
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and Objectives: Elderly people may have difficulties understanding the quality and quantity of information about the COVID-19 epidemic, which can put an additional mental strain on their health and well-being. The purpose of this study was to explore the processing of COVID-19 information among older people. Materials and Methods: A qualitative study was carried out in summer 2021. The sampling was based on the snowball method. This approach allowed us to communicate with the next potential participants relatively freely and without reservations. Two female researchers (both MD, PhD) conducted the interviews. All interviews were held in Serbian. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The interviews were conducted with 13 participants (average age 71 years). The analysis of qualitative content suggested that four topics could be identified: (1) sources of information, (2) information interest and need, (3) reporting of information and (4) suggestions for better reporting. The participants were troubled by the excess of information, repetitive information about death tolls, unqualified people in media discussing the pandemic and inconsistent reporting. These features caused the participants to feel the psychological burden in processing all the pieces of information. Conclusions: The elderly people in Serbia followed mainstream media to get information about COVID-19; however, they perceived a variety of problems with reporting, which made the understanding of the information difficult and psychologically burdensome. These findings should be taken into consideration when delivering health-related information to elderly people.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To date, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world\'s health, economics and politics is still heavy, and efforts to mitigate virus transmission have caused remarkable disruption. From the early onset of the pandemic, generated by SARS-CoV-2 spread, the scientific community was aware of its impact on vulnerable individuals, including pregnant women. The purpose of this paper is to highlight scientific pitfalls and ethical dilemmas emerging from management of severe respiratory distress in pregnant women in order to add evidence to this topic through an ethical debate. In the here-presented paper, three cases of severe respiratory syndrome are analyzed. No specific therapeutic protocol was available to guide physicians in a cost-benefit balance, and unequivocal conduct was not a priori suggested from scientific evidence. However, vaccines\' advent, viral variants lurking on the horizon and other possible pandemic challenges make it necessary to maximize the experience gained through these difficult years. Antenatal management of pregnancies complicated by COVID-19 infection with severe respiratory failure is still heterogeneous and ethical concerns must be pointed out.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mental health and addictions (MHA) care is complex and individualized and requires coordination across providers and areas of care. Knowledge management is an essential facilitator and common challenge in MHA services.
    OBJECTIVE: This paper aimed to describe the development of a knowledge management system (KMS) and the associated processes in 1 MHA program. We also aimed to examine the uptake and use, satisfaction, and feedback on implementation among a group of pilot testers.
    METHODS: This project was conducted as a continuous quality-improvement initiative. Integrated stakeholder engagement was used to scope the content and design the information architecture to be implemented using a commercially available knowledge management platform. A group of 30 clinical and administrative staff were trained and tested with the KMS over a period of 10 weeks. Feedback was collected via surveys and focus groups. System analytics were used to characterize engagement. The content, design, and full-scale implementation planning of the KMS were refined based on the results.
    RESULTS: Satisfaction with accessing the content increased from baseline to after the pilot. Most testers indicated that they would recommend the KMS to a colleague, and satisfaction with KMS functionalities was high. A median of 7 testers was active each week, and testers were active for a median of 4 days over the course of the pilot. Focus group themes included the following: the KMS was a solution to problems for staff members, functionality of the KMS was important, quality content matters, training was helpful and could be improved, and KMS access was required to be easy and barrier free.
    CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge management is an ongoing need in MHA services, and KMSs hold promise in addressing this need. Testers in 1 MHA program found a KMS that is easy to use and would recommend it to colleagues. Opportunities to improve implementation and increase uptake were identified. Future research is needed to understand the impact of KMSs on quality of care and organizational efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: YouTube (YT) has grown into the largest online video platform across the world. Known to have more than two billion users of all ages, YT also serves as an important educational tool and information source for patients and their families. YT videos have the potential to influence patients\' understanding of their diagnoses and treatment decision-making.
    METHODS: Videos were identified using the keywords \"multiple sclerosis,\" \"multiple sclerosis treatment,\" \"relapsing remitting MS,\" and \"central demyelinating disorder\" in the YT search bar. For each search term, the top 30 videos were reviewed. The videos were analyzed by two independent raters using the DISCERN and Global Quality Scale (GQS) scoring systems. Qualitative and quantitative data were recorded for each video.
    RESULTS: A total of 99 videos were analyzed. The mean DISCERN score was 43.44 out of 75 possible points, and the mean Global Quality Scale (GQS) score was 2.77 out of 5 possible points. Of all the videos, 14.1, 29.3, 15.2, and 29.3% were categorized as very poor, poor, moderate, good, and excellent, respectively. Videos that included qualitative features such as clear information; information related to symptomatology, etiology, diagnosis, treatment, treatment response, and epidemiology; and diagrams and radiological images had significantly higher scale scores. Audience engagement parameters were significantly higher for videos containing animation, treatment response, and radiological images.
    CONCLUSIONS: We maintain that sufficient, reliable, and useful content is not provided for those seeking information on YT about MS. Everyone seeking information about MS should always verify information provided in YT videos using more reliable sources of information. Video producers should optimize their videos to contain high-quality and reliable data and to attract larger audiences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Providing information is important for managing epidemics, but issues with data accuracy may hinder its effectiveness. Focusing on Covid-19 in Mexico, we ask whether delays in death reports affect individuals\' beliefs and behavior. Exploiting administrative data and an online survey, we provide evidence that behavior, and consequently the evolution of the pandemic, are considerably different when death counts are presented by date reported rather than by date occurred, due to non-negligible reporting delays. We then use an equilibrium model incorporating an endogenous behavioral response to illustrate how reporting delays lead to slower individual responses, and consequently, worse epidemic outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the ubiquity of health-related information, disseminated using digital technology. However, recent research suggests that this accessibility of (often negative) information can induce adverse psychological effects, including anxiety, panic-based hoarding, and other unhealthy behaviors. Some of these consequences have been explained with the idea of an information overload. Considering these current developments, it may become harder to effectively communicate COVID-19-related information in smaller, local contexts, such as universities. By analyzing the page views and searches on the website of a university of education in Germany, we derive recommendations for the delivery of information of local organizations. One conclusion is that the need for information during the pandemic decreases as time passes (at least at the local level of institutions such as universities), and even new emergencies such as the beginning of the second wave of COVID-19 only affect this behavioral pattern to a minor extent. As a result of this COVID-19 information fatigue, strategies to keep members of institutions informed are discussed. In addition, we suggest developing a mobile app for delivering individualized information right on hand using machine learning and natural language processing strategies. In sum, individual organizations interested in keeping their members informed concerning COVID-19 should consider the use of personalized information strategies that avoid inducing negative emotional states. Moreover, potentials for connecting people using digital technology could be harnessed in local organizations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper assesses whether providing people with information on the public benefits of bed net use, and on other people\'s bed net use, changes their bed net use behavior. I use a survey experiment from rural Kenya, where randomly selected households are provided with information on the public benefits generated by bed net use, and on the consequences of an individual\'s own bed net use on the health of the immediate neighbor. The results show that information increased willingness to use bed nets, and that people are more willing to use bed nets when they know other people are using them as well. Results are robust to the inclusion of a broad set of controls, including risk aversion; number of household members to have suffered from malaria in the past 12 months; and number of children in the household who are below five years age. Overall, these results suggest that in addition to free distribution of bed nets, informing people on the private and public benefits of bed net use could potentially save many more lives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In orthopedics, as in all surgical specialties, procedures are described in an operative report. This is an essential and mandatory part of the medical file (Article R.1112-2 of the French Public Health Code) and a fully codified medicolegal document comprising precise items determined by the Health Authority (HAS) and the ORTHORISQ risk management and accreditation organization.
    Information on the rules for filling out operative reports could improve their level of conformity, especially if provided early in surgical training.
    A prospective comparative study was conducted with 6 groups of junior or senior surgeons, in the public or private sector, who had or had not been given specific information on the criteria for filling out the operative report. A conformity score was designed, based on the HAS-ORTHORISQ criteria (SCHOCRO, out of 100 points) for comparison between groups.
    Scores did not differ between junior and senior surgeons, whether informed or not. Private-sector surgeons had better scores than university hospital surgeons when not informed (p=0.016). The information improved conformity. The earlier residents were informed, the better their conformity.
    Harmonization of operative reporting improves report quality and should be standard practice for all, and especially for residents as soon as they enter the foundation phase. The SCHOCRO score seemed well suited for assessing operative report quality, being simple and reproducible.
    II; prospective study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Patients are frequently provided with medicine information materials (MIMs). Rendering medicine information through written material is a reliable method. Readability is an important attribute of written material that can affect the reader\'s ability to comprehend. Patient\'s perception can also affect the comprehensibility of written MIMs.
    OBJECTIVE: The objectives of the study were to assess the readability of medicine information in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH); and assessing patients\' perception and understanding of medicine information materials.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study conducted from September 21, 2019 to November 24, 2020, at TASH. Quantitative and qualitative data collection approaches were used in this research. The readability value of each material was determined in accordance with the Flesch Reading ease scores (FRE) and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (FKGL). The tools compute readability based on an average number of syllables per word and an average number of words per sentence. FRE provides scores from 0 to 100; higher scores mean easily comprehensible while FKGL sets grade levels for written texts. A structured interview was administered with questions about how MIMs had been used, and was analyzed qualitatively.
    RESULTS: The results of this research showed low readability scores of MIMs found in TASH. Most patients do not get MIMs and are unaware of how to use them. They are interested to receive and read medicines information from pharmacists and physicians. Moreover, most of them preferred information through both verbal and written forms.
    CONCLUSIONS: The readability levels of selected MIMs obtained from TASH are found to be not compliant with the patients\' needs. This might be worsening their health outcomes and resulting in poorer use of healthcare services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic that started in China in December 2019 has not only threatened world public health, but severely impacted almost every facet of life, including behavioural and psychological aspects. In this paper, we focus on the \'human element\' and propose a mathematical model to investigate the effects on the COVID-19 epidemic of social behavioural changes in response to lockdowns. We consider an SEIR-like epidemic model where the contact and quarantine rates depend on the available information and rumours about the disease status in the community. The model is applied to the case of the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy. We consider the period that stretches between 24 February 2020, when the first bulletin by the Italian Civil Protection was reported and 18 May 2020, when the lockdown restrictions were mostly removed. The role played by the information-related parameters is determined by evaluating how they affect suitable outbreak-severity indicators. We estimate that citizen compliance with mitigation measures played a decisive role in curbing the epidemic curve by preventing a duplication of deaths and about 46% more infections.






