
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Freshwater crayfish immunity has received great attention due to the need for urgent conservation. This concern has increased the understanding of the cellular and humoral defense systems, although the regulatory mechanisms involved in these processes need updating. There are, however, aspects of the immune response that require clarification and integration. The particular issues addressed in this review include an overall description of the oomycete Aphanomyces astaci, the causative agent of the pandemic plague disease, which affects freshwater crayfish, and an overview of crustaceans\' immunity with a focus on freshwater crayfish. It includes a classification system of hemocyte sub-types, the molecular factors involved in hematopoiesis and the differential role of the hemocyte subpopulations in cell-mediated responses, including hemocyte infiltration, inflammation, encapsulation and the link with the extracellular trap cell death pathway (ETosis). In addition, other topics discussed include the identity and functions of hyaline cells, the generation of neoplasia, and the emerging topic of the role of sessile hemocytes in peripheral immunity. Finally, attention is paid to the molecular execution of the immune response, from recognition by the pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), the role of the signaling network in propagating and maintaining the immune signals, to the effector elements such as the putative function of the Down syndrome adhesion molecules (Dscam) in innate immune memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The crayfish plague pathogen, Aphanomyces astaci Schikora, has become one of the most well-studied pathogens of invertebrates. Since its introduction to Europe in the mid-19th century, it has caused mass crayfish mortalities, resulting in drastic declines of local populations. In contrast, North American crayfish usually serve as latent carriers, although they may also be negatively affected by A. astaci infections under some circumstances. Recent research benefiting from molecular tools has improved our knowledge about various aspects of A. astaci biology. In this review, we summarize these advances, particularly with respect to the host range and transmission. We highlight several aspects that have recently received particular attention, in particular newly confirmed or suspected A. astaci hosts, latent A. astaci infections in populations of European crayfish, and the relationship between A. astaci genotype groups and host taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) is a disease affecting both wild and farmed fish in freshwater and estuarine environments. After it was first described in Japan in 1971, the disease has spread widely across Asia and to some regions of Australia, North America and Africa. In Asia and Africa, the spread of the disease has substantially affected livelihoods of fish farmers and fishermen. No reports are yet published showing the presence of the disease in Europe or South America. Given its epizootic nature and its broad susceptible fish species range, it would appear that the disease has the potential for further spread. This study provides a review of the scientific literature on several biological factors of the pathogen, Aphanomyces invadans, associated with the disease EUS and aspects of the disease that are relevant to undertaking import risk assessments (IRA) covering (i) Life cycle and routes of transmission; (ii) Minimum infectious dose; (iii) Tissue localization and pathogen load; (iv) Predisposing factors for infection and factors influencing expression of disease; (v) Carrier state in fish; (vi) Diagnostic methods; (vii) Survival in the environment; (viii) Permissive temperature range; (ix) Stability of the agent in aquatic animal products; (x) Prevalence of infection; and (xi) Affected life stages. Much of the biological information presented is relevant to a broad range of risk questions. Areas where data are lacking were identified, and the information provided is put into context with other aspects that need to be addressed in an IRA.





