
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The oomycete Aphanomyces astaci is the causative agent of crayfish plague, a disease threatening susceptible freshwater crayfish species in Europe. To detect its spatiotemporal occurrence in Switzerland, we reviewed (1) the literature regarding occurrence of crayfish plague and North American crayfish carrier species and (2) the necropsy report archive of the Institute for Fish and Wildlife Health (FIWI) from 1968 to 2020. In the past, crayfish plague was diagnosed through several methods: conventional PCR, culture, and histology. When available, we re-evaluated archived Bouin\'s or formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples collected during necropsies (1991-2020) with a recently published quantitative PCR. Literature research revealed putative reports of crayfish plague in Switzerland between the 1870s and 1910s and the first occurrence of three North American crayfish species between the late 1970s and 1990s. Finally, 54 (28.1%) cases were classified as positive and 9 (4.7%) cases as suspicious. The total number of positive cases increased by 14 (14.7%) after re-evaluation of samples. The earliest diagnosis of crayfish plague was performed in 1980 and the earliest biomolecular confirmation of A. astaci DNA dated 1991. Between 1980-1990, 1991-2000 and 2001-2010 crayfish plague spread from one to two and finally three catchment basins, respectively. Similar to other European countries, crayfish plague has occurred in Switzerland in two waves: the first at the end of the 19th and the second at the end of the 20th century in association with the first occurrence of North American crayfish species. The spread from one catchment basin to another suggests a human-mediated pathogen dispersal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduced into Europe from North America 150 years ago alongside its native crayfish hosts, the invasive pathogen Aphanomyces astaci is considered one of the main causes of European crayfish population decline. For the past two centuries, this oomycete pathogen has been extensively studied, with the more recent efforts focused on containing and monitoring its spread across the continent. However, after the recent introduction of new strains, the newly-discovered diversity of A. astaci in North America and several years of coevolution with its European host, a new assessment of the traits linked to the pathogen\'s virulence is much needed. To fill this gap, we investigated the presence of phenotypic patterns (i.e., in vitro growth and sporulation rates) possibly associated with the pathogen\'s virulence (i.e., induced mortality in crayfish) in a collection of 14 A. astaci strains isolated both in North America and in Europe. The results highlighted a high variability in virulence, growth rate and motile spore production among the different strains, while the total-sporulation rate was more similar across strains. Surprisingly, growth and sporulation rates were not significantly correlated with virulence. Furthermore, none of the analysed parameters, including virulence, was significantly different among the major A. astaci haplogroups. These results indicate that each strain is defined by a characteristic combination of pathogenic features, specifically assembled for the environment and host faced by each strain. Thus, canonical mitochondrial markers, often used to infer the pathogen\'s virulence, are not accurate tools to deduce the phenotype of A. astaci strains. As the diversity of A. astaci strains in Europe is bound to increase due to translocations of new carrier crayfish species from North America, there is an urgent need to deepen our understanding of A. astaci\'s virulence variability and its ability to adapt to new hosts and environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci has been implicated in a number of mass mortalities and irreversible population declines of native crayfish across Europe. At present, the reservoirs of the pathogen in Europe are mainly populations of invasive North American crayfish species. In southwestern Europe, including France, a particularly widespread invader is the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Recent distribution data confirm that P. clarkii is present in at least 75 French departments, i.e. more than 78% of those in metropolitan France. We analysed the prevalence and pathogen load of A. astaci in 42 populations of this species in western France (Nouvelle Aquitaine region), where the species is most densely distributed, particularly in a wide range of environments around the Gironde estuary. The pathogen was detected by two different quantitative PCR assays in more than three quarters of the populations studied (34 out of 42); 163 out of 480 analysed crayfish individuals tested positive for the presence of A. astaci. In most cases, individual infection levels were very low, detectable with quantitative PCR but not sufficient for pathogen genotyping. In seven P. clarkii individuals from four populations, however, we were able to assess A. astaci variation by microsatellite markers and sequencing of mitochondrial markers. All these host specimens carried A. astaci genotype group D, haplotype d1, which has caused the majority of crayfish plague outbreaks in neighbouring Spain. In contrast, the French outbreaks genotyped to date (including eight newly analysed in this study) were mostly caused by strains of genotype group B, specific to the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus. Haplotype d1 found in P. clarkii was involved in one of the newly characterised outbreaks. Our study confirms that P. clarkii is a potentially important reservoir of the crayfish plague pathogen in France, but not the main source of the pathogen in mass mortalities of A. pallipes, probably due to different ecological requirements of the different invasive host crayfish. However, as P. clarkii continues to spread, the threat posed by this species to native crayfish is likely to increase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aphanomyces euteiches causes root rot in pea, leading to significant yield losses. However, the metabolites involved in this pathosystem have not been thoroughly studied. This study aimed to fill this gap and explore mechanisms of bacterial suppression of A. euteiches via untargeted metabolomics using pea grown in a controlled environment. Chemical isotope labeling (CIL), followed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), was used for metabolite separation and detection. Univariate and multivariate analyses showed clear separation of metabolites from pathogen-treated pea roots and roots from other treatments. A three-tier approach positively or putatively identified 5249 peak pairs or metabolites. Of these, 403 were positively identified in tier 1; 940 were putatively identified with high confidence in tier 2. There were substantial changes in amino acid pool, and fatty acid and phenylpropanoid pathway products. More metabolites, including salicylic and jasmonic acids, were upregulated than downregulated in A. euteiches-infected roots. 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid and 12-oxophytodienoic acid were upregulated in A. euteiches + bacterium-treated roots compared to A. euteiches-infected roots. A great number of metabolites were up- or down-regulated in response to A. euteiches infection compared with the control and A. euteiches + bacterium-treated plants. The results of this study could facilitate improved disease management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Aphanomyces euteiches is a soil-borne oomycete that causes root rot in pea and other legume species. Symptoms of Aphanomyces root rot (ARR) include root discoloration and wilting, leading to significant yield losses in pea production. Resistance to ARR is known to be polygenic but the roles of single genes in the pea immune response are still poorly understood. This study uses transcriptomics to elucidate the immune response of two pea genotypes varying in their levels of resistance to A. euteiches.
    RESULTS: In this study, we inoculated roots of the pea (P. sativum L.) genotypes \'Linnea\' (susceptible) and \'PI180693\' (resistant) with two different A. euteiches strains varying in levels of virulence. The roots were harvested at 6 h post-inoculation (hpi), 20 hpi and 48 hpi, followed by differential gene expression analysis. Our results showed a time- and genotype-dependent immune response towards A. euteiches infection, involving several WRKY and MYB-like transcription factors, along with genes associated with jasmonic acid (JA) and abscisic acid (ABA) signaling. By cross-referencing with genes segregating with partial resistance to ARR, we identified 39 candidate disease resistance genes at the later stage of infection. Among the genes solely upregulated in the resistant genotype \'PI180693\', Psat7g091800.1 was polymorphic between the pea genotypes and encoded a Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase reminiscent of the Arabidopsis thaliana FLAGELLIN-SENSITIVE 2 receptor.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides new insights into the gene expression dynamics controlling the immune response of resistant and susceptible pea genotypes to A. euteiches infection. We present a set of 39 candidate disease resistance genes for ARR in pea, including the putative immune receptor Psat7g091800.1, for future functional validation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: QTL mapping and recombinant screening confirmed the major effect of QTL Ae-Ps4.5 on pea resistance to pathotype III of Aphanomyces euteiches and fine-mapped the QTL to a 3.06-Mb interval. Aphanomyces root rot, caused by Aphanomyces euteiches, is the most important disease of pea (Pisum sativum L.) worldwide. The development of pea-resistant varieties is a major challenge to control the disease. Previous linkage studies identified seven main resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL), including the QTL Ae-Ps4.5 associated with partial resistance in US nurseries infested by the pea pathotype III of A. euteiches. This study aimed to confirm the major effect of Ae-Ps4.5 on A. euteiches pathotype III, refine its interval, and identify candidate genes underlying the QTL. QTL mapping on an updated genetic map from the Puget × 90-2079 pea recombinant inbred line population identified Ae-Ps4.5 in a 0.8-cM confidence interval with a high effect (R2 = 89%) for resistance to the Ae109 reference strain of A. euteiches (pathotype III) under controlled conditions. However, the QTL mapping did not detect Ae-Ps4.5 for resistance to the RB84 reference strain of A. euteiches (pathotype I). Screening 224-pea BC5F2 plant progeny derived from three near-isogenic lines (NILs) carrying the 90-2079 allele at Ae-Ps4.5 in the Puget genetic background with 26 SNP markers identified 15 NILs showing recombination in the QTL interval. Phenotyping of the recombinant lines for resistance to the Ae109 strain of A. euteiches reduced the QTL to a physical interval of 3.06 Mb, containing 50 putative annotated genes on the Caméor pea genome V1a among which three candidate genes highlighted. This study provides closely linked SNP markers and putative candidate genes to accelerate pea breeding for resistant varieties to Aphanomyces root rot.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pathogen spores have been recognized as prey with implications for resource dynamics, energy transfer and disease transmission. In aquatic ecosystems, filter-feeders are able to consume such motile forms of pathogens that can cause severe disease in susceptible hosts. The interactions between European crayfish and the crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci are of particular conservation interest. In this study, we aim to evaluate the ecological interactions between Ap. astaci, its host Astacus astacus and individuals of the genus Daphnia, filter-feeding planktonic crustaceans. Our focus was on the consumption of the motile zoospores by Daphnia individuals, but we also considered the potential of Daphnia as non-target hosts. We conducted a series of infection and life-history experiments with Ap. astaci, three Daphnia species (D. magna, D. galeata, and D. pulex) and the noble crayfish As. astacus. We did not observe any lethal effects in the infection experiments involving Ap. astaci and Daphnia. Only D. pulex showed differences in some life-history traits. The feeding experiment using the motile zoospores of Ap. astaci as alternative food source or as supplement to different amounts of algal food revealed their nutritional value: D. magna individuals survived, grew, and reproduced on a zoospore diet alone. When zoospores were supplemented to the regular algal diet, all life-history parameters have been significantly improved. However, this successful consumption of zoospores did not result in a reduced mortality of the susceptible crayfish As. astacus during the infection experiment. Nevertheless, the pathogen load of Ap. astaci in the tissues of As. astacus was significantly reduced as a consequence of the feeding activity of Daphnia. Our results indicate that an abundant filter-feeding community can reduce the amount of infective zoospores in the water body and thus be beneficial to susceptible crayfish hosts, potentially acting as a general buffer against zoospore-transmitted diseases in lentic waters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ornamental trade has become an important introduction pathway of non-native aquatic species worldwide. Correspondingly, there has been an alarming increase in the number of established crayfish of aquarium origin in Europe over the previous decade. The oomycete Aphanomyces astaci, the pathogen causing crayfish plague responsible for serious declines of European crayfish populations, is dispersed with introduced North American crayfish. The role of ornamental taxa in introducing and spreading different genotypes of this pathogen in open waters remains unclear. We investigated the distribution, prevalence, and diversity of A. astaci in Budapest, Hungary, which became a hotspot of aquarium crayfish introductions. Their establishment in this area was facilitated by locally abundant thermal waters. We screened for A. astaci in six host taxa from 18 sites sampled between 2018 and 2021: five cambarids (Cambarellus patzcuarensis, Faxonius limosus, Procambarus alleni, P. clarkii, P. virginalis) and one native astacid (Pontastacus leptodactylus). The pathogen was confirmed at five sampled sites in four host taxa: P. virginalis, P. clarkii, F. limosus, and for the first time in European open waters also in P. alleni. Genotyping was successful only in individuals from two different brooks where multiple host species coexisted but revealed unexpected patterns. Mitochondrial B-haplogroup of A. astaci, previously usually reported from Pacifastacus leniusculus or infected European species, was detected in P. virginalis at both sites, and in both F. limosus and P. virginalis sampled from a thermally stable tributary of Barát brook in 2018. In contrast, A-haplogroup of A. astaci was detected in coexisting F. limosus, P. virginalis and P. clarkii sampled in the same watercourse just a few hundred meters downstream in 2020. Additional genotyping methods indicated that a previously unknown A. astaci strain was associated with the latter haplogroup. One P. virginalis individual from 2020 was apparently co-infected by strains representing both mitochondrial haplogroups. The results indicated multiple sources of A. astaci in Budapest, likely directly associated with the introduction of ornamental species, interspecific transmission of this pathogen among ornamental hosts, and potential for a quick spatial or temporal turnover of dominant A. astaci strains at a certain locality. This highlights that in regions with high richness of potential A. astaci hosts, host taxon/pathogen genotype combinations become unpredictable, which might prevent reliable genotyping of pathogen sources in local crayfish mass mortalities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microorganisms living in soil and rhizosphere or inside plants can promote plant growth and health. Genomic characterization of beneficial microbes could shed light on their special features. Through extensive field survey across Saskatchewan, Canada, followed by in vitro and greenhouse characterization, we identified several bacterial isolates antagonistic to pea root rot pathogen Aphanomyces euteiches. In this study, the genomes of three isolates-Pseudomonas sp. rhizo 66 (PD-S66), Pseudomonas synxantha rhizo 25 (Ps-S25), and Serratia sp. root 2 (TS-R2)-were sequenced, assembled, and annotated. Genome size of PD-S66 was 6 279 416 bp with 65 contigs, 59.32% GC content, and 5653 predicted coding sequences (CDS). Genome size of Ps-S25 was 6 058 437 bp with 66 contigs, a GC content of 60.08%, and 5575 predicted CDS. The genome size of TS-R2 was 5 282 152 bp, containing 26 contigs, a GC content of 56.17%, and 4956 predicted CDS. For the identification of the isolates, digital DNA-DNA hybridization (dDDH) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) values were determined, which confirmed PD-S66 and TS-R2 as potential new species, belonging to Pseudomonas and Serratia genera, respectively, while Ps-S25 belongs to species Pseudomonas synxantha. Biosynthetic gene clusters were predicted using antiSMASH. The genomic data provided insight into the genetics and biochemical pathways supporting the antagonistic activity against A. euteiches of these isolates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





