vascular homeostasis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oxidative balance plays a pivotal role in physiological homeostasis, and many diseases, particularly age-related conditions, are closely associated with oxidative imbalance. While the strategic role of oxidative regulation in various diseases is well-established, the specific involvement of oxidative stress in atherosclerosis remains elusive. Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by plaque formation within the arteries. Alterations in the oxidative status of vascular tissues are linked to the onset, progression, and outcome of atherosclerosis. This review examines the role of redox signaling in atherosclerosis, including its impact on risk factors such as dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, inflammation, and unhealthy lifestyle, along with dysregulation, vascular homeostasis, immune system interaction, and therapeutic considerations. Understanding redox signal transduction and the regulation of redox signaling will offer valuable insights into the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and guide the development of novel therapeutic strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alterations in vascular extracellular matrix (ECM) components, interactions, and mechanical properties influence both the formation and stability of atherosclerotic plaques. This review discusses the contribution of the ECM microenvironment in vascular homeostasis and remodeling in atherosclerosis, highlighting Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) and its degrading enzyme ADAMTS7 as examples, and proposes potential avenues for future research aimed at identifying novel therapeutic targets for atherosclerosis based on the ECM microenvironment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beyond their activity in hemostasis and thrombosis, recent advances attribute platelets a pro-youthful role capable to attenuate immune senescence and age-related neuroinflammation. Previous studies from our group associated a polymorphic haplotype variant in the BPIFB4 gene (LAV-BPIFB4) with exceptional longevity. Transfer of the LAV-BPIFB4 in preclinical models has proved strategic to cope with frailty conditions, aging-related events, e.g., cardiovascular ones, and immune dysfunction mainly through a favorable conditioning of the immune system. However, whether platelets participate in LAV-BPIFB4 therapeutic action is currently unknown. Herein, we discovered that platelets were instrumental in boosting the favorable health outcomes of the systemic AAV-LAV-BPIFB4 gene transfer in vivo, as the α-CD42b platelet depletion completely abolished the vascular protective action of LAV-BPIFB4 and suppressed its pro-resolutive CD206 + anti-/CD86 + pro-inflammatory Ly6C + monocyte skewing to LPS stimulation. Of note, this is associated with a huge drop in the protective levels of BPIFB4 in the plasma of AAV-LAV-BPIFB4-injected C57BL/6 mice, indicating that plasma circulating platelets may be a reservoir of the BPIFB4 protein. Indeed, we noticed that BPIFB4 was released by human platelets, a process that is amplified in LAV-allele carrier donors. Accordingly, lentivirus-mediated overexpression of human LAV-BPIFB4 isoform, but not WT-BPIFB4 isoform was able in leading differentiated megakaryocytes to release more platelet-like-particles enriched for BPIFB4. In addition, in vitro, the M2 macrophage polarization increased when releasate from platelets, and even more from LAV pre-stimulated once, was added in monocyte cell culture. Our data suggest that platelet release of BPIFB4 and of yet-to-be-determined unidentified factors mediates the therapeutic efficacy of LAV-BPIFB4 treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ECM (extracellular matrix) is a major component of the vascular microenvironment that modulates vascular homeostasis. ECM proteins include collagens, elastin, noncollagen glycoproteins, and proteoglycans/glycosaminoglycans. ECM proteins form complex matrix structures, such as the basal lamina and collagen and elastin fibers, through direct interactions or lysyl oxidase-mediated cross-linking. Moreover, ECM proteins directly interact with cell surface receptors or extracellular secreted molecules, exerting matricellular and matricrine modulation, respectively. In addition, extracellular proteases degrade or cleave matrix proteins, thereby contributing to ECM turnover. These interactions constitute the ECM interactome network, which is essential for maintaining vascular homeostasis and preventing pathological vascular remodeling. The current review mainly focuses on endogenous matrix proteins in blood vessels and discusses the interaction of these matrix proteins with other ECM proteins, cell surface receptors, cytokines, complement and coagulation factors, and their potential roles in maintaining vascular homeostasis and preventing pathological remodeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness, and its pathophysiology includes neuroinflammatory changes. The present therapies for glaucoma target pressure-lowering mechanisms with limited success, making neuroinflammation a target for future interventions. This review summarizes the neuroinflammatory pathways seen in glaucoma and their interplay with stress. Glucocorticoids have been shown to activate proinflammatory glial cells, contributing to the neuroinflammation in glaucoma. Glucocorticoids have also been shown to increase the IOP directly. Stress-associated autonomic dysfunction can affect the vascular homeostasis in the retina and create oxidative stress. Diabetes, hyperglycemic-mediated endothelial damage, and vascular inflammation also play important roles in the neuroinflammation in glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. Psychosocial stress has been implicated in an increased IOP and glaucoma outcomes. People who experience maladaptive chronic stress suffer from a condition known as allostatic load, which describes pathologic neuroendocrine dysregulation. The effects of allostatic load and chronic stress have been studied in patients affected by a lower socioeconomic status (SES) and marginalized racial identities. A lower SES is associated with higher rates of glaucoma and also affects the access to care and screening. Additionally, people of African ancestry are disproportionately affected by glaucoma for reasons that are multifactorial. In conclusion, this review explores neuroinflammation in glaucoma, highlighting opportunities for future investigation.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: The present study aimed to investigate whether and how normobaric intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) or remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) plus normoxic training (RNT) has a synergistic protective effect on lipid metabolism and vascular function compared with normoxic training (NT) in overweight or obese adults.
    METHODS: A total of 37 overweight or obese adults (36.03 ± 10.48 years) were randomly assigned to 3 groups: NT group (exercise intervention in normoxia), IHT group (exercise intervention in normobaric hypoxic chamber), and RNT group (exercise intervention in normoxia + RIPC twice daily). All participants carried out the same 1-h exercise intervention for a total of 4 weeks, 5 days per week. Physical fitness parameters were evaluated at pre- and postexercise intervention.
    RESULTS: After training, all three groups had a significantly decreased body mass index (p < 0.05). The IHT group had reduced body fat percentage, visceral fat mass (p < 0.05), blood pressure (p < 0.01), left ankle-brachial index (ABI), maximal heart rate (HRmax) (p < 0.05), expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) (p < 0.01) and increased expression of SIRT1 (p < 0.05), VEGF (p < 0.01). The RNT group had lowered waist-to-hip ratio, visceral fat mass, blood pressure (p < 0.05), and HRmax (p < 0.01).
    CONCLUSIONS: IHT could effectively reduce visceral fat mass and improve vascular elasticity in overweight or obese individuals than pure NT with the activation of SIRT1-related pathways. And RNT also produced similar benefits on body composition and vascular function, which were weaker than those of IHT but stronger than NT. Given the convenience and economy of RNT, both intermittent hypoxic and ischemic training have the potential to be successful health promotion strategies for the overweight/obese population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT), a fat layer that provides structural support to the blood vessels, is a cushion protecting the vessel wall from neighbouring tissues during contraction and relaxation. PVAT actively regulates vascular tone by secreting vasoactive (vasodilatory and vasoconstrictive) factors (e.g., adipokines, batokines, and lipokines) or microRNA (miRNA)-containing exosomes to reduce the hyperreactivity induced by obesity. Of particular interest are adipocyte-derived exosomal miRNAs, which act as crucial regulators, counteracting the detrimental effects of obesity on cardiovascular well-being. These exosomes serve as potent messengers, facilitating the transport of miRNAs and other bioactive molecules involved in intercellular communication. Undoubtedly, the unique function of exosomal miRNAs promotes vascular homeostasis by fine-tuning endothelial function, vascular remodelling, and inflammatory environment, thereby preventing cardiovascular disease. The collective findings comprehensively explain their protective functions by exploring the intricate mechanisms through which PVAT and adipocyte-derived exosomal miRNAs collaboratively orchestrate vascular health. Taken together, this review strategically focuses on PVAT, exosomes, and adipocyte-derived miRNAs, offering valuable insights that can potentially inform the development of targeted interventions for cardiovascular diseases.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    The integrity of the endothelial glycocalyx (EG), a critical player in vascular homeostasis, reportedly influences the outcomes of critically ill patients. We investigated the effect of 5% albumin, which preserved EG integrity in preclinical studies, vs balanced crystalloid solution on EG degradation in patients undergoing off-pump coronary surgery.
    Patients were randomized to receive either 5% albumin (N = 51) or balanced crystalloid solution (Plasma-Lyte [Baxter Incorporated, Seoul, Republic of Korea]; N = 53) for intravenous volume replacement during surgery (double-blinded). The primary outcome was plasma syndecan-1 concentration, a marker of EG degradation, measured after anesthetic induction (baseline), completion of grafting, and sternal closure. Secondary outcomes were atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, soluble thrombomodulin, and perioperative fluid balance.
    The mean (standard deviation) fluid requirements were 833 (270) mL and 1,323 (492) mL in the albumin and Plasma-Lyte group, respectively (mean difference, -489 mL; 95% confidence interval [CI], -643 to -335; P < 0.001). Plasma syndecan-1 concentration increased after completion of grafting (median difference, 116 ng·mL-1; 95% CI, 67 to 184; P < 0.001) and sternal closure (median difference, 57 ng·mL-1; 95% CI, 36 to 80; P < 0.001) compared with those at baseline, without any intergroup differences. Atrial natriuretic peptide, TNF-α, and soluble thrombomodulin concentrations were similar between the two groups. The amount of chest tube drainage was greater in the albumin group than that in the Plasma-Lyte group (median difference, 190 mL; 95% CI, 18 to 276; P = 0.03).
    Off-pump coronary surgery was associated with significant EG degradation. Yet, intraoperative fluid therapy with 5% albumin could not ameliorate EG degradation when compared with balanced crystalloid solution. (NCT03699462); first posted 9 October 2018.
    RéSUMé: OBJECTIF: L’intégrité du glycocalyx endothélial (GE), un acteur essentiel de l’homéostasie vasculaire, influencerait le devenir des patient·es gravement malades. Nous avons étudié l’effet de l’albumine à 5 %, qui préservait l’intégrité du GE dans les études précliniques, par rapport à une solution cristalloïde équilibrée sur la dégradation du GE chez les patient·es bénéficiant d’une chirurgie coronarienne à cœur battant. MéTHODE: Les patient·es ont été randomisé·es à recevoir soit de l’albumine à 5 % (N = 51) ou de la solution cristalloïde équilibrée (Plasma-Lyte [Baxter Incorporated, Séoul, République de Corée]; N = 53) pour le remplacement du volume intraveineux pendant la chirurgie (en double aveugle). Le critère d’évaluation principal était la concentration plasmatique de syndécan-1, un marqueur de la dégradation du GE, mesurée après l’induction de l’anesthésie (ligne de base), la fin de la greffe et la fermeture du sternum. Les critères d’évaluation secondaires étaient le peptide natriurétique auriculaire (ANP), le facteur de nécrose tumorale (TNF)-α, la thrombomoduline soluble et le bilan hydrique périopératoire. RéSULTATS: Les besoins liquidiens moyens (écart type) étaient de 833 (270) mL et 1323 (492) mL dans les groupes albumine et Plasma-Lyte, respectivement (différence moyenne, −489 mL; intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95 %, −643 à −335; P < 0,001). La concentration plasmatique de syndécan-1 a augmenté après la fin de la greffe (différence médiane, 116 ng·mL−1; IC 95 %, 67 à 184; P < 0,001) et la fermeture du sternum (différence médiane, 57 ng·mL−1; IC 95 %, 36 à 80; P < 0,001) par rapport aux concentrations au départ, sans différences intergroupe. Les concentrations de peptide natriurétique auriculaire, de TNF-α et de thrombomoduline soluble étaient similaires entre les deux groupes. La quantité de drainage du drain thoracique était plus importante dans le groupe albumine que dans le groupe Plasma-Lyte (différence médiane, 190 mL; IC 95 %, 18 à 276; P = 0,03). CONCLUSION: La chirurgie coronarienne à cœur battant a été associée à une dégradation significative du glycocalyx endothélial. Pourtant, la fluidothérapie peropératoire avec 5 % d’albumine n’a pas pu améliorer la dégradation du GE par rapport à une solution cristalloïde équilibrée. ENREGISTREMENT DE L’éTUDE: (NCT03699462); enregistrée pour la première fois le 9 octobre 2018.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) has been shown to be important in physiological processes other than detoxification, including vascular homeostasis. Although AhR is highly expressed in the endothelium, its function has been poorly studied. This systematic review aims to summarise current knowledge on the AhR role in the endothelium and its cardiovascular implications. We focus on endogenous AhR agonists, such as some uremic toxins and other agonists unrelated to environmental pollutants, as well as studies using AhR knockout models. We conclude that AhR activation leads to vascular oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction and that blocking AhR signalling could provide a new target for the treatment of vascular disorders such as cardiovascular complications in patients with chronic kidney disease or pulmonary arterial hypertension.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The high metabolic demand of brain tissue is supported by a constant supply of blood flow through dense microvascular networks. Capillaries are the smallest class of vessels in the brain and their lumens vary in diameter between ~2 and 5 μm. This diameter range plays a significant role in optimizing blood flow resistance, blood cell distribution, and oxygen extraction. The control of capillary diameter has largely been ascribed to pericyte contractility, but it remains unclear if the architecture of the endothelial wall also contributes to capillary diameter. Here, we use public, large-scale volume electron microscopy data from mouse cortex (MICrONS Explorer, Cortical mm3) to examine how endothelial cell number, endothelial cell thickness, and pericyte coverage relates to microvascular lumen size. We find that transitional vessels near the penetrating arteriole and ascending venule are composed of two to six interlocked endothelial cells, while the capillaries intervening these zones are composed of either one or two endothelial cells, with roughly equal proportions. The luminal area and diameter are on average slightly larger with capillary segments composed of two interlocked endothelial cells vs one endothelial cell. However, this difference is insufficient to explain the full range of capillary diameters seen in vivo. This suggests that both endothelial structure and other influences, including pericyte tone, contribute to the basal diameter and optimized perfusion of brain capillaries.





