
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Lessons learned from the Household Humidifier Disinfectant Tragedy (HHDT) in Korea, which poisoned thousands of citizens over a period of years, necessitated an examination of national poison prevention and surveillance systems. The objectives of this study are to identify essential changes needed in chemical poisoning prevention regulations and surveillance systems for effective poison control by comparing recent trends in international poison control center (PCC) operations, and to delineate the critical elements for establishing a state-of-the-art poison control surveillance system in Korea based on recent advances in PCCs with toxicovigilance.
    METHODS: A comprehensive review of Korea\'s regulatory and surveillance systems for chemical health hazards, with a focus on household products under the HHDT, was conducted. A review of toxicovigilance systems in major countries shows that creating an effective national PCC requires key elements: a centralized database of toxic substances and poisoning cases, mandatory or voluntary reporting of poisoning cases, real-time alerts, collaboration among health organizations, and targeted follow-up of poisoned individuals.
    RESULTS: Significant deficiencies in Korea\'s legislation, toxicological data management, and poisoning surveillance systems, explained the inadequate response of the Korean government to the HHDT for nearly 17 years until the end of 2011. Based on a review of PCC toxicovigilance systems in major countries, a national framework with five core components is recommended for establishing a modern comprehensive Korea PCC system with toxicovigilance capacity. The core components include establishment of a centralized database of toxic substances information and clinical poisoning cases, implementation of mandatory or permissive reporting of poisoning cases, real-time alert mechanisms, collaborative systems among health-related organizations, and clinical follow-up of poisoned sub-groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: A rationale and framework for a state-of-the-art national Korean PCC with toxicovigilance is justified and offered. This proposed system could assist neighboring countries in establishing their own sophisticated, globally integrated PCC networks.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    This systematic review investigates the emissions from ultrasonic humidifiers (e.g., cool mist humidifiers) within indoor air environments, namely soluble and insoluble metals and minerals as well as microorganisms and one organic chemical biocide. Relationships between ultrasonic humidifier fill water quality and the emissions in indoor air are studied, and associated potential adverse health outcomes are discussed. Literature from January 1, 1980, to February 1, 2022, was searched from online databases of PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus to produce 27 articles. The results revealed clear positive proportional relationships of the concentration of microorganisms and soluble metals/minerals between fill water qualities and emitted airborne particles, for both microbial (n = 9) and inorganic (n = 15) constituents. When evaluating emissions and the consequent health outcomes, ventilation rates of specific exposure scenarios affect the concentrations of emitted particles. Thus, well-ventilated rooms may alleviate inhalation risks when the fill water in ultrasonic humidifiers contains microorganisms and soluble metals/minerals. Case reports (n = 3) possibly due to the inhalation of particles from ultrasonic humidifier include hypersensitivity pneumonitis in adults and a 6-month infant; the young infant exhibited nonreversible mild obstructive ventilator defect. In summary, related literature indicated correlation between fill water quality of ultrasonic humidifier and emitted particles in air quality, and inhalation of the emitted particles may cause undesirable health outcomes of impaired respiratory functions in adults and children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: It has been 10 years since the outbreak of lung disease caused by humidifier disinfectants in Korea, but the health effects have not yet been summarized. Therefore, this study aims to systematically examine the health effects of humidifier disinfectants that have been discovered so far.
    METHODS: All literature with humidifier disinfectants and their representative components as the main words were collected based on the web, including PubMed, Research Information Sharing Service, and government publication reports. A total of 902 studies were searched, of which 196 were selected. They were divided into four groups: published human studies (group 1), published animal and cytotoxicology studies (group 2), technical reports (group 3), and gray literature (group 4).
    RESULTS: Out of the 196 studies, 97 (49.5%) were published in peer-reviewed journals as original research. Group 1 consisted of 49 articles (50.5%), while group 2 consisted of 48 articles (49.5%). Overall, respiratory diseases such as humidifier disinfectant associated lung injury, interstitial lung disease, and asthma have a clear correlation, but other effects such as liver, heart, thymus, thyroid, fetal growth, metabolic abnormalities, and eyes are observed in toxicological experimental studies, but have not yet been identified in epidemiologic studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current level of evidence does not completely rule out the effects of humidifier disinfectants on extrapulmonary disease. Based on the toxicological evidence so far, it is required to monitor the population of humidifier disinfectant exposure continuously to see if similar damage occurs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The association between lung injury and exposure to humidifier disinfectant (HD) containing a mixture of chloromethylisothiazolinone (CMIT) and methylisothiazolinone (MIT) has been controversial in South Korea. This study conducts a literature review in order to evaluate the likelihood of CMIT/MIT reaching the lower part of the respiratory tract and causing lung injury. A literature review focused on the inhalation risk of HD containing a mixture of CMIT and MIT. The major contents included the physicochemical properties of CMIT and MIT contained in HDs and methodological reviews on substance analysis, toxicity tests and clinical cases. HD products marketed in South Korea have been reported to contain approximately 1-2% CMIT and 0.2-0.6% MIT along with magnesium nitrate (20-25%), magnesium chloride (0.2-1.0%), and water (70-75%). The types of CMIT and MIT dispersed into the air and deposited in the respiratory tract are assumed to be either gaseous substances or nanoparticles mixed with magnesium salts. The result of the literature review including clinical cases of lung injury among CMIT/MIT HD product users, demonstrated that these chemicals likely reach the lower respiratory tract and accordingly cause lung injury. A number of humidifier disinfectant-associated lung injury cases with clinical evidence should be prioritized in risk assessment of HD containing CMIT and MIT, even though there might be insufficient evidence in all related areas, including inhalation exposure assessment studies, animal testing, and epidemiological studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study uses a method of systematic evaluation to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of heated humidified high-flow nasal cannula (HHHFNC) as an initial ventilation method in the treatment of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS) scientifically. In the field of evidence-based medicine, this study provides a theoretical reference and basis for choosing appropriate initial non-invasive ventilation methods in the treatment of NRDS, thereby providing assistance for clinical treatment.
    METHODS: The main electronic network databases were searched by computer, including 4 Chinese databases: CNKI, WangFang Data, CQVIP, SinoMed and 3 English databases: PubMed, The Cochrane Library and EMBASE, the time range of retrieval from the beginning of each database to September 1, 2020. The content involves all the published randomized controlled trials on the effectiveness of HHHFNC compared with NCPAP as an initial ventilation method in the treatment of NRDS. Using a search method that combines medical subject words and free words. Based on the Cochrane risk bias assessment tool, 2 researchers independently screen the literature, and then extract the data we needed in the literature, and cross-check. If it is difficult to decide whether to include literature, then turning to a third researcher for help and making a final decision after discussion, and using RevMan 5.3 and STATA 13.0 to analyze the relative data.
    RESULTS: Based on the method of meta-analysis, this study analyzes the pre-determined outcome indicators through scientific statistical analysis, and compares the effectiveness and safety of HHHFNC compared with NCPAP as an initial ventilation method in the treatment of NRDS. All results will be published in peer-reviewed high-quality professional academic journals.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on evidence-based medicine, this study will obtain the establishing evidence of comparison that the clinical effectiveness and safety of HHHFNC compared with NCPAP as an initial ventilation method in the treatment of NRDS through the existing data and data, which provides the evidence support of evidence-based medicine in the treatment of NRDS.
    UNASSIGNED: September 17, 2020. (







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Respiratory physiotherapy and rehabilitation are important therapeutic options in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFB). The aims of this review of clinical trials were to evaluate the safety and the effects on physiologic and clinical outcomes of airway clearance techniques (ACTs) and rehabilitation in NCFB patients, in comparison to usual care. The search was performed on March 2018 by using PubMed and PeDro databases. 33 studies were selected. The use of ACTs for NCFB were effective in increasing sputum volume although no benefit in quality of life (QoL) or pulmonary exacerbations were observed. There were no differences in effectiveness between the several techniques used. Humidification and saline inhalation were able to aid airway clearance. Hypertonic solution (HS) was more effective than isotonic solutions (IS) in improving expectoration and sputum viscosity. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) was found to be associated with short term benefits in exercise capacity, dyspnea and fatigue. Exercise training seems to improve quality of life and lower exacerbation rate, but long-term data are not available. Further studies are necessary to identify the most feasible long-term outcomes such as QoL and exacerbation rate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Instrumentation of the airways in critical patients (endotracheal tube or tracheostomy cannula) prevents them from performing their function of humidify and heating the inhaled gas. In addition, the administration of cold and dry medical gases and the high flows that patients experience during invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation generate an even worse condition. For this reason, a device for gas conditioning is needed, even in short-term treatments, to avoid potential damage to the structure and function of the respiratory epithelium. In the field of intensive therapy, the use of heat and moisture exchangers is common for this purpose, as is the use of active humidification systems. Acquiring knowledge about technical specifications and the advantages and disadvantages of each device is needed for proper use since the conditioning of inspired gases is a key intervention in patients with artificial airway and has become routine care. Incorrect selection or inappropriate configuration of a device can have a negative impact on clinical outcomes. The members of the Capítulo de Kinesiología Intensivista of the Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva conducted a narrative review aiming to show the available evidence regarding conditioning of inhaled gas in patients with artificial airways, going into detail on concepts related to the working principles of each one.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine the risk of microbiological contamination with hospital use high- and low-flow bubbling humidifiers.
    A systematic literature review was carried out in 6 databases. Observational or experimental studies published between 1990 and 2016 were selected, written in English or Spanish, and in which microbiological contamination with hospital use high- and low-flow bubbling humidifiers was investigated.
    A total of 12 articles were included: 4 analyzed the water from reusable humidifiers, 4 analyzed the water from prefilled system humidifiers, and the rest compared samples from both models. Microbial contamination was observed in all studies in which reusable humidifiers were evaluated, usually involving common bacteria from the skin flora, while potential pathogenic species were notified in 2 studies. No microbial contamination was isolated from reusable humidifiers, regardless of whether they had been consecutively used over time by a single patient or by several patients.
    On one hand, there seems to be a low risk of contamination during the first weeks of use of prefilled humidifiers, which allows multiple use in different patients, without a risk of cross-contamination. On the other hand, it should be underscored that handling reusable humidifiers without correct aseptic measures can increase the risk of contamination; replacing reusable humidifiers with prefilled models therefore could be the safest option.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aims of this systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials are to evaluate the effects of active heated humidifiers (HHs) and moisture exchangers (HMEs) in preventing artificial airway occlusion and pneumonia, and on mortality in adult critically ill patients. In addition, we planned to perform a meta-regression analysis to evaluate the relationship between the incidence of artificial airway occlusion, pneumonia and mortality and clinical features of adult critically ill patients.
    METHODS: Computerized databases were searched for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing HHs and HMEs and reporting artificial airway occlusion, pneumonia and mortality as predefined outcomes. Relative risk (RR), 95% confidence interval for each outcome and I 2 were estimated for each outcome. Furthermore, weighted random-effect meta-regression analysis was performed to test the relationship between the effect size on each considered outcome and covariates.
    RESULTS: Eighteen RCTs and 2442 adult critically ill patients were included in the analysis. The incidence of artificial airway occlusion (RR = 1.853; 95% CI 0.792-4.338), pneumonia (RR = 932; 95% CI 0.730-1.190) and mortality (RR = 1.023; 95% CI 0.878-1.192) were not different in patients treated with HMEs and HHs. However, in the subgroup analyses the incidence of airway occlusion was higher in HMEs compared with HHs with non-heated wire (RR = 3.776; 95% CI 1.560-9.143). According to the meta-regression, the effect size in the treatment group on artificial airway occlusion was influenced by the percentage of patients with pneumonia (β = -0.058; p = 0.027; favors HMEs in studies with high prevalence of pneumonia), and a trend was observed for an effect of the duration of mechanical ventilation (MV) (β = -0.108; p = 0.054; favors HMEs in studies with longer MV time).
    CONCLUSIONS: In this meta-analysis we found no superiority of HMEs and HHs, in terms of artificial airway occlusion, pneumonia and mortality. A trend favoring HMEs was observed in studies including a high percentage of patients with pneumonia diagnosis at admission and those with prolonged MV. However, the choice of humidifiers should be made according to the clinical context, trying to avoid possible complications and reaching the appropriate performance at lower costs.





