%0 Case Reports %T Hydatid cyst in heart and lung: a rare case with a 5-year follow-up. %A Koshy SA %A Nair AA %A James P %A Irodi A %J BMJ Case Rep %V 17 %N 6 %D 2024 Jun 26 %M 38926123 暂无%R 10.1136/bcr-2023-256689 %X This report describes a male in his late 20s who presented with a 2-month history of recurrent haemoptysis and chest pain. A chronic infection, such as tuberculosis, was suspected. He had undergone surgical resection of an intrapericardial hydatid cyst in the past. His blood investigations showed peripheral eosinophilia, and his chest X-ray showed a cystic oval lesion in the left upper zone. A CT pulmonary angiogram revealed filling defects in the bilateral segmental and subsegmental arteries with a cystic lesion in the left upper lobe. Further workup, including bronchoalveolar lavage culture and MRI of the thorax, confirmed the diagnosis of a hydatid cyst of pulmonary echinococcosis. This case illustrates the presentation of multisystemic echinococcosis in a young male with no other risk factors, initially treated with surgical resection and antihelminthic therapy. The disease later recurred, which required prolonged medications, which brought the patient into remission.