• 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The retention of foreign bodies inside the body during ludic/sexual procedures or for traumatism represents one of the causes of visits to accident and emergency departments that often requires surgical removal of the foreign body. However, there are cases where the discovery of such foreign bodies takes place after many years, as in patients that are slightly compromised from a neuro-sociological point of view.
    METHODS: A 76-year-old male presented to an outpatient urological examination due to an increase in scrotal volume. At the ultrasound check, an acoustic interference from a solid object was detected, for which computed tomography was requested. The computed tomography scan revealed the presence of an elongated metal body in the perineum. The removal of the foreign body in the operating theatre was then scheduled. A 10 cm long stainless-steel nail located within an abscessed foreign body granuloma was identified and removed via a scrotal access. Four days later, a new surgical toilet was performed due to minimal necrosis of the skin flaps. The patient then performed three more dressings in the operating theatre during the following week. Healing took place by secondary intention until a perfect healing of the surgical wound was obtained.
    CONCLUSIONS: Removal of foreign bodies from the perineum in case of infection can be challenging. Careful attention and postoperative dressings are crucial for the success of the case.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Segmental necrotizing granulomatous neuritis (SNGN) is a rare complication of leprosy involving peripheral nerves. It can appear alone in cases of pure neuritic leprosy or in combination with cutaneous lesions.
    UNASSIGNED: A 15-year-old female diagnosed with borderline tuberculoid leprosy who received prior multidrug therapy presented 2 years later with occasional pain and tingling sensations along the inner aspect of her right arm and forearm. Imaging findings suggested SNGN, which was corroborated by cytopathological examination. She was considered relapsed from leprosy, and multi-drug therapy and steroids were started, following which she reported a decrease in the size of the swelling along with no further deterioration of the sensorineural deficit.
    UNASSIGNED: SNGN, which is one of the rare complications of leprosy, can create diagnostic dilemmas as its differential diagnoses include reversal reactions, and peripheral nerve tumors (such as schwannoma and neurofibroma), which have been outlined in this article. SNGN is more likely when magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows a well-defined ovoid lesion with central necrosis and peripheral rim enhancement.
    UNASSIGNED: The incidence of SNGN is on the rise due to multi-drug therapy. In our case, the patient developed SNGN, which was considered a relapse from leprosy, and multi-drug therapy and steroids were started, following which the patient reported a significant reduction in the size of the swelling with no further deterioration of the sensorineural deficit. Hence, an appropriate diagnosis of SNGN through ultrasonography and MRI will lead to favorable outcomes, ultimately benefiting the patient.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A serous cystic tumor is a rare entity that has a benign course. Its imaging characteristics, such as the presence of multiple cysts with or without nodular enhancement, can simulate other cystic or solid lesions of the pancreas. Identification of the enhancing scar with punctate calcifications on computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be a distinctive finding suggesting this diagnosis. Neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas are a different and also rare entity. In images, they have early arterial enhancement. In MRI, they are hyperintense on T2 and hypointense on T1, with avid contrast enhancement. A case of a patient with two focal lesions in the pancreas is presented and the importance of integrating clinical findings, semiology in diagnostic images and, if applicable, the histopathological result for the optimal management of pancreatic tumors is illustrated, highlighting the crucial role of a radiologist in this process.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a case of a Morgagni hernia repaired by primary closure with an extra-abdominal suture. Moreover, we reviewed cases of laparoscopically repaired Morgagni hernia, in which the size of the hernia defect was known, to establish a size criterion for mesh utilization. An 87-year-old woman presented to our hospital with right upper abdominal pain and vomiting. She had no history of abdominal surgery or trauma. Chest radiography and computed tomography (CT) revealed a Morgagni hernia, with the stomach and transverse colon herniated into the right chest cavity. Initially, an endoscopic repair was performed for the herniated stomach due to her age, which was successful. However, she had a recurrence 2 days later, prompting us to perform a semi-emergent laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic examination revealed a Morgagni defect, with the omentum, transverse colon, and stomach herniated, with the stomach reduced by pneumoperitoneum. Fortunately, the herniated organs could be easily relocated into the abdomen with no adhesions. The hernia defect measured 6 x 3 cm. We performed primary closure with an extra-abdominal suture. No sac resection was performed. The operation lasted 98 min. Oral intake was initiated on postoperative day 1, and the patient was discharged on postoperative day 3 without complications. Chest radiography and CT scans at 1 month postoperatively showed no recurrence, and the patient remained asymptomatic at the 9-month follow-up examination. According to our review findings, primary closure is an efficient method for small hernia defects (rule of thumb: width, <4 cm; length, <7 cm).






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an abnormal connection of vasculature resulting in capillary bed bypassing and leading to neurological deterioration and high risk of bleeding. Intramedullary AVMs in the cervical spinal cord are rare and require precise diagnostics and treatment. We present a clinical case of recurrent AVMs in a 28-year-old Caucasian female with sudden and severe neck pain and variable neurological symptoms along with current diagnostic and treatment modalities. Conservative treatment was partially effective. MRI and DSA confirmed AVMs at C4 level with subsequent several endovascular treatment sessions at the age of 15 and 24 with mild neurological improvement. Afterwards the patient underwent rehabilitation with minor neurological improvement. This case highlights the clinical progression and treatment of AVMs along with showcasing current pathophysiology, classification, and imaging.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Malassezia restricta, a lipophilic and lipodependent yeast belonging to the basidiomycetes group, is an opportunistic fungal pathogen associated with various skin diseases, including seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. Typically, Malassezia infection in neonates manifests as fungemia or hematogenous dissemination to the bone or lungs. However, vertebral osteomyelitis caused by these fungi is rarely reported owing to non-specific clinical presentations and laboratory/imaging findings. The Pathogen Metagenomics Sequencing (PMseq) technique enables direct high-throughput sequencing of infected specimens, facilitating the rapid and accurate detection of all microorganisms in clinical samples through comprehensive reports.
    METHODS: A 52-year-old male was admitted to our hospital on July 20, 2022 with a 3-month history of ambulatory difficulties and localized low back pain. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) examination of the spinal column revealed irregular bone destruction affecting the L2, L3, and L5 vertebral bodies. Additionally, low T1 and high T2 intensity lesions were observed at the intervertebral discs between L3 and L5. The presumptive diagnosis of tuberculous spondylitis was made based on the imaging findings, despite negative results in all mycobacterium tests. However, the patient exhibited no improvement after receiving regular anti-tuberculosis treatment for 3 months. Subsequent MRI revealed an expansive abnormal signal within the vertebral body, leading to progressive bone destruction. The absence of spinal tuberculosis or other infective microorganisms was confirmed through culture from blood and pathological tissue from the L4 vertebral body. Subsequently, PMseq was performed on the specimens, revealing M. restricta as the predominant pathogen with the highest relative abundance value. The pathological examination revealed the presence of fungal mycelium in the L4 vertebral body, with positive findings on periodic Schiff-methenamine and periodic acid-Schiff staining. The anti-tuberculosis treatment was discontinued, and an antifungal combination of fluconazole and voriconazole was administered. All symptoms were resolved after 7 consecutive months of treatment, and the patient was able to ambulate autonomously. Vertebral lesions were reduced on MRI during the 13-month follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: M. restricta is not a commonly recognized pathogen associated with infectious vertebral osteomyelitis. However, PMseq can aid in diagnosis, timely treatment, and decision making for some non-specific infectious diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Menkes disease (MD) is a rare, inherited, multisystemic copper metabolism disorder. Classical Menkes disease is characterized by low serum copper and ceruloplasmin concentrations, leading to multiple abnormalities in the whole-body, especially in connective tissue and central nervous system. However, serum copper and ceruloplasmin levels are not reliable diagnostic biomarkers due to the low concentrations in healthy newborns either. The featured imaging manifestations play an important role in diagnosing Menkes disease. To our knowledge, there are few reports on the systemic imaging manifestations of Menkes disease.
    METHODS: A 4-month-old male patient presented with recurrent seizures. He had cognitive, intellectual, growth, gross motor, precision movement, and language developmental lags. The patient\'s hemoglobin and serum ceruloplasmin level were low. On MRI, increased intracranial vascular tortuosity, cerebral and cerebellar atrophy, white matter changes, and basal ganglia abnormalities were observed. Plain radiograph revealed wormian bones, rib flaring, metaphyseal spurring, and periosteal reactions in the long bones of the limbs. A pathogenic variant in ATP7A gene was identified in the patient, so he was confirmed the diagnosis of Menkes disease. His symptoms did not improve despite symptomatic and supportive treatment during his hospitalization. Unfortunately, the infant died 3 months after leaving hospital.
    CONCLUSIONS: A comprehensive and intuitive understanding of the disease\'s imaging manifestations can help clinicians to identify the disease and avoid delays in care.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This report describes a male in his late 20s who presented with a 2-month history of recurrent haemoptysis and chest pain. A chronic infection, such as tuberculosis, was suspected. He had undergone surgical resection of an intrapericardial hydatid cyst in the past. His blood investigations showed peripheral eosinophilia, and his chest X-ray showed a cystic oval lesion in the left upper zone. A CT pulmonary angiogram revealed filling defects in the bilateral segmental and subsegmental arteries with a cystic lesion in the left upper lobe. Further workup, including bronchoalveolar lavage culture and MRI of the thorax, confirmed the diagnosis of a hydatid cyst of pulmonary echinococcosis. This case illustrates the presentation of multisystemic echinococcosis in a young male with no other risk factors, initially treated with surgical resection and antihelminthic therapy. The disease later recurred, which required prolonged medications, which brought the patient into remission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric disorder associated with frequent relapses and variability in treatment responses. Previous literature suggested that such variability is influenced by premorbid vulnerabilities such as abnormalities of the reward system. Several factors may indicate these vulnerabilities, such as neurocognitive markers (tendency to favour delayed reward, poor cognitive flexibility, abnormal decision process), genetic and epigenetic markers, biological and hormonal markers, and physiological markers.The present study will aim to identify markers that can predict body mass index (BMI) stability 6 months after discharge. The secondary aim of this study will be focused on characterising the biological, genetic, epigenetic and neurocognitive markers of remission in AN.
    METHODS: One hundred and twenty-five (n=125) female adult inpatients diagnosed with AN will be recruited and evaluated at three different times: at the beginning of hospitalisation, when discharged and 6 months later. Depending on the BMI at the third visit, patients will be split into two groups: stable remission (BMI≥18.5 kg/m²) or unstable remission (BMI<18.5 kg/m²). One hundred (n=100) volunteers will be included as healthy controls.Each visit will consist in self-reported inventories (measuring depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and feelings, eating disorders symptoms, exercise addiction and the presence of comorbidities), neurocognitive tasks (Delay Discounting Task, Trail-Making Test, Brixton Test and Slip-of-action Task), the collection of blood samples, the repeated collection of blood samples around a standard meal and MRI scans at rest and while resolving a delay discounting task.Analyses will mainly consist in comparing patients stabilised 6 months later and patients who relapsed during these 6 months.
    BACKGROUND: Investigators will ask all participants to give written informed consent prior to participation, and all data will be recorded anonymously. The study will be conducted according to ethics recommendations from the Helsinki declaration (World Medical Association, 2013). It was registered on clinicaltrials.gov on 25 August 2020 as \'Remission Factors in Anorexia Nervosa (REMANO)\', with the identifier NCT04560517 (for more details, see https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/record/NCT04560517). The present article is based on the latest protocol version from 29 November 2019. The sponsor, Institut National de la Santé Et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM, https://www.inserm.fr/), is an academic institution responsible for the monitoring of the study, with an audit planned on a yearly basis.The results will be published after final analysis in the form of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and may be presented at national and international conferences.
    BACKGROUND: clinicaltrials.govNCT04560517.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Heart failure (HF) contributes greatly to morbidity, mortality, and health care costs worldwide. Hospital readmission rates are tracked closely and determine federal reimbursement dollars. No current modality or technology allows for accurate measurement of relevant HF parameters in ambulatory, rural, or underserved settings. This limits the use of telehealth to diagnose or monitor HF in ambulatory patients.
    OBJECTIVE: This study describes a novel HF diagnostic technology using audio recordings from a standard mobile phone.
    METHODS: This prospective study of acoustic microphone recordings enrolled convenience samples of patients from 2 different clinical sites in 2 separate areas of the United States. Recordings were obtained at the aortic (second intercostal) site with the patient sitting upright. The team used recordings to create predictive algorithms using physics-based (not neural networks) models. The analysis matched mobile phone acoustic data to ejection fraction (EF) and stroke volume (SV) as evaluated by echocardiograms. Using the physics-based approach to determine features eliminates the need for neural networks and overfitting strategies entirely, potentially offering advantages in data efficiency, model stability, regulatory visibility, and physical insightfulness.
    RESULTS: Recordings were obtained from 113 participants. No recordings were excluded due to background noise or for any other reason. Participants had diverse racial backgrounds and body surface areas. Reliable echocardiogram data were available for EF from 113 patients and for SV from 65 patients. The mean age of the EF cohort was 66.3 (SD 13.3) years, with female patients comprising 38.3% (43/113) of the group. Using an EF cutoff of ≤40% versus >40%, the model (using 4 features) had an area under the receiver operating curve (AUROC) of 0.955, sensitivity of 0.952, specificity of 0.958, and accuracy of 0.956. The mean age of the SV cohort was 65.5 (SD 12.7) years, with female patients comprising 34% (38/65) of the group. Using a clinically relevant SV cutoff of <50 mL versus >50 mL, the model (using 3 features) had an AUROC of 0.922, sensitivity of 1.000, specificity of 0.844, and accuracy of 0.923. Acoustics frequencies associated with SV were observed to be higher than those associated with EF and, therefore, were less likely to pass through the tissue without distortion.
    CONCLUSIONS: This work describes the use of mobile phone auscultation recordings obtained with unaltered cellular microphones. The analysis reproduced the estimates of EF and SV with impressive accuracy. This technology will be further developed into a mobile app that could bring screening and monitoring of HF to several clinical settings, such as home or telehealth, rural, remote, and underserved areas across the globe. This would bring high-quality diagnostic methods to patients with HF using equipment they already own and in situations where no other diagnostic and monitoring options exist.





