
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the global economy before the eyes of the entire world. Due to evolving consumer needs and expectations during the pandemic, the supply and demand for various goods and services varied from the pre-COVID-19 period. This article aims to understand the changes in purchasing and food choices, focusing particularly on meat and meat products, made by consumers and households in response to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study also indicates the impact directions of these changes and assesses the magnitude of the contribution of various determinants that influenced them. The literature review from 2020 to 2023 was conducted using Scopus and the Web of Science scientific databases. The study identified sociodemographic and individual factors as the main determinants influencing consumers\' purchasing or eating behavior. Positive shifts (e.g., implementing strategies to better manage food at home through activities like creating shopping lists, the average increase in consumer spending during store visits, and decrease in visit frequencies) or negative changes (e.g., shortages of food products in stores due to consumer panic buying, unusually high demand resulting from stockpiling, purchasing fewer fresh products, increased consumption of unhealthy foods and snacking, among other factors) during isolation were influenced by various individual factors (e.g., motivation, mental state) or sociodemographic factors (e.g., gender, age, income level, education). While individual factors had a greater impact on changes in consumer behavior in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, socio-demographic factors became more important as the pandemic progressed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beef is a popular meat product that can spoil and lose quality during postharvest handling and storage. This review examines different preservation methods for beef, from conventional techniques like low-temperature preservation, irradiation, vacuum packing, and chemical preservatives, to novel approaches like bacteriocin, essential oil, and non-thermal technologies. It also discusses how these methods work and affect beef quality. The review shows that beef spoilage is mainly due to enzymatic and microbial activities that impact beef freshness, texture, and quality. Although traditional preservation methods can extend beef shelf life, they have some drawbacks and limitations. Therefore, innovative preservation methods have been created and tested to improve beef quality and safety. These methods have promising results and potential applications in the beef industry. However, more research is needed to overcome the challenges and barriers for their commercialization. This review gives a comprehensive and critical overview of the current and emerging preservation methods for beef and their implications for the beef supply chain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Historically, consumer acceptance of beef was determined by tenderness. Developments in genetics and management over the last couple of decades have improved tenderness to the point that it is secondary to other factors in beef\'s taste. Flavor, however, is an extraordinarily complex taste attribute dependent on biological sensors in the mouth, sinus cavity, and jaws. The culinary industry has recently focused on innovative ways to give consumers new products satisfying their curiosity about different foods, especially proteins. Competition from plant-based, cell-based, and even other animal-based proteins provides diversity in consumers\' ability to select a protein that satisfies their desire to include unique products in their diet. Consequently, the beef industry has focused on flavor for the last 10 to 15 years to determine whether it can provide the guardrails for beef consumption in the future. The U.S. beef industry formed a Flavor Working Group in 2012 composed of the authors listed here to investigate new and innovative ways to manage and measure beef flavor. The results of this working group have resulted in dozens of papers, presentations, abstracts, and symposia. The objective of this manuscript is to summarize the research developed by this working group and by others worldwide that have investigated methodologies that measure beef flavor. This paper will describe the strengths of the research in beef flavor measurement and point out future needs that might be identified as technology advances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this scoping review was to examine the breadth of the existing literature on the relation between meat consumption or meat abstention and positive psychological functioning. In April 2022, we conducted a systematic search of online databases (PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL Plus, Medline, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science) for primary research examining positive psychological functioning in meat consumers and those who abstain from meat. Thirteen studies met the inclusion/exclusion criteria, representing 89,138 participants (54,413 females and 33,863 males) with 78,562 meat consumers and 10,148 meat abstainers (13-102 years) from multiple geographic regions. The primary outcomes were life satisfaction, \"positive mental health\", self-esteem, and vigor. The secondary outcomes were \"meaning in life\", optimism, positive emotions, and psychological well-being. Eight of the 13 studies demonstrated no differences between the groups on positive psychological functioning, three studies showed mixed results, and two studies showed that compared to meat abstainers, meat consumers had greater self-esteem, \"positive mental health\", and \"meaning in life\". Studies varied substantially in methods and outcomes. Although a small minority of studies showed that meat consumers had more positive psychological functioning, no studies suggested that meat abstainers did. There was mixed evidence for temporal relations, but study designs precluded causal inferences. Our review demonstrates the need for future research given the equivocal nature of the extant literature on the relation between meat consumption and meat abstention and positive psychological functioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beef flavor continues to be one of the largest drivers of beef demand and a differentiation point of beef from other competing proteins. Tenderness has long been identified as the most important palatability trait for consumer satisfaction. However, as technological advancements and industry practices evolve and improve in response to tenderness management, flavor has emerged as a key driver of consumer satisfaction. In response, the beef industry has recently invested in research focused on beef flavor development, measurement, and management to better understand the factors impacting flavor and help beef maintain this advantage. The current review paper is the second of two such papers focused on summarizing the present knowledge and identifying knowledge gaps. While the other review focuses on current practices related to beef flavor measurement, this review will cover research findings related to beef flavor management. Numerous production and product management factors influence beef flavor. Pre-harvest factors including marbling level, animal genetics/cattle type, diet, and animal age, can influence beef flavor. Moreover, numerous post-harvest product management factors, including product type, aging length and conditions, cookery methods, product enhancement, muscle-specific factors, packaging, retail display factors, and antimicrobial interventions, have all been evaluated for their impact on beef flavor characteristics. Results from numerous studies evaluating many of these factors will be outlined within this review in order to present management and production chain factors that can influence beef flavor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marinating is a traditional method of improving the quality of meat, but it has been modified in response to consumer demand for \"clean label\" products. The aim of this review is to present scientific literature on the natural ingredients contained in marinades, the parameters of the marinating process, and certain mechanisms that bring about changes in meat. A review was carried out of publications from 2000 to 2023 available in Web of Science on the natural ingredients of meat marinades: fruit and vegetables, seasonings, fermented dairy products, wine, and beer. The review showed that natural marinades improve the sensory quality of meat and its culinary properties; they also extend its shelf life. They affect the safety of meat products by limiting the oxidation of fats and proteins. They also reduce biogenic amines and the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). This is possible due to the presence of biologically active substances and competitive microflora from dairy products. However, some marinades, especially those that are acidic, cause a slightly acidic flavour and an unfavourable colour change. Natural compounds in the ingredients of marinades are accepted by consumers. There are no results in the literature on the impact of natural marinades on the nutritional value and health-promoting potential of meat products, so it can be assumed that this is a future direction for scientific research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Mixed evidence exists on the impact of beef consumption on cognition. The goal was to create an evidence map capturing studies assessing beef consumption and cognition to reveal gaps and opportunities in the body of literature.
    METHODS: A scoping review was conducted to locate studies up to March 2022 using PubMed and backwards citation screening. Data were extracted by two independent reviewers with conflict resolution, and a database was created and made publicly available.
    METHODS: Intervention and observational studies.
    METHODS: Humans of any age, sex and/or health status, without moderate to severe cognitive impairment and/or abnormalities.
    RESULTS: Twenty-two studies were identified that quantified beef or red meat intake and assessed cognition. Six studies assessed beef intake, with the remaining studies describing intake of red meat that may or may not include beef. Nine articles described randomised controlled trials (RCT), mostly conducted in children. Thirteen described observational studies, primarily conducted on adults and seniors. The most common cognitive domains measured included intelligence and general cognition, and memory. The majority of controlled studies were rated with high risk of bias, with the majority of observational trials rated with serious or greater risk of bias.
    CONCLUSIONS: Red meat and beef intake and cognition is largely understudied. There is a significant lack of replication across study designs, populations, exposures and outcomes measured. The quality of the research would be considerably enhanced by focused assessments of beef intake (and not red meat in general) and specific cognitive domains, along with improved adherence to reporting standards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sous-vide (SV) is a method of cooking previously vacuum-packed raw materials under strictly controlled conditions of time and temperature. Over the past few years, scientific articles have explored the physical, biochemical, and microbiological properties of SV cooking. In this review, we provide a critical appraisal of SV as an alternative method of meat cooking, including the types of methods, types of SV meat products, and effects of SV parameters on the meat quality and the mechanisms of transformation taking place in meat during SV cooking. Based on the available data, it can be concluded that most research on the SV method refers to poultry. The yield of the process depends on the meat type and characteristics, and decreases with increasing temperature, while time duration does not have an impact. Appropriate temperatures in this method make it possible to control the changes in products and affect their sensory quality. Vacuum conditions are given a minor role, but they are important during storage. The limited number of studies on the approximate composition of SV meat products makes it challenging to draw summarizing conclusions on this subject. The SV method allows for a higher microbiological quality of stored meat than conventional methods. The literature suggests that the SV method of preparing beef, pork, and poultry has many advantages.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    The implementation of disease control and welfare practices is an essential part of limiting disease exposure in livestock, however successful adoption of these practices seem to be low in both the beef and dairy cattle industries. The main objectives of this scoping review were to characterize literature published exploring beef and dairy cattle producers\' perceptions on the implementation of various disease control and welfare practices, identify major themes of drivers and barriers that influence producers\' adoption of these practices, and identify current gaps in knowledge. A total of 2,486 articles were obtained from two database literature searches and screened, from which 48 articles published between 2010 and 2021 were deemed eligible and charted. Europe was the most common region for articles (58%). A majority of articles focused solely on dairy producers (52%). A wide range of barriers and drivers which were categorized into 4 and 5 key themes, respectively. The most commonly mentioned driver was animal health, welfare, and safety, while the most common barrier was costs. Potential gaps in literature were identified, including the underrepresentation of beef producer perceptions relative to dairy producers in current literature.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Laminitis is usually considered a consequence of digestive disorders that reduce ruminal pH. However, it is still not clear the direct relation between low ruminal pH provoked by excessive fast-digesting carbohydrate ingestion and laminitis, considering indicators, signs, and diagnosis aspects. This study aimed to clarify the association between different clinical presentations of laminitis with ruminal acidosis provoked by diet using the systematic review methodology. Three electronic databases were used: ISI Web of Science, PubMed, and Scopus. A total of 339 manuscripts were identified and only 16 were included. Manuscripts were published between 2000 and 2021 in 11 different peer-reviewed journals. Fifteen studies confirmed the occurrence of ruminal acidosis. The main indicators used were ruminal pH and clinical signs, such as anorexia, depression, discomfort and diarrhea. Two of the studies that administered oligofructose to induce acidosis and acute laminitis did not observe clinical signs of laminitis, using lameness score or hooves\' sensitivity as an indicator. Various diagnostic methods were used to describe laminitis, like thermography, hoof biopsy, sensitivity test, and visual inspection. Although the variety of laminitis indicators used in the included studies, we evidence the existence of an association between diet (high level of fast-digesting carbohydrates), ruminal acidosis, and acute laminitis, mostly in the short-term acidosis\' induction protocols, but the mechanism of action is still not clear.





