East Africa

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of livestock inside protected areas, or \"livestock encroachment,\" is a global conservation concern because livestock is broadly thought to negatively affect wildlife. The Maasai Mara National Reserve (MMNR), Kenya, exemplifies this tension as livestock is believed to have resulted in the declining wildlife populations, contributing to the strict and sometimes violent exclusion measures targeting Maasai pastoralists. However, research embedded in the real-world setting that draws insights from the social-ecological contexts is lacking. In this study, we conducted 19 mo of ecological monitoring covering 60 sites in MMNR and found that cattle presence inside the reserve did not significantly impact most co-occurring wild herbivores at the current intensity. Using the Hierarchical Modeling of Species Communities and Gaussian copula graphic models, we showed that cattle had no direct associations-neither negative nor positive-with nearly all wild herbivores despite frequently sharing the same space. Moreover, we did not detect resource degradation correlated with cattle presence near the MMNR boundary. Given the colonial legacy and land use history of Mara, entering MMNR becomes the only viable option for many herders. These results corroborate the emerging perspective that the ecological impacts of extensively herded livestock on wildlife might be more nuanced than previously thought. To effectively balance the needs of people, livestock, and wildlife, the current rigid livestock exclusion measures need to be reassessed to holistically consider herbivore ecology, local land use history, and modern politics of protected area management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We sought to investigate the association between hazardous alcohol use and gaps in care for people living with HIV over a long-term follow-up period. Adults who had participated in our previously published Phase I study of hazardous alcohol use at HIV programs in Kenya and Uganda were eligible at their 42 to 48 month follow-up visit. Those who re-enrolled were followed for an additional ~ 12 months. Hazardous alcohol use behavior was measured using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) tool. Deidentified clinical data were used to assess gaps in care (defined as failure to return to clinic within 60 days after a missed visit). The proportion of patients experiencing a gap in care at a specific time point was based on a nonparametric moment-based estimator. A semiparametric Cox proportional hazard model was used to determine the association between hazardous alcohol use at enrollment in Phase I (AUDIT score ≥ 8) and gaps in care. Of the 731 study-eligible participants from Phase I, 5.5% had died, 10.1% were lost to follow-up, 39.5% transferred, 7.5% declined/not approached, and 37.3% were enrolled. Phase II participants were older, had less hazardous drinking and had a lower WHO clinical stage than those not re-enrolled. Hazardous drinking in the re-enrolled was associated with a Hazard Ratio (HR) of 1.88 [p-value = 0.016] for a gap in care. Thus, hazardous alcohol use at baseline was associated with an increased risk of experiencing a gap in care and presents an early target for intervention.
    RESULTS: Buscamos investigar la asociación entre el uso riesgoso de alcohol y retención en programas de VIH a largo plazo. Todo adulto que participó en nuestro estudio previamente publicado sobre el uso riesgoso de alcohol en programas de VIH en Kenia y Uganda era elegible a los 42 a 48 meses de seguimiento. Los adultos reinscritos en la fueron seguidos por ~ 12 meses adicionales. Usamos el “Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test” (AUDIT) para medir uso de alcohol. Usamos datos clínicos anonimizados para evaluar interrupciones en cuidado (definido como falta de regresar a clínica 60 días después de faltar a una cita). Basamos la proporción de pacientes con una interrupción en cuidado clínico en un estimador momentáneo y no-paramétrico. Determinamos la asociación entre el uso riesgoso de alcohol al inicio de la primera fase (puntuación AUDIT ≥8) con retención en servicios clínicos usando un modelo de riesgo Cox semiparamétrico. De los 731 participantes elegibles, 5.5% habían muerto, 10.1% fueron perdidos a seguimiento clínico, 39.5% se transfirieron a otro programa, 7.5% declinaron participación o no fueron reclutados y 37.3% fueron reinscritos en la segunda fase. Los participantes reinscritos eran mayores, tenían menos uso riesgoso de alcohol y tenían VIH menos avanzado. El uso peligroso del alcohol se vio asociado con el riesgo de tener una interrupción en cuidado clínico [Proporción de Riesgo (Hazard Ratio, HR) PR=1.88, valor-p = 0.016]. Por lo tanto, el uso peligroso del alcohol incrementa el riesgo de perder seguimiento clínico y presenta una oportunidad para intervención.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is the most prevalent form of violence against women globally and is more prevalent than rape or other violent attacks by strangers. Different observational studies have established a strong positive association between alcohol use and intimate partner violence. Even though there are a lot of studies that show the association between partner alcohol use and intimate partner violence limited studies were conducted that show the direct causative relations of partner alcohol use and IPV among reproductive-age women in East Africa. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of partner alcohol use on intimate partner violence in East Africa\'s recent Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data with Propensity Score Matching (PSM).
    METHODS: Community-based cross-sectional study design with a propensity score matching was used from the East African countries\' DHS data. A total of the weighted sample size of 72,554 reproductive-age women was used for this study. Propensity score matching analysis was conducted to determine the causal relation between partner alcohol use and intimate partner violence. Intimate partner violence was the outcome variable and partner alcohol use was the treatment variable. Propensity score matching was carried out through Stata software by using psmatch2 of the logit-based model. The assumption of common support was verified and achieved. Mantel-Haenszel boundaries have been used to investigate the possibility of hidden bias in the outcome.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of partner alcohol use and intimate partner violence from East African countries was 37.94 with a CI of (37.58%, 38.29%) and 41.45% with a CI (41.09%, 41.80%) respectively. Partner alcohol use contributed to a 2.78% increase in intimate partner violence according to the estimated average treatment on treated values in the treated and control groups were 59.41% and 31.51%, respectively. Ultimately, it was found that among all research participants, the average effect on the population as a whole was 25.33%.
    CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that partner alcohol use has a direct cause for intimate partner violence. Therefore, controlling partner alcohol consumption can reduce the burden of intimate partner violence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bovine trypanosomosis is an incapacitating and lethal ailment brought about by protozoan parasites of the genus Trypanosoma. The disease leads to losses in livestock and agricultural productivity, resulting in significant socio-economic repercussions. In East Africa, trypanosomosis has been endemic for an extensive period due to ecological factors and vector biology that facilitate the persistent circulation of trypanosomes. This investigation outlines the occurrence of bovine trypanosomosis in East Africa through a meta-analysis. A thorough search was conducted on PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science and AJOL. Suitable studies were chosen using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The prevalence was estimated through a random effect model. Publication bias and the variation in prevalence estimates due to heterogeneity were also evaluated. The analysis was performed on 115 studies that contained relevant prevalence data. The collective estimate of bovine trypanosomosis prevalence across the studies stood at 12% (95% CI: 11, 13), ranging from 1% (95% CI: 0, 2) to 51% (95% CI: 45, 58). The subgroup analysis by country revealed considerable disparities in prevalence. The highest estimated prevalence was 24% (95% CI: 18, 30) in Somalia, whereas the lowest prevalence was observed in Ethiopia at 10% (95% CI: 9, 11). A significant level of heterogeneity was noted in most pooled estimates, even after conducting subgroup analysis. The visual examination of the funnel plot and the Egger\'s regression asymmetry coefficient (b = -5.13, 95% CI: -7.49, -2.76, p = 0.00) and Begg\'s plot (p = 0.00) indicate the presence of publication bias. In conclusion, bovine trypanosomosis is a pervasive and noteworthy malady affecting livestock. The findings of this investigation imply a high prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis in the majority of the countries under scrutiny. Despite the well-known hindrance that livestock trypanosomosis poses to livestock production in Africa, little attention has been devoted to the trypanosomosis situation, particularly in East African nations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rwanda is a country in East Africa, a region characterized by highly mobile populations and outbreaks of high-consequence infectious diseases occurring on a regular basis. To increase the level of outbreak preparedness in the region, the Rwandan government and the German Ministry of Health signed a joint agreement to construct a new high-level isolation unit in Rwanda, the first in East Africa, and implement a training program for Rwandan healthcare workers to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge for medical management of patients under high-level isolation conditions, including intensive care treatment. To better understand the scope and format of the planned training program, a needs assessment was performed based on findings from a standardized survey of 4 intensive care units in Rwanda as well as observations from 2 members of a German high-level isolation unit who completed clinical internships at Rwandan hospitals. In this case study, we describe the necessary steps to promote the sustainability and capabilities of the new high-level isolation unit in Kigali and ensure the successful implementation of the training program.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: East African countries have high rates of maternal and child mortality and morbidity. Studies have shown that the involvement of male partners in reproductive health can benefit maternal and child health (MCH). This scoping review aims to provide an overview of the evidence across East Africa that describes male partner involvement and its effect on maternal, reproductive, and child well-being.
    UNASSIGNED: Ten databases were searched to identify quantitative data on male\'s involvement in East Africa. Studies reporting qualitative data, \"intention to use\" data or only reporting on male partner\'s education or economic status were excluded. Studies were organized into five a priori categories: antenatal care (ANC), human immunodeficiency virus, breastfeeding, family planning, and intimate partner violence with further categories developed based on studies included.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 2787 records were identified; 644 full texts were reviewed, and 96 studies were included in this review. Data were reported on 118,967 mothers/pregnant women and 15,361 male partners. Most of the studies (n = 83) were reported from four countries Ethiopia (n = 49), Kenya (n = 14), Tanzania (n = 12) and Uganda (n = 10). The evidence indicates that male partner involvement and support is associated with improved reproductive, MCH across a wide range of outcomes. However, the studies were heterogeneous, using diverse exposure and outcome measures. Also, male partners\' lack of practical and emotional support, and engagement in violent behaviors towards partners, were associated with profound negative impacts on MCH and well-being.
    UNASSIGNED: The body of evidence, although heterogeneous, provides compelling support for male involvement in reproductive health programs designed to support MCH. To advance research in this field, an agreement is needed on a measure of male partner \"involvement.\" To optimize benefits of male partners\' involvement, developing core outcome sets and regional coordination are recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The second most common cause of death for children under five is diarrhea. Early Predicting diarrhea disease and identify its determinants (factors) using an advanced machine learning model is the most effective way to save the lives of children. Hence, this study aimed to predict diarrheal diseases, identify their determinants, and generate some rules using machine learning models.
    METHODS: The study used secondary data from the 12 east African countries for DHS dataset analysis using Python. Machine learning techniques such as Random Forest, Decision Tree (DT), K-Nearest Neighbor, Logistic Regression (LR), wrapper feature selection and SHAP values are used for identify determinants.
    RESULTS: The final experimentation results indicated the random forest model performed the best to predict diarrhea disease with an accuracy of 86.5%, precision of 89%, F-measure of 86%, AUC curve of 92%, and recall of 82%. Important predictors\' identified age, countries, wealth status, mother\'s educational status, mother\'s age, source of drinking water, number of under-five children immunization status, media exposure, timing of breast feeding, mother\'s working status, types of toilet, and twin status were associated with a higher predicted probability of diarrhea disease.
    CONCLUSIONS: According to this study, child caregivers are fully aware of sanitation and feeding their children, and moms are educated, which can reduce child mortality by diarrhea in children in east Africa. This leads to a recommendation for policy direction to reduce infant mortality in East Africa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial zoonoses are established causes of severe febrile illness in East Africa. Within a fever etiology study, we applied a high-throughput 16S rRNA metagenomic assay validated for detecting bacterial zoonotic pathogens. We enrolled febrile patients admitted to 2 referral hospitals in Moshi, Tanzania, during September 2007-April 2009. Among 788 participants, median age was 20 (interquartile range 2-38) years. We performed PCR amplification of V1-V2 variable region 16S rRNA on cell pellet DNA, then metagenomic deep-sequencing and pathogenic taxonomic identification. We detected bacterial zoonotic pathogens in 10 (1.3%) samples: 3 with Rickettsia typhi, 1 R. conorii, 2 Bartonella quintana, 2 pathogenic Leptospira spp., and 1 Coxiella burnetii. One other sample had reads matching a Neoerhlichia spp. previously identified in a patient from South Africa. Our findings indicate that targeted 16S metagenomics can identify bacterial zoonotic pathogens causing severe febrile illness in humans, including potential novel agents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Although global mortality rates in children under 5 years have decreased substantially in the last 30 years, there remain around 2.6 million stillbirths and 2.9 million neonatal deaths each year. The majority of these deaths occur in Africa and South Asia. To reduce perinatal deaths in East Africa, knowledge of the burden, but also the risk factors and causes of perinatal deaths are crucial. To the best of our knowledge, reviews have previously focused on the burden of perinatal deaths; here we aim to synthesize evidence on the burden, causes, and risk factors for perinatal mortality in East Africa.
    UNASSIGNED: We will conduct a systematic literature search in Medline, Web of Science, EMBASE, Global Health, SCOPUS, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, HINARI, African Index Medicus, African Journals Online (AJOL), and WHO African Regional Office (AFRO) Library. The study population includes all fetuses and newborns from ≥22 weeks of gestation (birth weight ≥500gm) to 7 days after birth, with reported causes or/and determinants as exposure, and perinatal mortality (stillbirths and/or early neonatal deaths) as an outcome. We will include studies from 2010 to 2022, and to facilitate the inclusion of up-to-date data, we will request recent data from ongoing surveillance in the region. To assess the quality of included studies, we will use the Joanna Briggs Institute quality assessment tool for observational and trial studies. We will analyze the data using STATA version 17 statistical software and assess heterogeneity and publication bias by Higgins\' I 2 and funnel plot, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: This systematic review will search for published studies, and seek unpublished data, on the burden, causes, and risk factors of perinatal mortality in East Africa. Findings will be reported, and gaps in the evidence base identified, with recommendations, with the ultimate aim of reducing perinatal deaths.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current study was to describe the magnitude and pattern of congenital anomalies on routine second-trimester ultrasound and its practical implication in the management of pregnant women with fetal anomalies at a novice center in East Africa.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted from September 2021 to May 2022 among women who had second-trimester anatomic scanning. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS version 23.1. Ethical clearance was obtained from the hospital\'s institutional review board and informed consent was obtained.
    RESULTS: The number of congenital anomalies was 45 of 1764 (2.55%). Most (41%) were in the age group 26-30 years and multigravida (62%). Average gestational age at anatomic scanning was 24 weeks. One or more risk factors for congenital anomalies were reported in 19 (31.0%) of the mothers. Most sonographic fetal abnormalities (51.7%) were reported in the central nervous system, followed by renal (18.0%) and skeletal (11.5%). Among the central nervous system anomalies, severe ventriculomegaly was the most common (38.7%), followed by Arnold-Chiari malformation (19.4%). Thirty-five (2%) of the mothers had a lethal fetal congenital anomaly and their pregnancy was terminated after counseling and informed consent.
    CONCLUSIONS: The rate of congenital anomalies in this study is comparable with most international data. The introduction of second-trimester anatomic scanning has led to timely termination of anomalous pregnancies, which contributes to reduction in direct and indirect costs of care and family\'s psychosocial distress and the stigma associated with the birth of and caring for a child with disability.





