Anthropometric measurements

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to assess the anthropometric measures and pubertal growth of children and adolescents with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and to detect risk determinants affecting these measures and their link to glycemic control.
    METHODS: Two hundred children and adolescents were assessed using anthropometric measurements. Those with short stature were further evaluated using insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), bone age, and thyroid profile, while those with delayed puberty were evaluated using sex hormones and pituitary gonadotropins assay.
    RESULTS: We found that 12.5% of our patients were short (height SDS < -2) and IGF-1 was less than -2 SD in 72% of them. Patients with short stature had earlier age of onset of diabetes, longer duration of diabetes, higher HbA1C and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio compared to those with normal stature (p < 0.05). Additionally, patients with delayed puberty had higher HbA1c and dyslipidemia compared to those with normal puberty (p < 0.05). The regression analysis revealed that factors associated with short stature were; age at diagnosis, HbA1C > 8.2, and albumin/creatinine ratio > 8 (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Children with uncontrolled T1DM are at risk of short stature and delayed puberty. Diabetes duration and control seem to be independent risk factors for short stature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bisphenols (BPs) have been shown to exhibit developmental toxicities. Epidemiological evidence on prenatal BPs exposure and infant growth primarily confined scopes to specific BPs and birth outcomes, with few studies focusing on infant growth and reporting inconsistent findings. The joint effect of prenatal exposure to BPs mixture on infant growth was rarely studied.
    OBJECTIVE: This study examined associations of prenatal exposure to individual bisphenol A (BPA) and its analogues (bisphenol F [BPF], bisphenol S [BPS], bisphenol AF [BPAF], and tetrachlorobisphenol A [TCBPA]) and their mixture with infant growth.
    METHODS: Urinary concentrations of BPs in pregnant women were quantified. Weight, body mass index, skinfold thickness, and circumference measurements of infants were collected at birth, 6 and 12 months of age, rapid growth and overweight were further defined. Multiple linear regression models and Bayesian kernel machine regression models (BKMR) were used to analyze associations of exposure to individual BPs and BPs mixture with infants\' anthropometric measurements, and to identify the important components among mixture. The risks for rapid growth and overweight of each BP were determined using modified Poisson regression models.
    RESULTS: A general profile of higher prenatal BPs exposure (mainly BPA, BPF, and BPS) associated with higher anthropometric measurements and higher risks of overweight during infancy was found. We also observed higher risks of rapid growth in infants following prenatal BPs exposure, with risk ratios ranging from 1.46 to 1.91. The joint effect of BPs mixture and single effect of each BP from the BKMR models were consistent with findings from the linear regression models, further suggesting that associations in girls were generally driven by BPA, BPF, or BPS, while in boys mainly by BPF.
    CONCLUSIONS: Prenatal exposure to BPs and their mixture could increase anthropometric measurements of offspring during infancy, with implications of altered growth trajectory in future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Clinical dietitians play a crucial role in the nutritional support of patients at risk of malnutrition in primary care settings. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of an individualized nutritional intervention on clinically relevant outcomes for patients with chronic disease at nutritional risk.
    UNASSIGNED: A longitudinal evaluation study was conducted in two Slovenian primary health centres. We used pre-test and post-test design. Patients with chronic disease were screened using the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool and additional risk factors (≥70 years and BMI <22 kg/m2; lower food intake in the last five days). Patients at nutritional risk were referred to a clinical dietitian for individual nutritional intervention. The effect of the nutritional intervention was assessed six months after the patients\' first visit with a clinical dietitian.
    UNASSIGNED: The sample included 94 patients. Nutritional risk was reduced significantly in high-risk and moderate-risk patients. In a subgroup of patients with a MUST score ≥1 (77 patients), body weight, BMI, Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI), energy intake, and protein intake increased significantly (p<0.001). At the same time, the phase angle significantly increased (p<0.001), but there were no statistically significant changes in the improvement of grip strength. In a subgroup of patients with MUST score 0 (17 patients), we observed an increase in their median daily energy intake (p<0.001) and median protein intake (p=0.003).
    UNASSIGNED: Nutritional intervention delivered by a clinical dietitian improved patients\' nutritional intake and nutritional and functional status.
    UNASSIGNED: Preveriti učinkovitost individualnih prehranskih ukrepov, ki jih v obravnavi prehransko ogroženih pacientov s kronično boleznijo, načrtuje in izvaja klinični dietetik ter se odražajo v spremembah prehranskega in funkcionalnega stanja pacientov.
    UNASSIGNED: Longitudinalno evalvacijsko raziskavo smo med majem 2020 in novembrom 2022 izvedli v dveh večjih slovenskih zdravstvenih domovih. Prehransko presejanje smo izvedli z uporabo univerzalnega orodja za prehransko presejanje Malnutrition Universal Screening Toll (MUST) in dodatnimi dejavniki tveganja (≥ 70 let in ITM < 22 kg/m2; manjši vnos hrane v zadnjih petih dneh). Prehransko ogrožene paciente smo napotili h kliničnemu dietetiku na individualno prehransko obravnavo. Skupino pacientov smo spremljali v dveh različnih časovnih točkah, uporabili smo dizajn pred postopkom/po postopku. Rezultate smo analizirali po šestih mesecih.
    UNASSIGNED: V vzorec smo vključili 94 bolnikov. Prehranska ogroženost se je pri pacientih z visokim in zmernim tveganjem po šestih mesecih znatno zmanjšala. V podskupini pacientov z oceno MUST ≥ 1 (77 pacientov) so se telesna masa, indeks telesne mase, indeks puste mase, količina zaužite energije in količina zaužitih beljakovin znatno povečali (p < 0,001). Medtem ko se je fazni kot pomembno povečal (p < 0,001), je moč prijema ostala relativno stabilna. V podskupini pacientov z oceno MUST = 0 (17 bolnikov), smo po šestih mesecih opazili porast povprečne količine zaužite energije (p < 0,001) in povprečno količino zaužitih beljakovin (p = 0,003).
    UNASSIGNED: Rezultati raziskave so dokazali, da lahko z individualno naravnavami prehranskimi ukrepi, ki jih izvaja klinični dietetik, pri prehransko ogroženih pacientih s kronično boleznijo pomembno izboljšamo prehransko in funkcionalno stanje ter zmanjšamo njihovo prehransko ogroženost.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    <b><br>Aim:</b> To determine whether the rate of slimming following bariatric surgery depends on the sex, type of bariatric surgery, time elapsed since surgery or body weight components.</br> <b><br>Materials and methods:</b> The material is comprised of the results of three series of anthropometric measurements in 91 obese patients (before bariatric surgery, about 3 months after bariatric surgery and about 6 months afterwards). The inclusion criteria were patients of Polish origin admitted to the hospital from July 1, 2017 to January 31, 2019 for surgical treatment of obesity and written consent for the surgery and participation in the study. The measurements included body weight components assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis.</br> <b><br>Results:</b> The reduction of all features was greater after SG than GB (p<0.0001), greater in the first quartile than in the second quartile after surgery (p<0.0001), and higher for fat mass than for other body weight components (p<0.0001). The sex of the patients, type of bariatric surgery, time elapsed since the operation, and type of body weight component constituted interactive modifiers of the rate of reduction.</br> <b><br>Conclusion:</b> After bariatric surgery, the reduction of fat mass was quicker in men than in women. SG and RYGB lead to a greater reduction of fat mass than GB. Among all three analyzed procedures, only for SG did the rate of body weight component reduction not decrease in the second quartile after surgery. This finding should be taken into account when creating an algorithm for treating a patient after bariatric surgery</br>.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anthropometric measurements play a crucial role in medico-legal practices. Actually, several scanning technologies are employed in post-mortem investigations for forensic anthropological measurements. This study aims to evaluate the precision, inter-rater reliability, and accuracy of a handheld scanner in measuring various body parts.
    METHODS: Three independent raters measured seven longitudinal distances using an iPad Pro equipped with a LiDAR sensor and specific software. These measurements were statistically compared to manual measurements conducted by an operator using a laser level and a meterstick (considered the gold standard).
    RESULTS: The Friedman test revealed minimal intra-rater variability in digital measurements. Inter-rater variability analysis yielded an ICC = 1, signifying high agreement among the three independent raters. Additionally, the accuracy of digital measurements displayed errors below 1.5%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary findings demonstrate that the pairing of LiDAR technology with the Polycam app (ver. 3.2.11) and subsequent digital measurements with the MeshLab software (ver. 2022.02) exhibits high precision, inter-rater agreement, and accuracy. Handheld scanners show potential in forensic anthropology due to their simplicity, affordability, and portability. However, further validation studies under real-world conditions are essential to establish the reliability and effectiveness of handheld scanners in medico-legal settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective Fetal growth can be affected by maternal PCOS and may have an impact on offspring and childhood growth. The current findings across studies are divergent and controversial. This study aims to determine whether maternal PCOS can affect the physical measurements of newborns and to establish the differences in birth weight, length, head, and chest circumference between newborns of mothers with polycystic ovarian syndrome and those of mothers without polycystic ovarian syndrome.  Methods In this study, we examined the gestational age, birth weight, length, head circumference, chest circumference, and ponderal index of 75 infants born to mothers with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and compared them to those of 94 infants born to mothers without PCOS.  Result Compared with the other groups, the PCOS group does not show significant differences in anthropometric indices compared to the control group. Infants born to normal and PCOS mothers birth weight were categorized as SGA (small for gestational age) if birth weight was less than the 5th percentile. LGA is large for gestational age if birth weight is greater than the 90th percentile. Other appropriate for gestational age if infant birth weight is between> 5th and < 90th percentile. Significant differences in anthropometric indices like birth weight, head circumference, and Ponderal index were observed in SGA and LGA newborns of normal and PCOS mothers. Conclusion The study findings indicate that neonates born to mothers with PCOS have higher rates of SGA and LGA newborns, and differences in anthropometric indices (birth weight, head circumference, and Ponderal index) were observed between SGA and LGA newborns of PCOS mothers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study evaluated whether anthropometric measurements and the five times sit-to-stand test could be used to identify dynapenia. The cut-off values of accurate screening tools for identifying dynapenia were also established.
    UNASSIGNED: This was a cross-sectional study conducted on individuals ≥ 60 years old (N = 529). All participants underwent handgrip strength measurement, anthropometric measurements and the five times sit-to-stand test. The participants whose handgrip strength was < 28 kg for men and < 18 kg for women were considered to have dynapenia. The association between the recorded variables and dynapenia was determined using logistic regression, and cut-off values were established by performing the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: The prevalence of dynapenia was 35.42% in men and 25.61% in women. For males, both calf circumference (≤ 35.2 cm) and the five times sit-to-stand test (≥ 14.6 s) could be used as accurate tools for dynapenia. For females, only the five times sit-to-stand test (≥ 11.8 s) had sufficient accuracy to be used as a screening tool for dynapenia.
    UNASSIGNED: The five times sit-to-stand test was an accurate screening tool for identifying dynapenia. The calf circumference could be only used as a screening tool in males.
    Calf circumference and the five times a sit-to-stand test can be used as accurate screening tools in males with dynapenia.Only the five times sit-to-stand test had sufficient accuracy in females with dynapenia.The optimal cut-off values established for older males and females are only applicable to the Asian population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Low birth weight (LBW) is a major health problem responsible for neonatal mortality and morbidity such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease in adulthood.
    UNASSIGNED: This case-control study aims to compare data on the intake of energy, macro and micronutrient in two groups of pregnant women, who gave birth to low birth weight (LBW) babies named cases and those who gave birth to babies of normal weight (NW) called controls.
    UNASSIGNED: The collection of information was done using an established questionnaire for 400 pregnant women, allowing the collection of data on socio-demographic and obstetrical factors. Nutritional intake was obtained by recording food consumption using the 24-hour recall method. Anthropometric measurements of parturient and fundal height (FH) were measured before delivery.
    UNASSIGNED: The mean FH of the cases was 25.69±0.13 and that of the controls was 31.83±0.06. The gestational age of the cases was on average 31.65±0.21 week of amenorrhea (WA) against 38.04±0.08 WA for the controls. 37% of LBW newborns had an Apgar score < 7 (p< 0.001) and 71% were hospitalized in neonatal intensive care (p<0.001). Micronutrient deficiency was raised and concerned calcium 34.02% vs 60.65%, folates 48.32% vs 68.01% and iron 50.85% vs 66% in cases and controls respectively. Newborns from NW had a weight of 3395.5±15.99 against 1957.25±30.72 for those from LBW.
    UNASSIGNED: This study shows that the nutritional intake did not cover all the nutrient needs of the pregnant women studied and that newborns with LBW are associated with an altered anthropometric status. Improving the living conditions of mothers, good monitoring of pregnancy, and good nutritional education can significantly improve the nutritional status with the same food intake and should be integrated into the nutritional intervention strategies.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: Cornus mas L. (Cornelian cherry, CM) fruits have been utilized for decades in numerous European and Asian countries as traditional cuisine and folk medicine. CM has antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, and hypolipidemic activities due to its rich bioactive compounds, and CM fruits and other parts have been used for the prevention and treatment of a diverse variety of diseases in folk medicine. Obesity, insulin resistance, and inflammation are strongly associated with metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD), therefore, CM may be hope for MAFLD patients.
    OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to evaluate the effect of lyophilized CM fruit powder with/without diet therapy on biochemical parameters and anthropometric measurements in patients with MAFLD.
    METHODS: This randomized clinical trial was conducted on 87 patients with MAFLD and 21 healthy individuals. Patients were randomly assigned into 4 groups: group-1 receiving 30 g/d lyophilized CM fruit powder plus diet therapy, group-2 receiving only diet therapy, group-3 receiving only 30 g/d lyophilized CM fruit powder, and group-4 had not undertaken any pharmacological treatment and diet therapy or lyophilized CM fruit powder for 8 weeks. Biochemical parameters, and anthropometric measurements at baseline and after the intervention were taken.
    RESULTS: After 8 weeks of intervention, a significant decrease in body weight, body mass index, body fat mass, waist and hip circumferences, fasting blood glucose, insulin, hbA1c, liver enzymes, total triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, total cholesterol were found in group-1, 2 and 3.
    CONCLUSIONS: Lyophilized CM fruit powder in addition to diet therapy and only diet therapy had a positive and similar effect on anthropometric measurements and biochemical parameters in MAFLD patients. Furthermore, only lyophilized CM fruit powder improved glycemic parameters. Therefore, lyophilized CM fruit powder may be beneficial for adult patients with MAFLD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In previous researches, electromagnetic fields have been shown to adversely affect the behavior and biology of humans and animals; however, body growth and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels were not evaluated.
    UNASSIGNED: The original investigation aimed to examine whether Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) exposure had adverse effects on spatial learning and motor function in rats and if physical activity could diminish the damaging effects of EMF exposure. In this study, we measured anthropometric measurements and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in pregnant rats\' offspring to determine if Wi-Fi EMF also affected their growth. These data we report for the first time in this publication.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty Albino-Wistar pregnant rats were divided randomly into EMF and control (CON) groups, and after delivery, 12 male fetuses were randomly selected. For assessing the body growth change of offspring beginning at delivery, then at 21 postnatal days, and finally at 56 post-natal days, the crown-rump length of the body was assessed using a digital caliper. Examining BDNF factor levels, an Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA kit was taken. Bodyweight was recorded by digital scale.
    UNASSIGNED: Outcomes of the anthropometric measurements demonstrated that EMF blocked body growth in rats exposed to EMF. The results of the BDNF test illustrated that the BDNF in the EMF liter group was remarkably decreased compared to the CON group. The results indicate that EMF exposure could affect BDNF levels and harm body growth in pregnant rats\' offspring.
    UNASSIGNED: The results suggest that EMF exposure could affect BDNF levels and impair body growth in pregnant rats\' offspring.





