
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enabling minimally invasive and precise control of liquid release in dental implants is crucial for therapeutic functions such as delivering antibiotics to prevent biofilm formation, infusing stem cells to promote osseointegration, and administering other biomedicines. However, achieving controllable liquid cargo release in dental implants remains challenging due to the lack of wireless and miniaturized fluidic control mechanisms. Here wireless miniature pumps and valves that allow remote activation of liquid cargo delivery in dental implants, actuated and controlled by external magnetic fields (<65 mT), are reported. A magnet-screw mechanism in a fluidic channel to function as a piston pump, alongside a flexible magnetic valve designed to open and close the fluidic channel, is proposed. The mechanisms are showcased by storing and releasing of liquid up to 52 µL in a dental implant. The liquid cargos are delivered directly to the implant-bone interface, a region traditionally difficult to access. On-demand liquid delivery is further showed by a metal implant inside both dental phantoms and porcine jawbones. The mechanisms are promising for controllable liquid release after implant placement with minimal invasion, paving the way for implantable devices that enable long-term and targeted delivery of therapeutic agents in various bioengineering applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The capability to record data in passive, image-based wearable sensors can simplify data readouts and eliminate the requirement for the integration of electronic components on the skin. Here, we developed a skin-strain-actuated microfluidic pump (SAMP) that utilizes asymmetric aspect ratio channels for the recording of human activity in the fluidic domain. An analytical model describing the SAMP\'s operation mechanism as a wearable microfluidic device was established. Fabrication of the SAMP was achieved using soft lithography from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Benchtop experimental results and theoretical predictions were shown to be in good agreement. The SAMP was mounted on human skin and experiments conducted on volunteer subjects demonstrated the SAMP\'s capability to record human activity for hundreds of cycles in the fluidic domain through the observation of a stable liquid meniscus. Proof-of-concept experiments further revealed that the SAMP could quantify a single wrist activity repetition or distinguish between three different shoulder activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The first pump for intrathecal administration of baclofen was implanted in 1984. Over thirty years, intrathecal prolonged infusion of muscle relaxants has occupied a worthy niche among all methods for correction of non-focal drug-resistant disabling muscle spasticity. However, this method has not become routine despite high awareness of specialists in Russia and abroad, as well as undeniable advantages for restoring the daily activity, improving the walking pattern and providing care and quality of life in people with limited mobility. This is due to scrupulous analysis of adverse events and accurate attitude towards its use.
    The purpose of this review was to systematize data on indications, selection criteria, pump implantation technique, subsequent patient management and treatment outcomes over a 30-year history.
    METHODS: A review of national and foreign literature was performed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged intrathecal baclofen therapy is perspective for long-term treatment of severe spasticity interfering with quality of life and self-care if oral muscle relaxants are contraindicated or ineffective. This procedure is effective for impaired articulation, chewing and spastic pain syndrome. One can reduce the incidence of side effects via correct dosage of the drug, and tolerance to therapy can be reduced by timely elimination of problems with catheter.
    Начавшись с первой имплантированной помпы для интратекального введения баклофена в 1984 г., за 30 лет использования метод интратекальной пролонгированной инфузии миорелаксантов занял достойную нишу среди способов коррекции нефокальной резистентной инвалидизирующей мышечной спастичности. Однако метод не стал рутинным, несмотря на высокую информированность специалистов как в России, так и за рубежом, и неоспоримые преимущества для восстановления повседневной активности и улучшения стереотипа ходьбы у пациентов с высоким уровнем функциональных возможностей, а также для обеспечения ухода и качества жизни маломобильных больных, что обусловлено скрупулезным анализом нежелательных явлений и взвешенным отношением к его использованию.
    UNASSIGNED: Систематизация информации по показаниям, критериям отбора на операцию, технике проведения имплантации помпы, последующему ведению пациентов и результатам лечения за 30-летний период применения метода.
    UNASSIGNED: Выполнен повествовательный обзор отечественной и зарубежной литературы.
    UNASSIGNED: Изучение источников литературы позволяет сделать вывод о перспективности пролонгированного интратекального введения баклофена в долгосрочной терапии выраженной спастичности, нарушающей качество жизни и самообслуживание, при непереносимости или неэффективности пероральных миорелаксантов. Процедура эффективна при нарушении артикуляции, жевания, спастическом болевом синдроме. Частоту побочных эффектов можно снизить за счет корректной дозировки препарата, а толерантность к терапии — своевременным устранением проблем с катетером.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article describes a method for determining the geometric working volume of satellite positive displacement machines (pump and motor). The working mechanism of these machines is satellite mechanism consisting of two non-circular gears (rotor and curvature) and circular gears (satellites). Two variants of the satellite mechanism are presented. In the first mechanism, the rolling line of the rotor is a sinusoid \"wrapped\" around a circle. In the second mechanism, the rolling line of the rotor is a double sinusoid \"wrapped\" around a circle. A method for calculating the area of the working chamber as a function of the rotor rotation angle is presented, based on mathematical formulae of the rotor, the curvature and the satellite rolling lines. It has been shown that the second variant of the satellite mechanism is advantageously characterised by a larger difference between the maximum area of the working chamber and the minimum area of this chamber. New mathematical formulas have been proposed to calculate the area of the working chamber for any angle of rotation of the shaft (rotor) based on the maximum and minimum values of the area of this chamber. It was thus confirmed that the geometric working volume depends on the maximum and minimum area of a working chamber and on the height of the satellite mechanism. The analyses of the area of the working chamber were carried out both for the mechanism without gears (the area delimited by the rolling lines of the elements of the mechanism) and for the real mechanism with gears. Differences in the values of these fields were also detected.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hypoparathyroidism is the most common endocrinological feature in children with Sanjad-Sakati syndrome. Treatment includes active vitamin D and calcium supplementation. Here, we report a case of a newborn with Sanjad-Sakati syndrome who had severe hypocalcemia since birth who responded to PTH subcutaneous pump infusion. The child was born at 35 weeks with hypocalcemia since the first day of life. The standard medical treatment proved ineffective for the newborn, necessitating the administration of unusually high doses of oral and IV calcium and vitamin D analogue for a 2 months. As a result, intermittent subcutaneous injections of PTH were commenced, resulting in an initial improvement in calcium levels, although this proved to be short-lived. Subsequently, a switch to continuous infusion via a Medtronic Vio pump was made, which unfortunately resulted in iatrogenic hypercalcemia, requiring management of hypercalcemia. Later, calcium carbonate and alfacalcidol were resumed at a lower dosage and continued to have average requirements for patients with hypoparathyroidism. PTH subcutaneous infusion can be highly effective in refractory hypocalcemia cases and can significantly impact the treatment course and facilitate hospital discharge as seen in our case. Careful dosage and monitoring are required to avoid iatrogenic hypercalcemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the impact of the vertical level of the stopcock connecting the infusion line to the central venous catheter on start-up fluid delivery in microinfusions. Start-up fluid delivery was measured under standardized conditions with the syringe outlet and liquid flow sensors positioned at heart level (0 cm) and exposed to a simulated CVP of 10 mmHg at a set flow rate of 1 ml/h. Flow and intraluminal pressures were measured with the infusion line connected to the stopcock primarily placed at vertical levels of 0 cm, + 30 cm and - 30 cm or primarily placed at 0 cm and secondarily, after connecting the infusion line, displaced to + 30 cm and - 30 cm. Start-up fluid delivery 10 s after opening the stopcock placed at zero level and after opening the stopcock primarily connected at zero level and secondary displaced to vertical levels of + 30 cm and - 30 cm were similar (- 10.52 [- 13.85 to - 7.19] µL; - 8.84 [- 12.34 to - 5.33] µL and - 11.19 [- 13.71 to - 8.67] µL (p = 0.469)). Fluid delivered at 360 s related to 65% (zero level), 71% (+ 30 cm) and 67% (- 30 cm) of calculated infusion volume (p = 0.395). Start-up fluid delivery with the stopcock primarily placed at + 30 cm and - 30 cm resulted in large anterograde and retrograde fluid volumes of 34.39 [33.43 to 35.34] µL and - 24.90 [- 27.79 to - 22.01] µL at 10 s, respectively (p < 0.0001). Fluid delivered with the stopcock primarily placed at + 30 cm and - 30 cm resulted in 140% and 35% of calculated volume at 360 s, respectively (p < 0.0001). Syringe infusion pumps should ideally be connected to the stopcock positioned at heart level in order to minimize the amounts of anterograde and retrograde fluid volumes after opening of the stopcock.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hepatic arterial infusion pump (HAIP) chemotherapy is an effective treatment for patients with unresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA). HAIP chemotherapy requires a catheter inserted in the gastroduodenal artery and a subcutaneous pump. The catheter can be placed using an open or robotic approach.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare perioperative outcomes of robotic versus open HAIP placement in patients with unresectable iCCA.
    METHODS: We analyzed patients with unresectable iCCA included in the PUMP-II trial from January 2020 to September 2022 undergoing robotic or open HAIP placement at Amsterdam UMC, Erasmus MC, and UMC Utrecht. The primary outcome was time to functional recovery (TTFR).
    RESULTS: In total, 22 robotic and 28 open HAIP placements were performed. The median TTFR was 2 days after robotic placement versus 5 days after open HAIP placement (p < 0.001). One patient (4.5%) in the robotic group underwent a conversion to open because of a large bulky tumor leaning on the hilum immobilizing the liver. Postoperative complications were similar-36% (8/22) after robotic placement versus 39% (11/28) after open placement (p = 1.000). The median length of hospital stay was shorter in the robotic group-3 versus 5 days (p < 0.001). All 22 robotic patients initiated HAIP chemotherapy post-surgery, i.e. 93% (26/28) in the open group (p = 0.497). The median time to start HAIP chemotherapy was 14 versus 18 days (p = 0.153).
    CONCLUSIONS: Robotic HAIP placement in patients with unresectable iCCA is a safe and effective procedure and is associated with a significantly shorter TTFR and hospital stay than open HAIP placement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cavitation erosion failure of pumps or valves induces the low efficiency and reduced service life of nuclear reactors. This paper reviews works regarding the cavitation erosion of pumps and valves in the nuclear power industry and academic research field. The cavitation erosion mechanisms of materials of pumps and valves are related to the microstructure and mechanical properties of the surface layer. The cavitation erosion resistance of austenitic stainless steel can be ten times higher than that of ferritic steel. The cavitation erosion of materials is related to the hardness, toughness, and martensitic transformation capacity. Erosion wear and erosion-corrosion research is also reviewed. Erosion wear is mainly influenced by the hardness of the material surface. Erosion-corrosion behavior is closely connected with the element composition. Measures for improving the cavitation erosion of pumps and valves are summarized in this paper. The cavitation erosion resistance of metallic materials can be enhanced by adding elements and coatings. Adhesion, inclusion content, and residual stress impact the cavitation erosion of materials with coatings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Displacement-controlled systems have high efficiency and are widely used in industry. Accurate control of the actuator motion in hydraulic systems is usually a necessity in industrial applications such as the motion of control surfaces in fixed-wing airplanes for flight control as well as the aircraft brake systems. To address this need, the current study was conducted with the goal of developing a high-fidelity model to achieve precise control. This work focused on modeling a hydrostatic transmission that is used for controlling a linear actuator velocity. The flow entering the actuator was changed using a variable displacement pump. The study included examining the stability and performance of the open-loop system. Additionally, the study involved the design of the proportional-integral-derivative PID and H∞ controllers, followed by the analysis of the stability and performance of the closed-loop system with both controllers. Furthermore, the multiplicative uncertainty is taken into account and the robustness of the system is verified using controllers PID and H∞. In the current study,Uncertain parameters such as actuator efficiency, pump speed, and viscous friction coefficient were considered and allowed for a ±5% deviation from their stated values. Taking uncertainty into account ensures that the system performs properly even in case where the design parameters vary within the specified range. The system response is compared for the cases of open-loop system, closed-loop system with PID controller, and closed-loop system with H∞ controller. The results demonstrated that the open-loop system remains stable for real-world applications but shows insufficient performance in terms of input tracking and disturbance rejection. The introduction of the PID controller significantly enhanced the system\'s response to a reference input; however, its disturbance rejection capabilities in terms of overshoot and settling time were still unsatisfactory. The system equipped with the PID controller failed to meet the robustness requirements. Conversely, the utilization of H∞ controllers yielded superior responses and fulfilled the robustness criteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organoids are 3D cultures of self-organized adult or pluripotent stem cells with an epithelial membrane enclosing a defined fluid-filled lumen. These organoids have been demonstrated with a wide range of organotypic tissue types, but the enclosed nature of the structure restricts access to the lumen and apical surface of the cell membrane. To increase the potential applications of organoids, new technologies are required to provide access to the lumen of the organoid and apical surface of the epithelial cell membrane to enable new biomedical studies. This chapter details a method to access the lumen and apical surface of an organoid utilizing a double-barrel pulled glass capillary and pressure-based pump. The organoid perfusion system uses a three-axis micromanipulator to position the double-barrel capillary to pierce the organoid with the tip of the capillary. Each barrel of the double-barrel capillary is controlled independently with the pressure-based pump to allow injection and removal of material into and from the lumen. Additionally, the organoid is immobilized with a custom-designed PDMS organoid holder. The design of the components for the organoid perfusion system and details on their use are presented here and can be utilized as the basis to enable a wide range of organoid studies including but not limited to modifying luminal contents and apical cell membrane interactions during organoid cultures, recapitulation of physiological flow within the normally static organoid lumen, and effects of mechanical strain on organoid cell development.





