Diet, Carbohydrate-Restricted

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There has been a renewed interest in the role of dietary therapies to manage irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), with diet high on the agenda for patients. Currently, interest has focussed on the use of traditional dietary advice (TDA), a gluten-free diet (GFD) and the low FODMAP diet (LFD). A consensus meeting was held to assess the role of these dietary therapies in IBS, in Sheffield, United Kingdom.Evidence for TDA is from case control studies and clinical experience. Randomised controlled trials (RCT) have demonstrated the benefit of soluble fibre in IBS. No studies have assessed TDA in comparison to a habitual or sham diet. There have been a number of RCTs demonstrating the efficacy of a GFD at short-term follow-up, with a lack of long-term outcomes. Whilst gluten may lead to symptom generation in IBS, other components of wheat may also play an important role, with recent interest in the role of fructans, wheat germ agglutinins, as well as alpha amylase trypsin inhibitors. There is good evidence for the use of a LFD at short-term follow-up, with emerging evidence demonstrating its efficacy at long-term follow-up. There is overlap between the LFD and GFD with IBS patients self-initiating gluten or wheat reduction as part of their LFD. Currently, there is a lack of evidence to suggest superiority of one diet over another, although TDA is more acceptable to patients.In view of this evidence, our consensus group recommends that dietary therapies for IBS should be offered by dietitians who first assess dietary triggers and then tailor the intervention according to patient choice. Given the lack of dietetic services, novel approaches such as employing group clinics and online webinars may maximise capacity and accessibility for patients. Further research is also required to assess the comparative efficacy of dietary therapies to other management strategies available to manage IBS.






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    The Joint Committee of the Korean Diabetes Association, the Korean Society for the Study of Obesity, and the Korean Society of Hypertension announced a consensus statement on carbohydrate-restricted diets and intermittent fasting, representing an emerging and popular dietary pattern. In this statement, we recommend moderately-low-carbohydrate or low-carbohydrate diets, not a very-low-carbohydrate diet, for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. These diets can be considered a dietary regimen to improve glycemic control and reduce body weight in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This review provides the detailed results of a meta-analysis and systematic literature review on the potential harms and benefits of carbohydrate-restricted diets in patients with diabetes. We expect that this review will help experts and patients by fostering an in-depth understanding and appropriate application of carbohydrate-restricted diets in the comprehensive management of diabetes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carbohydrate-restricted diets and intermittent fasting (IF) have been rapidly gaining interest among the general population and patients with cardiometabolic disease, such as overweight or obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. However, there are limited expert recommendations for these dietary regimens. This study aimed to evaluate the level of scientific evidence on the benefits and harms of carbohydrate-restricted diets and IF to make responsible recommendations. A meta-analysis and systematic literature review of 66 articles on 50 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of carbohydrate-restricted diets and 10 articles on eight RCTs of IF was performed. Based on the analysis, the following recommendations are suggested. In adults with overweight or obesity, a moderately-low carbohydrate or low carbohydrate diet (mLCD) can be considered as a dietary regimen for weight reduction. In adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus, mLCD can be considered as a dietary regimen for improving glycemic control and reducing body weight. In contrast, a very-low carbohydrate diet (VLCD) and IF are recommended against in patients with diabetes. Furthermore, no recommendations are suggested for VLCD and IF in adults with overweight or obesity, and carbohydrate-restricted diets and IF in patients with hypertension. Here, we describe the results of our analysis and the evidence for these recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To explore the factors (including knowledge and attitude) influencing the decision to follow a low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) or not in a sample of the UK population. An online questionnaire was distributed electronically to adults who had either followed LCD or not (February-December 2019). Demographics and self-reported \"LCD-status\" (current, past and non-follower) were collected. Multivariable linear regression was used with carbohydrate knowledge, dietary guideline agreement and theory of planned behaviour (TPB) constructs (all as predictors) to explain the intention to follow a LCD (outcome). Respondents (n = 723, 71% women, median age 34; 85% white-ethnicity) were either following (n = 170, 24%) or had tried a LCD in the preceding 3 months (n = 184, 25%). Current followers had lower carbohydrate knowledge scores (1-2 point difference, scale - 11 to 11) than past and non-followers. A majority of current LCD followers disagreed with the EatWell guide recommendations \"Base meals on potatoes, bread, rice and pasta, or other starchy carbohydrates. Choose whole grains where possible\" (84%) and \"Choose unsaturated oils and spreads and eat in small amounts such as vegetable, rapeseed, olive and sunflower oils\" (68%) compared to past (37%, 10%, respectively) and non-followers (16%, 8%, respectively). Weight-loss ranked first as a motivation, and the internet was the most influencial source of information about LCDs. Among LCD-followers, 71% reported ≥ 5% weight loss, and over 80% did not inform their doctor, nurse, or dietitian about following a diet. Approximately half of LCD followers incorporated supplements to their diets (10% used multivitamin/mineral supplements), despite the restrictive nature of the diet. TPB constructs, carbohydrate knowledge, and guideline agreement explained 60% of the variance for the intention to follow a LCD. Attitude (std-β = 0.60), perceived behavioural control (std-β = 0.24) and subjective norm (std-β = 0.14) were positively associated with the intention to follow a LCD, while higher knowledge of carbohydrate, and agreeing with national dietary guidelines were both inversely associated (std-β = - 0.09 and - 0.13). The strongest primary reason behind UK adults\' following a LCD is to lose weight, facilitated by attitude, perceived behavioural control and subjective norm. Higher knowledge about carbohydrate and agreement with dietary guidelines are found among people who do not follow LCDs.






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    文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    BACKGROUND: Epilepsy is a chronic disease that affects 0.5-1% of the population. One third of the patients become refractory to antiepileptic drugs. Among the non-pharmacological treatments available, the modified Atkins diet is an effective treatment used since 2003 as another alternative for children and adults with refractory epilepsy.
    METHODS: The Ketogenic Diet National Committee, which depends on the Argentine Society of Pediatric Neurology, elaborated this consensus on the modified Atkins diet, basing itself on a review of the literature and on their clinical experience. This consensus in Spanish explains the different aspects to be taken into account regarding the modified Atkins diet, patient selection, implementation, different controls and adverse effects. Unlike the classic ketogenic diet, the modified Atkins diet is initiated without fasting or hospital stay, nor does it require protein, calorie or fluid restriction, thus improving patient palatability and consequently patient tolerability.
    CONCLUSIONS: The modified Atkins diet is a useful treatment for patients with intractable epilepsy. The publication of this consensus offers the possibility for new centers to get oriented regarding this diet implementation.
    Consenso nacional de dieta Atkins modificada.
    Introduccion. La epilepsia es una enfermedad cronica que afecta al 0,5-1% de la poblacion, y un tercio de los pacientes evoluciona hacia una forma refractaria a los farmacos antiepilepticos. Dentro de los tratamientos no farmacologicos disponibles, la dieta cetogenica Atkins modificada es un tratamiento efectivo utilizado desde 2003 como otra alternativa en niños y adultos con epilepsia refractaria. Desarrollo. El Comite Nacional de Dieta Cetogenica, dependiente de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurologia Infantil, elaboro este consenso sobre dieta Atkins modificada basandose en una revision de la bibliografia y en su experiencia clinica. Este consenso explica los distintos aspectos que hay que tener en cuenta sobre la dieta Atkins modificada, eleccion de pacientes, forma de implementacion, diversos controles y efectos adversos. A diferencia de la dieta cetogenica clasica, se inicia sin ayuno ni hospitalizacion, y no hay restriccion proteica, calorica o hidrica, por lo que mejora la palatabilidad y, consecuentemente, la tolerabilidad. Conclusiones. La dieta Atkins modificada es un tratamiento util para pacientes con epilepsia intratable. La publicacion de este consenso ofrece la posibilidad de orientar a nuevos centros en su implementacion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A systematic review of studies in humans was conducted to update evidence on the association between the amount of sugars intake and dental caries and on the effect of restricting sugars intake to < 10% and < 5% energy (E) on caries to inform the updating of World Health Organization guidelines on sugars consumption. Data sources included MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Database, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang, and South African Department of Health. Eligible studies reported the absolute amount of sugars and dental caries, measured as prevalence, incidence, or severity. The review was conducted and reported in accordance with the PRISMA statement, and the evidence was assessed according to GRADE Working Group guidelines. From 5,990 papers identified, 55 studies were eligible - 3 intervention, 8 cohort, 20 population, and 24 cross-sectional. Data variability limited meta-analysis. Of the studies, 42 out of 50 of those in children and 5 out of 5 in adults reported at least one positive association between sugars and caries. There is evidence of moderate quality showing that caries is lower when free-sugars intake is < 10% E. With the < 5% E cut-off, a significant relationship was observed, but the evidence was judged to be of very low quality. The findings are relevant to minimizing caries risk throughout the life course.






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