reservoir host

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Opisthorchiid flukes, particularly Opisthorchis viverrini, Opisthorchis felineus, Clonorchis sinensis, and Metorchis spp. are the most common fish-borne zoonotic human liver flukes (hLFs). Liver fluke infections are more prevalent in resource-deprived and underprivileged areas. We herein estimated the prevalence of the metacercariae (MC) of major hLFs in common large freshwater fishes (lFWF) marketed for human consumption from some selected areas of Bangladesh along with detection of their molluscan vectors and reservoirs.
    METHODS: The current status of fish-borne zoonotic hLF infections in lFWF was investigated along with their molluscan vectors and mammalian reservoir hosts in Mymensingh and Kishoreganj in Bangladesh from July 2018-June 2022 using conventional and multiple molecular techniques, such as PCR, PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), sequencing, and bioinformatic analyses. The infection rate of fishes was analyzed using the Z-test and the loads of MC were compared using the chi-squared (χ2) test.
    RESULTS: The MC of C. sinensis, Opisthorchis spp., and Metorchis spp. were detected in 11 species of common and popular lFWF. In lFWF, the estimated prevalence was 18.7% and the mean load was 137.4 ± 149.8 MC per 100 g of fish. The prevalence was the highest (P < 0.05) in spotted snakehead fishes (Channa punctata, 63.6%). The highest rate of infection (P < 0.05) was observed with the MC of C. sinensis (11.8%). Metacercariae were almost equally (P > 0.05) distributed between the head and body of fishes. The infection rate was slightly higher in cultured (19.6%) fishes. The MC of C. sinensis, O. felineus, O. viverrini, and Metorchis orientalis in fishes were confirmed using PCR, PCR-RFLP and bioinformatics. The cercariae of opisthorchiid (Pleurolophocercus cercariae) flukes were only recovered from Bithynia spp. (3.9%, 42 out of 1089). The ova of hLFs from dogs (4.3%, 5 out of 116) and cats (6.0%, 6 out of 100), and adult flukes (M. orientalis) from ducks (41.1% 113 out of 275) were detected.
    CONCLUSIONS: The MC of hLFs are highly prevalent in fresh water fishes in Bangladesh. Reservoir hosts, such as street dogs, cats, and ducks carried the patent infection, and residents of Bangladesh are at risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emerging coronaviruses (CoVs) are understood to cause critical human and domestic animal diseases; the spillover from wildlife reservoirs can result in mild and severe respiratory illness in humans and domestic animals and can spread more readily in these naïve hosts. A low-cost CoV molecular method that can detect a variety of CoVs from humans, animals, and environmental specimens is an initial step to ensure the early identification of known and new viruses. We examine a collection of 50 human, 46 wastewater, 28 bat, and 17 avian archived specimens using 3 published pan-CoV PCR assays called Q-, W-, and X-CoV PCR, to compare the performance of each assay against four CoV genera. X-CoV PCR can detect all four CoV genera, but Q- and W-CoV PCR failed to detect δ-CoV. In total, 21 (42.0%), 9 (18.0%), and 21 (42.0%) of 50 human specimens and 30 (65.22%), 6 (13.04%), and 27 (58.70%) of 46 wastewater specimens were detected using Q-, W-, and X-CoV PCR assays, respectively. The X-CoV PCR assay has a comparable sensitivity to Q-CoV PCR in bat CoV detection. Combining Q- and X-CoV PCR assays can increase sensitivity and avoid false negative results in the early detection of novel CoVs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Trypanosoma (T.) evansi infection is endemic in dromedary camels (Camelus dromedaries) of southern Algeria. Materials and Methods: In order to assess the presence of T. evansi in other domestic animals living together with dromedary camels, a study was conducted in the wilayate of Béchar, El Bayadh, Ouargla and Tamanrasset, between 2015 and 2017. Authorisation to conduct the survey was obtained from the Direction des Services Vétérinaires (DSV, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries). A total of 190 animals were sampled, including 42 cattle (Bos taurus), 11 dogs (Canis familiaris), 44 horses (Equus caballus), 3 donkeys (Equus asinus) and 1 mule, 49 goats (Capra hircus) and 40 sheep (Ovis aries). These animals were examined by parasitological (Giemsa stained thin smear, GST), serological (card agglutination test for trypanosomosis (CATT/T. evansi), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay/Variant Surface Glycoprotein/Rode Trypanozoon antigen type 1.2 [ELISA/VSG RoTat 1.2], immune trypanolysis [TL]) and molecular tests (T. evansi type A specific RoTat 1.2 PCR). Results and Conclusions: The CATT/T. evansi was positive in 10/42 cattle, 0/11 dogs, 2/48 equids, 27/49 goats and 15/40 sheep. On the other hand, 20/38 cattle, 1/9 dogs, 21/42 equids, 17/44 goats and 31/39 sheep were positive in ELISA/VSG RoTat 1.2. However, no single animal was positive in TL. In addition, the T. evansi parasite could not be demonstrated by either GST or RoTat 1.2 PCR in any of the examined animals. This may suggest cross-reactions of CATT/T. evansi and ELISA/VSG RoTat 1.2 with other pathogenic or commensal trypanosome species such as T. vivax or other parasites. Based on these data, in particular taking into account the high specificity of the TL for T. evansi type A, this study does not support the hypothesis that T. evansi circulates in the studied domestic animal species and that they would act as reservoirs for the parasite that causes trypanosomosis in dromedary camels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SARS-CoV-2\'s genetic plasticity has led to several variants of concern (VOCs). Here we studied replicative capacity for seven SARS-CoV-2 isolates (B.1, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Zeta, and Omicron BA.1) in primary reconstituted airway epithelia (HAE) and lung-derived cell lines. Furthermore, to investigate the host range of Delta and Omicron compared to ancestral SARS-CoV-2, we assessed replication in 17 cell lines from 11 non-primate mammalian species, including bats, rodents, insectivores and carnivores. Only Omicron\'s phenotype differed in vitro, with rapid but short replication and efficient production of infectious virus in nasal HAEs, in contrast to other VOCs, but not in lung cell lines. No increased infection efficiency for other species was observed, but Delta and Omicron infection efficiency was increased in A549 cells. Notably replication in A549 and Calu3 cells was lower than in nasal HAE. Our results suggest better adaptation of VOCs towards humans, without an extended host range, and may be relevant to the search for the putative intermediate host and reservoirs prior to the pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Henipaviruses are zoonotic viruses, including some highly pathogenic and capable of serious disease and high fatality rates in both animals and humans. Hendra virus and Nipah virus are the most notable henipaviruses, resulting in significant outbreaks across South Asia, South-East Asia, and Australia. Pteropid fruit bats have been identified as key zoonotic reservoirs; however, the increased discovery of henipaviruses outside the geographic distribution of Pteropid fruit bats and the detection of novel henipa-like viruses in other species such as the shrew, rat, and opossum suggest that Pteropid bats are not the sole reservoir for henipaviruses. In this review, we provide an update on henipavirus spillover events and describe the recent detection of novel unclassified henipaviruses, with a strong focus on the shrew and its emerging role as a key host of henipaviruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is endemic in the tribal district of Khyber near the Pak-Afghan border and is caused by Leishmania tropica. In Pakistan, cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by L. tropica is considered anthroponotic and is thought to be maintained by a human-sand fly-human transmission cycle. Along with humans, other mammals may also be acting as reservoir hosts of leishmaniasis in the study area. To investigate the role of non-human mammals in the transmission of leishmaniasis, blood samples were collected from 245 animals from the CL endemic district of Khyber, Pakistan. Leishmania parasite in these samples was detected by amplifying the species-specific sequences in minicircle kinetoplast DNA, using PCR. L. tropica DNA was detected in 18 (7.35%) samples, comprising 11 cows (Bos taurus), 6 goats (Capra hircus), and 1 dog (Canus lupus familiaris). Only a single cow and dog had a leishmaniasis-like lesion, and the remaining positive samples were asymptomatic. None of the tested sheep (Ovis aries) and rat (Rattus rattus, Rattus norvegicus) was positive. The present study reports the first instance of molecular detection of L. tropica in domestic animals. Our study indicates that along with humans\' cows, goats and dogs may also be playing an important role in the transmission of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in district Khyber in particular and Pakistan in general.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many zoonotic disease emergencies are associated with RNA viruses in rodents that substantially impact public health. With the widespread application of meta-genomics and meta-transcriptomics for virus discovery over the last decade, viral sequences deposited in public databases have expanded rapidly, and the number of novel viruses discovered in rodents has increased. As important reservoirs of zoonotic viruses, rodents have attracted increasing attention for the risk of potential spillover of rodent-borne viruses. However, knowledge of rodent viral diversity and the major factors contributing to the risk of zoonotic epidemic outbreaks remains limited. Therefore, this study analyzes the diversity and composition of rodent RNA viruses using virus records from the Database of Rodent-associated Viruses (DRodVir/ZOVER), which covers the published literatures and records in GenBank database, reviews the main rodent RNA virus-induced human infectious diseases, and discusses potential challenges in this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chagas disease, a significant public health concern in the Americas, is caused by a protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi. The life cycle of T. cruzi involves kissing bugs (Triatoma spp.) functioning as vectors and mammalian species serving as hosts. Raccoons (Procyon lotor) and opossums (Didelphis virginiana) have been identified as important reservoir species in the life cycle of T. cruzi, but prevalence in both species in the southeastern US is currently understudied. We quantified T. cruzi prevalence in these two key reservoir species across our study area in South Carolina, US, and identified factors that may influence parasite detection. We collected whole blood from 183 raccoons and 126 opossums and used PCR to detect the presence of T. cruzi. We then used generalized linear models with parasite detection status as a binary response variable and predictor variables of land cover, distance to water, sex, season, and species. Our analysis indicated that raccoons experienced significantly higher parasite detection rates than Virginia opossums, with T. cruzi prevalence found to be 26.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 20.0-33.8) in raccoons and 10.5% (95% CI, 5.51-17.5) in opossums. Overall, our results concur with previous studies, in that T. cruzi is established in reservoir host populations in natural areas of the southeastern US.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ebola virus is a zoonotic pathogen with a geographic range covering diverse ecosystems that are home to many potential reservoir species. Although researchers have detected Ebola virus RNA and serological evidence of previous infection in different rodents and bats, the infectious virus has not been isolated. The field is missing critical knowledge about where the virus is maintained between outbreaks, either because the virus is rarely encountered, overlooked during sampling, and/or requires specific unknown conditions that regulate viral expression. This study assessed adipose tissue as a previously overlooked tissue capable of supporting Ebola virus infection. Adipose tissue is a dynamic endocrine organ helping to regulate and coordinate homeostasis, energy metabolism, and neuroendocrine and immune functions. Through in vitro infection of human and bat (Eptesicus fuscus) brown adipose tissue cultures using wild-type Ebola virus, this study showed high levels of viral replication for 28 days with no qualitative indicators of cytopathic effects. In addition, alterations in adipocyte metabolism following long-term infection were qualitatively observed through an increase in lipid droplet number while decreasing in size, a harbinger of lipolysis or adipocyte browning. The finding that bat and human adipocytes are susceptible to Ebola virus infection has important implications for potential tissue tropisms that have not yet been investigated. Additionally, the findings suggest how the metabolism of this tissue may play a role in pathogenesis, viral transmission, and/or zoonotic spillover events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rustrela virus (RusV; species Rubivirus strelense, family Matonaviridae) was discovered in different zoo animal species affected by fatal encephalitis. Simultaneous RusV RNA detection in multiple yellow-necked field mice (Apodemus flavicollis) suggested this rodent as a reservoir of RusV. Here, we investigated 1,264 yellow-necked field mice and sympatric other small mammals from different regions in Germany for RusV RNA using an optimized reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) protocol and high-throughput sequencing. The investigation resulted in the detection of RusV RNA exclusively in 50 of 396 (12.6 per cent) yellow-necked field mice but absence in other sympatric species. RT-qPCR-determined tissue distribution of RusV RNA revealed the highest viral loads in the central nervous system, with other tissues being only very rarely affected. The histopathological evaluation did not reveal any hints of encephalitis in the brains of infected animals despite the detection of viral RNA in neurons by in situ hybridization (ISH). The positive association between the body mass of yellow-necked field mice and RusV RNA detection suggests a persistent infection. Phylogenetic analysis of partial E1 and full-genome sequences showed a high diversification with at least four RusV lineages (1A-1D) in northeastern Germany. Moreover, phylogenetic and isolation-by-distance analyses indicated evolutionary processes of RusV mostly in local reservoir populations. A comparison of complete genome sequences from all detected RusV lineages demonstrated a high level of amino acid and nucleotide sequence variability within a part of the p150 peptide of the non-structural polyprotein and its coding sequence, respectively. The location of this region within the RusV genome and its genetic properties were comparable to the hypervariable region of the rubella virus. The broad range of detected RusV spillover hosts in combination with its geographical distribution in northeastern Germany requires the assessment of its zoonotic potential and further analysis of encephalitis cases in mammals. Future studies have to prove a putative co-evolution scenario for RusV in the yellow-necked field mouse reservoir.





