
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    WHAT IS KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT?: Taking care of an autistic child at home can be tough for parents. They struggle to balance caring for their child and other tasks. This can affect their emotional well-being and cause guilt and other psychological problems. WHAT DOES THE PAPER ADD TO EXISTING KNOWLEDGE?: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing with finger movements can reduce guilt in parents of autistic children. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing with Elite mobile health software movements can reduce guilt in parents of autistic children. The bilateral eye stimulation method using finger movements has a more sustained impact than the Elite app\'s bilateral stimulation method. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE?: Healthcare providers are encouraged to learn Eye Movements Desensitization and Reprocessing. Healthcare providers are encouraged to use these methods to help with psychological issues in children with autism. Psychiatric nurses are encouraged to utilize this treatment approach for parents of children with autism, as well as to help alleviate feelings of guilt more broadly.
    UNASSIGNED: INTRODUCTION: Caring for an autistic child at home can be challenging for parents, as it can make it difficult to balance their responsibilities. This imbalance can negatively affect the emotional well-being of the caregiver and lead to feelings of guilt. While this is a known issue, there may be gaps in knowledge specific to Iran. In this study, a new method was introduced to address this issue.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the impact of desensitization with eye movements and reprocessing (EMDR) on reducing parental guilt among autistic children\'s families. We aim to examine the effectiveness of two different treatment methods.
    METHODS: This study involved 90 parents (60 mothers, 30 fathers) of autistic children randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group. The two experimental groups received a 45-min intervention session once a week for 3 weeks, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Data on feelings of guilt was collected using a questionnaire. After 30 days, both groups took a follow-up test. The data were analysed using statistical software.
    RESULTS: This study found that there were significant differences in guilt feelings among different groups of EMDR therapy and a control group. Specifically, no significant differences were observed in the mean guilt scores between the experimental and control groups at the pre-intervention stage (p > .05). However, the experimental groups exhibited significantly lower mean guilt scores immediately after the intervention and 1 month later than the control group (p < .05). Immediately after the intervention and 1 month later, no significant differences were observed between the two experimental groups (p > .05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study demonstrate the efficacy of desensitization treatment using eye movements and reprocessing in reducing feelings of guilt among autistic children\'s parents. In the follow-up phase, it seems that the two-way stimulation method with finger movements is more effective than Elite software in terms of the continuity of the effect. Healthcare providers are encouraged to learn and use these methods to help prevent and treat psychological issues in autistic children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Approximately 120,000 children in the United States are evaluated in the emergency department annually due to burn injuries. Studies have consistently documented that pediatric burns are among the most stressful events for caregivers, resulting in a wide range of emotions, including guilt, anxiety, grief, depression, and posttraumatic stress symptoms, as well as positive psychological changes, a phenomenon known as posttraumatic growth. The present pilot study aimed to explore the prevalence of elevated perceived stress as well as posttraumatic growth among caregivers of pediatric burn patients receiving outpatient burn care and using an mHealth burn platform to administer burn treatment. Our results demonstrated that, on average, caregivers endorsed similar or lower levels of perceived stress over the past 30 days compared to the general population of 30-44-year-old adults and only a third of caregivers reported elevated levels of perceived stress in the past 30 days. However, during the treatment phase, two-thirds of caregivers reported elevated levels of stress. Further, approximately half of the caregiver sample reported moderate to high levels of posttraumatic growth following their child\'s burn injury. This pilot study clarifies the level of the perceived stress that caregivers of burn-injured children experience, particularly during the treatment phase when they are responsible for their children\'s outpatient burn care (e.g., dressing changes). Additionally, the results shed light on the high prevalence of moderate to high posttraumatic growth in caregivers, with a prevalence rate similar to other trauma survivors.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Background: Victims of physical/sexual violence or sexual abuse commonly experience defense responses that result in feelings of guilt and shame. Although trauma-focused interventions are effective in treating post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, the presence of trauma-related shame and guilt can potentially hinder the process of disclosure during treatment, thus diminishing their overall effectiveness. It is hypothesized that providing psychoeducation about common defense responses will reduce feelings of shame and guilt, thereby increasing receptivity to trauma-focused treatment.Objective: This paper describes the rationale, study design, and methods of the BLAME-LESS study. The effects of a brief online psychoeducation program will be compared with a waiting-list control group. The intervention aims to reduce feelings of trauma-related shame and guilt that adolescents experience regarding their own defense responses during and after physical/sexual violence or sexual abuse.Methods: Adolescents (12 - 18 years old) with a history of physical/sexual violence or sexual abuse who suffer from trauma-related feelings of shame and guilt can participate in the study. The study follows a two-arm RCT that includes 34 participants. The primary outcomes includes trauma-related feelings of shame and guilt. The secondary outcomes includes PTSD symptoms, anxiety and depression symptoms, traumatic cognitions, readiness to disclose details of memories of the trauma, and motivation to engage in trauma-focused therapy. Assessments take place after screening, at baseline, two weeks after allocation to the intervention or waiting-list, and, only for the waiting-list participants, seven weeks after allocation to the intervention.Conclusions: There is a need for treatment approaches that target trauma-related feelings of shame and guilt. A recently developed brief online psychoeducation program on defense responses during and after trauma offers victims of physical/sexual violence or sexual abuse a free and accessible way to obtain reliable and valid information. The proposed RCT will evaluate the effectiveness of this online psychoeducation program.Trial Registration: Request is pending.
    Some defense responses to physical/sexual violence or sexual abuse, such as tonic immobility and appeasement behaviour, are common but unknown and raise feelings of shame and guilt.BLAME-LESS (In Dutch: On(t)schuldig) is a newly developed online psychoeducation programme that aims to reduce feelings of trauma-related shame and guilt. This programme includes explanatory animations, in-depth interviews with experts and victims, and written information accompanied by case reports.The proposed study examines the effectiveness of the brief online psychoeducation programme BLAME-LESS in a well-controlled study.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Background: Trauma-related guilt and shame are crucial for the development and maintenance of PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder). We developed an intervention combining cognitive techniques with loving-kindness meditations (C-METTA) that specifically target these emotions. C-METTA is an intervention of six weekly individual treatment sessions followed by a four-week practice phase.Objective: This study examined C-METTA in a proof-of-concept study within a randomized wait-list controlled trial.Method: We randomly assigned 32 trauma-exposed patients with a DSM-5 diagnosis to C-METTA or a wait-list condition (WL). Primary outcomes were clinician-rated PTSD symptoms (CAPS-5) and trauma-related guilt and shame. Secondary outcomes included psychopathology, self-criticism, well-being, and self-compassion. Outcomes were assessed before the intervention phase and after the practice phase.Results: Mixed-design analyses showed greater reductions in C-METTA versus WL in clinician-rated PTSD symptoms (d = -1.09), guilt (d = -2.85), shame (d = -2.14), psychopathology and self-criticism.Conclusion: Our findings support positive outcomes of C-METTA and might contribute to improved care for patients with stress-related disorders. The study was registered in the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS00023470).
    C-METTA is an intervention that addresses trauma-related guilt and shame and combines cognitive interventions with loving-kindness meditations.A proof-of-concept study was conducted examining C-METTA in a wait-list randomized controlled trialC-METTA led to reductions in trauma-related guilt and shame and PTSD symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is a first-line treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The primary goals of CPT are to identify and challenge dysfunctional cognitions resulting from the trauma to promote a more balanced set of beliefs and reduce manufactured emotions; encouraging expression of natural emotions further promotes symptom improvement. Between-session assignments (homework) are an integral part of learning and practicing the skills developed during CPT, and these assignments are theorized to reinforce the proposed mechanisms of symptom change. This article begins with a brief description of the theoretical foundations of CPT and an overview of the session content of the CPT protocol, followed by a case study illustrating the use of CPT with the written account (CPT + A) with a survivor of childhood sexual assault. Although the client demonstrated some avoidance, her successful completion of practice assignments throughout treatment allowed her to identify and examine thoughts contributing to feelings of guilt and self-blame as well as negative beliefs about the world. She was able to reduce her assimilated and overaccommodated stuck points to form a more balanced view of the trauma, and also process her natural emotions, resulting in a significant reduction of PTSD symptoms. The role of homework at each session and how the assignments addressed the proposed mechanisms of change in CPT are discussed, and recommendations to increase clients\' engagement in practice assignments in CPT are provided.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Accurate witness identification is a cornerstone of police inquiries and national security investigations. However, witnesses can make errors. We experimentally tested whether an interactive lineup, a recently introduced procedure that enables witnesses to dynamically view and explore faces from different angles, improves the rate at which witnesses identify guilty over innocent suspects compared to procedures traditionally used by law enforcement. Participants encoded 12 target faces, either from the front or in profile view, and then attempted to identify the targets from 12 lineups, half of which were target present and the other half target absent. Participants were randomly assigned to a lineup condition: simultaneous interactive, simultaneous photo, or sequential video. In the front-encoding and profile-encoding conditions, Receiver Operating Characteristics analysis indicated that discriminability was higher in interactive compared to both photo and video lineups, demonstrating the benefit of actively exploring the lineup members\' faces. Signal-detection modeling suggested interactive lineups increase discriminability because they afford the witness the opportunity to view more diagnostic features such that the nondiagnostic features play a proportionally lesser role. These findings suggest that eyewitness errors can be reduced using interactive lineups because they create retrieval conditions that enable witnesses to actively explore faces and more effectively sample features.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    The Complex Trial Protocol (CTP) is an EEG-based Concealed Information Test (CIT). Depth of processing influences memorability where deeper processing increases recollection. The CTP\'s performance as a function of shallow versus deep levels of processing has not been explored. Two experiments were conducted, one with verbal stimuli and the other with their pictorial referents. In both experiments, participants were randomly assigned to three groups, Innocent Control (Control) condition, Guilty Immediate Shallow Processing (Shallow) condition, and Guilty Immediate Deep Processing (Deep) condition. Shallow and Deep participants from both experiments underwent the same mock theft scenario and all three groups were later exposed to either a verbal (N = 41) or pictorial (N = 43) stimulus on a computer monitor. In the word study, no differences in CIT effect were found between any of the groups. Areas under the curve (AUCs) did not differ from chance (.624 and .679 for Shallow and Deep groups respectively). In the image study, the CIT effect for the Shallow and Deep groups differed from the Control one. The AUCs (.755 and .943 for the Shallow and Deep groups respectively) differed significantly from each other. Levels of Processing (LOP) did not appear to have any bearing on CTP performance when words were used as probes but did have an effect when images were used. The findings may hint at some of the limitations of the CTP and fail to replicate similar experiments, especially when words are used as probes, from the late Peter Rosenfeld\'s laboratory.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Using the context of an intimate partner homicide trial, the study explored the effects of defendant gender and age on mock-jurors\' verdicts, sentences, and culpability ratings-and whether defendant credibility and juror anger mediate these effects. The study used a 2 (Defendant Gender: male vs. female) × 3 (Defendant Age: 25, 45, or 65 years) between-subjects design. Participants (N = 513 community members) completed the experiment online. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the six Defendant Gender × Age Conditions. Participants read the trial transcripts that included the age and gender manipulations, provided verdicts and sentences, and completed the following measures: culpability, anger, credibility, and manipulation checks. Consistent with our hypotheses mock-jurors were more likely to find the male defendant guilty and give him longer sentences than the female defendant. Additionally, when the defendant was male (vs. female) mock-jurors provided higher anger ratings and rated the defendant as more culpable in the victim\'s death. Also consistent with our hypotheses, mock-jurors were more likely to find the youngest defendant guilty and view him as more culpable and less credible than the oldest defendant. The mechanisms responsible for jurors\' biased decisions varied as a function of the extra-legal variable (defendant gender vs. age). The defendant age effect was mediated by defendant credibility and the gender effect by juror anger. A defendant\'s right to a fair trial is dependent on a court\'s ability to limit extra-legal variables from influencing jurors\' decisions. Understanding the mechanism responsible for such bias is required before the courts can effectively remedy bias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is well-established that negative affect acts as predictor and maintenance factor of problematic eating behaviors. However, the relevance of different facets of negative affect is unclear. While guilt was consistently shown as having a relevant contribution in relation with problematic eating patterns, shame might play a similar role. The current study used an ecological momentary assessment design to assess associations between facets of shame and subsequent disturbed eating behaviors. The study included 57 females with high levels of eating disorders (ED) symptomatology who completed five surveys per day for 14 consecutive days. Participants completed measures of facets of shame (i.e., general shame, body shame, shame around eating), negative affect and problematic eating behaviors (i.e., binge eating, restriction, weighting, body checking, purging, taking laxative/diuretics and excessive exercise). Data were analyzed using multilevel models. In general, between-subjects facets of shame were associated with more disturbed eating behaviors, with shame explaining a significantly and clinically relevant percent of the variance of these problematic eating behaviors. At the within-subject level, facets of shame predicted subsequent binge eating, body checking and excessive exercise. These findings support the role of shame in ED symptomatology and the relevance of directly tackling shame in psychological treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cultural norms may dictate how grief is displayed. The present study explores the display behaviours and rules in the bereavement context from a cross-cultural perspective. 86 German-speaking Swiss and 99 Chinese bereaved people who lost their first-degree relative completed the adapted bereavement version of the Display Rules Assessment Inventory. Results indicated that the German-speaking Swiss bereaved displayed more emotions than the Chinese bereaved. The Chinese bereaved, but not the German-speaking Swiss bereaved, thought that bereaved people should display more emotions than they actually did when they were with their close others (but not when they were alone). Bereaved people endorsed more emotional expression \"when alone\" than \"when with close others\", demonstrating a social disconnection tendency, which was more evident in the Chinese sample. Bereaved people endorsed more expression of positive emotions (e.g. affection/love) and less expression of powerful negative emotions (e.g. blame/guilt, anger) across cultures. Compared to their Chinese counterparts, the German-speaking Swiss sample indicated more actual expressions for most emotion types (i.e. joy/happiness, affection/love, sadness, anger, and denial) but thought bereaved people should express more joy/happiness and less blame/guilt. The results suggest that bereaved people\'s display behaviours and rules are influenced by culture, situation, and type of emotion.





