Allergy prevention

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ingestion of prebiotics during pregnancy and lactation may have immunomodulatory benefits for the developing fetal and infant immune system and provide a potential dietary strategy to reduce the risk of allergic diseases.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this trial was to determine whether maternal supplementation with dietary prebiotics reduces the risk of allergic outcomes in infants with hereditary risk.
    METHODS: We undertook a double-blind, randomized controlled trial in which pregnant women were allocated to consume prebiotics (14.2g daily of galacto-oligosaccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides in ratio 9:1) or placebo (8.7g daily maltodextrin) powder from <21 weeks gestation until 6-months postnatal during lactation. Eligible women had infants with a first-degree relative with a history of medically diagnosed allergic disease. The primary outcome was infant medically diagnosed eczema by 1-year of age, and secondary outcomes included allergen sensitization, food allergy, and recurrent wheeze by 1-year of age.
    RESULTS: 652 women were randomized between June 2016 and November 2021 (n=329 prebiotics, n=323 placebo). There was no significant difference between groups in the percentage of infants with medically diagnosed eczema by 1-year of age (prebiotics 31.5% (103/327 infants) compared to placebo 32.6% (105/322 infants); adjusted relative risk 0.98 (95% CI 0.77, 1.23; p=0.84). Secondary outcomes and safety measures also did not significantly differ between groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found little evidence that maternal prebiotics supplementation during pregnancy and lactation reduces the risk of infant medically diagnosed eczema by 1-year of age in infants who are at hereditary risk of allergic disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We previously reported that delayed allergenic food introduction in infancy did not increase food allergy risk until age 4 y within our prospective cohort. However, it remains unclear whether other aspects of maternal or infant diet play roles in the development of childhood food allergy.
    OBJECTIVE: We examined the relationship between maternal pregnancy and infant dietary patterns and the development of food allergies until age 8 y.
    METHODS: Among 1152 Singapore Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes study mother-infant dyads, the infant\'s diet was ascertained using food frequency questionnaires at 18 mo. Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy were derived from 24-h diet recalls. Food allergy was determined through interviewer-administered questionnaires at regular time points from infancy to age 8 y and defined as a positive history of allergic reactions, alongside skin prick tests at 18 mo, 3, 5, and 8 y.
    RESULTS: Food allergy prevalence was 2.5% (22/883) at 12 mo and generally decreased over time by 8 y (1.9%; 14/736). Higher maternal dietary quality was associated with increased risk of food allergy (P ≤ 0.016); however, odds ratios were modest. Offspring food allergy risk ≤8 y showed no associations with measures of infant diet including timing of solids/food introduction (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 0.90; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.42, 1.92), infant\'s diet quality (aOR: 0.93; 95% CI: 0.88, 0.99) or diet diversity (aOR: 0.84; 95% CI: 0.6, 1.19). Most infants (89%) were first introduced to cow milk protein within the first month of life, while egg and peanut introduction were delayed (58.3% introduced by mean age 8.8 mo and 59.8% by mean age 18.1 mo, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: Apart from maternal diet quality showing a modest association, infant\'s allergenic food introduction, diet quality, and dietary diversity were not associated with food allergy development in this Asian pediatric population. Interventional studies are needed to evaluate the efficacy of these approaches to food allergy prevention across different populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When parents want to make health-related decisions for their child, they need to be able to handle health information from a potentially endless range of sources. Early childhood allergy prevention (ECAP) is a good example: recommendations have shifted from allergen avoidance to early introduction of allergenic foods. We investigated how parents of children under 3 years old access, appraise and apply health information about ECAP, and their respective needs and preferences.
    We conducted 23 focus groups and 24 interviews with 114 parents of children with varied risk for allergies. The recruitment strategy and a topic guide were co-designed with the target group and professionals from public health, education, and medicine. Data were mostly collected via video calls, recorded and then transcribed verbatim. Content analysis according to Kuckartz was performed using MAXQDA and findings are presented as a descriptive overview.
    Parents most frequently referred to family members, friends, and other parents as sources of ECAP information, as well as healthcare professionals (HCPs), particularly pediatricians. Parents said that they exchanged experiences and practices with their peers, while relying on HCPs for guidance on decision-making. When searching for information online, they infrequently recalled the sources used and were rarely aware of providers of \"good\" health information. While parents often reported trying to identify the authors of information to appraise its reliability, they said they did not undertake more comprehensive information quality checks. The choice and presentation of ECAP information was frequently criticized by all parent groups; in particular, parents of at-risk children or with a manifested allergy were often dissatisfied with HCP consultations, and hence did not straightforwardly apply advice. Though many trusted their HCPs, parents often reported taking preventive measures based on their own intuition.
    One suggestion to react upon the many criticisms expressed by parents regarding who and how provides ECAP information is to integrate central ECAP recommendations into regular child care counseling by HCPs-provided that feasible ways for doing so are identified. This would assist disease prevention, as parents without specific concerns are often unaware of the ECAP dimension of issues such as nutrition.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    Children with peanut allergy are at increased risk of developing tree nut allergies, which can be severe and for most lifelong. Introduction of peanut in the first year of life can reduce the risk of peanut allergy; however, prevention strategies for tree nut allergies have not been established. We aimed to test the efficacy and safety of a novel strategy, a supervised multi-nut oral food challenge (OFC) compared with standard care for tree nut allergy prevention in infants at high risk of developing tree nut allergy, TreEAT.
    TreEAT is a 2-armed, open-label, randomized, controlled trial (RCT). Infants (n = 212) aged 4-11 months with peanut allergy will be randomized 1:1 at peanut allergy diagnosis to either a hospital-based multi-tree nut (almond, cashew, hazelnut, and walnut) OFC using multi-nut butter or standard care (home introduction of individual tree nuts). All infants will be assessed at age 18 months, with questionnaires and SPT to peanut and tree nuts. Peanut and tree nut OFCs will be performed as required to determine the allergy status for each nut. The primary outcome is tree nut allergy at age 18 months. Secondary outcomes include peanut allergy resolution, proportion, and severity of adverse events related to tree nut ingestion, number and frequency of tree nuts ingested, quality of life and parental anxiety, and allergy-related healthcare visits from randomization to 18 months of age. Analyses will be performed on an intention-to-treat basis.
    TreEAT was approved by the Royal Children\'s Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee (#70489). Outcomes will be presented at scientific conferences and disseminated through publication. ID: NCT04801823.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    METHODS: Currently there are no specific recommendations for the use of any particular infant formula in the prevention of cow\'s milk allergy (CMA). Recently, there has been an increasing interest in alternative infant formulas based on milk proteins from other sources than the cow, including milk from other mammalians such as goat, sheep, donkey, horse, and camel. Whereas these have been studied for their usability in CMA management, there are no studies of their CMA preventive capacity. Thus, the aim of this study is to evaluate whether camel milk can prevent CMA and vice versa.
    RESULTS: The capacity of camel milk in preventing CMA and vice versa is evaluated in a well-established prophylactic Brown Norway rat model. IgG1, IgE, and IgA responses, allergy elicitation, intestinal and mLN gene expression, and protein uptake are analyzed. The study demonstrates that camel and cow\'s milk in general has an insignificant cross-preventive capacity. Yet, whereas cow\'s milk is shown to have a low transient capacity to prevent sensitization and clinically active camel milk allergy, camel milk does not show this effect for CMA.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that due to lack of cross-tolerance camel milk cannot be used for CMA prevention.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    Infant allergy is the most common early manifestation of an increasing propensity for inflammation and immune dysregulation in modern environments. Refined low-fibre diets are a major risk for inflammatory diseases through adverse effects on the composition and function of gut microbiota. This has focused attention on the potential of prebiotic dietary fibres to favourably change gut microbiota, for local and systemic anti-inflammatory effects. In pregnancy, the immunomodulatory effects of prebiotics may also have benefits for the developing fetal immune system, and provide a potential dietary strategy to reduce the risk of allergic disease. Here, we present the study protocol for a double-blinded, randomised controlled trial investigating the effects of maternal prebiotics supplementation on child allergic disease outcomes. Eligible pregnant women have infants with a first-degree relative with a history of medically diagnosed allergic disease. Consented women are randomised to consume either prebiotics (galacto-oligosaccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides) or placebo (maltodextrin) powder daily from 18-20 weeks\' gestation to six months\' post-partum. The target sample size is 652 women. The primary outcome is infant medically diagnosed eczema; secondary outcomes include allergen sensitisation, food allergies and recurrent wheeze. Breast milk, stool and blood samples are collected at multiple timepoints for further analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The role of partially hydrolyzed formulas (pHF) as part of nutritional interventions to prevent the development of allergic manifestations (AM) is questioned, and efficacy of each specific pHF should be substantiated.
    UNASSIGNED: To investigate the risk-reduction effect of a whey-based pHF on the development of cow\'s milk protein allergy (CMPA) and atopic dermatitis (AD) in infants at high-risk for allergy within the first 6 months of life.
    UNASSIGNED: In a multicenter double-blinded randomized controlled setting, healthy non-exclusively breastfed full-term infants, received either a specific whey-based pHF or a standard cow\'s milk-based formula (SF) and were clinically assessed for AM at 2, 4, and 6 months of age, supported by the objective scoring tools SCORAD and CoMiSS. CMPA was confirmed by open food challenge. Intention-to-Treat (ITT) and Per-Protocol (PP) analyses were performed.
    UNASSIGNED: Of 331 randomized subjects (ITT analysis set), 160 received the pHF and 171 the SF. Six (3.8%) infants in the pHF and 12 (7%) in the SF group developed CMPA (p = 0.186). AD incidence was significantly lower in those receiving pHF as compared to SF (10.6% vs. 18.7%, p = 0.024) with a relative risk (RR, 95% CI) of 0.54 (0.32, 0.92), in particular when adjusting for family history of AD [6.5% vs. 27.3%, RR 0.24 (0.07, 0.78), p = 0.018] representing a risk reduction of 76%. The PP analysis showed similar results.
    UNASSIGNED: This specific whey-based pHF reduced the risk of AD development, particularly in those with a family history of AD, and tended to reduce the development of CMPA in non-exclusively breastfed infants at high-risk for allergy. The A.R.T. study suggests that this particular pHF may contribute to measures aimed at prevention of allergic manifestations. However, further studies are needed to confirm this risk-reduction effect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Germany, midwives are involved in extensive antenatal and postnatal care. As health professionals, they can play a key role in strengthening health literacy (HL) of parents on how to prevent chronic allergic diseases in their children. The objective of this study is to explore midwives\' perspectives regarding HL-sensitive counselling in early childhood allergy prevention (ECAP). Twenty-four qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with midwives, and data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Only a small number of study participants were aware of HL as a concept. However, most of these use screening and counselling strategies which consider individual information needs and which support parental HL. HL sensitivity in counselling is largely based on the midwives\' \"gut feelings\" and counselling experience, rather than on formal education. The midwives were largely aware of evidence-based ECAP recommendations; however, allergy prevention was not seen as a stand-alone topic but as part of their general counselling on infant feeding and hygiene. They found parents to be more open to receiving complex prevention information during antenatal counselling. In order to strengthen midwives\' roles in HL-sensitive ECAP counselling, their formal education should provide them with explicit HL knowledge and counselling skills. ECAP should be an inherent part of antenatal care.





