanalytic approach and the Ishbitz/Radzin Rebbes\' Hasidic approach to the Torah provide distinct insights and applications of these concepts, which can be mutually enriching for both disciplines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The only known copy of Sejfer derech ejc ha-chajim, an anonymous old print, is stored in the Austrian National Library in Vienna. It was written in the Yiddish Ashkenazi language and printed in 1613. The author, a Jewish physician, resided or lived in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This rare book, although it was printed over 400 years ago, has not yet been systematically assessed in the ethnomedical context of those times.
    OBJECTIVE: A quantitative assessment of the botanical drugs and kinds of healthy diets described in The Guide is presented to recognise the medicinal, diachronic, and botanical outlines of this peculiar rarum.
    METHODS: To investigate various recipes describing the use of medicinal plants of Jewish culture in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the content of The Guide was analysed. All therapeutic uses of herbal medicines and nutritional recommendations for health were obtained by reviewing the Polish translation of the rare medical handbook. For each plant usage revealed in the text, we noted: Scientific, Common and Yiddish name of the taxon, Plant family, Part of the plant or substance used, Administration, Preparation, Primary pathology, Broad use, and Inferred pathology (ICD-11 and ICPC-3).
    RESULTS: Among the 161 recipes, 58 plant taxa and 361 use records were recorded. Additionally, 127 mixtures with 68 plant taxa and 183 use mixture records were noted. 22 diet recipes with 19 plant taxa were also found. These data constitute three separate analyses, according to the intention of the author of The Guide. Formulations using Apiaceae were recommended primarily for gastroenterology and gynecology, while those using Rosaceae for gastroenterology, urology, and neurology. For mixtures, Lamiaceae plants are also represented and used for gastroenterology, respiratory system treatment, and gynecology.
    CONCLUSIONS: The medicinal knowledge described in Sejfer derech ejc ha-chajim fills a gap in contemporary knowledge regarding phyto-medical writing of the Renaissance. The Guide has a form of home first aid kit, used both for medicinal purposes and on the daily menu. In response to current challenges in healthcare, there is a growing interest among researchers in ethnomedicinal sources for the discovery of novel therapeutic compounds. This includes the re-evaluation of formulations and therapeutic indications that have been recognised for centuries. The remedies analysed and detailed in The Guide can provide valuable insights for researchers focused on identifying biologically active therapeutic raw materials of plant origin, thus contributing to advances in modern healthcare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous studies have identified religious correlates of health indicators, but relatively few have been conducted among Jewish populations in Israel or the diaspora. This study investigates the possibility of a religious gradient in physical and mental health and well-being across the familiar categories of Jewish religious identity and observance in Israel: hiloni (secular), masorti lo dati (traditional, non-religious), masorti (traditional), dati (religious or Orthodox), and charedi (ultra-Orthodox). Data are from Jewish respondents aged 18 and over (N = 2916) from the Israeli sample of the new, 22-nation Global Flourishing Study, which used stratified, probability-based sampling and assessed demographic, socioeconomic, political, religious, health-related, and other variables. This analysis investigated religious differences in nine indicators of physical and mental health and well-being among Israeli Jews. Using a strategy of one-way ANOVA and ANCOVA, adjusting for complex sampling design components, a statistically significant \"dose-response\"-like gradient was found for eight of the outcome measures, validated by additional multiple comparison tests. For four \"positively\" worded indicators (physical and mental health, happiness, and life satisfaction), scores increased consistently from the hiloni to the charedi categories. For four of five \"negatively\" worded indicators (bodily pain, depression, anxiety, and suffering), scores decreased across the same categories. Results withstood adjusting for effects of age, sex, education, marital status, urbanicity, income, and nativity (whether born in Israel). Among Israeli Jews, greater religiousness was associated with higher levels of health and well-being and lower levels of somatic and psychological distress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Society for the Preservation of the Health of the Jewish Population (OZE) was an organisation dedicated to providing medical aid to Eastern European Jews ravaged by war, revolution, poverty and disease during and after World War I. The OZE\'s top priority was addressing the health needs of Jewish children and teaching mothers how to \'properly\' raise their infants, as children were believed to be the backbone and future of the Jewish nation. Analysing the OZE\'s public-facing newspaper Folksgezunt (People\'s Health), this paper examines how the OZE used reigning ideas in the Western European and North American scientific community around race and hygiene packaged in Yiddish to transform Jewish women into \'modern mothers\'. Modernising maternity required Jewish women to be completely reliant on medical authority and relinquish traditional forms of childcare. At a time when Jews lived in different newly established nation-states of Eastern Europe, transforming maternity practices was part of a larger project started by Jewish physicians in the Russian Empire to unite Jews by defining them in national terms, replacing religious and parochial definitions. This paper uses discursive and gender analysis to explore how the OZE saw women\'s abilities (or not) to raise a healthy Jewish nation as a crucial part of Jewish national diaspora politics. Hence, this paper emphasises the political nature of a seemingly apolitical humanitarian project by uncovering how the image of a modern Jewish mother facilitated a vision of Jewish cohesion and perseverance through health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social egg freezing (SEF) is a new reproductive technology that is increasingly used within ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities, stirring tensions between tradition and modernity. Based on in-depth semi-structured interviews, this study examined how ultra-Orthodox singles who employ SEF engage in social negotiations over gender- and body-related norms. Findings show that participants successfully assimilated SEF by establishing facts on the ground and discreetly spreading information while actively avoiding tensions that may threaten religious tradition. SEF did not push participants into modern individualism or dissolve their strong connection to the community. However they did modify social boundaries and articulated social criticism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article examines the responses of three rabbis to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Israel and the distinctive approach and strategy expressed by each of them: (1) rational-scientific, (2) emotional support, (3) resistance and distrust. The first two rabbis maintain that they trust the medical institutions and the government, whereas the third rabbi evinces distrust, expressed through conspiracy theories. These different approaches can be explained by their dispositions prior to the pandemic, which were exacerbated by the Coronavirus. Hence, COVID-19 served as more of a reflecting phenomenon than an agent of change. Analyzing the dispositions of the three rabbis can show us how they are related to two significant forces of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries-science (rational-scientific and resistance and distrust) and psychology (emotional support). Psychological discourse has been used to promote public health. On the other hand, the scientific discourse has been used to promote adherence to government and health ministry directives, as well as to oppose those directives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The elevated frequency of Cesarean sections (C-sections) in OECD countries not only burdens health systems financially but also heightens the risks for mothers and infants. This study explores the feasibility of reducing C-section rates by examining the Israeli ultra-Orthodox population, noted for its large families and low C-section rates. We analyze birth data from an Israeli hospital, focusing on ultra-Orthodox mothers with husbands who are yeshiva students compared to other mothers. Our findings reveal that all else being equal, mothers married to yeshiva students exhibit a lower likelihood of undergoing a C-section and a higher propensity to seek private medical services to avoid this procedure. This behavior is attributed to their preference for large families and the desire to minimize C-sections, which may restrict the number of possible future pregnancies. These insights underscore the potential effectiveness of initiatives encouraging mothers to opt for vaginal deliveries, thereby reducing healthcare costs and maternal-infant risks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This commentary draws upon the author\'s experience in bioethics and as a physician, ordained Rabbi, and certified Mohel (a Jewish professional qualified to perform infant male circumcisions (MC)). People\'s identity and adherence to a religious belief are frequently cited reasons for deciding whether to circumcise their male children. For Jewish and Muslim males, circumcision is considered essential. In this commentary, the author uses his medical, religious, and bioethical knowledge, expertise, and experience to address common arguments used in opposing nontherapeutic male circumcision of minors. In these narratives, half of the parents agreed with circumcision, and half did not. The parents against circumcision cite human rights violations, security, privacy, and bodily integrity issues and refer to circumcision as genital mutilation, while those who agree argue that circumcision should be done for religious reasons to prevent health issues, promote hygiene and cleanness, avoid cancer, or for later sexual enjoyment. After evaluating the evidence, the author states that parents should be free to either consent or decline MC for a son. Though a reoccurring theme in these narratives was for mothers to leave the circumcision decision up to their male partners, the author concludes that women have considerable power regarding the decision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This symposium includes twelve personal narratives from parents about making the decision whether to circumcise their infant male children. The authors of the narratives include five fathers and seven mothers. Nine of the 12 parent authors opted to circumcise their infant sons, though the reasons they stated for doing so varied. Most of the parent authors relied on cultural or social beliefs, religious guidance, or a desire for sameness with the infant\'s father. Parents who didn\'t circumcise their male infants discuss their convictions about autonomy, bodily rights, and the medical benefits of circumcision versus the harm or pain caused by the procedure. The symposium includes four expert commentaries on the narratives that are informed and enriched by the commentators\' expertise in pediatric bioethics, healthcare ethics, gender studies, Jewish law and tradition, and the medical and surgical techniques of circumcision.





