phenotypic plasticity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenotypic plasticity can alter traits that are crucial to population establishment in a new environment, before adaptation can occur. How often phenotypic plasticity enables subsequent adaptive evolution is unknown, and examples of the phenomenon are limited. We investigated the hypothesis of plasticity-mediated persistence as a means of colonization of agricultural fields in one of the world\'s worst weeds, Raphanus raphanistrum ssp. raphanistrum. Using non-weedy native populations of the same species and subspecies as a comparison, we tested for plasticity-mediated persistence in a growth chamber reciprocal transplant experiment. We identified traits with genetic differentiation between the weedy and native ecotypes as well as phenotypic plasticity between growth chamber environments. We found that most traits were both plastic and differentiated between ecotypes, with the majority plastic and differentiated in the same direction. This suggests that phenotypic plasticity may have enabled radish populations to colonize and then adapt to novel agricultural environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Light is essential for plants, and local populations exhibit adaptive photosynthetic traits depending on their habitats. Although plastic responses in morphological and/or physiological characteristics to different light intensities are well known, adaptive divergence with genetic variation remains to be explored. This study focused on Saxifraga fortunei (Saxifragaceae) growing in sun-exposed and shaded habitats.
    METHODS: We measured the leaf anatomical structure and photosynthetic rate of plants grown in their natural habitats and in a common greenhouse (high- and low-intensity light experimental sites). To assess differences in ecophysiological tolerance to high-intensity light between the sun and shade types, we evaluated the level of photoinhibition of photosystem II and the leaf mortality rate under high-intensity light conditions. In addition, population genetic analysis was conducted to investigate phylogenetic origins.
    RESULTS: Clear phenotypic differences were found between the sun and shade types despite their recent phylogenetic origin. The leaf anatomical structure and photosynthetic rate showed plastic changes in response to growing conditions. Moreover, the sun type had a well-developed palisade parenchyma and a higher photosynthetic rate, which were genetically fixed, and a lower level of photoinhibition under high-intensity light.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that light intensity is a selective pressure that can rapidly promote phenotypic divergence between the sun and shade types. While phenotypic changes in multiple photosynthetic traits were plastic, genetic divergence in specific traits related to adaptation to high-intensity light would be fundamental for ecotypic divergence to different light regimes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Competition affects mixed-mating strategies by limiting available abiotic or biotic resources such as nutrients, water, space, or pollinators. Cleistogamous species produce closed (cleistogamous, CL), obligately selfed, simultaneously with open (chasmogamous, CH), potentially outcrossed flowers. The effects of intraspecific competition on fitness and cleistogamy variation can range from limiting the production of costly CH flowers because of resource limitation, to favouring CH production because of fitness advantages of outcrossed, CH offspring. Moreover, the effects of competition can be altered when it co-occurs with other environmental variations. We grew plants from seven populations of the ruderal Lamium amplexicaule, originating from different climates and habitats, in a common garden experiment combining drought, interspecific competition, and seasonal variation. All these parameters have been shown to influence the degree of cleistogamy in the species on their own. In spring, competition and drought negatively impacted fitness, but the CL proportion only increased when plants were exposed to both treatments combined. We did not observe the same results in autumn, which can be due to non-adaptive phenotypic variation, or to differences in soil compactness between seasons. The observed responses are largely due to phenotypic plasticity, but we also observed phenotypic differentiation between populations for morphological, phenological, and cleistogamy traits, pointing to the existence of different ecotypes. Our data do not support the hypothesis that CL proportion should decrease when resources are scarce, as plants with reduced growth had relatively low CL proportions. We propose that variation in cleistogamy could be an adaptation to pollinator abundance, or to environment-dependent fitness differences between offspring of selfed and outcrossed seeds, two hypotheses worth further investigation. This opens exciting new possibilities for the study of the maintenance of mixed-mating systems using cleistogamous species as models that combine the effects of inbreeding and reproductive costs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenotypic plasticity provides an attractive strategy for adapting to various environments, but the evolutionary mechanism of the underlying genetic system is poorly understood. We use a simple gene regulatory network model to explore how a species acquires phenotypic plasticity, particularly focusing on discrete phenotypic plasticity, which has been difficult to explain by quantitative genetic models. Our approach employs a population genetic framework that integrates the developmental process, where each individual undergoes growth to develop its phenotype, which subsequently becomes subject to selection pressures. Our model considers two alternative types of environments, with the gene regulatory network including a sensor gene that turns on and off depending on the type of environment. With this assumption, we demonstrate that the system gradually adapts by acquiring the ability to produce two distinct optimum phenotypes under two types of environments without changing genotype, resulting in phenotypic plasticity. We find that the resulting plasticity is often discrete after a lengthy period of evolution. Our results suggest that gene regulatory networks have a notable capacity to flexibly produce various phenotypes in response to environmental changes. This study also shows that the evolutionary dynamics of phenotype may differ significantly between mechanistic-based developmental models and quantitative genetics models, suggesting the utility of incorporating gene regulatory networks into evolutionary models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intraspecific biodiversity is vital for species persistence in an increasingly volatile world. By embracing methods that integrate information at different spatiotemporal scales, we can directly monitor and reconstruct changes in intraspecific biodiversity. Here we combined genetics and otolith biochronologies to describe the genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Yuba River, California, comparing cohorts that experienced a range of hydroclimatic conditions. Yuba River salmon have been heavily impacted by habitat loss and degradation, and large influxes of unmarked hatchery fish each year have led to concern about introgression and uncertainty around the viability of its wild populations, particularly the rarer spring-run salmon. Otolith strontium isotopes showed that Yuba River origin fish represented, on average, 42% (range 7%-73%) of spawners across six return years (2009-2011, 2018-2020), with large interannual variability. The remainder of adult Chinook salmon in the river were primarily strays from the nearby Feather River hatchery, and since 2018 from the Mokelumne River hatchery. Among the Yuba-origin spawners, on average, 30% (range 14%-50%) exhibited the spring-run genotype. The Yuba-origin fish also displayed a variety of outmigration phenotypes that differed in the timing and size at which they left the Yuba river. Early-migrating fry dominated the returns (mean 59%, range 33%-89%), and their contribution rates were negatively correlated with freshwater flows. It is unlikely that fry survival rates are elevated during droughts, suggesting that this trend reflects disproportionately low survival of larger later migrating parr, smolts, and yearlings along the migratory corridor in drier years. Otolith daily increments indicated generally faster growth rates in non-natal habitats, emphasizing the importance of continuing upstream restoration efforts to improve in-river growing conditions. Together, these findings show that, despite a long history of habitat degradation and hatchery introgression, the Yuba River maintains intraspecific biodiversity that should be taken into account in future management, restoration, and reintroduction plans. The finding that genotypic spring-run are reproducing, surviving, and returning to the Yuba River every year suggests that re-establishment of an independent population is possible, although hatchery-wild interactions would need to be carefully considered. Integrating methods is critical to monitor changes in key genetic, physiological, and behavioral traits to assess population viability and resilience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paired related homeobox 1 (PRRX1) is an inducer of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in different types of cancer cells. We detected low PRRX1 expression in nevus but increased levels in primary human melanoma and cell lines carrying the BRAFV600E mutation. High expression of PRRX1 correlates with invasiveness and enrichment of genes belonging to the EMT programme. Conversely, we found that loss of PRRX1 in metastatic samples is an independent prognostic predictor of poor survival for melanoma patients. Here, we show that stable depletion of PRRX1 improves the growth of melanoma xenografts and increases the number of distant spontaneous metastases, compared to controls. We provide evidence that loss of PRRX1 counteracts the EMT phenotype, impairing the expression of other EMT-related transcription factors, causing dysregulation of the ERK and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) signaling pathways, and abrogating the invasive and migratory properties of melanoma cells while triggering the up-regulation of proliferative/melanocytic genes and the expression of the neural-crest-like markers nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR; also known as neurotrophin receptor p75NTR) and neural cell adhesion molecule L1 (L1CAM). Overall, our results indicate that loss of PRRX1 triggers a switch in the invasive programme, and cells de-differentiate towards a neural crest stem cell (NCSC)-like phenotype that accounts for the metastatic aggressiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental gradients cause evolutionary and developmental changes in the cellular composition of organisms, but the physiological consequences of these effects are not well understood. Here, we studied experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster that had evolved in one of three selective regimes: constant 16 °C, constant 25 °C, or intergenerational shifts between 16 °C and 25 °C. Genotypes from each population were reared at three developmental temperatures (16 °C, 20.5 °C, and 25 °C). As adults, we measured thorax length and cell sizes in the Malpighian tubules and wing epithelia of flies from each combination of evolutionary and developmental temperatures. We also exposed flies from these treatments to a short period of nearly complete oxygen deprivation to measure hypoxia tolerance. For genotypes from any selective regime, development at a higher temperature resulted in smaller flies with smaller cells, regardless of the tissue. At every developmental temperature, genotypes from the warm selective regime had smaller bodies and smaller wing cells but had larger tubule cells than did genotypes from the cold selective regime. Genotypes from the fluctuating selective regime were similar in size to those from the cold selective regime, but their cells of either tissue were the smallest among the three regimes. Evolutionary and developmental treatments interactively affected a fly\'s sensitivity to short-term paralyzing hypoxia. Genotypes from the cold selective regime were less sensitive to hypoxia after developing at a higher temperature. Genotypes from the other selective regimes were more sensitive to hypoxia after developing at a higher temperature. Our results show that thermal conditions can trigger evolutionary and developmental shifts in cell size, coupled with changes in body size and hypoxia tolerance. These patterns suggest links between the cellular composition of the body, levels of hypoxia within cells, and the energetic cost of tissue maintenance. However, the patterns can be only partially explained by existing theories about the role of cell size in tissue oxygenation and metabolic performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenotypic plasticity allows a plant cell to alter its structure and function in response to external pressure. This adaptive phenomenon has also been important in the evolution of plants including the emergence of land plants from a streptophyte alga. Penium margaritaceum is a unicellular zygnematophyte (i.e., the group of streptophyte algae that is sister to land plants) that was employed in order to study phenotypic plasticity with a focus on the role of subcellular expansion centers and the cell wall in this process. Live cell fluorescence labeling, immunofluorescence labeling, transmission electron microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy showed significant subcellular changes and alterations to the cell wall. When treated with the actin-perturbing agent, cytochalasin E, cytokinesis is arrested and cells are transformed into pseudo-filaments made of up to eight or more cellular units. When treated with the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor, roscovitine, cells converted to a unique phenotype with a narrow isthmus zone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals colonizing new areas at expanding ranges encounter numerous and unpredictable stressors. Exposure to unfamiliar environments suggests that colonists would differ in stress levels from residents living in familiar conditions. Few empirical studies tested this hypothesis and produced mixed results, and the role of stress regulation in colonization remains unclear. Studies relating stress levels to colonization mainly use a geographical analysis comparing established colonist populations with source populations. We used faecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGMs) to assess both spatial and temporal dynamics of stress levels in an expanding population of midday gerbils (Meriones meridianus). We demonstrated that adult males and females had higher FGM levels in newly emerged colonies, compared with the source population, but differed in the pattern of FGM dynamics post-foundation. In males, FGM levels sharply decreased in the second year after colony establishment. In females, FGM levels did not change with time and remained high despite the decreasing environmental unpredictability, exhibiting among-individual variation. Increased stress levels of colonist males damping with time post-colonization suggest they are flexible in responding to immediate changes in environmental uncertainty. On the contrary, high and stable over generations stress levels uncoupled from the changes in the environmental uncertainty in female colonists imply that they carry a relatively constant phenotype associated with the reactive coping strategy favouring colonization. We link sex differences in consistency and plasticity in stress regulation during colonization to the sex-specific life-history strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ongoing climate change poses an increasing threat to biodiversity. To avoid decline or extinction, species need to either adjust or adapt to new environmental conditions or track their climatic niches across space. In sessile organisms such as plants, phenotypic plasticity can help maintain fitness in variable and even novel environmental conditions and is therefore likely to play an important role in allowing them to survive climate change, particularly in the short term. Understanding a species\' response to rising temperature is crucial for planning well-targeted and cost-effective conservation measures. We sampled seeds of three Hypericum species (H. maculatum, H. montanum, and H. perforatum), from a total of 23 populations originating from different parts of their native distribution areas in Europe. We grew them under four different temperature regimes in a greenhouse to simulate current and predicted future climatic conditions in the distribution areas. We measured flowering start, flower count, and subsequent seed weight, allowing us to study variations in the thermal plasticity of flowering phenology and its relation to fitness. Our results show that individuals flowered earlier with increasing temperature, while the degree of phenological plasticity varied among species. More specifically, the plasticity of H. maculatum varied depending on population origin, with individuals from the leading range edge being less plastic. Importantly, we show a positive relationship between higher plasticity and increased flower production, indicating adaptive phenological plasticity. The observed connection between plasticity and fitness supports the idea that plasticity may be adaptive. This study underlines the need for information on plasticity for predicting species\' potential to thrive under global change and the need for studies on whether higher phenotypic plasticity is currently being selected as natural populations experience a rapidly changing climate.





