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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Stimulants are the first-line pharmacological treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We present the unique case of a patient who developed a chewing compulsion when taking mixed amphetamine salts (MAS). A 32-year-old female patient with a past medical history of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastroparesis, and migraines was seen for initial psychiatric assessment due to concerns for irritability. She was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); generalized anxiety disorder; ADHD, inattentive type; and unspecified bipolar disorder. Lamotrigine was started and titrated to 25mg twice per day, with improved mood stability. MAS immediate-release (IR) was started at 2.5mg and titrated to 5mg daily for ADHD. She then experienced an uncontrollable urge to chew, finding relief when chewing on a child\'s teething necklace, which provided satisfaction and a reduction in anxiety. She denied jaw tightness or teeth grinding. The dose of MAS IR was reduced to 2.5mg daily with improvement in symptoms and later increased again to 5mg daily, which she was then able to tolerate. Stereotyped biting behaviors have been observed in rats with the use of amphetamines, and the onset of compulsive behavior has emerged in children with the use of dextroamphetamine. However, this is the first known case of compulsive chewing or biting movements reported in humans with MAS use. This case highlights the need to assess patients for adverse events, such as compulsive biting and chewing movements or other oral facial stereotypies, after commencement of stimulants, including MAS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The mental health of children conceived using Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) such as In-Vitro-Fertilization (IVF) is a subject of significant controversy. Existing studies suggest children conceived through ART meet physical and cognitive developmental milestones at similar rates to their spontaneously conceived peers, however, a significant number of studies have connected ART conception with mental health conditions, particularly depression and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adolescence. This study, therefore, aimed to determine whether maternal use of ARTs to achieve pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of mental disorders in these children, and whether these effects are sex-dependent or confounded by known covariates in the ART population.
    METHODS: Secondary data analysis was performed using Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) data; a nationally representative population-based cross-sequential cohort study. Multivariate logistic regression models examined the impact of ART (including IVF and other fertility drugs, from LSAC wave-1 and wave-2 conducted in 2004 and 2006, respectively) on mental health outcomes (i.e., autism, ADHD, anxiety and/or depression, from LSAC waves 8 conducted in 2018) in Australian adolescents aged 18-19 years in 2018 (n = 1735). Known sociological and obstetric covariates including maternal age, birth weight, smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy, maternal gestational diabetes, postnatal depression, hypertension, and socioeconomic status were considered to generate an adjusted logistic model. Variables with a p-value of <0.05 in the regression models were considered statistically significant.
    RESULTS: Of the 1735 mother-child dyads analysed, the maternal mean age was 35.6 years (Standard deviation = ±4.75), approximately 5% of mothers (n = 89) used ART to become pregnant, and 22% of adolescents (n = 384) had a mental disorder. Longitudinal analysis revealed no relationship between ART and children developing a mental disorder in the LSAC population.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results should reassure parents considering ART that there is no increased risk of psychological or neurodevelopmental problems in their ART conceived offspring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our core premise is that personalized variations of a ketogenic diet are likely to benefit pediatric patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms across multiple domains. Although pediatric epilepsy is currently a well-accepted indication for a strict ketogenic diet, there is a dearth of knowledge and therefore clinical guidelines upon which to recommend nutritional ketosis for pervasive pediatric conditions such as autism spectrum disorder and ADHD, even when comorbid epilepsy is present. However, there are published cohort studies and current clinical trials implementing medical ketogenic therapies for cognitive impairment, psychiatric comorbidities, motor disability, and even neuroinflammation. As holistic practitioners, it is imperative that we consider the health of a child in its entirety - and additionally offer the ketogenic diet as a therapeutic option when it may be synergistic in treating extra-neurologic diseases such as obesity. While there are uniquely pediatric potential adverse side effects such as linear growth deceleration and micronutrient deficiencies, previous trials in epilepsy and our center\'s experience have already proven the ketogenic diet to be a low-risk intervention when optimized with appropriate patient monitoring and support.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a persistent neurodevelopmental disorder frequently co-occurring with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and behavior-related disorders. While behavioral therapy is the first-line option to manage the core symptoms of ASD, pharmacological therapy is sometimes needed to treat acute problems, such as agitation and aggressive behaviors. Recent guidelines recommend the use of neuroleptics to reduce psychomotor agitation in patients with ASD. However, as children with ASD are often drug-resistant, alternative treatments are often justified. Reports from the literature have indicated that intravenous valproate (IV-VPA) can be effective in reducing agitation in psychiatric patients, with a lower frequency of adverse events compared to conventional treatments. However, as the related findings are occasionally inconsistent, IV-VPA is not yet an approved option in the context of clinical psychiatry. We aim to improve knowledge of the IV-VPA treatment option for emergency psychiatric treatment in pediatric patients. Methods: We report the case of an 11-year-old boy suffering from a complex neurodevelopmental condition who experienced a psychotic episode with severe aggressive and disruptive behaviors and was successfully treated with IV-VPA. Furthermore, we provide an updated literature review on this topic. Conclusion: In our case, first-line therapies proved to be ineffective. To the contrary, IV-VPA led to safe and prompt clinical success, which is in line with other reports. Based on our literature review, IV-VPA can be highly effective and reduces the risk of adverse events that frequently occur with the use of high-dose standard medications in emergency psychiatry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traditional pharmacological treatments, although effective, often carry potential side effects, which positions art therapy and music therapy as promising non-pharmacological alternatives to alleviate symptoms and improve social, cognitive, and emotional skills without the associated risks. Through a review in the SCOPUS and WOS databases following the PRISMA protocol, a total of 80 articles were analyzed through a series of determined categories and subcategories of analysis. The aim of this study is to evaluate and synthesize the existing evidence on the efficacy and applicability of art therapy and music therapy in the treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), hyperactivity disorder (HSDD), developmental language disorders, and language learning difficulties, identifying best practices and key areas for future research. Among the main findings is that art therapy and music therapy have a significant impact on symptomatology, behavior, and communication as well as social, cognitive, and emotional skills in the pediatric populations studied. These therapies are highly valued by the participants with a large majority recognizing their adaptability to different educational and clinical contexts. It is concluded that these therapies have a high potential as viable alternatives or complements to traditional pharmacological treatments, justifying their application and further study in broader therapeutic contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental condition in children in Saudi Arabia. ADHD significantly impacts children and their families, particularly by increasing parental stress and diminishing quality of life. In Saudi Arabia, there is a research gap regarding the quality of life and coping mechanisms of parents managing children with ADHD. This study assesses levels of depression and anxiety, quality of life, and coping strategies among parents of children diagnosed with ADHD.
    METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional online survey with 151 parents of ADHD-diagnosed children, utilizing the WHOQOL-Brief for life quality, the Brief-COPE for coping strategies, and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) for depression (PHQ9-9 items) and generalized anxiety (GAD7-7 items) modules.
    RESULTS: Among the parents surveyed, 36% reported moderate to severe depression, while 39.1% experienced moderate to high anxiety levels. Quality of life was significantly positively correlated with higher household monthly income (HHI), employment status, sibling count, and effective coping strategies. Conversely, a parent\'s age, educational level, and, in particular, maternal status were inversely related to anxiety levels, with fathers displaying higher maladaptive coping scores.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study sheds light on the considerable anxiety and depression experienced by parents of children with ADHD, significantly affecting their quality of life. Lower quality of life among parents is associated with high levels of depression, anxiety, and ineffective coping strategies. These insights highlight the critical need for interventions to aid parental mental health, thereby improving their overall quality of life amidst ADHD challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Approximately 7.6% of children are diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and sleep impairments affect 25-85%. There is a noticeable lack of research on girls and sex differences. The aim of this study was to examine sex differences in children with uncomplicated ADHD and sleep problems.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional baseline data were retrieved from a randomized controlled trial with weighted blankets (55 boys and 41 girls, 6-14 years) on a cohort recently diagnosed with uncomplicated ADHD and sleep problems. Differences between boys and girls in ADHD symptoms, objectively and subjectively measured sleep, anxiety, and functioning were examined via parent- or self-reported validated instruments.
    RESULTS: Girls reported significantly lower (worse) satisfaction with well-being, life overall, and school, but not for family. Parents reported more sleep anxiety and night-time wakings among boys, but no sex differences in other measures and also not in self-reported measures or objective sleep measures. Children who reported worry, sadness, or unhappiness had more sleep problems.
    CONCLUSIONS: Boys with ADHD and sleep problems may need support with sleep-related anxiety and night-time wakings, while girls may require support with overall functioning. Additionally, children who express feelings of worry, sadness, or unhappiness alongside their ADHD symptoms should have attention given to their sleep.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that is typically managed with pharmacological and psychotherapeutic interventions. In the general population, exposure to nature has been found to have robust beneficial effects on cognitive performance, including attention. With inattention being a factor of the symptomatology of individuals with ADHD, this provides a rationale to investigate the potential benefits of exposure to nature for this population. Four electronic databases (PubMED, PsycINFO, Embase, and Web of Science) were searched for empirical studies investigating the effects of nature on ADHD prevalence and/or symptom severity in populations of school-aged children. Key characteristics, methodologies, and outcomes of included studies were extracted and evaluated. Out of the 458 studies identified, 7 met the inclusion criteria. Despite the large heterogeneity in methodological approaches, the included articles consistently reported that exposure to nature is associated with reduced ADHD diagnoses and symptom severity. Furthermore, when several covariates, such as age, gender, annual household income, parental income, and education level, as well as several pre-natal factors, were controlled for, the relationship between nature and ADHD remained significant. The reviewed literature provides strong support for the benefits of exposure to nature on ADHD in school-aged children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study addressed the harmful effects of artificial colors in pediatric populations, including children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), as well as those without behavioral disorders. There is a consensus that synthetic food colorings have several impacts on consumers, especially pediatrics, due to their influence on sensory appeal, which can encourage preference for certain foods. The results revealed that these color additives are directly linked to a series of health problems, with a greater impact on children, including a predisposition to pathological conditions such as carcinogenic, allergenic, mutagenic, cytotoxic, and clastogenic activities, as well as gastrointestinal and respiratory problems, in addition to behavioral changes in children with and without diagnosed disorders. The harms of synthetic dyes in children with or without comorbidities are worrying and require a careful and proactive approach from parents, caregivers and public authorities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Parents of children with a neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) experience more stress than parents of typically developing children. In a cocreation process with experts and parents, a low-threshold application that uses exercises based on the principles of positive psychology and mindfulness was developed. This application, called \"Adappt,\" aims at enhancing the ability to adapt of the parents and caregivers of children with NDDs and at supporting their mental health. This protocol describes the evaluation study of the effectiveness of Adappt, its core working mechanisms and user experiences.
    METHODS: A pragmatic international multicenter randomized controlled trial will compare the effectiveness of Adappt with a (delayed) waitlist control condition. At least 212 parents or primary caregivers of children younger than 18 years diagnosed with or suspected of a NDD will be randomly assigned to the intervention or waitlist control condition. Participants are excluded if they have severe anxiety or depression levels or are in treatment for mental health issues. Measures will be collected online at baseline, post-intervention (1 month after baseline), and 4 and 7 months after baseline. The primary outcome is the improvement in generic sense of ability to adapt as measured with the Generic Sense of Ability to Adapt Scale (GSAAS; (Front Psychol 14:985408, 2023)) at 4-month follow-up. Secondary outcomes are mental well-being, (parental) distress, and client satisfaction with \"Adappt.\"
    CONCLUSIONS: Results of this study will contribute to knowledge on the effectiveness of a low-threshold application for parents of children with a NDD in multiple countries. If the application is found to be effective in improving mental health, recommendations will be made for implementation in health care.
    BACKGROUND: This study is registered on clinicaltrials.gov (NCT06248762) on February 8, 2024, and the Open Science Framework ( https://osf.io/5znqv ).





